She wasn't weirded out or anything, I was lucky there. I've been blocked by girls on chat just for asking if they're ticklish. Some people totally freak out and shut down when you ask them that, which is pretty stoopid.
She is a bit religious, Roman Catholic I think. I don't want to voice my ignorance of organised religion and be shot down by the christians on the board, but aren't they a bit right of centre? I was afraid in the wake of all the recent disappearances from the TMF that have been fired by religion that she might think it's too against her religion, but she seems ok. She should be coming back online tonight, so we'll talk more about it then. She's too ticklish for me to use 'the T words' as she calls them, so I decided to use 'Eileen' instead of 'tickle'. If all goes to plan, she should be alright with it and have some questions to ask me about my eileening tendencies.
Can anyone reccomend a good site to show her to introduce her to the harmless and fun world of tickling on the net? I was thinking magic touch, anyone got any different ideas?
And fungus, it's too hard to come out with an admission like I love tickling while you're still at high school (but still over 18 if any mods are reading...), hanging out with friends and trying to get a girlfriend. It would make my school and social life more complicated and difficult than it already is, I'm afraid. Thanks for the advice anyway.