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Level of Quintuple Garnet Feather
Aug 9, 2004

Banana - One of the many uses of the middle finger. Warning: not edible.
Bacon - Equal to 7 ^ 1/2 or the square root of 7.
Blaarg (blah-rg) – used in many situations, to either catch attention of a person, or to start some random conversation. Variations include Blarg, Blaargh, and Blargh.
Blah - Often used as a sound effect when no other words/sounds can be thought of, much like Vwoosh. Common in the Matricks Dubs.
Braf - The alternate name of teh Yeldarb. See Zing.
Brazil - The same as Mexico, just another variable. Much like PI, except is unefineable unless used in combination with another variable, such as Bacon.
Canpan #X - Canadian bread, taken from Yakitate!! Japan. Where X being the number of the bread (not made by Kevin because he forgot the yeast).
Canpan #X Y Variant - Canadian bread, taken from Yakitate!! Japan. Where X being the number of the bread and Y being the variation. Example: "Canpan #1 Choclate Chip Variant"
Cat (caat) – used in IM’s or real life conversations to break any awkward silence of a length of 2 min.
Cuncletration (cuhn-sul-tray-shun) – the crap that gets stuck in your pipes.
Drinkl - I meant to type drink. I can't think of another way to define this word, so.. I'm going to walk away now.
Erectangle - A spontaneously erect rectangle. Watch out for the corners - they don't put a WARNING: SHARP EDGES sign on it for nothing. *pokes sign* [gushes blood all over the rectangle, twitches and dies]
Esplosion - A variation of the word S'plosion. See S'plosion.
Explodes - The action of oneself dying due to an explosion. Often occurs when a person contradicts themself or becomes lost in what they were saying and realizes that it actually doesn't make any sense at all.. Much like when you take a bottle of milk and begin to chew it.. I mean.. crap. *explodes*
Fenor (phee-knor) – A small radioactive intergalactic space modulator located between the femur and the nuclear battery in your hip.
Fenus – Fungus hanging off of the underbelly of a coconut tree.
Figurinamickales - You expect me to write a definition for this? Well.. it sounds like the sound a person makes when they have a pickle spontaneously grow out of each of their fingers and sprout miniature umbrellas on their head, much like the type seen in exotic drinks.
Foroffle My Noffle – A garden hose developed by Calvin Klein.
Gasphemy (ghas-feh-mee) - the art of measuring your fart on the rictor scale, thus causing you to gasp for air because you forgot to turn on the thingy that replaces the air in the room.
Hermaphadillo - A hermaphadite armadillo. Often mates with oak trees to produce its offspring. However, it is a hermaphadite, so I don't know why I just wrote that. Oh well.
Horndawg – A unicorn with a donkey’s ass for a head.
Horndawg Nine - Unlike the actual Horndawg, Horndawg Nine is a green 2-legged dinosaur-like creature with 4 sales down its back, a tail and huge oval-shaped eyes.
Johnson - A term that is used interchangably between any imagineable item or person. ie. "Dude, your Johnson is on vibrate!" or "Johnson! How are you gentlemen?"
Johnson Effect - A random trend that causes you to call everyone and everything around you Johnson, and allows you to gain happiness and pleasure from kicking people in the nuts, or punching them.
Lollerblades – An lol on jet powered rollerblades.
Lollergrams – When an lol says your fat, you must take your finger and shove it into your nose before he can say shive it.
Lollipops – To run up the down escalator while holding a lollipop.
Lolocaust (lah-loh-cost) – genocide death by laughing, preferably with lol’s.
Mang - A cool person. Not too hot, not too cold - only luke warm.
Mayve – Not yes, not no and not maybe either. So, what is it you may ask? Ummm… *walks away slowly*
Mexico - Used interchangably in equations. Often found in equations with Bacon in which you have to solve for the missing variables to find out a completely irrelevant fact about something or someone. ie. "1 + 1 = Mexico!" or Bacon + 8 / 4 ^ 6 + Mexico = Your weight in lightyears!"
Mnoobg (muh-nuub-guh?) – A rabid swamp gas plant, originating in the southern parts of Africa.
Moop (moup) – used in conversations as a random word to either break silence, or just as an incoherent answer to a question you don’t feel like answering.
Mum - Gum that has been sitting in a glass of milk for a week or more. Don't forgot that it has to coagulate! (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=coagulate)
Niniga (nih-nih-gaa) – what you call a person who puts random words together that seem like they make sense, but they really don’t, so you end up hearing a gigantuous load of crap instead.
Niniging (nih-nih-gihng) - the action of putting random words together that seem like they make sense, but they really dont, so you end up hearing a gigantuous load of crap instead.
Niploading - The process of loading nipples onto the transporter beam.
Nipples - Often refers to invisible "nipples" that can be located virtually anywhere, whether it be on your body, another person's body, the wall or revolving around your nose. Can also replace various objects, persons or places. ie. "I have 4 nipples revolving around my nose." or "My nipples are on fire. And by nipples I mean Mexico! Solve for Mexico to find out how old Bill Clinton really is." or "I have a camera for a nipple, what do you have? ...An arm!"
Nither - Not either, not neither.. you don't exist, therefore you are nothing in between.
Omttorw - The sleepyman's way of saying "tomorrow".
Oouik – A type of house, often falls down when a light wind brushes against it.
Oyti-O's – A new form of cereal that can also be used as a floatation device.
Phish - Radioactive maneating catfish. Can walk on land, fly jet ligners and rob banks. Highly dangerous, so don't ever mess with it if you see one.
Pimperclip – Alex’s bling (arranged in chain formation).
Ralrawr - A bearded lion's style of roaring while being run over by a steamroller.
Rerarded - The past tense of retarded.
Righed – What happens when you take a pig, duct tape it to a wheelbarrow and ram it through your garage door.
Rofalellograms – The intersection point by which a roofle intersects a side on a parallelogram.
Roofle (ruu-full) - the act of snorting chips out of your nose while laughing. Preferrably Ruffles© chips.
Rpfl – Rolling while pissing fat lemons.
Rufiels – The neat meat with a leet beet.
“Shive it” (shaive iht) – when told to “shive it”, you must take a Smorpalonas fruit, shove it up your ass, and crush it with your testicles and/or thighs and/or ovaries and/or all three.
Sickling Winds - The ultimate attack destorys everything even over webcam, may be used in sex.
Smorpalonas fruit (smohr-pah-loan-us froot) – chemically engineered fruit, made from a small orange, a papaya, a watermelon, and a human ass. [see “Shive it”]
S'plode - An action signifying the exploding of one's head, causing sudden death. Can be reversed by saying Un-A'splode.
S'plosion - The sound of a person dying due to an explosion. See Explodes, S'plode and Un-A'splode.
Suckafoo (suk-ah-fuu) - sucker fool, much like a hybrid of a cod fish and a moronic person.
Sweeb - Not sweep, not leeb.. it's Sweeb - the coolest of cool words!
Teh Lamo – Means ‘come here’.
Testiclies - Aric, AKA the Lover of Clean Hoes / Black Hitler. Featured in Kyle's House.
Tgoo - A variation of an igloo, often located on the side of a cliff. Can be made from magma, molasses, java, sugar cubes or grocery bags.
Un-A'splode - The reversal of S'plode.
Unch (uhntch?) – used in place of bunch. Usually used to exaggerate the word bunch, which will tell the tellee that there will be too many people/much fun, etc.
Voicebox - Another use of the middle finger. Often given as a gift to virtually any person that may be nearby, including yourself.
V-Rad - Yet another name for teh Yeldarb.
Vroom the Automatic Broom - The automatic broom that sweeps your house cleanly and efficiently until all the mess is gone. Also comes with lubrication fluid, so that it can be used for more than just sweeping!
Vwoosh - The sound of Brandon. Often used as a sound effect when no other sound effects will do, much like Blah.
Wheet - It's leet wheat with a hint of w00t.
Whoz – when you forget a name, so you just call him a whoz instead of saying something else which could end up being less retarded than whoz.
Widowmaker - Alex's creation of a massive ball of socks, used during sock wars to impale others and render them defenseless. Also able to snap limbs effortlessly.
Woonis (who-nihs) – A mailbox super glued to your ass.
Woofle – An Australian waffle that has been gently soaked in the Arctic Ocean.
Wrok – To take a wide load sticker and place it on a fat person’s ass, preferably mine.
Zing - The sound of the initialization of a new name on an unsuspecting victim. ie. "ZING! Your name is now Braf!"
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