Aw, I'm hurt...
Okay, so it WAS a long damned time ago. Was ONE event there. Even with a great deal of effort, I couldn't get a dozen people to show. Two women, five or six other men, and me.
One of the men was from Germany, even.
One of the women later moved stateside. You don't miss her. Faith.
Point is, it's not EASY to get English folk to come out. The BDSM community has been goin' there a long time. This community hasn't. We ain't fashionable, yet. Wait...
If you're not gonna wait, there's ways to have such an event. The first, and most important way, is having a munch. Having a LOT of them. Get a couple of mates into this to collaborate, and you're WAY farther than most.
Jim, ya got the drive, brother. Jonathan can help ya organize a scene. Beautifully, he can. Ya just gotta get both genders into one play place. There ARE places in England that house such activity. Where d'you find 'em? Through folks into BDSM. We're the "silly folk" of that community, though none of 'em will get into stocks under our fingers unless they've not a ticklish bone to 'em. Their "dungeons" will hire out the space, though, for a price. Get enough folks to kick down, and you're laughin'.
Much can be done, but first, you gotta meet, play in less ideal places, like flats in the afternoon on a Saturday, and get to know one another. Form a core group. People join groups, follow groups, believe things exist because they can see a group. Gotta have the group start first.
There was a group of you, once, that believed. Hard taking that next step, but it's overdue, kiddies. Meet. Meet several times. Get into the same physical space at the same time, prove you can behave by common social rules, that you know the rules of play, that you can play together...
... and be surprised by the friends ya find.
Seriously. The folks I miss most from California are gatherings folk. Vanilla friends faded already, 'fore I left, and family's always about on holidays. Places are places. Gatherings, though, are something that stick wit' ya, if ya keep at 'em enough. Good times and good people.
An old guy ramblin...