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Do Androids Dream Of Electronic Tickles?


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
Steve yawned, stretched his arms back and tried to focus on the unfeasibly small red numbers of the alarm clock. In front of him a monitor cast a harsh glow over the cluttered desk and mound of computer equipment scattered throughout the small room. Hidden within the shadows of the room were mounds of books, more computer equipment, stacks of magazines and the occasional pile of S-DVD’s waiting to be sent to clients. It had taken yet another all night session but his latest special order project was finally finished, and he quickly, but carefully, ran through the usual back-up processes.

It had been ten years since the first full-immersion virtual reality suits had been built and the computer landscape had seemingly changed overnight. It had started, as such things often do, as a military project, but once the basic problems of creating realistic feedback and interaction had been solved the technology had moved into the public domain amazingly quickly, and surprisingly cheaply to boot. The basic suit these days went for about £500, plus another few hundred for a computer capable of running it and they’d almost completely replaced the old keyboard / mouse combo. Even basic data input was handled by an operator with a headset now, voice input in most companies, direct thought input in those that really needed high throughputs, the human mind effectively becoming part of the system itself, acting as an interpreter between the real world and the virtual one.

It was in the home VR had really taken off though. Someone wearing a VR suit could not only talk to people all over the world, but also see and touch them as well. Anyone that had seen the explosion in the adult entertainment industry on the Internet in the mid nineties could have predicted that such a feature would be a big selling point. As usual more socially acceptable uses had followed, and as the technology was refined it pretty much obliterated the more traditional software market in the space of a few years. Okay, some things couldn’t be simulated yet without visiting a dedicated centre (realistic movement being the obvious one) but on the whole the vast majority of consumers were enthralled by this latest toy and took to it in a way unprecedented in the entertainment industry. Besides, the mind seemed to do a very good job of fooling itself into believing what the body saw and experienced in the simulations and most users would have sworn they were moving anyway.

Of course there were always those that wanted a little more than the usual mass market experience, and VR was no exception. People would pay surprisingly large sums of money to have their own VR experience tailor made to their exact requirements, and that gave rise to a new breed of software developers. With VR the software could effectively create it’s own graphics and sound from a reference point, usually a photograph or basic recording. Add a set of pictures of the celebrity of the month that covered every angle of their body and the computer could do the rest, even taking a good guess at what their skin would look like close up and their figure under whatever they were wearing in the supplied photographs.

Such techniques meant traditional graphic artists were virtually obsolete for all but the highest-specification simulations, which is were people like Steve came in to the picture. Skilled enough to set up the scenario his real talent was in imagination, in story telling and designing the logic the program would use to immerse the user in the virtual world. Over the last couple of years Steve had gained a reputation as a real ‘go to’ man, someone who could take even the most complex request and figure out how to make it work. But it was his other skills that had landed this current job, and he was looking forward to seeing how it turned out.

The request had been simple enough, a basic outline of wanting to interact with a famous celebrity, in this case a movie star, in an environment that definitely wasn’t PG-13. Steve had spent some time with the client and had been impressed; impressed enough to put in such long nights to get the project finished a week earlier than he’d normally agree to. The fact that she had been gorgeous helped, but it had been her attitude that had intrigued him. At 31 she was running a small company and making a damn good go of it, and as with most people she wanted to use VR to take a break from her normal life. The instruction had been simple: “Make me scared, make me let go of myself, let me loose control”. A simple enough request, but one that had proven surprisingly difficult to write. Still, he thought he finally had it and, with a temporary character in place of the client had watched things unfold from his ‘fly-on-the-wall’ view. While he didn’t know if this had been what she was expecting, he was certain it met her requirements. With a shrug he packaged up the disc in a plain black slipcover, added a brief covering note with the instructions and his contact details and put the whole lot into an envelope. He’d drop it in the post tomorrow and the client should get it the next day. Exhausted he turned off the computer and headed to bed, almost collapsing onto it as sleep claimed him, visions of a silk-clad dominatrix dancing in his dreams…

Fiona arrived home a little after eight in the evening, her feet aching after spending nearly twelve hours meeting and greeting clients during their annual review meeting, her normally perfect blonde hair starting to frizz at the ends from the continued climate changes of the air-conditioned board room and the sweltering heat of the city day. A quick glance at her answer phone reassured her she hadn’t missed anything important and she slipped her jacket off her shoulders and onto a clothes hook mounted in the short hallway. She turned to check the basket behind the door for any post and stopped dead. The brown envelope lay there innocently enough but she knew what it would contain and her heart skipped a beat. She’d been a little dubious when Liz had introduced her to that strange man who claimed to be a VR developer, and though some of those initial misgivings had faded when she’d actually talked to him, she’d still doubted he’d actually deliver on time, or for that matter, at all.

And now, there in front of her, so close she could touch it, was the culmination of an almost fifteen year fantasy, as dreamt up by a pale, pony-tailed guy she’d known for maybe a month. Was she sure she wanted to go through with this, what if it wasn’t what she was expecting, what she wanted, and what she…needed? But there was the problem, now that this particular fantasy was actually in her hands how could she not try it, at least just once?

After a long moment Fiona darted forward and snatched the disk from the mailbox and almost reverently walked into the bedroom, placing the disk, still in it’s packaging, down next to the computer. She quickly stripped out of her suit, hesitating slightly as her fingers reached for the VR suit. No, she thought, do this properly, on the off chance the geek had actually delivered what was promised. She stepped into the adjacent bathroom and turned on the shower, bringing it to a point where the water was hot enough to steam and barely within a comfortable limit against her bare skin. She stood under the streaming flow, letting the water caress her, easing the aches and tensions in her muscles, leaving her almost as relaxed as if she’d had a full massage at her local gym. She quickly dried herself off then headed back into the bedroom, slipping the VR suit over her smooth skin, feeling the sensors adjust the fit slightly to make a good contact with every inch of her body. Finally she pulled the hood up over her head, the usual moment of panic taking her as she sealed the front of the suit over her mouth and nose. It lasted but a moment though as a deep breath reassured her the suit’s thin membrane was working properly, allowing her to breathe normally even with the fabric covering her face.

The suit came to life, feeding her normal surroundings to the lenses covering her eyes, allowing her to move as naturally as if she were wearing nothing at all as she stepped to the computer, checked the limiters were set to prevent her walking outside of the clear six foot by seven area in front of the terminal and loaded the disk. Her hand hovered over the keyboard, a few last thoughts chasing themselves through her mind, then a flash of determination as she stabbed the commit key. The room around her seemed to flex, then stretch away, the wall in front of her pulling out into a tunnel that seemed to reach to infinity. Then, like an elastic band snapping back into shape she was catapulted through the tunnel, the sides of the passage blurring as she entered the program.

Fiona looked around and found herself in a room of mirrors. It was like stepping inside of a diamond, the small area of floor she stood in the only flat area as the walls immediately started slopping upwards, presenting multiple images of her body as she stared in fascination at the sight. Her digital persona was dressed in a loose, flowing white dress, low cut and designed to flatter her figure. Not that she needed much help in that area, she was a natural beauty and was one of those people that seem to keep their figure no matter what they do. An energetic lifestyle and regular trips to the gym had helped as well and the results were spectacular. Her blond hair seemed to flow down her back and move almost on its own, as if a gentle wind was caressing it although there was no obvious place for such a breeze to come from. The same breeze moved the dress itself, the long, flowing strips of fabric only secured at the start and end of each run, and then only loosely, giving the nearest possible impression of being naked while maintaining her dignity.

One side of the diamond seemed to split and fold down, revealing a darkly lit corridor beyond, metal walls and ceiling, a wooden floor with only the occasional torch flickering in almost medieval looking holders on the walls to light her way. She stepped forwards and found to her surprise that the elaborate costume she wore didn’t restrict her movement in the least, being just short enough to prevent anything getting trapped underfoot as she walked and the fasteners being positioned in the most natural places possible. In her mind she revised her initial opinion of the programmer, he at least had an eye for clothing, maybe she could get him to help design her summer wardrobe next year.

After she’d walked maybe twenty feet down the corridor she heard a grinding noise from behind her and turned to see the edge of the diamond reseal itself, leaving her trapped in this reality, at least for as long as she wished to be. Curious now she walked down the corridor, her eyes adjusting to the flickering firelight as she did so, and she thought she could just make out, beyond the farthest flickering torch a wooden door mounted in the wall to her left. As she walked she found herself becoming more and more nervous, she hadn’t really specified what she wanted to happen, and this lack of anything obviously threatening was getting to her. Finally she reached the door and reached out tentatively towards it, ready to jump back at the first hint of anything coming through the portal towards her.

The door swung open silently, and the sight beyond froze her mind for a second as she struggled to comprehend what she saw. The room was maybe three hundred feet long, about double the length of an Olympic swimming pool, with one door mounted at the far end, seemingly opposite this one. In between there was what appeared to be a sea of feathers, twisting and rolling as if they were liquid, the surface of this strange sea undulating as if there were real waves pulsing through it. The walls were slick, and the only way to cross that room was obvious, if she wanted to get across the only way was to swim through. Considering what she was wearing such a crossing would be torturous in the extreme and she backed away from the doorway, turning to try and find another way around.

As she looked back down the corridor she noticed something odd, the torches were going out, slowly, steadily and moving towards her in a growing cloud of darkness they were being methodically snuffed out. From the heart of that darkness Fiona would have heard she heard a soft rustle, a sound that seemed totally out of place in this would of steel and darkness. As she watched she noticed that, within the blackness moving towards her, there was a darker shape, a shadow that seemed to move on it’s own. Just as the realisation of what she was seeing hit her, the last torch went out and a figure tackled her gently but firmly to the ground.

For a moment she panicked, and that was all her assailant needed. She felt herself being rolled over towards the doorway and reached out, desperation fuelling her moves as her fingers found the doorframe and locked on, her legs pressed against the opposite edge. The light from the room spilled out into the corridor, illuminating long, shapely legs, clad in a catsuit that seemed darker than anything she’d ever seen. Her mind registered the fact that the suit was made out of silk, rather than the more traditional leather or rubber, but she had little time to ponder the significance of that titbit of information as she felt her assailant reach down and wrap strong arms around her legs and lift her entire lower body, from hips to feet, off the ground and throw it over the threshold.

Fiona could feel the occasional touch on her bare feet, a gentle caress by the feathery ocean below her and fought to hold back her laughter, knowing she couldn’t afford to loose her grip on the doorframe as she tried desperately to lift her legs up, away from their seemingly inevitable fate. But her attacker was too quick, already she was lying down next to the struggling blonde, legs extended, feet pushing at her hips to prevent her getting any leverage as silk-clad fingers descended on her exposed underarms.

In the back of her mind Fiona had expected the first touch to be a light one, but again she was surprised as a hard, almost brutal sensation exploded on her exposed side, fingers scrapping and searching over her armpit and ribs, causing her to convulse in surprise as her body betrayed her. Mouth open as laughter was ripped from her lungs and throat, she felt her grip slip slightly and a moment of sheer panic fuelled her, and she actually made a little ground against the seemingly inexorable pressure against her lower body and managed to hook the toes of one foot around the ledge for a moment. For a moment her heart soared, seeing the future before her clear as day, a triumphant fight back ending with throwing her attacker into the feather filled pit prepared for her. Adrenaline coursed through her, her arms flexing as she started to swing her body, using her delicate grip as a pivot point, her hips and legs arching upwards, just one swing away now from getting back onto solid ground. She was going to do it, she was going to win, she was…

A hand caressed the bare skin of her belly, fingers flicking over the taunt skin at the exact moment she was swinging out, away from the ledge. A single finger entered her belly button and with unerring accuracy raked across the virgin skin hidden within. Fiona convulsed, and instinctively tried to reach down to batter the hand away. With only one hand locked on the door frame, her own swing ripped her from her perch, sending her falling back into the room, her body tingling in anticipation of what was to come. As she fell she finally saw her attacker clearly, outlined in light as Fiona dropped, seemingly in slow motion, every detail etching itself into her memory as her assailant lay, stretched out comfortably on her side, ready to watch the show. Long, curvy legs led up to perfect hips and a flat stomach that even in her current predicament sent a twinge of jealousy through Fiona’s mind. Full breasts and slim yet well defined arms, all covered in that black silk catsuit, so tight it was like a second skin, a matching black ninja mask wrapped around her face, hiding everything but her eyes, a flash of pale, almost porcelain skin and a luxurious wave of red hair flowing down her back and over her side, a startling contrast against the black night of the silk. Then Fiona hit the pool and her world disintegrated.

It was, for the first moments anyway, like falling into a pool of water, the substance around her reacting just like a liquid and she felt herself drop at least five feet under the surface on her back. She kicked upwards and broke the surface, taking a deep breath, then the feathers started their diabolical work. They were everywhere, around her, below her, the movement of the ‘sea’ brushing them against her body in a way that she’d never experienced before, never even imagined possible. Her dress, previously so elegant now seemed to float away from her body, the feathery tide washing in underneath it and touching what felt like every inch of her skin.

The sensations overwhelmed her and she literally screamed with laughter, striking out desperately for the far door, knowing with absolute certainty she wouldn’t make it. It took barely ten strokes before her laughter overcame her and she wrapped her arms around her body, trying to batter the feathers away as she would a person tickling her armpits, her ribs, her feet. But there was no one physical presence here, every movement of her body just seemed to make the feathers flow around her faster, increasing her ticklish torment exponentially. She could do nothing now but laugh and she started to sink into the suffocating pool, the feathers seeming to suck her downwards.
She struggled to keep her head above the surface, knowing that if she slipped below she was lost, that she’d never have the strength to break free again. She managed another two strokes towards the far door, but it was still almost two hundred feet away and it seemed impossible. A wave passed over her, lifting the surface level up, the feathers caressing her face and neck, teasing with brief, light touches as they rose ever higher. She felt her body shutting down, giving in to the sensations that were racing through it and she slipped under the surface, her laughter now muffled as she fell downwards.

To her surprise she found she could breathe, a small space clearing in front of her mouth to provide an air supply. It was small comfort. The feathers surrounded her now and were starting to move faster against her helpless body, darkness enveloping her like a shroud. Her laughter passed beyond words or volume and became silent, her mouth open in an expression of sheer ticklish horror, the stimulation being forced upon her threatening to drive her out of her mind as she fought to hang on to her sanity in the dark. Still the feathers moved faster as she fell, sweeping past her so fast she was afraid they would begin to cut her. She felt a pull from below, her descent increasing as the feathers swirled around her, forming a cyclone of speed, of ticklish sensation beyond measure. Her lungs burned, her eyes wept as she felt blackness tinge her vision, a darker black against the artificial night created in this ticklish hell, spreading from the centre of her vision to meet the red that was encroaching from the edge.

Below her she dimly saw a light, a bright white light shining up, only visible in thin streaks through the vortex of feathers. The whirlpool was dragging her down, heading faster and faster towards the light, her mind begging now for something, anything to end this, her body screaming for mercy as she felt her feet burst into empty air.

Suddenly she was falling, the air now clear, bright white light impacting her eyes, her body slow to recognise the absence of the stimulation it had endured. As she regained control of her own flesh she looked around, the room in front of her blurred by her tears. It was huge, a brilliant white egg shaped room and she appeared to be hanging, suspended in mid-air in the middle of it. As she looked she realised that the room wasn’t quite a perfect white. Far below her was a small black spec, a shape that looked somehow familiar, a shape that was getting rapidly larger as it moved towards her.

The black shape beneath her grew rapidly as it approached, until she could make out the outline of a black-clad woman rising to meet her, it could even have been the same one that had dumped her in the tank but she couldn’t tell from this angle. Panicked, Fiona tried to run, her feet pounding the empty air below her as she tried to find a way to move, to escape the seemingly inevitable fate that the rising shape promised. Suddenly, in a moment of clarity that almost left her breathless she realised what she was doing wrong and took a deep, calming breath, closing her eyes for a moment as she struggled to bring her body back under control.

Her eyes snapped open and she willed herself upwards, concentrating her mind on moving, rather than relying on her body. After all, in VR, what was the difference between flesh and spirit? There was a pause, a timeless instant when she though she’d guessed wrong, that she’d squandered her only chance at escape. Then an unseen force grabbed her and she soared up and away from her would-be attacker, flying through the air as gracefully as if she’d been born to it, the white strands of her dress dancing in the air like wings as she felt a sense of freedom, of pure joy wash over her as her mind gave up fighting against the impossible reality and started to believe she was actually flying.

Looking up she saw the roof of the vast chamber coming rapidly closer and with barely a conscious thought rolled over in midair, as easily as an athlete clearing a high jump bar, then she shot downwards, on a collision course with the woman in black who had remained motionless in the centre of the room. The distance closed with a speed that was dizzying, then she was on her, her right hand stretched out as she went past like a bullet, fingers grabbing a handful of cloth as she passed and a gentle tearing noise following her down in her swan dive.

Fiona had been aiming for the woman’s mask, but as the last second her target and moved back and away, turning as she did so, her own hand coming out with a knife blade twisting upwards to meet the descending angel. As Fiona pulled out of her headfirst rush and hung motionless fifty feet above the floor she felt the cool air caress her now bare right side, the cloth cut cleanly where it met the collar around her throat, leaving it hanging from the waist of the dress like a forgotten party streamer. But in Fiona’s right hand was a length of black cloth, and a glance back up showed the ninja looking at her arm, now exposed from shoulder to wrist, the black glove still covering her hand. The contrast between the deep black of the costume and the almost porcelain white of her skin was breathtaking, and for a few seconds the two women hung in mid-air, each evaluating the other anew.

Then the ninja raised her knife hand to her forehead, saluting Fiona in what appeared to be a genuine display of admiration, followed almost immediately by a fast, shallow dive straight towards her. Fiona sped for the wall of the chamber, a plan forming in her mind. She glanced over her shoulder and saw her adversary speeding along behind her, slowly gaining on her. She looked back towards the wall, now only seconds away and tried to concentrate, the timing would have to be perfect for this to work. Seemingly so close to the wall she could touch it, Fiona flipped in mid air, turning through a tight arc, facing back the way she’d come as her momentum carried her to the wall. She let her knees absorb what speed was left, then pushed off like a swimmer kicking away from the side of the pool, her hands once again grasping downwards.

Only to find the ninja had somehow anticipated her move and reacted before she made it. She was above Fiona, lying motionless in the air, knife blade facing down towards her body as she sped past, the blade perfectly positioned to slice through the waist of the dress, leaving it hanging by a single strand of fabric connected to both collar and waist. Fiona didn’t stop to asses the situation though, she could practically feel her opponent behind her, getting ever closer as they danced through the chamber. Whatever she tried she found herself unable to do anything to shake the woman, and with every turn she made, every duck and dive, she found herself losing a little more ground.

Knowing it was only a matter of time until she was overtaken, Fiona threw her head back and headed upwards, as fast as she could manage, then repeated her earlier dive bomb, this time flashing around her opponent, concentrating on avoiding the blade rather than claiming a prize of her own, a last ditch plan forming in her mind. She headed down and this time didn’t stop until she reached the floor of the chamber, alighting gently and turning to face the falling woman. She didn’t have long to wait as the ninja collapsed on top of her, sending them both rolling across the floor in a mass of arms, legs and fluttering fabric.

They stood a few feet apart, the woman in black now naked from the throat to her waist, her silk top lying on the floor some distance away, the irregular lines of Fiona’s nails clearly visible on the garment where they’d ripped it away from her body. Lying next to it though was the vast majority of Fiona’s dress, the knife had found its mark and Fiona was now naked other than the thin white collar left around her neck.

From above came a strange noise, a metallic rustling and both women looked up at the distant top of the chamber, a strange silver mass barely visible. It grew rapidly as it came closer to them, then Fiona realised with a burst of shock and adrenaline what she was looking at. They were tentacles, metal tentacles, thousands of them in different shapes and sizes and they were coming straight for her! She looked around, trying to find a way out, and her gaze fell on her adversary as she realised there was no trace of panic, of nerves in the woman’s body language. At that moment realisation dawned, and Fiona understood the rules of the game. She’d set them herself when she’d removed the ninja’s sleeve, the first person to loose their clothing, looses the game.

Fiona shot into the air, a small, distant, analytical part of her mind noting that the ninja was just standing in place, almost casually observing what was going to happen. Fiona banked and dived through the air, but it was hopeless, the tentacles were closing her down, always reducing her manoeuvring space and it was only a matter of time before they caught her. Then, as she glanced back towards them she saw something that made her heart sing with hope, a door had opened on the far side of the writhing mass, a small dark hole in the white walls that promised freedom if she could only reach it.

She didn’t think about her next move, she just did it. Flipping over she shot back towards the tentacles, trusting to her reactions to get her through. There were a couple of small outlying arms, then she was past and into the thick of them. Steel glinted at her from all directions as the tentacles dove and grasped at her body, but always she managed to slip away from their grasp, aiming for the brief patches of white she saw through the forest of silver, ducking and diving at a speed that would have terrified her if she had time to indulge such emotions. Then, suddenly, miraculously a gap opened and she shot forward, her fingers outstretched as she hurtled towards the waiting door, reaching out to embrace the blackness.

Her fingers touched it, gravity reclaiming her hands as she passed through, then an irresistible force closed around her right ankle, dragging her back into the room. A single tentacle had managed to grasp her as she felt her freedom, and with a terrible swiftness it pulled her back in, plunging her deeper and deeper into the forest of grasping arms, steel limbs wrapping around her wrists and ankles like serpents, holding her spread-eagled in the centre of the chamber as the smaller arms descended on her, the tips of each tentacle resting against her now bare flesh until she was encased from throat to toes in a steel cocoon.

She knew what was about to happen, but it still took her by surprise when the tentacles started to move and pulse against her, all of them at once, vibrating and wriggling against her skin, sending shockwaves through her body as every muscle and nerve strained as one to escape. Each tentacle ended in a fine, blunt tip and they were all vibrating as they traced seemingly random patterns across her skin, overlapping with those next to them but never actually touching each other. It was as if every last nerve ending in her body was being tickled at once and Fiona could do nothing but howl with laughter, her head thrown back, her hair falling like a curtain over the steel arms covering her back, her mouth stretched wide as the laughter poured from her in an unstoppable flood.

Just as suddenly as it had started the sensations stopped, the tentacles becoming still as whatever intelligence was driving them paused for her to get her breath back. Fiona was slow to recover though, the intensity of that first attack greater than anything she’d experienced in her life, driving the air from her lungs in seconds. Finally she managed to draw a breath normally, and that single act seemed to set the tentacles off on their next sequence.

This time only one arm at a time came to life, starting at the very tip of her right hand, dancing over her right thumb, dropping down far enough to caress the skin between thumb and forefinger, then back up. Under other circumstances Fiona doubted she’d have even noticed such a delicate touch, or at most found it mildly erotic. Now though, with her body and mind reeling from her experiences it was as if her entire body had become one giant ticklish playground for anyone, or anything, to exploit. Even this delicate touch was enough to start her giggling, a process that continued as the next tentacle took up the gentle tickling on her forefinger, then on over each finger in turn, and down the back of her hand, looping round to the palm and finally to the wrist.

To cover such a small area had taken nearly ten minutes, and each tentacle had a slightly different action, never allowing her to adapt to a particular feeling or sensation. She was giggling constantly, fighting to retain control, knowing that this was only a warm-up, that anywhere else on her body would be far, far more ticklish, would be a far worse experience than this gentle tease. The tickling passed on to her wrist, causing her to bite her lip in an effort to keep from breaking out into laughter, her body trying to pull away from that maddening sensation, her efforts increasing as the focus moved further down her arm. Slowly, inexorably it passed down her forearm and over her elbow, lingering over any area that caused a greater-than-expected reaction as she fought to escape before it reached her body. Now the tickling was barely a fraction of an inch above her smooth, silky armpit and she gritted her teeth, knowing she couldn’t take it, knowing that her only option was to give in and laugh.

Without warning the arms wrapped stopped in place, holding just above that supremely sensitive skin, as the same, slow, agonising process was repeated on her left arm. Minutes seemed to stretch to eternity as she shook her head from side to side, the certain knowledge of what was waiting when the tickling reached her left armpit echoing in her mind as she sought some way, any way, to retain control. Finally, an hour or more after it had started the tickling reached her armpit once more, and this time it did not stop but was joined by a matched tickle on her right side.

The tips of the tentacles stroked and tweaked the taut skin of her underarms, wriggling and writhing, the vibrations coursing through her helpless body as she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, the last vestiges of self-control rapidly ebbing away from her. The sensations swung down and round, slowly circling her body, one on the front, one on the back. The feeling on her back was almost pleasant, a massaging motion that seemed to relax her muscles even as they tensed under the touch. The other one though was a far different story, and started to rove over her right breast, exploring every single angle, every curve, every rise and fall of her body, testing her reactions.

Fiona shook her head back and forth, her eyes shut so tightly it was almost comical, lips pressed together into a thin line, as she fought to hold back, just for one more second. Then the tickling reached her nipple, and the last of her resolve, her control fell away in a rush, leaving only laughter in its place. She howled, she begged, she pleaded, but there was no one to hear her cries, no-one to grant mercy, just the machine performing it’s programming. The twin ticklish probes moved down, matching their motions as they explored her sides, brushing along each and every rib with a torturous slowness that left her praying for this to end, for something, anything to happen to stop her suffering. And yet, somewhere in the back of her mind, a small voice echoed against the curtain of laughter, growing steadily louder with it’s simple, one word demand: More.

The tentacles continued their relentless exploration, joined now by two more pulses as groups of four tentacles swept across her flat stomach and waist, poking and prodding with a grace and ease that she would never have believed possible from a mere machine before today. They swept downwards, over her ribs and between her thighs, curving up and around her ass, cataloguing every inch of their journey. As they tickled her most private, sensitive areas Fiona found herself lost in confusion, her laughter joined now by moans of desire, of a need so primal words could not begin to define it. The sense of loss as the tickling moved down her thighs was like a physical blow, and she felt a sob rack her body as she realised what was about to happen.

The tickling continued to head downwards, sliding over her thighs and knees, curving around her calves to her feet. There it slowed, reducing to a single tickle at a time as it first explored the top of her foot. Fiona gasped at the touch, but at this point there was little she could do about it, even laughter was denied to her now as her lungs were empty and her throat felt raw from the continuous demands placed on it. The tickling reached her toes and, just as it had with her fingers, started to explore one toe at a time, first around the sensitive skin, then delving deeply into the unexplored softness between each of them. Her eyes bugged out, her mouth open in a silent scream as her head hung limply, all energy and fight driven from her, an acceptance of her fate replacing her usual battling personality. The tickling swept down her sole, poking and prodding all the way back to her ankle, then the process was repeated on her left foot, leaving her in tears, finally broken after her torment.
The machine paused, as if deciding on it’s next course of action. Suddenly the tentacles shifted, the majority moving back and up, disappearing into the holes they’d emerged from. Those that remained shifted position until what felt like every major ticklish spot on her body was covered by at least one of the steel arms. Her wrists and arms were still held by the thickest of the tentacles, but now smaller ones reached to both armpits, her left flank from ribs to hip, behind her right kneecap, both soles, both breasts, one was inside her belly button and several had positioned themselves at her pussy.

At an unseen signal they all started moving at once, each stimulating her body in a different, ticklish way, each designed and targeted to provide maximum stimulation to a specific area. She thrashed in her bonds, fingers spread wide, head thrown back, mouth wide open, eyes rolled up into her skull as the combination of torturous tickles and extreme erotic pleasure shot through her, her mind unable to cope with the seemingly contradictory feelings. She felt herself sinking, drowning in sensation, overloaded by the stimulation, her need building inside her, the one small voice now a symphony of angles in her head, all praying for a release, a small mercy after all she’d been through.

As if reading her mind the tentacles at her breasts and pussy started to increase their attentions, speeding up but also changing their patterns until the erotic stimulation they caused far outweighed the ticklish ones. Fiona felt herself ride the wave to its peak, the pause as she hung on the edge for a moment, then the crashing fury of her orgasm swept over her, leaving her weak as a kitten, barely aware of her surroundings as she twitched involuntarily, random nerves firing from the overload of stimulation that coursed through her body.

She was vaguely aware of falling, slowly, through the air as the tentacles released her and pulled back into the wall, an impression of the bottom of the chamber swinging open and the gentle thud as she touched down like a feather in the room below. She never felt the gentle stroke of a white silk outfit, the exact mirror of the ninja’s in every way other than the colour, appearing around her naked form, or the brief hum of the hatch above her closing. The fact that she lay there, still and silent for at least fifteen minutes as her body recovered from her ordeal passed her by, and only when she had regained her senses did she start to look around the room. After the first glance her heart sank, the knowledge that this wasn’t yet over flashing though her as she gazed at the stone walls, the racks of instruments illuminated by the flickering torchlight as the black ninja stepped forward into the middle of the dungeon…

Fiona took a quick breath, fighting to hold back the instinctive reaction to run from this woman that had inflicted her previous ordeals upon her. After a moment she felt her fear drain away, replaced with something raw and powerful, a fury speeding through her body like lightning as she saw a chance not for escape but for revenge. She came to her feet in a single graceful movement, controlling her body more accurately than she’d ever done before. Her right foot slid forward, her back straight and arms held in a ready position. The other woman matched the move, though she moved her left foot forward to mirror Fiona and for what felt like an age they faced each other, gathering their thoughts for what was to come.

At the same instant both women moved, darting towards each other with a speed that seemed to defy the laws of physics as they raced forwards. They met in a blur of motion, Fiona felt a stiff shot from a hand glance off her ribs as the side of her right foot came around to deliver a solid blow to the other woman’s ribs. Their momentum carried them on for a few steps and both women turned quickly, coming back at each other in the blink of an eye.

This time Fiona saw her opponent go low, a quick forward roll which ended with both legs scything through the air towards Fiona’s knees. She leapt upwards, pulling her legs out of harms way and kicking down at the right ankle of the ninja, only to find her own ankle caught between the calves of her target. Fiona couldn’t get her leg free in time and hit the ground heavily, twisting as she did so to land on her back.

Fiona twisted right, moving away from where she’d landed, bouncing back to her feet in one smooth movement that brought her back to a ready position, only to find her opponent hadn’t moved an inch. In fact she was standing so still only the faint rise and fall of her chest gave any indication of life. Fiona straightened from her crouch and moved forward slowly, not taking her eyes off the woman as she moved forward. She raised a hand and reached forward, every muscle tensed for action if there was even the slightest movement. Her finger touched the woman’s shoulder…

… and she found herself flying back across the room as if fired from a cannon, her back striking the stone wall hard enough to drive all the air from her body, her arms and legs stretched out spread-eagled as the chains attached to the ceiling and floor seemed to come alive, reaching out to bind her limbs tightly, holding her trapped in place. Throughout it all the black clad woman hadn’t moved, but stayed staring straight ahead, at the same spot of wall that Fiona now occupied.

The air seemed to stir in the dungeon, as if someone had opened a door, then a faint breeze sprung up from nowhere, moving around the room, forming a small vortex of wind like a miniature tornado. The tornado seemed to suck the shadows themselves into it’s core as it started to slow, the shadows became solid and, as the last of the wind died away they formed the shape of a man. Only the shape though, there was no texture, just an outline etched in shadow, a blackness so complete it drew the very light to it, leaving a faint aura glowing around it’s edge.

The figure looked at her for a moment, or at least turned its head towards her, then moved its attention back to the still-frozen ninja. A hand gesture and the woman was flung back onto a large wooden wheel mounted horizontally on the floor, her arms and legs pulled out into the same position as Fiona herself was trapped. Another gesture and there was the rustle of tearing silk as the ninja’s outfit was ripped from her by invisible hands, leaving her naked and helpless.

Despite the terror that was threatening to consume her, Fiona found herself captivated by the scene in front of her. The representation of her fantast, the detail present in the image of the woman who had so fascinated her during her student years was perfect. The long, sleek limbs, perfect body and porcelain skin, all topped off with that mane of fiery red hair all added up to one of the most beautiful and captivating people Fiona had ever seen. Even now, with her body fighting against her bondage, a part of her wanted nothing more than to take this woman in her arms and revel in the sensations that would surely follow, just the thought of breathing ‘Nicole’ into her lover’s ear was enough to make her shake with desire.

All of this went through her mind in the blink of an eye as she watched the shadow kneel over the redhead’s waist, its hands reaching out towards her untouched skin. As the black fingers slid over her body, the captive woman screamed with laughter, as if she was being tickled by a hundred hands instead of two. A part of Fiona’s mind noted that even the voice was perfect, her laughter high pitched, almost musical as she writhed under the things touch. As the hands moved across her she howled hysterically, her feet pounding against the wooden wheel as she struggled against her bonds, but there was simply no way out for her, no matter how much she screamed and begged, the shadow man on top of her simply kept up it’s slow, remorseless exploration of her body. It didn’t seem to add up though, Fiona thought, there was no way that a simple stroking motion should have that sort of effect on a body, there had to be something else going on.

As if reading her thoughts the shadow straightened up and walked towards her. Fiona used every last drop of her self control to face the thing without struggling against the chains that held her, staring defiantly at where she thought it’s eyes would be behind the blackness. Suddenly she felt as if she’d been jerked forward, the figure seeming much closer now, though neither she nor it had actually moved. It happened again and now she understood, her vision was being magnified somehow, letting her see detail that her normal senses couldn’t perceive.

She relaxed and accepted the next, much longer jerk, and gasped in surprise. The shadow in front of her changed somehow, becoming a mass of colour, swirling and dipping over itself in an endless pattern, the overall effect reminding her of the Mandelbrot images she’d seen as a kid. An infinite pattern of dips, edges, curves and peaks, constantly shifting and changing in front of her eyes. Suddenly she felt another jerk, this time towards the still-giggling body of her fantasy and saw the same, or at least, a similar pattern there, hidden far beyond the visible layer of skin.

As she watched the shadow moved away from her, back to its victim, leaning over her thighs, resting a hand on the smooth skin. The woman shrieked and twisted to escape the touch, only now Fiona could see why. The two sets of images seemed to meld, interlocking as one, only the image from the shadow was definitely the more aggressive, forcing itself onto the other, twisting and writhing at a speed that was almost dizzying around the peaks and troughs of its victim.

This was tickling on the microscopic scale; something so far beyond the realms of the ordeals Fiona had suffered through it was like comparing a normal stick match to the heat of a thousand suns. As she watched Fiona saw the patterns change, fluttering and writhing under the assault, colours changing rapidly from the rainbow normally displayed to waves of reds, pinks and purples, a visual representation of the torment being unleashed on this beauty.

With a final jerk her vision returned to normal and it took her a second or two to adjust to the sudden change in perspective. When she did she saw to her horror that the shadow appeared to be melting, dripping onto the redhead like candle wax, forming a pool on her stomach yet somehow not dripping off her body onto the floor. As the last of the shadow fell it revealed a rather plain man in his mid-thirties, looking down at his victim, an expression of intense interest passing across his face.

He reached down to the edge of the wheel and removed a large steel pin, then with one movement set the wheel spinning. As it rotated the pool of shadow seemed to flow with the motion, moving up and around Nicole’s body, causing her to howl in ticklish misery with every new hollow and curve it touched. After a few seconds of watching this entertainment the man turned and walked towards Fiona, making the same hand gesture he’d used on Nicole earlier. The results were identical as Fiona felt her clothing torn from her body by invisible fingers, leaving her hanging naked from the wall in front of this stranger.

The man walked up to her until he was standing close enough to kiss her, seemingly studying her, staring into her eyes as he watched her reaction to the howls coming from the floor, her vision of the wheel now blocked by the man standing before her. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight in an embrace that seemed to have little enthusiasm or warmth behind it, more the clinical touch of a laboratory technician. After a few seconds he released his grip and stepped back, leaving behind a cold sensation wherever he’d touched her.

Fiona shivered from the chill and looked down, her eyes widening in horror as she saw the same liquid shadow clinging to her body wherever the man had touched her. As soon as she saw it the shadow started to move, to grow, spreading out over her body, caressing her skin with a sensation unlike any she’d felt before. It was as if her nerves were being tickled directly, without anything to protect them from the touch of a thousand feathers that danced over every nerve ending and synapse. She screamed, her body shuddering under the demands being placed on it as the tickling grew exponentially as the shadow enveloped her.

Her lungs were burning, her mind on fire as she tried to find some way, some reference to deal with what she was feeling, but there simply was none. The shadow glided over her stomach and inside her belly button, down her thighs to meet the smaller pool spreading up from her knees. Within seconds she was almost completely covered, only her throat and head left exposed and the sensations being inflicted on her seemed to multiply with every second that passed, the intensity and power beyond her comprehension.

All she could hear was laughter, her own and Nicole’s mixed into one never-ending symphony of forced delight, impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. The shadow surged up her throat and jaw, covering her ears and sliding up over her hair, leaving her hearing intact to ensure she missed no nuance of this torment. Only her eyes, nose and mouth were now uncovered then, with a final rush, the shadow claimed them as well and darkness covered her world as she fell, unable to breathe or feel anything, only hear the constant, never-ending laughter as she dropped down into the blackness.

She awoke on the floor of her own room, her body soaked in sweat, muscles aching, lungs burning, the VR suit barely making contact with her skin as she lay there shaking. Slowly her world came back into focus, the emergency signal on the computer proof of the forced disconnect the system had performed in response to her vital signs peaking at dangerously high levels. She tried to move but her body simply refused and she succumbed to its urgent demand for rest, falling asleep where she lay.

Fiona was awoken by sunlight blazing in to her room through the skylight, shining straight into her eyes. Blinking she slowly lifted herself from the floor and onto the bed, her movements those of someone running on instinct as she stripped off the VR suit and stepped into the shower. As the hot water pummelled her body she started to remember what had happened the previous night and found her fatigue being replaced by anger. How dare that geek program something so dangerous! What if she’d turned off the safety programs as some did, she could have been killed with that sort of mental overload and he hadn’t even thought to warn her!

Her fists clenched involuntarily and she turned the shower off with a snap of the wrist. Drying quickly she grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, dressed and grabbed the recording of her adventure from the computer on her way out the door. He’d mentioned in passing where he lived when they’d met, and Fiona had a good memory for details like that. It took her a few minutes of hunting to find the right building and shortly after she was pressing the bell on flat 107.

Steve was in a bad mood before he opened the door, having only got two hours sleep the night before after recovering a system crash for a group he contracted support services to. His mood wasn’t improved any when a fist struck him square across the jaw, sending him sprawling to the floor. Fiona dove through the door, straddling his waist as she took another swing at his face, this one blocked with his right arm, as she screamed “You bastard!” over and over again.

Confused and hurt Steve decided it was probably better to get on top of the situation before anyone, especially him, got hurt. Fiona was sitting on his stomach, leaving his hips free to move, and he flexed his legs, rocking them up so they pointed at the ceiling. He slipped his thighs under her arms and rocked his body forward, pushing Fiona down to the ground. As soon as her body was off his he rolled away and stood up, holding one hand up to his jaw and the bruise that was already beginning to form there. Fiona bounced back to her feet and launched herself at him again, her body seeming to crumple in midair.

She landed against him hard, not trying to knock him down, rather collapsing against him as she buried her face into his shoulder and let out a sob that almost broke his heart. Confused as hell, but faced with a problem he could deal with, Steve wrapped his arms around her and held her close, not saying anything but letting whatever was driving her burn itself out. Slowly he guided her into the living room and onto the sofa, keeping her wrapped in his arms the whole time, providing whatever support he could, content to wait until she was ready to talk, however long that took.
Eventually Fiona cried herself out and lay silent against Steve’s shoulder. Gently he lifted her up slightly and eased her back against the sofa.

“Now, what’s wrong, and does it have anything to do with why you want to hurt me?” he asked.

She hesitated before replying, suddenly aware of just how silly she was going to sound. “You, you programmed that, that thing into the sim and it wasn’t what I wanted, it was too much I couldn’t take it, just too much and…”

“Shhh, slow down lass, one sentence at a time and remember to breathe, it’ll help.” Steve said, doing his best to keep her calm. “About the only bit of that I caught was about something being programmed you didn’t want?”

“Yes, that man, what he did to me, to her…it was…” Fiona trailed off, her mind threatening to shut down as the events of the previous night tried to rush back.

“Ummm, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I never put anyone, or anything in that sim other than what you asked for. Just you and Nicole, that was it.” he said, confusion clear on his face.

Fiona felt her anger spark again, grabbed the memory stick from her jeans and thrust it at him. “Here, take a look for yourself if you don’t believe me,” she snapped. Steve reached out and took the recording, turning it between his fingers with an action so well practiced it was practically reflex.

“Okay, give me a few minutes to look at this, feel free to make yourself at home.” Steve said, heading for the door.

Fiona heard the door to what she assumed was the bedroom shut and the faint whine of a computer coming on-line. She found herself restless and started looking around the room. It was a pretty normal living room by most standards, a large plasma screen dominating one wall, flat speakers hung next to it, with a matching set on the back wall. A large bay window gave a view of the small, neat garden and bookshelves and cupboards dominated the rest of the wall space.

She walked over to the shelves and started flicking through the movies and books noticing they were stored in a seemingly random order. The movies where what she’d have expected for the most part, sci-fi and action flicks, with the occasional deeper, thought provoking film mixed in, although she realised that, somewhat to her surprise, they were all normal films, not VR titles. She would have expected it to be the other way round, considering what their owner did for a living.

The books were more of a puzzle, there was seemingly no pattern at all to them, and they covered a vast variety of subjects, from military vehicles and combat tactics, through music and art, to the sciences of physics, mathematics and what seemed like every computer discipline under the sun. All of them were well used, and had that familiar half-worn look that suggested they were used as reference books for the majority of their life.

Her eye was drawn to a small set of shelves at the back of the room. Unlike all the others this one had a glass door, though there was no lock to prevent curious visitors prying into its contents. Inside there was an eclectic collection of objects, several books lay on the bottom shelf, the middle two were taken up by a couple of photographs in frames and the top held what looked, for all the world, like a sword.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the cabinet and carefully removed the sword from it’s stand. It was what she thought of as a Samurai sword, long, thin and gently curved, the handle bone white and a small round guard between the handle and the blade. It was surprisingly light and the balance was amazing, almost as if it was simply an extension of her own arm. She pulled the sheath a little way off the blade and saw this was no replica, the edge gleamed as if it could cut through time itself, in fact she half expected it to glow. Moving as quickly as she dared she put the sword back in its place and looked closer at the other items.

The photographs were odd, one of a young woman in her early or mid twenties, dark red hair framing a pretty face that was, in the timeless moment captured by the camera, locked in an expression of pure joy. The other picture was of a sea, perfectly flat without a ripple or wave to be seen. The sky was pitch black and from maybe two thirds of the way from the left edge of the picture a perfectly white bolt of lightning connected the water and the heavens, like the finger of god himself.

She moved her attention to the books and noticed immediately that they all had one thing in common, the author. All were written by a Steve Franklin, she presumed the same Steve that was currently working in the next room. Two were fiction books, written about ten years ago, one a sci-fi story with a picture of spaceships dog fighting in an asteroid field on the front cover, the other was called Bloodhounds, the title written in red on a black background that had been designed to give the impression of fabric caught in a breeze.

The remaining books were more recent, all written within the last five years and dealing with various aspects of VR. A quick check of the titles showed they covered pretty much everything, from security and military applications, all the way through to AI design and graphic modelling. She flicked through a couple, but the concepts involved were way beyond her knowledge and she slid them back into place. Stepping back she shut the door and turned round, before jumping almost out of her skin as she saw Steve standing at the door, watching her intently.

“How long have you been there?” she demanded, angry and embarrassed in equal measure.

“Not long, I just wanted to make sure you saw everything you wanted to before disturbing you. I think you need to see this.” He replied, his usual good humour replaced with an expression of worry. Fiona followed him through into his bedroom, and stopped dead as stepped through the door.

There was a bed and wardrobe at the back of the room, but every other inch of space was dominated by computer equipment. One wall held racks of components and systems in various stages of repair, the other what looked like a cluster of working kit that put the systems she’d seen in work to shame. A desk dominated the remaining wall, flat screen monitors mounted to the wall behind it, four keyboards scattered on the wood in front of them. It looked like a mad scientists wet dream, like you could create any doomsday device you wanted without ever leaving the room, and it was a formidable sight.

Steve was already at work, calling up a set of diagrams on one monitor and a still shot of the mysterious man she’d encountered in her program in another. “Umm, just before I get going on this, how much do you know about VR, how it works I mean?” he asked.

“Not a lot, I kind of know the basics, how the suits work, the usual safety stuff but that’s about it.” Fiona replied, still slightly shocked at the contents of the room.

“Then grab a seat and I’ll try to explain this as best I can. All objects in a VR world have three main parts, doesn’t matter if it’s a character or a plank of wood everything’s built the same way.” As he talked Steve’s hands flew over the keyboard, creating a basic white outline of a person on the screen.

“First there’s appearance, that’s the easiest part to get right, especially if you’ve already got a set of reference images. Provided there’s a complete image of the character from all angles the computer can put together a pretty convincing representation.” On screen the outline became solid, filled in with the image of the man she’d seen. A few more key presses and the image seemed to fade out, becoming almost transparent as she looked at it.

“Under that there’s the physical attributes, in this case things like bone and muscle structure and their basic physical properties, how they interact with each other, their density and composition, that sort of thing. These days that’s pretty simple, at least for standard images like people, as there’s a huge library of examples to borrow from.” The image changed, adding the internal structure of the man over his physical appearance, then that too faded.

“And finally we have the real magic, the personality matrix. This is what governs how that character or object will behave, how it will react to other objects in the world, including real people. That’s what takes the time to build, and what separates the good from the bad when it comes to programmers. With me so far?”

“I think so, yes. Though I find it a bit hard to believe that a rock has personality.”

“Believe it, there have been some really weird occasions when someone’s loaded the wrong personality into the wrong object and a bunch of trees tried to do the can-can.” Steve grinned as Fiona burst into giggles next to him, he wasn’t at all convinced she was over what had happened so quickly, especially after reviewing the recording, but at least he could take her mind off it.

“Now when we put it into VR what we end up with is something like this…” he said, manipulating the image, turning it into a simple 3D outline on the screen with three layers of colour across it. “The red layer is the appearance, the blue the physical structure and the green the personality matrix.” He said, pointing out the detail as he did. The red band was a thin layer around the outline of the image, the blue a thicker one underneath it. The green was a tight sphere in the middle of the figure, with two thin white lines reaching out to connect it to the blue layer.

“What’s the white layer?” Fiona asked, her curiosity peeked.

“The white lines show the input/output pathways between the personality and the rest of the object. Think of them as the equivalent of nerves in your own body, carrying data about the outside world, in this case the VR scenario, to the mind and passing the commands back out to act on that stimulus. Of course the mind in this case is the personality matrix, and it’s really only approximating the actions of a human mind, but the idea’s much the same.”

“Hang on, if they’re nerves why are there only two of them, I mean, there’s thousands of them in our bodies, right?”

“Ah, there you hit on the real problem with VR. You see, running these scenarios takes a huge amount of processing power, even generating the graphics on a flat screen like these would have been beyond most computers ten years ago. Now we’ve got a lot more power to play with, but at the end of the day it’s still limited in what it can do. See the more data you feed to a decision making process, which is effectively what the personality matrix is, the more processing power you need to process it. In fact it’s exponential, double the data and you’ve got to quadruple the power.”

Steve paused for a moment before continuing. “Basically, all computer design is a trade off between what you want and what you can get. In VR the compromise was in creating believable characters who seemed to genuinely interact with the user and realistic environments to fool the brain into believing it’s actually in a different place than it was a few seconds ago. This was the solution they came up with, and it works pretty well. There’s enough of a data pathway there for an object to pull in as much information as you do through any two of your senses. The trick is it’s a switched system.”

“Okay, now you lost me.”

“Think of it as a two way, one lane road okay? Traffic can move along it in both directions, but only one vehicle at a time. If you’ve got two cars wanting to use it at one time in different directions one of them has to wait until the other has gone through. It lets an object respond quickly enough to fool the user into believing their acting spontaneously, and get enough data to make sure that response is appropriate, without needing ridiculous levels of processing power to do the job.”

“Now, let’s break down your mystery man shall we?” He hit a few keys and the still shot of the man blurred, turning into the same basic 3D shape as shown on the other monitor and Fiona gasped. The red and blue layers were the same, though slightly thicker on this version. The green layer was almost five times as large as that on the original display, almost touching the inner edge of the blue band. But that wasn’t what had caught her attention, overlaid across all this was a mass of white lines, like lightning frozen inside a storm cloud, more connections than she could possible count.

“Now that, ” Steve said, voice low and hushed “is not your standard VR character.”

“What is it?” She asked, her own voice wavering as she tried to understand what she was seeing.

“Honest answer? I don’t know. It’s not human, we don’t show up the same way in VR, at least not to the system itself. It could be a program, but there’s two problems with that. One, the time and effort needed to create that size personality matrix would be almost inconceivable. Two, there’s no computer on earth that could process that amount of data in real time. Now either of those problems pretty much rules out the option of it being a program, which doesn’t leave a whole hell of a lot of options.”

“So what do we do now? I mean, this…whatever it is, came into my sim, my system and tortured me half to death. I’m not exactly in love with the idea of meeting it again, you know?”

“Okay, I think the first thing you’re going to do is to get some proper rest, you look exhausted lass. I’m going to make a few calls, see what I can find out about your system, who could have accessed it, how they could have got in, that sort of thing. Then tonight we’re going to make a call to the market and see what we can find.”

“The market? What’s that?”

“Hmm? Oh, it’s the kind of simple, doom-ridden name the geeks of today like to use to give their activities that little hint of danger. Don’t worry about it, it’s just a meeting place for the less reputable members of the computing world, pretty much the most dangerous thing there is exposing that many geeks to someone as beautiful as you at the same time. Hell, it might help cut down the computer crime rate if some of them realise there’s a life outside of VR.”

Fiona smiled and half turned to hide her blush. The comment had been made off-hand, but she had to admit, hearing this man refer to her as beautiful was not entirely a bad thing. Steve showed her to the guest bedroom and made sure she knew where everything was before leaving her alone. She looked around the non-descript room, surprised at the contrast between this and Steve’s bedroom. She flushed again as she found her thoughts lingering once more on the bed part of that sentence and laid herself down on the single bed. She was asleep almost before her head hit the pillow.

The day passed and as twilight fell on the city Steve led Fiona into the car park in front of his flat. She was somewhat surprised when they passed the row of flashy sports cars, past the gleaming ranks of metal and the polished Porsche and Ferrari badges into what seemed like the more mundane part of the car park. Steve pressed a button on a remote and the hazard lights flashed twice on a black coupe, sleek while at the same time having an undoubted sense of sturdiness and practicality to it. Steve noticed the look she was giving him and turned with a half smile on his face. “Not what you expected?”

“Well, umm, no not really. I figured you’d have something like, oh I don’t know, something a bit more…sporty I guess.”

“You mean like one of those overpriced, hard to insure, temperamental pieces of exotica over there?” Steve said, gesturing to the handful of sports cars lined up at the front of the car park. “Sorry, but I like my cars to be a little more reliable than that. Besides, know the right tuning people and you’d be surprised at what you can do with something a little more discrete.”

She opened the passenger seat and dropped down into a black leather seat that seemed to be perfectly sized to her body, holding her tightly without being uncomfortable as she stretched her legs out into the footwell. Steve was already in the drivers seat and after checking she was comfortable fired up the engine and eased them out onto the street, the lazy burble of the engine barely penetrating the cockpit of the car. They drove in silence through the city streets for maybe thirty minutes until he took a right turn into a series of narrow alleyways. A few more twists and turns and they were parked up in a small space just off a crossroads of alleys.

They climbed out and Steve retrieved a long black leather coat that fell almost to his ankles from the boot before locking the car. As they walked away Fiona glanced back and just for a moment saw the car ripple and then seemingly fade away in front of her eyes. “What the hell?” she said, the surprise evident in her voice.

“Latest toy to come on the market, a flip paint that tries to blend in with the background. It’s still being tested for use on production vehicles but I know one of the people that invented the stuff and she supplied me with some of the first batch. Doesn’t work that well really but it’s pretty good in the dark or against solid backgrounds and it’s cheap enough to be worth doing. I did tell you it wasn’t exactly standard my dear.”

Fiona nodded, once again finding herself re-evaluating the man walking next to her. There were a number of things that just didn’t seem to add up about the guy, and she resolved to keep a close eye on him, just in case this was all some kind of elaborate hoax. “So, what’s the plan?” she asked.
“Well, I checked your system and it’s pretty good in terms of security. Not unbreakable but you’d need some pretty specialist tools to break in, and that sort of thing don’t come cheap, or for that matter, easy. If we can find out who’s bought that kind of equipment in the last few weeks, we should be able to at least make a start on tracking whoever did this down. While we’re here I want to run the scan of the man from your sim past a couple of acquaintances, see what they make of it.”

“That’s it? Just ask for that sort of information and these guys will give it you?” she replied, scepticism almost dripping from her voice.

“Not exactly, but I know the right people here, and most of them owe me some pretty big favours, enough so we should be able to get what we need. Oh, and while I remember, would you mind leaving the talking to me? You pick up the theory behind all this stuff pretty damn quick, but the folks in here are pros and they’ll know you’re not legit the first time you try to bluff them. I’ll just introduce you as a client and they’ll let it go.”

“Sure, though if you think it’d be better I could pretend to be something else…” Fiona said, taking a half step to her right as she walked to brush against him suggestively. Steve’s grin was clear enough, even in the blackness of the alleys as he turned towards her.

“Appreciated lass, and believe me I’d love to be seen with you on my arm, even if only for an act. But I’m going to need to concentrate and, well, frankly you’re more than a little distracting at the best of times, start curling up to me and I’m gonna be useless to you, ‘least as an information gatherer.”

Fiona laughed quietly, slipped her arms round him and lent up to kiss him once, quickly, before pulling back. “Then we’d better let you concentrate, at least until we’re somewhere a little more private.” She started walking again and marvelled at her actions, wondering where that impulse had come from. This man was here to do a job for her, that was all, so why was she taking her flirting this far, hell, why was she flirting at all?

She had no time to ponder the question though as Steve turned to face what seemed to be a wall and pressed a small device up against the brickwork. There was a faint buzz, and a section of wall rolled back and out of the way, revealing a narrow metal staircase leading up into the seemingly deserted building. She followed him up the stairs until they emerged in a large open space, big enough to hold a good size concert in if all the obstructions were removed and she looked around in amazement.

The general atmosphere of the place was electric, literally. Everywhere she looked there were people working on computers or other electrical parts, some hooked into VR suits, others working with keyboards and monitors. The floor was divided into irregular rooms, none of which had ceilings and she was reminded of the cubicle farm in her own office building. Here and there winding spiral staircases led to an upper level of offices and storage rooms, a metal grill floor giving an almost prison-like feel to the place.

As they walked through the chaos Steve lent over and whispered to her “This used to be one of the big Microsoft offices in the country until they missed the VR boat and went under. No one wanted to take it over when the street crime went through the roof, so these guys made use of it. Just watch your step if we go upstairs, there have been reports of ‘accidents’ happening when people stepped in the wrong place.” Fiona nodded and sculpted her features into her normal business mask. Steve stopped behind a short man, dressed in black jeans, white shirt and short black jacket who seemed to be on edge as he talked to the young couple in front of him.

“Look, you bought it sold-as-seen, it’s not my fault if you didn’t check which end goes where, okay? No refunds after sale, and sure as hell, no refunds after it’s been used, especially on that sort of accessory. Now get lost before I call security.” The couple seemed about to argue before they caught sight of Steve standing behind the salesman with a look on his face that made it very clear their problem, whatever it was, had just been bumped downwards in terms of priority.

The seller suddenly seemed to sense someone was behind him and spun around, finding himself on an eye-line with Steve’s chin as a hand wrapped around his in a manner that, to an observer would seem casual, even friendly, but was in fact a pretty much unbreakable grip. “Hello Nick, long time no see.” Steve growled quietly, all trace of his previous easygoing manner wiped from his face.

“Steve, now look, I heard what happened with those memory chips man, and I swear it wasn’t my fault, I was assured they were good. My guy managed to get lots mixed up and sent you a returned shipment by mistake, if I’d known earlier….”

“Nick, don’t bother, I’ve heard it before and I rather suspect a lot of other people have as well. Besides, don’t worry about it, I’m not mad at you.”

“You’re not?”

“Hell no, in fact I thought you might need some persuading so I even did you a little favour to prove there’s no hard feelings.”

“Favour? Really?”

“Yeah, I did your book keeping for you, and good news man, it all balanced out, at least after I’d deducted the refund you owed me, oh, and the usual 50% inconvenience fee of course. No, no need to thank me, just thought I’d save you the time and trouble. After all I know you’re a busy man and, hey, time costs money right? And believe me…” Steve jerked his grip, causing a jolt of pain to go through Nick’s shoulder as he yanked him close “… you couldn’t afford that much trouble.”

“Right, you’re right, thanks man, it’s appreciated” Nick babbled, trying to pull his hand back from Steve’s grip without much success.

“I’m here on business Nick, and I think you can help me out, providing of course I can trust you to deliver this time?” Steve asked, releasing Nick’s hand without warning as he yanked backwards, almost causing the shorter man to fall over from his own movement.

“Of course, whatever you want man, and as a gesture of good faith, whatever it is, you can have it at cost.”

“Good, it’s not a big job anyway so it shouldn’t take you long. I need to know who’s been buying this equipment.” Steve said, passing over a printout of several part numbers.

“Hmm, this stuff ain’t gonna come cheap, and it’s going to take a while to pull it all together. Figure five thousand and about a week, and that’s only because of our special relationship.”

“Come on Nick, who do you think I am, a newbie punter building their first VR rig? Try five hundred and ten minutes and you’ve got a deal, anymore than that and I might as well go find it myself.”

“Alright, alright, tell you what, seven fifty and thirty minutes, how’s that?”

”Make it fifteen minutes and we’ll call it a thousand, deal?”

“Deal, where do you want it delivered?”

“To me, in my hand, in fourteen minutes and fifty five seconds or you’ll be looking for your fingers, or isn’t that clear enough?”

“Right, right, I’m on it, no problem.” Nick said, turning and hurrying to a free terminal to start the data search. Steve waited a moment then turned away and started walking towards a large cubicle at the back of the room, Fiona close behind him. She was once again trying to work out exactly who she was dealing with, the attitude change had been so complete it was like watching a stranger and that scared her. After all, how could she be sure which was the real man, and which was the act?

Reaching the door to the cubicle Steve tapped on the small metal plate attached the fabric with a knuckle and waited. A few seconds later a man who was almost Steve’s mirror image walked out, took one look at him and stopped dead.

“Steve, haven’t seen you in a while, how’ve you been?” the man asked, obviously wary.

“Good man, look can we talk, I’ve got something here that might interest you.”

“Yeah of course, come on in.”

They followed him into a workshop that looked like an explosion in an electronics factory. Steve cleared a couple of chairs for himself and Fiona and sat down.

“So, what have you got for me?” the man asked, eyes flicking from Steve to Fiona and back again.

“Two things. First the good news, I got him Tim.” Steve said, pulling a folded sheet of paper from his jacket and passing it over. As the man unfolded it Fiona caught the words ‘arrest record’ on the top of the paper, then the man was looking at Steve with a huge smile.

“You’re serious, you managed to nail this bastard?”

“Right to the wall, by the time he gets out of jail we’ll have been conquered by aliens my friend. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do more.”

“Hey, that’s alright, I mean, well, thanks man, I never thought I’d see this scumbag get what’s coming to him, it means a lot you know?”

Steve caught a glimpse of Fiona’s confused look and raised an eyebrow at Tim, nodding slightly in her direction. Tim hesitated for a moment then nodded. “Tim, this is Fiona, a client of mine. I’m trying to figure out who managed to break into her system and thought you might be able to help me out.”

“Fiona, this is Tim, a mate of mine from way back. Used to work together for a while doing bits and pieces for different clients. This bastard,” here he indicated the picture on the arrest record “framed Tim for causing an explosion at a company we were contracting for, cover for a robbery attempt. Only problem was there was a group of researchers working late, they, well, they didn’t make it. Tim went into hiding and we’ve been trying to track this guy down ever since. Finally managed to pull together enough evidence to set the police on him and the rest, as they say, is history.”

“A history that will, if there’s any justice in this universe, involve a long and intimate relationship with the inmates of the hairy serial killers wing of the nastiest prison in the country.” Tim joined in, passing a bottle of beer to Fiona and a coke to Steve to let them toast the occasion. “That’s one guy who deserves everything he gets. Hey, you said you had something else for me?”

“Yeah, I was wondering if you could take a look at something weird that turned up yesterday, I can’t figure it out and you’ve always been better than me at the matrix side.”

“True, okay, you got a copy handy?”

Steve passed over a memory stick with the scan of Fiona’s intruder and waited while Tim popped it into his computer. As the image came up on screen Tim whistled “What the hell? You sure this isn’t a corrupt image?”

“Positive, I pulled it from the original recording myself, it’s genuine. Any ideas what we’re looking at here?”

Tim paused, leaning back in his seat, fingers pressed together in front of his lips. “You know what this reminds me of? Remember that natural AI program we worked on a while back? This would match the core of that almost perfectly, least in terms of size if not in the pathways.”

“Yeah, the thought did occur, but I don’t see anything particularly unique here, if this was a super AI matrix of some sort, they’d have hit the same scaling problems we did. Besides, you’d need more power than I’ve ever seen in one place to run something like that, and this was on an isolated home machine, not a super computer in a lab.”

“Wait, where did you find this?”

“It turned up in a scenario I wrote, and I guarantee it’s nothing I put in there. I even checked the source file, it ain’t on there.”

“So where the hell did it come from? You sure that’s an isolated machine?” Tim asked, turning to Fiona now.

“Yes, I’m sure, I’ve got another machine for all my internet stuff, the VR box isn’t even connected to a home network, let alone the outside world.”

“Interesting. Steve, if I didn’t know better I’d swear this was a program, but short of a quantum computer…”

“Which no-one’s invented as far as we know and if it had been done it’d be all over the planet by now.” Steve interjected.

“… I don’t know how you’d do something like this. Hey, wait a minute, have a look at this…” Tim said, zooming the image on the boundary between the red and blue layers of appearance and physical aspects. Between the two, frozen in the image but clearly visible, was a thin layer of green, a separate matrix than the one at the core and between the three layers was another set of white ‘nerves’.

“What the… am I am completely off-base here or is there no way that should work?” Steve asked, staring at the image as if mesmerised.

“The system should just throw it out, unless, hmm, unless it’s being hidden as something else, maybe a new physical attribute something like that?” Tim said, equally fascinated by what was on the screen. “Either way, this is some major code Steve, whatever this is I wouldn’t go messing with it lightly.”

“Unfortunately I don’t think I’ve got a lot of choice in the matter. Don’t worry though, we’ll go loaded for bear.”

“Good call, look can you leave this with me for a while, I want to do a deeper analysis on it if I can, see what other nasty little surprises this thing has up it’s digital sleeves.”

Steve looked across at Fiona. “It’s up to you lass, the entire recording’s on their but if you don’t want to let it out we can find another way of getting a closer look at this thing.”

She paused for a moment, torn between her own embarrassment at what she knew was on that recording and a burning desire to find out what had done this to her. It really wasn’t much of a contest. “Okay, you trust this guy, then so do I. Just don’t copy it to the net or anything.”

“It doesn’t exist.” Tim promised, pocketing the stick. “Hey, you waiting for Nick?”

“Yeah, why?”

“He seems to be heading this way, and I thought he knew better than to get within ten feet of me.”

“Don’t worry, this won’t take long, just a data lookup and as much as I hate to admit, that slimeball’s much better at that sort of thing than either of us.”

“Yeah, it’s amazing what knowing half the crooked programmers this side of the Baltic Sea will get you when you’re in a rush.” Tim muttered under his breath, prompting a grin from Steve as he looked round at the approaching data cracker. Without a word he held out a credit chip in his left hand, the right extended to receive the data file Nick was offering. As Nick went to pull the credit chip away Steve tightened his grip and looked long and hard at the shorter man.

“Hey, look, it’s all there, every sale of every item on that list. Come on man, you know I wouldn’t be stupid enough not to do this properly right?”

“I hope so, for your sake. You’re on your very last chance as far as I’m concerned Nick, pray you never loose that chance.” Steve growled, releasing the credit chip and turning back to the other two people in the cubicle. Nick muttered something under his breath that none of them could quite catch, then turned and started walking back to his terminal. He hadn’t got more than ten steps when the whole place went straight to hell.

An explosion ripped up the staircase into the room, scorching the ceiling and setting the nearest equipment on fire. Immediately behind it came the sound of running feet, then a hail of gunfire ripped through the air as figures dressed in grey boiler suits charged up the still hot stairs into the room.

“Down!” Steve barked, throwing himself against Fiona and carrying her behind the partition wall as Tim hit the ground beside them. “You carrying?” He yelled over the noise to Tim, and got his answer as a short, black metal automatic weapon was pulled from underneath the desk.

“Any bright ideas on how the hell we get out of here?” Tim yelled, scrabbling around in a drawer for a couple of spare ammo clips.

“You mean aside from shooting our way through what looks like thirty or more bad guys with one gun between three of us down a single file staircase into a small street that’s probably a kill zone by now?” Steve yelled back, eyes scanning the room for inspiration.

“Aside from that, yes.” came the somewhat testy reply.

Steve’s eyes landed on the window about ten feet away. “This place still got a fire escape running round the outside?”

“Yeah, I think so, provided no-one’s ripped it apart for scrap metal yet.”

“Great, then I think we’ve got a plan.” Steve crawled forward, pulled one of the chairs towards him and grabbed a case of computer parts from the floor. Digging through the clutter he started dropping the heaviest items he could reach into it. After a few seconds the case was full and he shut the lid, using a long power cable to secure it to the chair.

“Okay, here’s what we do. Give me some covering fire, I’m gonna heave this through that window then we execute the all purpose contingency plan.”

“You mean we run for it?”

“Exactly. Unless you’ve got a better idea of course.”

“Sadly, no. Okay, on three you go and we’ll be right behind you. Dive behind that last partition, then we’ll go from there to the window when we’re all together. One, two, THREE!”

Steve bounced to his feet and ran, half carrying and half leaning the chair on his shoulder towards the large floor to ceiling windows. Behind him the staccato retort of Tim’s weapon rang out, forcing the intruders to keep their heads down for the few vital seconds he needed. As soon as he was within range Steve pitched the chair with all the force he could muster at the window and, as he dived for cover again heard the shattering of glass that was one of the most comforting sounds he’d ever heard. Landing hard on his right side, he turned over to look back the way he’d come, just in time for Fiona to land practically on top of him as she dived to safety, Tim close on her heels.
“Well, that seemed to work well.” Tim said, swapping out clips on his gun as he talked. “We’ve got a nice big hole, we’re only a floor up and no-one’s come in through the hole, which suggests they’re being dumb and focusing everything they’ve got on the front entrance to this place.” He stuck his head out for a second and yanked it back in just ahead of a few well aimed rounds. “We also seem to be attracting attention, I think it’s time to go.”

“Agreed, on three folks.” Steve said as they all got their feet under them for the last dash. “One, ” there was a strange metallic clinking noise and Steve looked down to see what looked very much like a grenade hitting the ground and rolling under a desk. “Fuck it, run for your life!”.

They took off and within two seconds they were all lying on the metal of the fire escape, Tim landing just as the grenade exploded behind them. The flying glass from the window passed harmlessly over their heads and they scrambled back to their feet.

“Okay, time for you guys to bail.” Tim yelled, sending a burst of fire back through the hole. “I’ll give you a head start then catch up”.

Steve’s gut churned at the thought of leaving anyone behind, but he knew the logic behind that order, he had someone to take care of and was unarmed, it was indeed time to leave. “Okay, but no heroics man, give us a few seconds then get gone.”

“Fine, fine, just go would you?” Tim replied sending another burst into the building.

With a last look back, Steve pushed Fiona ahead of him along the metal catwalk and down the spiral staircase to the street. They raced along the alleyways, heading for the car, only to hear the sound of a motorbike engine revving close behind them. Steve shoved Fiona into a doorway, pushing her down before matching his body to hers and covering them both with his coat. The bike engine grew louder, then roared past and continued into the distance. After a few seconds Steve stood up and helped Fiona back to her feet. As they ran she panted out a question. “How did that guy not see us?”

“The coat’s painted in the same stuff as the car, blends in with the background. Get below someone’s eye line and they can go right past without noticing.” Steve replied, reaching into a pocket for the remote control. They raced round the next corner and he hit the button. The car seemed to appear from the shadows, the doors opening on their own to let them jump in. Fiona barely had time to hit the seat before They we’re pulling away, the doors swinging shut on their own.

They raced down the alley, hanging a tight right at the end and bursting out onto the main street. As they hurtled down the road she wondered if they’d got back in the same car. The engine, so quiet before, was howling like a formula one car, every corner was taken as if the car was glued to the ground and the lights outside were becoming awfully blurred. Suddenly she realised she could hear another noise over the engine’s scream and she glanced down at the passenger side mirror. There, barely feet from the rear bumper were three green and yellow cars, slightly smaller than theirs but all emitting the same sort of banshee howl.

“Great, just great” Steve muttered, dropping down a cog on the six speed gearbox and concentrating on avoiding the more solid parts of the scenery. “Why couldn’t they have had those things in the shop tonight?”

“Who are they?” Fiona yelled over the noise.

“Same lot that burst into the Market, street gang, call ‘emselves the Daredevils. Don’t know what they want, and frankly I’d rather not find out so let’s see how well they know these streets.”

With that Steve hit a button on his steering wheel, leant over and flicked a set of toggle switches down. There was a low powered hum and a small video screen lit up in the middle of the dashboard, showing the view from the back bumper in a wide angle shot that covered the whole street. A small red light lit up above it marked GPS. “What’s that mean?” Fiona yelled, as she hung on for grim death as Steve threw the car around a small roundabout on what she’d swear had been a physically impossible line.

“GPS jammer. I know this part of town, but it’s a good way from their usual turf. Only way they can keep up with us like this is to be using a GPS signal and mapping software. This scrambles the signal, makes it useless within about twenty feet of the car, should give us an edge. Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment I’ve got some work to do.”

So saying Steve turned the car almost on it’s side making a ninety-degree right hander onto a road running alongside the river. The traffic was thicker here and he had to keep dodging in and out of oncoming traffic to stay ahead of the three cars that seemed to following his every move. A major junction loomed ahead, a crossroads leading either left back into the heart of the city or right over the bridge to the industrial part of the city. Steve set the car up and started a long, sweeping right hander, determined to carry as much speed as possible into the turn. The cars behind started to follow, and as soon as he saw they were all committed to the turn he pulled the handbrake up.

The backend of the car slid round and he got back on the power, tightening the turn to an impossible degree, turning it into an almost tear dropped shape about face. Two of the other cars managed to duplicate the manoeuvre, albeit further onto the bridge. The other couldn’t quite manage it and lost the back completely, spinning at high speed into the side of the bridge before bouncing back out into the middle of the road, his left side stove in and the car un-drivable as Steve headed back into the city.

Foot flat to the floor they raced up the three-lane carriageway, moving from left to right trying to deny the pursuing cars any chance to overtake. Steve glanced in his rear view mirror and Fiona saw a smile tug the corners of his mouth. He started moving left, then darted back to the right, allowing a blur of motion to pass in the gap on the left. The blur slowed slightly and pulled alongside Fiona’s door, becoming recognisable as a figure on a motorbike, the engine screaming at the very top of it’s rev range as the rider looked in through her window. She thought she recognised Tim’s face beneath the visor, then the bike pulled away and started to harass the car on the left, the rider pulling a small pistol from a holster on the bike and firing, somewhat inaccurately, at the car behind him. He eased the bike over to the left and the car, it’s driver enraged by the nerve of this bike riding lunatic, followed him. A second later both bike and car were gone as the left lane became a motorway sliproad, leaving a straight one on one battle behind them.

“Alright, let’s see exactly how brave he is.” Steve muttered, setting the noise of the car straight ahead and backing off the throttle slightly. The other car pulled alongside, then dropped back slightly as Steve pushed his own throttle to the floor. Fiona could do nothing other than look straight ahead, at the distant glow of lights that indicated a busy crossroads that was coming rapidly closer.

“Hang on” Steve said, reaching for a pair of red buttons mounted on the steering wheel. Mashing them down there was what sounded like a small explosion behind them and the car leapt forward as two bottles of Nitrous Oxide were dumped into the fuel system, four foot long flames shooting from the exhaust. A second later there was a matching road from behind them as the other car brought it’s nitrous into play.

Touching one hundred and ninety miles an hour they raced towards the crossroads, neither driver willing to flinch. Fiona closed her eyes, there was no way they could make it through that traffic safely, and she didn’t really want to see the car that would kill her before it hit the door panel. Both drivers were staring straight ahead, locked on the obstacle, neither moving an inch. Until Steve reached down and, in one lightning fast motion, yanked the handbrake up while wrenching the steering wheel to the left.

The car swapped ends and was suddenly heading backwards towards the junction as Steve buried the throttle to the carpet. The smell of burning clutch and rubber permeated the air as the car screeched in protest at trying to drive tyres that were now travelling backwards at over a hundred and fifty miles an hour in the opposite direction. There was an earth shattering crash from behind them as the other car pilled into the junction and was collected by a monstrous 18-wheeler truck, but it was almost obscured by the shriek of tyres and engine as they worked to overcome the laws of physics. With a jolt the car came to a stop, the back bumper parked neatly on the white line of the junction box for a moment before Steve headed off down a side street at a more normal pace.

Fiona opened her eyes and looked about in confusion. “Umm, not that I’m complaining, but shouldn’t we be sitting on a cloud having harp lessons about now?” she asked, her voice trembling as the excess adrenaline of the last few minutes got dumped through her system.

“I’m more of a guitar man myself.” Steve replied, trying to ignore the demands his own body was making to pull over and throw up. “Besides, I look awful in white.”

Fiona laughed at that, the sort of laugh that isn’t really about humour, more a release of tension, a way of reassuring yourself that everything’s all right, that you’re still alive. The laughter dissolved into giggles, and that was about all she could do for the next few minutes as Steve concentrated on putting as many turns as possible between themselves and any possible pursuit. Eventually she laughed herself out and they travelled back to his house in silence. Once there they collapsed onto the sofa and stayed there for a good ten minutes just staring at the wall, each lost in their own thoughts.

It was Steve who finally broke the silence. “Well lass, I don’t know about you, but I think it might be a good idea to keep moving. I don’t know if you can sleep, but I sure as hell can’t.”

“No, no I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. Any ideas on where we go from here?”

“Yeah, I want to see if we can spot anything out of the ordinary in that recording now that we’ve got a better idea what to look for. You up for that?”

“Umm, what does that involve exactly?”

“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll go in as observers and just watch what happens. We’ll skip the first part when everything’s going normally and start with the appearance of that man. We’ll be able to manipulate the program but none of the characters in it will be able to see or hear us. And, umm, I guess I should have mentioned this earlier, I took the liberty of distorting your image in the recording, you know like the do on the police reality shows? I didn’t think you’d want people seeing you like, well, in that compromising a position.”

Fiona stared at him for a moment, wondering again what she was getting in to. One moment he was dodging bullets and intimidating low-life thugs, the next he was doing something like this to preserve her modesty, she didn’t know how to read him at all and she had to admit there was nothing like a mystery to make her attracted to a man. She settled for a quick nod: “Okay, let’s do it.”
Part 5

They got changed into VR suits and Steve loaded the recording of Fiona’s previous adventure into the system.

“You’re sure about this?” Steve asked, concern evident on his face “You don’t have to go in if you don’t want to, I can do this on my own if…”

“No.” she interrupted immediately “I want to, I, well, actually, to tell the truth, I think I need to.”

Steve paused for a moment, still debating about whether or not to flat out refuse to let her do this, but he knew that in the end there really was only one person who could make that choice. “Okay, but if you want to end the sim just say, alright?”

Fiona nodded, her mind already focused on what she was about to do as Steve continued. “When we’re in there we’ll be spectators. What happened can’t be changed but we can pause and manipulate that recording however we want. If you see anything unusual, anything you missed the first time round, yell. Other than that, just relax and go with the flow.” He waited until she nodded at him, a curt bob of the head, impatient to get inside the virtual world that had started this whole thing. With a quick motion Steve hit the commit button and the world around them slowly melted away, replaced with the dungeon setting from the recording.

As Fiona looked around she found herself almost face to face with herself. Her digital image was standing in a combat position, still clad in the white silk outfit as she faced her black-clad opponent. Over to her right Fiona saw Steve walking around the frozen scene, seemingly taking in every detail as his gaze flicked rapidly between the two figures.

“Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.” He said, completing his circuit. “Everything seems to be where it is and there’s no obvious signs of any tampering. Let’s run this forward a bit, I want to get a good look at your mystery man.”

As she watched the scene jumped to life, Fiona watching herself walk up to the frozen figure of Nicole, reaching out a hand and flying backwards into the wall, the chains wrapping around her to hold her firmly in place. The shadows seemed to come to life and the man appeared as before, pausing for only a second before sending Nicole flying back onto the wheel. The man raised a hand, and Steve stepped forward, pausing the scene before either of the two women was disrobed. Fiona felt herself flush, wondering for an instant why she almost whished he’d let the scene play on a little.

Steve walked up to the intruder and started a very slow circle around him, once again giving the impression of seeing much, much more than was visible on the surface. As he got about half way round, he started a running commentary, more for the benefit of the recorders than her she knew, but it was still a welcome link to normality in this frozen world.

”Hmm, on the surface it seems to be a normal VR construct, nothing special at all other than the manner of its arrival. Looking at the attribute layer, wait that can’t be right. Both attribute and matrix layers look normal, nothing like what was seen earlier. But that would imply that something had changed since the last scan of this file was made, which isn’t possible as the file’s been locked away from any access. Note, check for any research on exploits that can devolve once executed.”

As he completed his circuit Steve turned to Fiona. “Okay, something very odd is going on here. I took the scan of this thing myself yesterday and it was, well, just as I showed you. But looking at it now, in here, it looks like any normal program. Which shouldn’t be possible as this is the first time this particular code has been run since that scan was made, and this particular recording can only be viewed, not altered.”

“So where does that leave us exactly?” Fiona asked her curiosity peaked.

“Back at square one without any idea where square two is lass. I…” Steve broke off as a faint ring echoed through the room, as if someone had just dropped a pin into a metal cup. “Did you do that?” her asked.

“No, I thought you did.”

”Unfortunately not, which means there’s someone else in here with us.” Steve moved forward cautiously until he was alongside the frozen figure of the man. Something was wrong, terribly wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He turned back towards Fiona and was about to ask if she could see anything when it hit him. The man’s hand had been raised to make the hand gesture that would remove Nicole’s dignity, but now it was down by his side, the fingers curled into a fist.

The blow hit Steve hard enough to knock him off his feet and send him flying backwards into the corner of a wooden x-frame. Fiona ran over, reached down and pulled him up to his feet again as they turned to look at the impossible. There, in the middle of this frozen world, her mystery man was coming to life, taking a slow but smooth step forward and looking around as if seeing the world for the first time. His eyes locked on Fiona’s and he took a step forward. She gasped and shrank back, though she didn’t move so much as an inch away from the advancing figure. Steve, holding his ribs where he’d hit the frame, stepped in between the two breaking the man’s eye contact. There was a pause, and the very air itself seemed to crackle, then the man smiled slightly and gestured to either side.

With a clatter of chains the two chained women were freed from their bonds, both moving hesitantly at first then with more confidence as they made their way to flank the man. He tilted his head forward and the women started to advance towards the two humans. On a hunch Steve took a couple of steps to his right, and both women turned to follow him. Reaching out with his mind Steve tried to trigger the escape sequence to end the scenario, but it simply wasn’t there, as if someone had erased it. Fiona and Steve retreated towards the wall as the women stalked them, the man following close behind.

“I think we may have a problem here.” Steve said, racking his brain to think of a way out of the predicament they found themselves in.

“No, really, I wouldn’t have guessed.” Fiona replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “How about hitting the exit button and getting us the hell out of here?”

“Great idea, unfortunately the exit button seems to be out of order.”

“You want to try that again?” Fiona demanded, an edge of panic creeping into her voice.

“I’m trying to get us out of here, but whatever that thing is,” Steve indicated the man who was watching the pair of them with interest “it seems to be able to influence my link to the system, I can’t get at any of the interfaces.”

“So we’re trapped?”
“Not quite, see that light over there?” Steve pointed in the direction of the only electric light in the room, a small, round cover over a dim bulb positioned on the far wall about six foot off the ground. “That’s a hard wired exit point, I always put them in everything I write just in case of any problems. All we’ve got to do is punch that and we’re out of here.”

“Wonderful, any idea how we’re going to reach it?”

“Well, as these two seem to be locked on to me, I’ll go left and try and pull them off, you go right and hit that light.”

“Sounds like a plan, when do we split?”

“How about right now?” Steve said, darting off to his left and seeing the blur of motion from the corner of his eye that indicated the two women were chasing him. He heard Fiona scramble right, heading round the wall towards the exit button, but he didn’t have much time to worry about her now, he had problems of his own. The pounding of feet seemed to be getting closer alarmingly quickly and he turned on his heel to face his attackers, only to be rewarded with a stiff kick to his already injured ribs, followed by another to his chest which knocked him down to a hard landing on the floor.

Fiona heard the thud of a body hitting the ground but didn’t have time to look back. Her target was only a few feet away, just a second or two more and they’d be out of this nightmare. She reached out with her right hand, stretching for the light. Suddenly a force grabbed her and yanked her back, flipping her in midair so she landed face down on the stone floor, the impact driving the air from her lungs as she could do nothing but lay still for a moment. As her strength returned she forced herself back upright, expecting to have to fight for her life any moment. But the man was just standing in front of her, maybe five feet away between her and the light, watching her intently. For a timeless instant she felt their eyes lock and she fell, drawn into their depths like a moth to a flame. She lost all sense of her body, her personality, her soul as the world faded around her.

Then everything rushed back as a new sensation raced through her body. She looked down in horror and saw her clothes move, seemingly of their own volition. They undulated over her body like a tide, as the smooth, soft cotton shifted into something rough and course, like a thousand miniature paintbrushes had been sewn into the lining. There was no warning and the ticklish sensations overwhelmed her, laughter pouring uncontrollably from her mouth as she sank to her knees, eyes wide with shock at what was happening.

Steve shock his head to try and clear the ringing in his ears and looked up just in time to see and hear Fiona fall, her laughter ripping through the room like a buzz saw. He tried to move forward, scrambling towards her on his hands and knees, only to be met by a boot to the jaw that had him seeing stars. Slumping to the left he rolled over to his back, flexed his legs and kicked up, using the momentum to flip his body back to a vertical base, the landing a little more wobbly than he would have preferred. Taking a quick breath he turned smoothly, right foot extended, arms in a guard position towards his attackers. A part of his mind was still struggling to deal with the reality of seeing two Fiona’s in front of him, one calm, poised and trying to beat him seemingly to death, the other on her knees in ticklish agony. But he’d spent far too long in VR to be thrown by something like that for long, and he forced the confusion away, concentrating on what had to be done.

Nicole made the first move, coming at him fast and low, legs snaking out to trip him over, hands and arms looking to strike at his knees. Resisting the temptation to perform the obvious counter and jump out of the way, he moved towards her, throwing in a step to his left after she was committed to the move, locking her right arm off and twisting round. He didn’t have the leverage or the time to do any real damage, but it was enough to pull the muscle and ensure that she wouldn’t have a full range of motion in that arm for a while.

From his right Fiona dove in, fast and hard at waist height to tackle him to the ground. Off balance he shifted awkwardly, just enough to avoid the body check, and tripped her trailing leg with his right, sending her sprawling. Spinning round he ducked a high kick at his head from Nicole with his right arm, grabbing her foot and forcing her leg up and away, tipping her off balance to the floor. Turning quickly to face Fiona he was surprised to find her a full six foot away by the wall, and he barely had time to recognise the silver line she was spinning from her right hand as the end of a chain before she threw it with perfect accuracy at his head. The chain hit him across the chin and he spun to his knees, blood pouring from the cut the chain had left on his face.

The real Fiona in the meantime was in trouble. The assault on her body was relentless, every time she curled and twisted to move one spot away from the attack, the fabric covering her body would simply target whatever spot was revealed by the motion and resume it’s tickling with ever greater ferocity. In desperation she tried to tear the fabric away from her body, forcing her hands to grip the collar of the shirt and pull, but it was hopeless. The laughter being forced from her had already weakened her, and whatever transformation had been performed on her clothes had seemingly increased it’s strength and durability a hundredfold.

She reached down for the hem of the shirt; if she couldn’t break it maybe she could pull it off. To her horror she found the hem had vanished, the shirt melding somehow with the trousers and everything seemed to have shrunk slightly from their previous loose, flowing shapes to an almost form fitting second skin. As she watched through tear filled eyes, she saw the waves in the cloth increase in speed as they seemed to change pattern, moving from the upwards motion of the previous minutes to a spiral design centred on her stomach and hips. As the waves travelled over her body they would hit a devastating pattern of her most ticklish areas, never lingering long enough to allow her to adapt, never regular enough to predict and always with a slightly less sensitive area in between to allow her body to start relaxing before the next onslaught.

She lay on the ground, curled up helplessly, not even registering she was at the feet of the mystery man until a particularly violent laughing spasm shock her body and she rolled into his foot. Forcing her eyes open she saw him looking down at her, and the expression of casual interest on his face sparked something deep inside her, a rage the likes of which she’d never known. As her body convulsed with a fresh wave of ticklish hysteria her mind stayed in control, forcing the body to use the motion to move a few inches towards the wall, towards the light. Inch by ticklish inch she moved forwards, getting ever closer to her target, her mind refusing to succumb to the torments being loosed on her body. She felt her right hand meet the stone of the wall and slowly turned, forcing herself to get her feet down flat on the floor, until she was in a crouched position directly under the light. She tensed for one last effort, and was almost driven into insanity as what felt like every thread, every stitch of her clothing started to tickle her at once. Her knees buckled and she collapsed against the wall, the light so close she could almost touch it, but without the ability to stand it might as well have been on Mars.

Steve made it to his hands and knees before a boot caught him in the ribs, the crack that echoed through the room proof enough that at least one bone was broken by the impact. A scream was ripped from him and he collapsed to the ground, hand wrapped protectively around his ribcage, only to roll away as the heavy chain was brought down hard across his back, shredding his shirt and leaving a long line of red behind it. Another kick, this one directed at his thigh, thudded home, but there was no snap of bone this time and he rolled with it to the wall. Reaching up he grabbed a manacle that was securely attached to the ceiling and, ignoring the pain in his ribs as best he could, pulled himself upright.

Fiona, or at least this VR version of her, was facing him, an evil smile on her face as she spun the chain around her head before letting it fly at his face. At the last moment Steve brought his hand up and ducked down, the metal hitting the wall harmlessly as his fingers locked around the chain itself. One quick tug brought Fiona within range, her right hand still holding the chain, the arm extended in front of her as Steve spun, aiming a fast, powerful spin kick at the nerve centre just below her armpit. There was a thud as he made contact and she crumpled, half her body temporarily paralysed from the blow. Before either of the women could react Steve had brought the manacle down and clapped it around her unresisting wrist before ducking and rolling out of the way of Nicole’s side kick that would have damn near collapsed his chest cavity if it had connected.

Glancing over he saw Fiona, the real one that is, collapse underneath the light, driven to her knees by the forces playing with her body. In that instant Steve formed a plan born of desperation, knowing that if it didn’t work they were pretty much out of options. Forcing himself to ignore the various cuts and bones wracking his body with pain, he moved as smoothly as he could out into the centre of the room, keeping his back to the man and his victim, relying on the laughter to give him an accurate position for the two of them. Nicole moved forward, her hands and feet flying as Steve concentrated on parrying the blows, wincing slightly as his forearms groaned under the impact, holding his ground and trying to frustrate his attacker, relying on one simple fact: that the personality he’d created for this women was still their and was still calling the shots.

Finally he saw Nicole take a half-step back and he braced himself for what he knew was coming. She darted forward, right hand swinging forward, aimed perfectly for his throat. With timing born of countless hours of practice Steve brought his hand up and caught her wrist, not stopping the blow but moving the momentum, pulling her forward and off balance as he started to fall backwards, bringing his feet up as he did so, planting both soles against her stomach and putting everything he had left in his body into this one effort. As he rolled back he passed all his momentum and energy into Nicole’s body, throwing her at some speed towards the stranger. His attention was occupied with the writhing woman in front of him, and he never saw it coming.

There was a dull thud as the two made contact, followed by the distinctive splat of flesh hitting stone. For an instant the tickling forces being directed against Fiona ceased and an instant was all she needed. Almost exploding from her position against the wall she shot upwards, hand reaching out and covering the light as she rammed her fist against it. There was a pause, then the dungeon simply vanished, leaving the two of them lying on the floor in Steve’s bedroom, their bodies soaked in sweat as they gasped for air.

Quickly they peeled off the gloves, boots and goggles of the VR suits, disconnecting themselves from the computer and moving towards each other almost out of instinct. Their hands touched and they almost melted into each other’s arms, taking comfort from the contact as their bodies shook while their minds accepted what they had just experienced.

Slowly they started to return to normal, their bodies gradually slowing down and relaxing slightly as their senses assured them they were out of danger until they were simply lying on the ground, entwined around each other. Steve was first to react, apologising as he started to move away. Fiona reached across and placed a single finger on his lips, rolled over him, lent down and kissed him with a force that surprised both of them. Steve’s world dissolved, and all he knew was her, her warmth, passion, mind, body and soul.

The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains and fell diagonally across the bed, caressing Fiona’s sleeping form and ending just short of the bank of computer equipment that lined one wall. Slumped in a chair on the other side of the room, Steve watched Fiona sleep peacefully as he wondered what on earth he’d been thinking last night. This was one of the most desirable women he’d ever seen, someone who seemed to make everything else in the room dim whenever she walked in, someone he’d dreamt of holding in his arms from the first time he’d seen her. And yet…

His musings were interrupted by a familiar burbling sound from the driveway and he moved out into the hallway, pausing only to pull on a t-shirt as he headed for the front door. Listening carefully he waited until the footsteps reached his front door, added a second or so for his guest to reach up to knock and pulled the door open. Tim was left with one arm raised, tapping at empty air as Steve stepped back to let him in the flat. One look at his face was all Tim needed to know something was up.

“Morning, and by the way, you look like death.” Tim said, putting as much cheer as he could into his voice. “What happened, you two spend all night testing the lifetime warranty on your mattress or what?”

“Oh very funny, keep this up and I’ll start serving you decaf when you pull this I’m-a-morning-person-honest act.”

Tim raised his hands, a look of horror on his face. “No, please, anything but decaf, you win oh evil genius, I’ll behave. Umm, speaking of coffee I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a mug or twelve is there?”

Steve grinned as he felt the familiarity of routine relaxing his body and easing his mind. “Tell you what, I’ll brew up and fill you in on the gossip, then we can go over the seriously weird shit that happened when we’re a bit more awake.”

“Sounds like a plan, lead on McDuff.” Tim said, throwing in a theatrical sweep of his arm in the direction of the kitchen. As usual the coffee machine was already set up and Steve flicked the switch on as they walked past before swinging a leg over a stool at the breakfast bar. Tim followed him, grabbing a cereal bar as he went past an open cupboard, and pulled a stool out for himself, leaning against the wooden surface on his left elbow as he talked.

“So, what happened last night between you and your, ummm, ‘client’?” Tim asked, throwing in a set of finger quotes around client just to annoy his friend.

“Nothing. Well, in the end nothing anyway.” Steve said, replaying the scene in his mind.

“Okay, that made about as much sense as a politician on speed, want to try that again?”

“I’ll give you the details in a bit, but something went seriously wrong with that recording. We had some, let’s say, difficulties getting out of the sim, and when we did the psychological shock was pretty heavy.”

“With you so far.”

“Well, we were lying on the floor and she rolled over and kissed me. One thing lead to another and we ended up in bed.”

“I see no problem here. In fact the first response that springs to mind is ‘you jammy bastard’. So why the long face?”

“This is going to sound stupid, but I think I had a sudden attack of conscience, like I realised she wasn’t doing it because she wanted me, not really anyway. That it was more a physical reaction to what she’d been through and, oh how to put this… I don’t want to take advantage of her like that, no matter how good it may have been.”

“You’re right, that does sound stupid. On the other hand, it also sounds like the sort of moral sensibility I’ve come to expect and, on occasion, despair of from you. She handle it okay?”

“Yeah, surprisingly, I think she understood. Didn’t kick my ass at least, so that’s got to be a good sign, right?”

“I’d think so, yes. Hmm, maybe the two of you really are suited to each other after all if you both let your morals get in the way of a night of passion.” Tim said, grinning as he turned and headed for the coffee machine. “Now tell me the bad part, what happened in the sim?”

As Steve started to tell Tim the tale of the previous night’s VR experience, the smell of fresh coffee started to spread through the flat, quickly reaching the bedroom. Fiona twitched as she inhaled the aroma and gradually opened her eyes, looking around the room that, in the golden glow of dawn, looked almost homely. She lay still for a while, reflecting on Steve’s reactions the previous night, the visible struggle as he’d overruled his physical desire and given her the sweetest rejection she’d ever experienced. A frown crossed her face as she realised she’d actually been slightly relieved at that, and wondered if, despite the disappointment she’d felt and hidden at the time, it hadn’t been the right call after all.

She heard the low murmur of voices coming from the kitchen and fought a loosing battle between a desire to stay wrapped in the warm bed sheets and finding the source of the aroma that kept tantalising her senses. Reluctantly she swung her legs out of bed and stood, stretching her hands high above her, twisting her waist to work out any kinks sleeping in a strange bed might have brought on. She dressed quickly, pulling her jeans on and sliding her t-shirt over her head, and had a hand on the door handle when she paused, a truly wicked grin sliding over her face as an idea bloomed in her mind.
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“…so I managed to throw one of them into the guy and it seemed to distract him long enough for Fiona to hit the light and get us the hell out of there.” Steve said as he finished the ten-minute version of the night’s adventures. “I’ve don’t know how it happened, the only idea I can come up with seems ridiculous, but…” he trailed off as he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and turned to face the door, the greeting dying on his lips as Fiona stepped into view.

She was wearing one of his old Metallica t-shirts, faded black cotton with enough rips in the material to show it had been in more than one mosh pit. The hem fell to what could be generously called mid-thigh, and aside from her smile she wore nothing else. Her hair fell freely over her shoulders, framing a face that practically shone as she turned every once of charm and sexuality she had in his direction. “Good morning, I hope you don’t mind me borrowing this, I just fancied something a little looser for a while than jeans and t-shirt.” She said as she practically glided over the kitchen floor towards the two men, both of whom were trying their best not to stare, with little success.

“Umm, no, no that’s fine, though I’m sure there’s something a little newer and cleaner in there if you’d rather.” Steve stammered.

“That’s okay, I don’t mind dirty.” She said, virtually purring the last word as she slid past him and down onto the end stool, her legs crossed daintily as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Tim was trying not to laugh as he saw Steve’s eyes almost cross from the effort not to react too obviously to the heavenly creature breathing in his ear. “So, you guys talking about last night?” Fiona asked, running her hands slowly up Steve’s back, teasing him with the thought of what he’d missed out on.

“Umm, yeah, Steve was just telling me about that sim you guys ran, sounded nasty.” Tim said, noticing that whatever was being done to his friend it seemed to have removed his ability to speak.

“Oh, well, if we’re going to talk business, I suppose I’d better look the part.” Fiona sighed, running her fingers through the short hair at the back of Steve’s neck and on down his spine. “I hope he didn’t mention all the details?”

“Perfect gentleman.”

Fiona grinned, placed her feet flat on the ground and swung around Steve to sit on his lap, bringing her left leg up and over to straddle him for an instant. “What more could a woman ask for?” she said, leaning in and kissing him softly, tenderly for a second, before pulling away and heading back to the bedroom. “I’ll be right back guys.”

For a moment both the men stared at each other, still reeling from the cluster bomb of sensuality that had just walked out the room until Tim raised his cup in salute. “You know, maybe there’s something to this moral thing after all.”

Thirty minutes later they were all gathered in the living room, a pile of papers scattered over the coffee table as the discussed their next steps.

“Well, while I didn’t have as much fun as you guys did last night, I did come up with some useful stuff.” Tim said, reaching for the coffee pot that was now sitting on the sideboard. “Had a look through that data Nick got you, seems there’s one guy who’s been buying up a lot of that kit in the last few weeks, heavy duty too, like something major was going to go down, but as we’ve heard of no big computer crime recently I’d say it was worth checking out.”

“Wait, how did you get that stuff?” Fiona asked. “Steve never had time to give you a copy before we had to get out of that place.”

Tim opened his mouth to reply, but Steve cut across him. “It fell out of my pocket as we went through the window, Tim grabbed it and we had more important things to do than swap it back.”

Tim stared for a second at him, and then shook his head. “One of these days, I’m gonna manage to get something by you. As it happens it seems to have worked out for the best. Now there’s no indication of who the guy is, but I had a word with some of my contacts and they’re going to do a little digging for me. I’m meeting them tonight over in docklands for the transfer.”

“How much?” Steve asked.

“Two five, more than I’d like, but hey, if it gets the job done I ain’t complaining, figure the day it’ll save us is worth that much.”

”Yeah, you’re probably right on that, besides we’ve got a bigger problem.” Steve replied. “I’ve been thinking about last night and I’ve only got one explanation as to how it could have happened. Only problem is, it’s impossible.”

“Okay, I’ve heard worse. Run it past us and we’ll see if we can spot a problem.” Tim said, sitting back in his chair.

“Right, a couple of assumptions first though. One, whatever this thing was, it isn’t a fire and forget program. Can’t be if it can override the settings of a simulation like that, it would need at the very least someone guiding it in the real world to pull something like that.”

“Two, it can’t be an AI, least not in the normal sense of the word. That program was just like any normal program when we started running the sim, it only changed part-way through and you simply can’t hide an AI like that.”

Tim nodded “Seems fine so far, carry on.”

“Well, the only way I can think of for whatever that was to do what we saw, is if it came in some other way, and the only connection to that machine was the power line.”

Tim stared in disbelief for a moment. “Have you gone completely insane? You’re trying to tell me you think someone hacked your system by sending data, a lot of data at that, over the power line, into your computer than somehow went from the power supply to your simulation?”

“I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but the theory’s sound when you think about it. We’ve had data transmissions over power lines for, what fifteen years now? And if you can send data into a power supply, why not on to the processor, and from there modify the logic gates directly?”

“Look, there’s no way you can transmit enough data to modify a sim on the fly in real time using a hack like that. Just to be able to reach the processor and change one logic gate would be a miracle of biblical proportions, and not even the almighty herself could pull off what you’re describing. It’s nuts, plain and simple!”

“Less nuts than everything else that’s happened in the last few days?” Steve asked, and Tim fell silent as he thought that one through.

“Hmmm, as much as I don’t want to admit it, you may have a point there. Okay, so let’s assume for a moment that you haven’t taken leave of your senses, what exactly do you think we can do about this?”

Steve grinned, knowing he’d won the war, even if there were still a few battles left to fight. “First, we’re going to need to see if I’ve completely lost the plot or not, which means we need to see the electricity graphs for last night.”

“Umm, this might be a stupid question.” Fiona interjected, “but I thought the government had cracked down on that sort of data, something about it being a possible terrorist target?”

Steve and Tim shared a look, but it was Tim that answered. “Yeah, though it’s got nothing to do with terrorists. Group of crackers managed to figure out where and when a big covert information network was working just by tracking the power flow over the city. Turns out they were gathering a lot of info the government was definitely not allowed to collect, at least not legally. Ever since then they’ve been a bit twitchy about what a few bored kids and a laptop can do.” Tim turned slightly to face Steve. “You know the only way we’re going to get that sort of data is to go to the source, right?” Steve simply nodded in reply.

“Okay, so let me get this straight. You want to break into a government facility, grab a load of data and somehow get out again, all to prove something that is basically impossible? That’s what you’re saying?”

“Yep, more or less.”

“Fine, when do we leave?”


“Yes, we. You don’t think I’m going to let you do this one on your own do you? Besides, I’m faster at splicing than you are, and you’re going to need every second you can get if this is going to work.”

“Thanks, I didn’t want to ask, but I’ll admit I feel a hell of a lot better about this with you watching my back.” Steve replied, realising as he said it just how few people he’d apply that particular sentiment to.

“I hate to break up this heart touching scene of male bonding,” Fiona said, “but if you’re planning on doing this tonight, haven’t you forgotten something?” The two men looked at each other for a moment before the penny dropped.

“Oh hell,” Tim said “I’m supposed to be meeting those guys tonight. How bad do we need that data?”

“Bad.” Steve answered after a moment’s thought. “Even if I’m right, that’s no guarantee they used the same entry method the first time. We need that name.”

“Then I’ll go.” Fiona said, leaning forward as she did so, a newly discovered determination burning in her eyes. “I want this over with just as badly as you two want it stopped, and while I’m not well practiced in breaking and entering, this is something I can do.”

Tim sent a shrug at Steve and sat back in the chair, leaving the decision in his hands. He thought about it for a moment, trying to work out what was going to be the safest option, the realised he really didn’t have much of a choice. “You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked, getting an answering nod from Fiona almost before he’d finished the question.

“Okay, but on one condition. No heroics. Anything looks bad, or you even think something doesn’t seem right, you get the hell out of there, you hear me?”

“I’ll be careful.” She said.

“Which just leaves me with one question.” Tim said, as he finished the last of his coffee in one quick gulp. “How the hell are we going to get inside that place without making enough noise to wake up half of London?”

“Funny you should mention that…” Steve said, turning his gaze towards Fiona.

The city was cloaked in darkness as the black coupe moved slowly down the street towards the power sub-station, it’s engine barely hovering above a tick-over as it’s driver looked around as if trying to spot some familiar landmark. It turned slightly and nosed its way towards the high wire fence and the single gate that broke the steel barrier. The guard looked up, annoyed at this interruption, reluctantly marking his page before placing the book down and heading out to speak to the obviously lost driver. He made it half way before the door opened and his heart almost stopped beating.

A pair of long, sleek legs reached out to the floor, and the driver swung herself up and into view. A blood red leather jacket hung from her shoulders, covering a skin-tight black t-shirt. Those perfect legs were encased in leather trousers the same deep red as the jacket, a pair of black knee-high boots completing an outfit calculated to have the same effect on the male libido as an iron bar to the head. A mass of blonde hair fell down the woman’s back and right shoulder, framing a face that wore only lipstick that matched the jacket and dark purple eye shadow.

“Excuse me.” The woman said, in a voice that could have made ordering a McDonalds sound like an invitation to come to bed. “I seem to be a little lost. I’m trying to get to Camden, could you point me in the right direction?”

“Su..sure.” the guard stammered, trying hard to present a professional appearance. As he got closer to her he caught a hint of her perfume, a scent designed to bypass all conscious thought and appeal to all the primal desires and urges of the psyche and the effect was immediate as he focused his full attention on this radiant beauty in front of him. “You’re not that far off, just head on down this road, and hang a left and you should see it marked from there.”

As he spoke, the woman moved slightly away from the car, leaning out to look where he was pointing and he noticed the riding crop strapped to her left leg. She glanced back to notice him staring and smiled. “Thanks, it’s been a while since I was this far north of the river, but when the money’s right…” she trailed off, leaving him in no doubt she was here for a very specialist sort of house call to some lucky stiff, probably one of those big shot bankers from the city he thought. Behind him there was a faint clink as of metal touching metal, but right then there could have been a full-scale war breaking out all over London and he wouldn’t have noticed.

“Thanks again for the help.” She said, leaning forward and giving him a quick kiss, leaving a spicy taste on his lips as she ducked back into the car. The door glided shut and the car smoothly reversed from the gate and headed off in the direction the guard had indicated, leaving him to walk back to his post wondering if she’d been close enough to be captured on the video camera so he could prove she’d been real when he told this tale to the day shift the next day. As he walked he failed to notice a pair of dark shadows slipping around the corner of the three-floor brick building towards the riverbank.

“I can’t believe that worked.” Tim whispered, his concentration locked on the small black box he had mounted to the keypad beside the fire door.

“Just because it’s a cliché doesn’t mean it won’t work under the right circumstances.” Steve replied in the same low voice from his crouched position, right hand wrapped around a tazer gun as he kept an eye on the walkway around the edge of the building. There was a faint click from beside him, and Tim ripped the box from the keypad, slipping inside the door, holding it open just long enough for Steve to follow.

Both men were dressed in grey camouflage coveralls, a crosshatch pattern of lighter and darker shades designed to blend in with the background in urban settings. They each wore black masks, simple cotton balaclavas that did an adequate job of disguising their identities, though the visible areas beneath the mask had been altered with the aid of some common items of make-up and contact lenses to prevent any pattern matching if anyone tried to find a match later on.

“I must admit though, I damn near had a heart attack when I saw her in the outfit.” Tim said, checking his hand drawn map as they moved slowly up the stairs to the first floor.

“Hey, let’s be honest here, she could make a potato sack look sexy.” Steve replied, turning right to check the corridor beyond the door through the small glass panel before opening it and moving deeper into the building. “Now let’s keep our mind’s on the job, okay? I have no intention of screwing this one up.”

“Fair enough. Three doors down on the right.”

They entered a long, low room, two rows of benches splitting it into thirds; the glow of computer lights illuminating the darkness. There were no windows here in what was, supposedly anyway, a secure area, only the door they’d come in by and another set of double doors at the far end of the room. Tim turned right towards the long row of computers, reaching into his pack for what looked like an oversized calculator.

“How long?” Steve asked, heading for the main doors and pulling his own toys from a pouch on his thigh.

“Figure about thirty seconds to do the patch, ten to fool the system into thinking this is a licensed terminal, another ten to run the search, maybe two minutes to get the data and, say twenty seconds fudge factor.”

“Three ten? I’m impressed, I’d have thought more like four minutes.”

“Yeah, well, some of us have it, some don’t. Ready?”

Steve finished his work at the doors and started to head back down the room. “Do it.”

About five miles to the southeast Fiona pulled the car into a side street and reversed it into an alley, nose facing outwards just in case she needed to make a quick exit. Sliding out of the driver’s seat she shut the door and armed the alarm before slipping the key into her jacket pocket. She took a quick look around and crossed to what looked like one of a hundred abandoned buildings in this part of London, except this one wasn’t quite as abandoned as it seemed. The wooden planks across the door had been added carefully to give the impression they were there to prevent anyone entering when in fact they were hinged in the same places as the door beneath. It swung open at her touch and Fiona stepped inside and up the narrow staircase.

The first floor of the building was almost empty, windows covered in grime with only the barest dusting of light filtering through from the world outside. At the far end was a table, behind it three figures sat waiting in chairs. She walked the length of the room, and for a moment she felt like she was being summoned before some mysterious ruling council, a notion she dismissed with a wry grin as she reached the table.

Each chair was high backed and curved, coating the occupiers in shadow and allowing only the barest hint of their outline to be seen. Fiona waited patiently, remembering the instructions Tim had given her: wait for them to speak first, be polite and don’t make any sudden moves if at all possible. A hand reached out from the centre chair to a small button set into the table and pressed it, turning on a set of dim lights, casting a dull amber glow over the scene in front of her as she recoiled in horror.

The left and right chairs were occupied, but the people in them were clearly dead, their wrists and ankles tied to the arms of the chairs and a wide red gash across their throat, eyes locked open as they stared into the abyss. The blood was still fresh, pooled around the base of the chairs and running slowly behind them along the concrete floor. As she recovered from the initial shock Fiona realised she knew the man in the centre chair, it was the man Steve had spoken to the night before at the market, Nick. Except he seemed a lot more threatening tonight, mainly due to the pistol he was holding that was pointed straight at her heart.
“Well, I must admit you weren’t quite what I was expecting” Nick said, rising from the chair and moving around the table towards her, his aim never wavering. “Why did he send you I wonder, too much of a coward to come himself?”

Fiona stayed silent, mind racing as she looked for a way out, letting Nick talk in the hope of finding something she could use against him.

“Or did he have something better to do I wonder? Hmm, no matter, this might actually be more satisfying than killing him anyway.” Nick’s left hand shot out and landed a punch hard in her stomach, driving the air from her lungs as she fell to her knees on the floor. “After all, why go straight to the big finish, when I can rip his world apart first?” Fiona felt a cold chill run through her as the metal barrel of the gun was pressed against the back of her head.

”See lass, I’ve never known him to take on a case as, shall we say, enthusiastically as yours. You must really have done a number on him to get that sort of devotion so close to the surface. Still, I can see why he’d lose a certain perspective when dealing with you.” Nick chuckled, a sound without any humour behind it, as he circled her body, the gun never more than a foot from her head as he walked. “You really are a stunner aren’t you? And I’ll bet you know just how to use it too.” He stopped circling in front of her, and she raised her head, locking her gaze on his, radiating defiance. “Hell, I’ve got some time to kill, let’s find out.” Nick grinned, sliding the safety catch onto the gun, slipping it into a holster strapped to his forearm before reaching out and grabbing a handful of hair.

With one swift motion he yanked her to her feet, grabbed her arm and sent her sprawling face first onto the table. He jumped up behind her and dropped a knee onto the small of her back, forcing a scream of pain from her lips as he held her immobile against the wooden surface. With a grunt he slid both arms underneath her body and flipped her over, his hands roaming over her upper body as she struggled to find a weakness she could exploit.

“Tell you what” Nick said, contempt dripping from every word “you give me everything you’ve got, make me believe you want this, and I’ll end it quickly, cleanly. If not, well…” he shrugged and gestured off the ceiling above and behind him “…you could always end up like him.”

Fiona stared, horrified at what she saw. She’d thought that what she’d seen earlier was a bad way to die, now she realised there were far worse ways to go. There must have originally been three people for this meeting, and the third was suspended from a beam on the ceiling by his wrists. A long cut went from his neck to his crotch, and a long string of what had once been his internal organs hung from his body to a small heap on the floor, the contents of which she never wanted to discover. Fiona felt the bile rise in her throat, only for it to be replaced almost immediately by something else as her anger at the events of the last few days seemed to coalesce into this one moment, into a burning fire of rage and power.

She twisted savagely to the right, and for a brief moment Nick was off balance, leaving her right leg free. With a force she never knew she possessed she brought her knee up hard into Nick’s groin, felt something give under the impact as he rolled off her, a high-pitched scream rewarding her efforts as she leapt from the table. Nick rose from the ground with some difficulty, one hand covering his injury, the other pointed at her, and holding the pistol.

Without thinking Fiona took two quick steps to her right and dove behind the chairs as the sharp retort of the gun echoed in the abandoned building. She heard the thud as bullets slammed into the chairs and their deceased occupants, accompanied by the shattering of glass as some of the shots went high and broke the windows behind her. Then silence, broken only by the thud of a pistol being thrown to the ground in frustration as Nick finally managed to straighten up fully, his hands held at loose at his sides as he waited for her to reappear.

Any fear she felt was almost immediately blasted away by a rush of energy as Fiona realised she’d just survived a gun battle armed with nothing more than her own body and wits. Rising from behind the chair she walked forward to a point six foot from Nick and, with a grace and dignity that she would have sworn was beyond her just a few short days ago, she slid into a perfect ready position, balanced on the balls of her feet as she waited.

She didn’t need to wait long as Nick lunged towards her, revenge clearly on his mind. There was no real skill in his attack, just the desire to inflict pain and she saw his right hand flying towards her from so far away it might as well have been moving in slow motion as she ducked gracefully under the punch before firing a quick snap kick to his kidneys as he passed her. There was a grunt of pain as they turned to face each other, and this time it wasn’t coming from her. Her spirits soared as she realised that, unlike Tim and Steve, this man wasn’t a trained fighter, and that meant she had a chance.

This time she pressed the attack herself, moving forwards towards Nick and faking a repeat of her kick towards his right side. As soon as she saw him shift to try and block her blow, she darted to his left, her hand catching him a stinging blow on the cheek and jaw. She spun on her heel and, as he turned to face her, launched a high kick at the exposed right side of his face, the boot catching him square on the nose with a crack that seemed to echo off the walls.

Nick raised a hand to his face and felt blood trickling from his now broken nose and stepped forward with murderous intent. Spreading his arms wide he charged in low and tackled her to the ground. His hands reached for her neck, only to be pushed away as she delivered a stiff-handed thrust to the hollow of his throat, causing him to gag and gasp for breath. Taking advantage of his distraction, Fiona rolled away, planting one hand on the ground as a pivot and swept her legs around, both feet hitting hard in his rib cage. A howl was wrenched from Nick’s body as he felt two of his ribs crumple under the assault and he doubled over for a moment in pain before slowly staggering back to his feet.

Fiona was waiting for him, the empty pistol held in her hand like a cosh, as she swung hard at his head. At the last moment Nick managed to bring a hand up, blocking the shot and locking his hand around her wrist, squeezing her bones as hard as he could. He didn’t quite have the leverage to break anything, but the pain was great enough for her hand to open by reflex, and the pistol dropped towards the ground. Nick grabbed it before it could make it that far and brought it up hard, the butt hitting her in the stomach and knocking her down to her hands and knees, gasping for air.

A second later Nick buried a boot into her side, her gasp of pain muffled by the floor as she rolled away from the blow. Suddenly she found herself slipping in something warm, and she looked down at the floor, only to realise she was kneeling in the oozing river of blood coming from the victims in the chairs. Out of the corner of her eye she saw another blow aimed at her side and she managed to avoid it, rolling away and regaining her feet, hunched over slightly as she held her left arm over her injured side, her eyes locked on Nick.

He too was struggling to stand, blood running from both his nose and mouth, favouring his left side as he stared at her. The moment seemed to stretch for an eternity, then with a roar nick charged her, once again coming in low to tackle her. This time though she was ready for it, as he reached her she leapt forward, over his back, catching him on the back of the head with a boot as she went. The extra momentum shoved him off balance and his shoes squeaked as they tried to find traction on the blood-soaked concrete. Fiona landed hard on her stomach and before she could turn around she heard a short, terrified shriek from behind her. Spinning quickly she saw only an empty room, two trails of footprints visible in the blood trail, which ended at one of the shattered windows.

Moving slowly, cautiously she walked to the closest intact window and looked down. There, twenty feet below was Nick’s crumpled body, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle, a dark pool slowly forming underneath him as his lifeblood emptied onto the cold, uncaring street. Fiona stared for a moment, trying to come to grips with what she’d done before the undeniable truth hit home. She’d had no choice, he’d intended to kill her, and she’d defended herself as best she could.

Quickly she headed down the stairs and back to the car, pausing only to use her jacket to wipe the worst of the blood off her clothes before sliding into the passenger seat. She drove out onto the main road and pointed the car back towards the power sub-station, hoping that Steve and Tim had had better luck than her tonight.

“That’s it, let’s go!” Tim called, grabbing the data pack from the desk and stuffing it back into his pack as they headed for the back door to the lab. “Oh, and for the record, three minutes dead. Damn I’m good.” They’d barely gone five steps when there was a pounding of footsteps from the front corridor and six heavily armed troopers burst through the double doors, red dot sights pointed straight the backs of their heads.

Don’t move! Turn around, slowly, hands up where we can see them!“ the squad leader yelled. Steve and Tim shared a look as they started to turn, with Steve’s eyes flicking downwards and left for the briefest of moments. As he brought his hands up past his thighs Steve brushed his palm against a small, circular disc hanging from his belt, resting his fingertip in the centre of the disc for just a moment before continuing to raise his hands until they were above his head as they faced the troops.

“Stay still and you won’t be hurt.” Came the command as the squad leader raised an arm to wave his troops forward. The arm made it to shoulder height before the doors and half the wall behind them exploded inwards, the shockwave throwing all six troops to the ground and temporarily disorientating them as the small, shaped explosives Steve had placed all went off in perfect unison. As the troops staggered back to their feet, some holding their heads, others looking around groggily for their weapons the two intruders raced through the back door towards the stairwell.

“So it’s the back way out of here then?” Tim yelled just before they burst through the door to the stairs and looked down, only to see another six troopers making their way up the stairs towards them, red dot sights panning through the darkness as they moved.

“Keep those ideas coming!” Steve replied before heading on up the stairs towards the roof. They crashed through the access door at the top of the stairs and headed towards the fire escape bolted to the side of the building. It went from the roof to the front of the building and just as they reached it they saw a police car pull into the drive and disgorge four officers, sidearms drawn.

“Ever get the feeling this is not going to be our night?” Tim asked, as they headed back the way they’d come towards the far side of the building.

“No, why do you ask?” Steve said, ripping the tazer out of it pouch and hurling it into a dark corner of the roof. “Out of curiosity, how good are you at flying?”

“Oh great, provided the direction of flight is downwards I’ve got it nailed.”

“That may come in handy in about three seconds from now.”


“Because down’s where we’re headed!” Steve yelled as they jumped into space. The fall seemed to go on forever before they hit the ice-cold water of the Thames, barely clearing the shore on the way down. As the water closed over them they started to swim, heading out into the middle of the river before turning and heading downstream towards the nearest bridge, the current helping them move quickly enough to dodge the searchlights that hit the water behind them.

Gasping for breath they hauled themselves out of the water and onto the stone steps leading up to the street. Unable to take the time to pause and regroup they pounded up the stairs two at a time, turning left on the bridge and running north, heading for the rats nest of alleys and side streets a few hundred yards distant. They managed to make it about halfway when the police car they’d seen from the roof raced onto the street behind them, all four wheels screaming as it skidded sideways in pursuit.

Moving as one they dashed into the nearest road, then ducked down an alley far too small for the police car to drive down. They heard the screech of brakes and the slam of car doors as the officers jumped from the car and started to chase after them. They dodged right, left then right again, emerging onto a wider road, just as a familiar black coupe slid round the corner, the nose dipping almost to the tarmac as the driver stood on the brakes. Tim leapt through the open door into the back seat, pulling the front seat down as he did so to allow Steve to follow him in. As soon as his feet were off the ground Steve yelled: “Go!” and in the half second it took for Fiona to react he was inside the car.

She slammed her foot hard on the accelerator and the car seemed to squat down and rocket up the road like a bullet from a gun. Her entire concentration was on the road ahead as she piloted them at reckless speed through streets that were barely wide enough for the car to squeeze down, the sound of sirens echoing around them as they went.

“Good timing lass.” Steve said as he tried to catch his breath.

“Thanks, though it’s really not that hard when you can listen in to the police band, that’s an amazing piece of kit by the way.” She said, indicating the stereo, which was still broadcasting the police transmissions.

Suddenly a police car burst out of a side street and slithered into place a few feet from their back bumper. Steve reached forward and hit a button on the dash, triggering the car’s ECM package that had worked so effectively the previous night. “At least they can’t tell anyone where we are.” He said, “Now if we can loose this lot we should be in the clear. Any bright ideas?”

“How about that?” Fiona said, pointing up the road. In the distance, but approaching rapidly, a car transporter sat unattended, it’s top ramp on the ground as the driver finished up the paperwork with the owner of the showroom.

“Looks good to me, you know what you’re doing?”

“Let’s find out.” She said, easing back on the throttle and letting the police car close to a distance that was practically touching, all the while gently easing the car slightly to the left so that the passenger side was heading straight for the back of the parked transporter. Tim looked out the front window and reached over his shoulder for his seatbelt, muttering something that Fiona couldn’t quite make out, but which sounded an awful lot like: “Our Farther, who art in heaven, we’ll be there in a minute.”

At the last second she hauled the wheel right, the car groaning under the demands being placed on it as the tyres and chassis tried to break the laws of physics. The left side of the car cleared the hard metal side of the transporter by a gap that would barely have accepted a credit card. The police car behind wasn’t so lucky. The driver needed an extra second or two to react and repeat the manoeuvre, and it was time he simply didn’t have. The right wheels stayed on the road, the left ran up the temporary ramp until, as the car passed a forty-five degree angle, the whole thing rolled and landed upside-down on its roof, the light bar smashed instantly, sparks flying from the metal as they flew, upside down along the street until their journey was ended abruptly by a row of parked car.

The sound of the crash seemed to echo inside the coupe as Fiona picked up speed in an effort to put them as far as possible from any eyewitnesses. Steve glanced behind them and, just before they shot around the nearest corner, saw the two officers in the car start to extract themselves from the wreckage. He turned back smiling at the nights work. They’d gotten what they wanted and hadn’t had to hurt anyone in the process. Well, not in any permanent way at least. And of course they were all in one piece, which was always a plus point. No, he decided, not a bad nights work at all.

Fiona took one final, tyre screeching turn onto a three-lane highway and backed the car down to a speed that wouldn’t attract the attention of any passing law enforcement officers before turning slightly to make sure Tim could hear her. “Umm, I think there’s something you should know.” She said, and proceeded to tell her tale. After she finished there was silence for well over a minute as everyone sat lost in their own thoughts.

“You know, it’s probably a good thing for Nick he’s not still in the land of the living.” Tim growled “it’s sure as hell a lot less painful than what I’d have done if I’d got my hands on him..”

Steve was looking at it from another angle though. “You sure you’re okay?” he asked, concern etched into his face.

“I, I think so.” She replied. “It’s kind of a shock, but yeah, I’m okay. Bottom line is if he’d backed off at any point he’d still be alive, and if it’s me or him I’m not going to feel guilty for choosing me.”

Steve didn’t look convinced, but let the matter drop for now; there was more urgent business to attend to. “So, where do we go from here?” he asked, mind racing as he tried to come up with a viable solution.
“Well, it’s going to take about a day to sort through all this and pick out anything that isn’t background noise from the power feeds.” Tim said, tapping the data pack still strapped securely in its pouch. “Fortunately we can let the computer do most of the dirty work, though if your theory’s right, which I still don’t believe it is by the way, I’d suggest we do this on something with it’s own power supply.”

“Way ahead of you, I’ve got a laptop charging at home from a gas-fired generator, it’s as isolated as I can make it so it should be secure. In the meantime, what say we go hunting?”

Tim stared at him for a moment. “Look, you know I’m your friend, right? And that I’ll always respect you and all that, but are you nuts? The last time you guys went into VR this, whatever it is, managed to cut you off from the interface and damn near beat the holly hell out of you to boot! What on earth makes you think it’s a good idea to go back in there?”

“Two things actually. Now that we know a little more about what we’re up against, we can go armed to match it. Take the code breakers in with us as objects rather than trying to access them through the interface. That should let us fight this thing, or at least give us a chance to hold it while we let the computer get a decent snapshot of it this time. And second, I think we can come up with an ace in the hole it wouldn’t be expecting, that is if you’re up for it lass.” He said, turning to face Fiona as he said the last.

It was an hour later and Fiona found herself back in VR and once again facing the frozen form of the mystery man. This time though Steve had pulled the character data from the original file and moved it across to what he’d called a honey pot program. “It’s simple, at least in concept.” He’d told her, as she was getting ready to enter the sim. “The program looks like a normal VR sim, hell even if you look at the code structure it seems like a normal program, in this case one set in an office building. Underneath though everything’s hardwired back into a sensor suite that records everything that happens in far greater detail that normally gets saved to the replays. You go in there, we record the interactions between you and it, and as we’re about it we might as well let you wail on it to get some issues out of your system. Oh, almost forgot, as we’ve isolated this thing from the original environment it shouldn’t be able to find you again.”

The last sentence had made good sense at the time, but now that she was face to face with this thing, the words rang a little hollow. She had to admit though, the world he’d created really was beautiful, a tall skyscraper with glass everywhere, each level connected by a central core of elevators surrounded by running water, every third level tired to form a natural balcony to view this modern wonder of construction and the glittering lights of the city beyond it.

Her body was clothed in the same leather outfit she’d been wearing all night, though Steve hadn’t replicated the bloodstains in the VR world when he’d created it. Her hands were encased in boxing gloves and she tentatively raised her right arm, pulling back and letting fly a clumsy right hook that crashed into the mans’ jaw and sent him staggering back a few paces. She tensed, ready to run, but nothing happened, the man simply returned to the straight ahead position and she realised that this might actually be fun, give her a chance to work out some issues as Steve had put it.

A couple of quick left jabs followed, and now she had a smile on her face as she started to relax into a rhythm. She’d done the occasional workout with the speed bag in her local gym when no one else was around, but had while that was always a satisfying exercise it had seemed to lack an intangible something. Well, it wasn’t intangible anymore, it was standing in front of her, rocking and rolling with every punch she threw at it, reacting more or less as a real person would, albeit without the blood or cuts a real body would be displaying by now. She threw a quick succession of body shots, alternating left and right hands before launching a massive right uppercut that damn near knocked his head off.

She stood in front of him, panting from her exertions, her arms and legs burning from the unfamiliar movements as she eyed her target. Grinning she took a step backwards, checked her positioning and launched herself forward, spinning round on the left leg, right extended to bring her booted foot into perfect contact with the mans face. Or at least it would have if his arms hadn’t come up to grab her leg and stop the blow stone dead before it could land.

She looked on in horror, as the face seemed to change somehow, a ripple passing over the features and in its wake, a new awareness was clearly visible. She felt something like an electric shock pass through her as the man held her leg in a grip of steel. Then her heart missed a beat as she saw the man shift his grip, ducking down slightly to rest her leg on his shoulder, his left arm wrapped around her ankle like a vice, his right moving down her exposed leg towards her knee and thigh. As the fingers made contact she felt the first fleeting tickles course through her body, then suddenly she was flying backwards as the room seemed to dissolve around her, the building and cityscape beyond flashing past her eyes as she accelerated away, only to crash to a stop in her own body, safe and out of the virtual world.

The man looked around in confusion, obviously wondering where his prize and gone. From the far side of the room there was the rustle of leather and two shadows detached themselves from the surrounding darkness.

“Sorry chief, but Fiona couldn’t stick around to play this time.” Steve drawled, as he found, much to his surprise, he was actually enjoying this scenario.

“But look on the bright side…” Tim said as the two men stepped forward into the light “you’ve got us to keep you entertained.”

Both men wore dressed in black, long leather trenchcoats almost brushing the floor as they walked, matching black cotton trousers and t-shirt underneath. As one they reached back over their shoulders and with perfect synchronisation pulled two long katana swords from sheathes mounted under the coats, a small hole almost at the nape of the neck sufficient to allow the blade to be drawn without removing the coat itself. They brought the swords up to a guard position, Tim’s to the left, Steve’s to the right and waited, knowing the next move was up to their opponent.

For a long moment nothing happened and Steve started to worry that they’d miscalculated, that whatever this rogue program was it had withdrawn at the sight of two armed guardians ready to oppose it. Then the figure stirred, bringing its right hand up in a closed fist to a point just in front if it’s mouth. The man whispered something into his hand, then move his arm out and gently opened his fingers to reveal what looked like a pile of dark sand gathered in his palm. He turned his hand and the sand fell to the floor, the stream continuing long beyond the point the small mound should have been able to sustain. As the sand hit the ground it started to pool, rising slowly at first, then faster as the stream increased. Gradually it started to form a human figure, starting at the feet and working upwards along the legs and hips, then on over the body and finally the head. As the last of the sand fell Steve heard a gasp from alongside him, and felt his own heart miss a beat.

“Eleanor…” Tim whispered, reaching out towards the woman that stood in front of them, pain clearly visible on his face.

“No!” Steve barked, reaching out and grabbing his friend by the shoulder. “She’s gone Tim, this is just a trick, he’s using her to throw you off balance, to distract you.”

Steve wondered briefly how the hell this thing had known who she was, how it could have known of Tim’s feelings towards this women, an innocent killed by a street gang in a robbery for no better reason than she and her colleagues had been working late when they’d blown up the building. Not that he could blame his friend for wanting to believe this really was her, she was a stunning beauty and would have distracted any man, and for that matter, most women, from whatever they were doing at the time. Almost six foot tall, long raid hair flowing down her back almost to her waist, a sharp, almost classical face and a body that seemed to flow under your eyes as she effortlessly stretched under their gaze, working the kinks out of limbs that hadn’t existed a minute earlier.

“Tim, listen to me. That’s not Eleanor, as much as I wish it could be. We’ve got a job to do, and if that means going through something wearing her face, well, if you don’t want to I suggest you get out of here now, while you still can.”

Tim paused for a moment before answering in a voice as cold and hard as the steel of the building around them. “No. You’re right, this isn’t her, but I’m gonna make that thing pay for doing this. Let’s do it.”

They raised their swords up to shoulder height, intending to cut their way through this distraction and hit the man quickly, before he had a chance to try anything else. Just before they could move though there was a noise of metal on metal as Eleanor brought her hands from behind her back, revealing the twin short swords she had been hiding there. Simple in design there was no guard, just a hilt and the blade itself that curved slightly in an edge that looked distinctly lethal. The two friends shared a quick look as they realised this wasn’t going to be quite as easy as they’d hopped.

Moving together they raced forward, each slashing down and across her body, tying to land a quick, decisive blow and end the fight before it could really begin. That hope was quickly dashed as she seemed to blur, spinning in a tight arc, the tips of her swords flashing in the air, forcing her attackers to abort their strike and concentrate on their own blocking moves. Steve danced backwards, ducking the sword that arced towards his head, bringing his own blade up to run parallel to his right arm as he looked for an opening. Tim parried the attack directed towards his ribs and used the extra momentum to launch his blade in towards her stomach. A clang of metal hitting metal echoed through the empty office she somehow managed to bring her second sword around and down in time to not only block the blow, but to do so in such a way that her blade was sent forwards towards Tim’s unprotected thigh.

A brief cry echoed through the building as the blade bit into Tim’s leg, forcing him to the ground. The wound wasn’t deep but it guaranteed he would be moving slowly for the rest of the fight, leaving it as a one-on-one fight. Eleanor brought both blades up above her head and stabbed downwards towards his heart, looking to take out one of her advisories while she had the chance. Tim saw the swords descending towards him in slow motion and closed his eyes, not needing to see the women he’d loved drive a couple of feet of steel into his chest. There was a pause and instead of the wet thud of the blades hitting flesh he heard a metallic clang. He opened his eyes and saw Steve kneeling on his right, muscles straining to hold the points of her swords bare inches from Tim’s body. He got his feet flat to the ground and shoved up with his legs, forcing her back, sending her spinning away for some manoeuvring room as Steve stepped to the right, away from Tim, inviting her to follow.

Eleanor glanced over at the mystery man, who was watching the fight unfold with the same air of remote interest he’d exhibited while torturing Fiona, and he met her gaze for a moment before nodding. She turned back and, with no further warning, launched herself at Steve, her movements almost faster than he could follow.

Backing away, fighting more on instinct than anything else, Steve ducked, spun and parried as best he could, barely seeing the flash of steel as it arced towards his body, being steadily driven back towards one end of the office. Both blades came scything down from above him, forcing him to extend his reach beyond a comfortable point to block, and a boot connected solidly with his stomach, sending him flying. There was a crash and the sound of breaking glass as he fell, and even before he hit the floor he could feel the dozens of cuts the window had caused as he went through it start to bleed.

Rolling quickly to his left he felt rather than saw a sword tip strike the ground close enough to his head he felt a small chunk of his hair drop to the ground. Bringing his legs to his chest he kicked upwards, using the momentum to flip back to his feet, sword out to parry the shot he’d seen coming barely a second before that would have cut through his waist. Turning he started to press his own attack, forcing her onto the defensive as they moved down a corridor towards the central core of the building. On either side were small executive offices, at the far end the doors to the elevator. As they moved stray swipes of their blades caught the floor-to-ceiling windows fronting the offices, causing a shower of glass to rain around them, guarantying a very painful landing if either of them should fall.

As they reached the elevator the doors opened and, almost without thinking Steve kept pressing the advantage, forcing Eleanor back into the enclosed space. As she passed through the door he saw her right hand dart forward in a rare miscalculation and the blade hit the wall of the elevator rather than slicing in at his legs. She stumbled and fell, her back bouncing hard against the metal and glass framework of the lift car and Steve moved forward quickly, eager to take the opportunity to end this. As he did so the lift doors slid shut behind him, the car moving smoothly upwards as Eleanor brought both legs around to kick his feet out from under him.

He landed hard on his back and brought his legs in instinctively to avoid the blade that was already whistling towards them. Rocking forward he got to his knees in time to bring his sword up and block the deadly downward stab that had been aimed for his heart, once again finding himself locked in position as he tried to find enough leverage to power this women off him. But the fight had taken a lot out of him already and he couldn’t manage to get his feet to the floor to provide a solid base. He could feel the unrelenting pressure from above and reflected ruefully a blade didn’t have to stab you hard to kill you; enough force behind a slow hit would force it in just as well, and with a lot more pain to boot.

Suddenly the lift slid to a stop, the doors opening behind him onto the top floor atrium, the change in movement providing just enough of a distraction for him to force her off to his left as he shuffled sideways and out of the door, regaining his feet with some difficulty. Blood was flowing freely now from his face and hands, his coat ripped and torn on the back and arms. In contrast Eleanor appeared to have just stepped out of the shower, she hadn’t even broken a sweat and looked like she could continue this onslaught until the end of time if necessary.

She picked up speed, jumping towards him, blades hidden behind her arms until they were needed. Steve parried one, but couldn’t quite reach the other as it flashed across his left arm, slicing through the leather and cutting the skin beneath. He went white for a moment as he tried to adjust to the pain, thankfully the cut wasn’t deep, hadn’t done much more than pierce the skin and he wasn’t really impaired by it.

Eleanor had used the momentum of her jump to carry her on past him, and was standing about five feet away, her back almost against wall of the penthouse suite. She twisted around, bringing her right arm up from around her waist and launched one of her swords straight at his face. Moving on instinct he brought his own blade up while trying to duck down under the incoming projectile. There was a clatter as the swords met and he saw the short sword vanish over the edge of the atrium to land somewhere on the next level down amongst the foliage.

As he regained his balance Eleanor pressed her attack, and even though it was now a more even fight she was still moving faster and with far greater precision than he could hope to match. Gradually she forced him back until his heels touched empty air, and a quick glance down showed the long drop to the man-made garden below, the pool of water feeding the waterfall that cascaded down the centre of the building alongside the elevator gleaming like a jewel in the midst of the greenery. He turned his attention back to the woman in front of him, bringing his sword up to catch hers and for a moment they stayed like that, swords locked diagonally between their faces, each trying to force the other back. The deadlock was broken as Eleanor dropped her blade slightly to her right, her left hand coming up and around to strike him in an open palmed blow to the centre of the chest.

He fell, turning as he did so in a desperate attempt to hit the one place he might survive the drop. It wasn’t that far down, maybe twenty or thirty feet and as he felt panic try to claim him he imagined it was a high dive at the local swimming pool. Hell, he’d jumped off cliffs twice as high back home and survived, albeit not usually fully clothed and carrying a large, sharp chunk of metal. Letting his body take over he watched, as the ground seemed to rush towards him, fighting to keep his eyes open to the end.
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There was a splash and the cold water of the pool closed over him, a welcome relief as he fought to straighten his dive before he cracked his head into the bottom of the pool. He surfaced, wincing as he felt the muscles in his stomach protest at what he’d just put them through. At least he’d bought himself a few seconds, maybe more as Eleanor found a way down that didn’t involve quite so much pain, time he badly needed.

A second splash cut through his thoughts as Eleanor choose to take the direct route down to join him. Before he could react a hand was placed on the back of his head, forcing him underwater, the grip like steel as it held him face down. The world seemed to burn around him as lungs that were in need of air before started to burn, blackness dancing around the edge of his vision. Forcing himself to think clearly he realised the hand on his head was her right hand, the thumb pointing along his skull towards his face, which meant she should be off to his left somewhere.

Bringing his legs up he felt about until they bounced off something that felt like a shin. Wrapping both his legs around hers, he twisted as best he could, yanking upwards with every last bit of energy he had left. He felt her leg shift, and the disturbance that flowed through the water was enough to let him know she was no longer on her feet, followed almost immediately by the shifting of the grip from his skull, allowing his head to clear the water in a great wrenching gasp.

Standing he wiped a hand across his eyes to brush the water away and clear his vision, only to see Eleanor do the same thing as she flipped her now soaked hair back behind her head. She was still armed only with the one sword, but at that moment she could probably have taken him with down with a paperclip. He backed away slowly, moving towards the edge of the pool and the waterfall that fell maybe two hundred feet to the catch pool in the lobby. He looked down and a last, desperate gamble formed in his mind.

Eleanor moved forward, her sword darting out not to cut him but to herd him back towards the drop, cutting down his manoeuvring room before the kill. Steve stumbled and dropped to one knee before regaining his feet and slipping his now shredded jacket off onto a rock on the edge of the drop. As his feet reached the drop he could feel eternity open up behind him, the empty space seeming to pull him downwards on its own. He looked back and down, then up at the woman stalking towards him. With a weary smile he nodded at her, and slid his sword back into its sheath on his back, surrendering to the inevitable. She paused for a second, returned the nod, and lunged forward with her blade, aiming for one final, decisive blow at his neck, clearly intending to sever his neck.

At the last moment Steve dropped down and to his left, his outstretched hand grabbing the sleeve of his jacket and hurling it round her waist like a whip. The heavy, wet leather curved around her body from the force of his throw, still anchored in his left hand as the other edge of the jacket fell neatly into his right. He yanked backwards, hurling himself out into space, pulling her along with him, and they both started to fall.

The extra momentum provided by the throw sent Eleanor into the centre of the drop, and let Steve pivot to stay almost against the side of the shaft as they fell, not that it was much of a consolation as they’d both be very dead when they reached ground level no matter how close to the edge or centre of the pool they were. However he had no intention of falling that far. Reaching behind him he ripped the sword, still in its sheath, from his back and waited, knowing he had to time this to perfection.

As he drew level with the lift car he lunged forward, thrusting the sword through glass at the front and out the side panel, bringing his left hand up to grab the end of the sheath. His body screamed in protest as his shoulders, arms and back bore the strain of stopping his body’s flight in the space of an inch or two, but he held on, trying to convert the momentum into a swing, bringing his feet up to break the glass panel covering the bottom third of the front of the car and rolling inside to safety. A few seconds later he heard the distant splash and thud of a body hitting the water and crawled over to the broken glass to see the results.

Expecting to see a mangled body he was somewhat surprised to see only a large black patch on the surface of the water, until his mind pieced together what he was seeing was in fact the black ‘sand’ she’d been made from. Rolling over he managed to press the button for the floor they’d started this whole thing on and lay back, letting the elevator carry the load for a moment.

The doors slid open and Steve stepped wearily out into the corridor, making his way carefully past the shattered glass that bore silent testament to the ferocity of the fight that had just occurred. He entered the office and saw Tim lying on the floor, his face tight from pain as he looked over at Steve, only for the pain to be replaced by shock at his friends’ battered condition.

“You…you get her?” Tim asked, voice thinner than Steve was used to.

“Yeah, whatever it was it’s resting in pieces at the bottom of the building.” He replied, moving slowly over to the once-more immobile figure of their mystery man.

“Thought so.” Tim gasped as he tried to move his leg to a more comfortable position. “He was watching the whole thing on some sort of screen, I didn’t catch most of it, but it looked pretty bad. Tried to get him, but he just took one look at me and I was stuck to the ground, like I’d landed in super glue or something. Then a couple of minutes ago he looked, I don’t know, surprised I guess and then, poof. The body’s still here, but ain’t nobody home manno.”

Steve glanced at the eyes of the man, and saw they were once again the dull, lifeless eyes of a frozen program. “Now isn’t that interesting?” he said. “We need to talk about this, but I suggest we get out of here first, who knows who may be listening? Fiona, if you could do the honours.” The last sentence was directed seemingly to empty air, but almost immediately the room started to fade around them, replaced a few seconds later by the familiar confines of his flat, as Fiona turned round from the computer keyboard.

“You want to tell me about that thing not being able to find us again, hmm?” she asked as the guys wearily removed their VR suits.

“Later.” Tim muttered

“Much later.” Steve confirmed. “Like after we’ve had a chance to shower, rest and maybe grab some coffee.”

Sunlight streamed through the open curtains, illuminating the three figures hunched before the large bank of computer equipment. The remains of a hasty dinner lay forgotten on the end of the desk, an empty coffee pot balanced on top of the plates. The only sound in the room was the click of computer keys and the occasional squeak or groan from the furniture as the three people concentrated totally on the data in front of them. One after the other the slowly pushed their chairs away from the desk and stood, stretching and blinking as they realised just how long they’d been working.

“You know,” Tim yawned, reaching back and cracking each joint in his right arm in turn “we are definitely getting too old to be doing all night data crunching sessions like this. Can’t we hire someone a little younger to do this? ”

“Of course, no problem.” Steve replied as he slowly rotated his head to ease the cramps in his neck. “You find me someone that’s as good as us at this, and who you can trust not to screw us over first chance they get, and I’m all for it.”

“Yeah, yeah, god you’re hard to please sometimes.” Tim grouched, looking around blearily for his jacket and keys.

“Tell me about it.” Fiona grinned, balancing on her left leg as she brought her right out to her side and rested it on the bed, stretching the muscles after their long period of inactivity.

Steve turned quickly to Tim and pointed warningly at him. “Not a word, understand, not a word.” Tim simply shrugged, putting on his best ‘who, me?’ look before shuffling his way towards the front door.

“I’m gonna head home, grab a shower and sleep till I’m sixty, if that’s alright with you lot?” He said, only half joking.

“The shower’s fine, but you’ll have to settle for six tonight rather than sixty. We’ll let this data set finish crunching and bring the results with us, say about eight in the Black?”

“Twenty hundred hours, Black Lion, got it. Now can I please go and get some rest?” Tim asked, wondering not for the first time why he put his body through nights like this.

“Get going before you fall asleep on my doorstep.” Steve replied, trying and failing to keep his own grin from his face. Tim threw a wave of his hand back towards the two as he exited the flat, and a few moments later there was the dull thrum of his bike starting up and pulling away down the driveway.

Steve turned to Fiona, suddenly very aware that they were alone and that the same awkward questions of the previous night might arise. “You know, I think he had a point, you feel like freshening up?” he asked, trying to stick to the role of gracious host.

“That sounds like a superb idea.” Fiona replied, “mind if I borrow your shower for a while?”

“Go right ahead, I’ll go lurk in the living room so you don’t have to worry about being caught in an undignified position.” He smiled as he said it, a small part of his mind insisting that it wouldn’t mind in the least finding her in a position that was less than dignified, even going so far as to suggest a few likely poses before the rest of his brain managed to beat it into submission.

Fiona walked towards him and slid her arms around his neck. “By the way, thanks for last night.”

“Umm, sorry if I seem a little slow lass, but what did I do exactly?”

“You trusted me.” She said, reaching forward to kiss him once, briefly and tenderly, before pulling back and heading for the bathroom.

Confused, Steve walked into the living room and dropped heavily into a chair. The tiredness that had been covering his body like a blanket seemed to have lifted, most likely as a result of having Fiona that close to him and his mind was racing over her last statement. In a rush he found himself bursting with energy and felt a need to move, to work some of it out. Standing up he headed over to the bay window and pulled a set of dumbbells out from their storage box. Putting as much weight as he had on the ends he did a few quick sets with each arm before moving on to slightly harder lifts. Normally this would help him wind down, but today it just seemed to fuel his energy and, five minutes later and soaked in sweat, he put the weights down he still needed some form of release. He prowled around the room, fingertips touching the shelves and their contents until his eyes fell upon the sword in its display cabinet.

Fiona felt like she was in heaven, the simple pleasure of standing beneath a stream of hot water and feeling it caress her weary skin was intoxicating, more so when she considered what she’d done, what she’d accomplished in the night. A feeling of control, of power swept over her and she felt her knees buckle slightly as something very similar to a sexual release coursed through her system. “Probably just the adrenaline” she thought to herself as she ran her hands through her hair, easing out the knots the last 24 hours had left. Finally, as the water became hot enough to be uncomfortable she twisted the shower off and grabbed the large, fluffy towel from beside the cubicle, luxuriating in its softness as she enveloped herself from shoulder to knee in the warm fabric. Drying quickly she reached into the airing cupboard and pulled out a simple sweatpants and t-shirt combo that would do as temporary slobbing clothes until she managed to find a bed to sleep in.

As she exited the bathroom she heard something strange coming from the living room, a kind of rhythmic shuffling and grunting, overlaid with an occasional dull whistle. Moving carefully she stepped to the door and gently pushed it open. As with everything else in the place the door was well maintained and swung silently inwards, revealing a sight that made her forget all about her own problems.

Steve had his back to her, the sword she’d seen earlier in his hand as he moved through a slow series of motions that she recognised as some form of Tai Chi, though obviously tailored slightly to accommodate a long metal object with a razor sharp edge as part of the routine. He’d obviously been working hard at something before hand as his t-shirt was still damp with sweat and clung to his body, highlighting the motion of his muscles beneath the skin. Suddenly he exploded into a blur of action, the sword moving seemingly of its own volition, sweeping through an intricate pattern of stabs, curls and twists, pausing for a second in positions that were intended to block an attack rather than be an attack themselves. So absorbed was she in the sight before her she completely missed the shift of weight as he swung around on his right leg, the sword raised over his head as it curled down towards what should have been an empty space, except that she was now standing in it.

She didn’t even have time to react before the sword stopped barely an inch above her skull, held perfectly still as she gazed past the blade and the arms that supported it into the closed eyes of the man wielding the blade. As she watched the brown eyes flickered open and one eyebrow went up in a question, a smile pricking the corners of his mouth as he saw her try and process what had just happened. He lifted the blade up and away from her head, spinning it in a quick figure eight pattern before sliding it smoothly back into the sheath attached to his back. Steve started to turn away and, acting on instinct she leant forward and grabbed his arm.

“Wait, could you, I mean, if you wouldn’t mind, could you teach me how to do that?”

Steve turned back to her, a troubled look passing over his face before he could hide it. “Why?” he asked, staring straight into her eyes, and she realised that he was looking for the honest answer.

“Because I don’t want to be a victim again.”

Steve paused, holding her gaze for a long moment before slowly nodding. “Alright, but you realise you’re not going to learn how to do what you just saw overnight, yes?”

“Yes, of course, I just want to be able to defend myself if I have to.”

Another pause, this one longer than the first as Steve seemed to think that one over. “Tell you what, you want to learn to defend yourself, let’s forget about swords. Or for that matter anything with an edge to it. Unless you’re actually carrying it, finding something you can use with that sort of training is virtually impossible, and if you want to defend yourself we can probably do a bit better. Wait here for a minute would you?”

He walked out and into the bedroom, and a few moments later she heard a rustling and a faint clack of wood on wood before he returned. In each hand he held a white wooden pole, each about two and a half feet long and he offered the one in his right hand to her. She took it dubiously, wrapping her hand around one end and moving it around a little, surprised at how little it weighed. “Umm, I don’t wish to be rude, but what exactly am I supposed to do with this?” she asked, still trying to get a feel for the short pole in her hand.

Steve’s reply was a simple grin as he brought his left hand up. He started twirling the short-staff like a drum major’s baton, letting it dance over his fingers as if it had a life of its own. Fascinated Fiona moved forward slightly and, in one quick motion, Steve ducked down, bringing the pole sideways behind her right knee and across the front of her left, twisting it forward as he slid a hand behind her back and lowered her gently to the ground. It all happened in the blink of an eye and she found herself facing the ceiling trying to piece together how she’d been taken down, Steve hovering over her with a slight smile on his lips, his right hand extended to help her up.

Once she was back on her feet she nodded towards him and backed off until there was a good six-foot of room between them. “As we’re slightly pushed for time, I’ll skip any sort of formal training.” Steve said, bouncing on the heels of his feet. “Forget about form, forget about strength and power and just hit me.”

“Umm, I don’t want to hurt you you know.” Fiona said, weighing up how much damage even a light chunk of wood could do if swung at speed at a human body.

“Don’t worry, you won’t.” Steve replied. That was all the invitation Fiona needed and she took a hefty swing at the left side of his head, putting all her weight behind the blow. There was a thwok as Steve easily parried the blow away from it target, moving forward a step as he did so to bring his right hand up to her armpit and tickle her through the t-shirt. She laughed and jumped backwards, looking up at him with an expression that was equal parts affection and annoyance.

“As I said lass, don’t worry about power, that’ll come in time on its own. Look for an opening but don’t get yourself into a position you can’t defend from.”

Fiona nodded and set herself again, this time moving slowly forward before lashing out to the right in a feint that had Steve moving to block it almost before she’d started moving, only for her to reverse direction and aim downwards for his thigh. In a movement so fast it was almost a blur Steve changed his own direction and came down to block, sending her staff off at an awkward angle, but resisting the temptation to launch a follow through attack as he saw her step backwards to recover.
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“Better, much better. Though, if I can make one observation, I’d suggest you try and relax. You’re concentrating too much, just treat this like a VR sim and see what happens.” She grinned at that, feeling the same sort of determination as she had when she’d faced Nick and launched herself full force into the attack. The staffs cracked together at about chest height, Steve pushing her off and back a step before she turned and jumped sideways, aiming a shot at his ribs which he barely managed to block in time.

As her confidence grew she started to string together longer attacks, her mind seemingly coming alive as she started to understand the rules of this particular game, her body relaxing into the ebb and flow of the fight as the staff danced and twirled in her hand, lashing out seemingly at random with every part of the pole, alternating between long sweeping blows and short stabs with the tip. But no matter what she tried there was always the sound of wood-on-wood as Steve moved to block her, matching her own enthusiasm with a grace and precision born of long experience.

Suddenly she saw an opening and went for it, ducking right then left, leaving the staff out to force Steve into a block before coming up behind him, her arm wrapped around his right side as she brought the staff to his throat before grabbing the other end with her left hand and holding it against his windpipe with just enough force to make sure he knew it was there.

“Now if this had an edge, you’d be in real trouble my dear.” She purred. “As it is, well, maybe you’re in trouble anyway.” With that she brought her right hand around to place her thumb against his throat, tucked the left side of the staff under her armpit and used her now free left hand to goose his ribcage. Steve squirmed under her touch, but the wood across his throat kept him in place as she sped up her playful touch, forcing laughter from him as she gleefully played with his ticklish side. Suddenly she felt something hard press in-between her legs and she gasped, feeling a shudder pass through her body as she momentarily lost her grip on her victim. Steve spun away and she caught a glimpse of his staff between her thighs before it was pulled away and up in salute.

“Very good lass, but you really shouldn’t have done that little stunt. You see there’s two things you should have thought about. Number One, I’ve only been defending, not attacking. I think it’s time to change that.”

“And number two?” she asked, her voice full of defiance and challenge, confident she could still take him down even if he had been holding back.

“I’m not left handed.” He replied, tossing the staff over to his right hand and performing a complex figure eight motion with his wrist that seemed, in some eye-watering way, to make the wooden pole pass through his arm. Fiona swallowed as she realised she may have just over-reached herself.

Steve took a step forward and shifted to his right, bringing the staff up towards her side, forcing her to bring her own weapon down to block the blow. As the sticks touched he shifted his weight and flipped the staff back so it was flat against his arm, bringing it up inside her defence and forcing her right arm up and away from her body. In that moment of vulnerability his left hand reached out and goosed her ribs and stomach, loosing a stream of giggles from her mouth as he danced away to face her once more, his own weapon held up and back in a loose salute waiting for her to come at him.

Annoyed he’d managed to reach her on his first attack Fiona moved forward quickly, starting a swing that looked like she was swinging for a home run with his head. As soon as she saw him start to move to block the blow she copied his previous move, flipping the staff back along her forearm and pivoting on her left foot, the wooden staff blocking his counter blow perfectly as she spun through a full circle, bringing the staff in low towards his knees in a perfectly timed move that gave him no chance of blocking the impact, only to find herself hitting empty air as Steve jumped upwards, his feet just clearing the end of her staff. Her own momentum forced her round a little too far and as she tried to recover and turn back to face him she felt hands running rapidly down her back and sides, causing her to wrench away chuckling as she realised this could end up being a long training session.

For the next ten minutes they fought toe-to-toe, the attacks gradually getting more intricate as Fiona learnt how to handle the short length of wood and turn it into a potentially lethal weapon and Steve increased his own efforts to match her. By unspoken agreements they were scoring points almost like a fencing match, though a gentle tickle on whichever part of the body they could reach without exposing themselves to a counter took the place of a touch with a rapier. On occasion the staffs flew so quickly it became almost impossible to follow their motion, and Fiona found herself amazed at just how quickly she was learning, the movements and motions coming almost without conscious thought as she blocked, parried, thrust and whirled through the relatively small space of the living room.

Suddenly Steve started moving backwards towards the door, still fighting but concentrating only on blocking her attacks, secretly luxuriating in the ecstatic grin that came unbidden to her face as she realised what she was really capable of doing. Wondering what exactly he was up to Fiona followed him out into the corridor, and suddenly found herself in a very different world.

Here there was no space to move, the walls closing in and barely giving them enough room to swing, forcing a reliance on short, stabbing motions with the blunt staffs. She adjusted as best she could and pressed her advantage, forcing Steve back towards the door, trying to herd him into a corner, her mind presenting several enticing options for what she could do if she managed to disarm him that she hurriedly forced away as they threatened her concentration. She swung to her right, bringing the end of the staff around and down, forcing Steve down to one knee to block the shot. She smiled down at her teacher and, with a quick figure eight motion, brought the staff around in a blow that would either force him to block and rip his own weapon from his hand in the process or take off his head. Or at least that was the plan.

At the last moment Steve rolled forward, bouncing to his feet behind her, his fingers travelling across her right thigh as he did so, once more forcing a laugh from her. She spun angrily to face him, her back against the wood of the door, knowing she’d gotten overconfident and determined to wipe the smile off his face. She raced forward, improvising now as she threw a couple of quick kicks into her attack, once again pushing him backwards, looking for that one moment of weakness she could exploit. Further and further back she forced him, all the way to and then through the bedroom door, raining blows in faster and harder than she really meant too, more than one shot getting through his defences hard enough to cause bruising, though he always blocked anything that may do more than that.

She brought the staff down hard towards his head, and was almost jolted off her feet as Steve reached up with his free hand and grabbed the end of the wooden pole flat in the palm of his hand. Thrown off balance she found a leg wrapped around hers and before she knew what was happening she was face down on the bed, a knee pressing gently but firmly into the small of her back. Hands slid over her back, heading down towards her hips causing her to giggle and squirm under their delicate touch. Fingers gripped the hem of her t-shirt and yanked upwards, pulling the cloth above her head, leaving it wrapped around her wrists. Steve slipped one of the staffs inside the shirt and placed the other one on top before twisting them around until the fabric was as tight as steel around her wrists.

Fiona felt him shift behind her, moving down until his knees straddled her hips as she wriggled helplessly underneath him, looking for a way out. But her hands were trapped, and with Steve holding her down she couldn’t lift her body enough even to move her arms, let alone get back to her feet. For a few more second she struggled, knowing there was nothing she could do but hoping for a miracle nonetheless until finally she tapped the bed with her right hand, or at least the fingers of her right hand as she couldn’t flex her wrist enough to perform the movement.

“Okay, okay, you win.” She said, annoyed with herself for making such a simple mistake, “you can let me up now.”

“Where did you go wrong?” Steve asked, his voice strangely distant.

“I got angry.” Fiona replied, trying and failing to hide her frustration. “Now would you please let me up?”

“And what is the result of your mistake?” Steve said, ignoring her request.

“I’m tied up and helpless with a smug bastard sitting on my ass. Now would you please move!” She said, feeling a heat rise to her face that had nothing to do with losing their little match and a lot to do with the unsaid part of her reply: “and it feels really good.”

“Close, but no cigar.”

“That’s fine, I don’t smoke, but how exactly do you consider that any less than the truth?”

“Well, partially because, as far as I know at least, I’m legitimate and second, you’re tied up, helpless and about to pay the price for that little stunt of yours.” Suddenly she felt hands locking around her sides, fingers wiggling as she felt the first tickles shoot through her body. Immediately her mind started to panic, flashing back to the nightmare of the last few days, of what had been forced upon her in the virtual world. This though was a gentle tickling, intended as foreplay rather than the torment she’d suffered so recently at the hands of her ‘mystery man’ and she quickly relaxed into it, accepting the touch and giving herself over to it.

Gradually Steve moved his hands down her body, caressing her thighs with one hand while the other trailed after, tickling her stomach hips and the very top of her thighs, expertly mixing laughter and moans from the beauty beneath him as he brought every once of skill he possessed into play. After what seemed like hours, but in reality was no more than ten minutes Fiona was unable to hold herself in check and started to grind her hips into the bed, doing everything in her power to convey her need and desire without actually breaking down and begging. She felt Steve slip his arms underneath her and with one motion turn her onto her back, hands still tied tight above her head though she could now bring them down in front of her if she wished.

For a long moment they stayed frozen in that position, each looking for a sign from the other that this was what they wanted. Then, as one they moved together, Steve dropping his head as she raised hers, lips meeting in a kiss that both had desired from the first moment they’d met but, other than that one relief-fuelled encounter, both had denied themselves. Fiona brought her bound hands down onto Steve’s back and pulled him close as they finally surrendered to their passions.

Fiona woke to the touch of a hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes to find Steve kneeling beside the bed, a smile softening his features as he watched her.

“Sorry to wake you lass, but we’ve got to move if we’re going to keep our appointment.” He said, stroking her hair back from her face almost absentmindedly.

“What….what appointment?” Fiona replied, trying to shake the last remnants of sleep from her mind.

“We’re meeting Tim at eight, remember? The computer finished working through the record of what happened last night and I really don’t like what it’s picked up.”

“Okay, okay, I’m moving. I don’t suppose you’ve got anything resembling a change of clothes around here by any chance?”

“Funny you should mention that, there’s some stuff over on the chair, I’ll meet you out front when you’re ready.” Steve said, closing the door behind him.

Fiona swung her body out of bed and, running a hand back through her hair as she walked, went to see what Steve had picked out. She realised immediately that this wasn’t going to be a simple night on the town as she saw the black leather of a motorbike suit draped over the back of the chair. A closer look confirmed that the suit was in her size, something she made a mental note to ask Steve about later on, and there was a small pile of suitable underclothes on the seat, including a set of jeans and t-shirt in a dark grey that definitely weren’t designed to be fashion statements.

Ten minutes later she left the bedroom, her left hand bust pulling her hair up into a short ponytail as the rest of her body tried to get used to the feeling of wearing an armoured one piece suit over the top of her clothes.

“You know, on most people a set of leathers wouldn’t look so damn sexy.” Steve drawled as she stepped into the corridor, his own body now covered in a similar leather covering, though his seemed to have a couple of extra pouches moulded into it’s shape.

“What can I say, I’m not most people.” Fiona replied, walking up to him and planting a quick, gentle kiss on his lips before walking to the front door. “Shall we get going?”

They walked out into the cool night air, Steve relieved that it was a clear night for a change, rain was the last thing he wanted that night. Walking out of the driveway he turned left onto the main road, then turned off into a small maze of back alleys and side streets, never once seeming confused about where he was going as Fiona followed behind him. After a few minutes she began to get a little impatient with the silence and decided there was nothing to lose by asking a question.

“So where are we going anyway?”

“Well, I don’t want to use the car after last night, it’s probably being looked for by everyone from both sides of the law about now. So we’re going to need another form of transportation.”

“Okay, as answers go that was short, to the point and totally useless. Want to try the long version?”

“The long version is as above my dear, though maybe this will help explain it.” Steve replied coming to a halt outside a row of six garages and pressing his palm against an ID pad. There was a brief pause, then a side door clicked open and swung out slightly, letting them slip inside into the darkened room. There was a pause as the door pulled itself shut again then, with a brief flicker, a set of overhead lights flipped on, revealing a row of dust-covered lumps laid out in two neat rows in front of them. Steve walked down the row, lips moving silently as he counted off the different lumps, stopping in front of a silver blanket and checking the number stamped on top.

With a quick flick of his wrist he pulled off the sheet to reveal what, at first glance, looked like an alien machine sitting under the florescent lights. After the initial shock had worn off Fiona took a second look at the machine and stared in shock.

“This…this is an FP1 isn’t it?” She asked, reaching a trembling hand out to touch the back of the bike, running her fingers over the curved hump over the three exhaust pipes, down over the seat and up over the fuel tank.

“Umm, yeah, one of only 75 they did for the road in the end. I didn’t know you were interested in bikes lass.” Steve replied, his own surprise etched on his face.

“Interested? My dad loved them, used to take me to school on the back of a Fireblade every day for five years. I’ve been riding these things since I was old enough to hold them up.”

“In that case, I suppose I can scrap the idea of you riding pillion and we’d better get you one of your own.” Steve grinned, casting a critical glance over the rest of the covered bikes. “Hmm, let’s see, how about this?” he said, pulling back a dust sheet and revealing a fiery red shape, twin exhausts poking from under the seat like the barrels of a shotgun.

“What the…?. Where the hell did you get a Ducati 916 from?” Fiona asked as she stared at the pristine bike in front of her.

“Picked it up about five years ago, someone had had it stored in a shed since 96 and wanted some quick cash. Took another two years to get her working but she’s as good as the day she came off the production line, actually, she’s probably better now than she was then.”

“So, and I know I’m going to regret asking this, why have you got a garage of classic bikes? I mean, this lot must be worth a fortune by now, why not sell them?”

“Some of them I do, those I’ve got bored of or if I find a better example somewhere else. The ones I keep. I don’t know really, there’s something about them, something that stirs the soul somehow, know what I mean?”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” Fiona replied, sliding a leg gently over the saddle of the Ducati and feeling it easily absorb her weight, reaching forward to the handlebars and savouring the racing crouch she found her body pulled into. “God, I always wanted to ride one of these, ever since I first saw one in the metal. Anything I should know?”

“Not really, as I said she’s probably better than new now, totally rebuilt and with a few modern parts to replace those wonderful Italian electrics. Just keep the revs up and watch out for the clutch, tends to bite quick.” Steve said, walking over to a cabinet on the wall and pulled out a black helmet before slinging it over to her. “You’re about a medium, right?”

Fiona pulled the helmet on, moving her head quickly from side to side to make sure it was a good fit. “Yep, perfect fit.”

“Good, I’d say we’re about ready to roll. Oh, one thing I did add, the bike’s got a heads up display and GPS system.” Steve said, leaning over and hitting the small red button on the top of the display stack. “I set it up before we left the flat, it’ll stick a map up on the screen showing you how we’re getting to where we’re going.”
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A few minutes later they had both bikes outside, the steady burble of the twin cylinder Ducati mixing with the higher pitched tick over from the triple of the FP1. Steve reached up and pulled down the large metal door over the front of the garage, pausing only to set the security system before turning and sliding a leg over the FP1. He reached forward, pulled the clutch back and flicked the reverse racing gearbox down for first gear. A gentle twist of the throttle as he let the clutch out was all the bike needed and it started to roll under its own power, heading slowly forward down the quiet suburban street as he rocked it gently from side to side, doing a quick system check. Behind he could hear the thump of the Ducati as Fiona copied his moves, getting used to the bike. Then there was a wall of sound, the scream of something otherworldly being born and the Italian bike shot past, Fiona already crouched low over the fuel tank, helmet almost touching the bike as she started to explore it’s potential. Grinning Steve grabbed a handful of throttle and raced in pursuit, the howl of the race-bred triple rising into the night sky.

They barely slowed as they reached the junction with the main road, Fiona darting out into the light traffic with a skill that confirmed she hadn’t been boasting about her long experience. Steve followed her line out onto the three lane road, shifting his weight back slightly to find a more comfortable riding position, left foot dancing on the gear leaver as they topped one hundred miles an hour and kept on heading for the horizon. With the background blurring they carved their way past cars that seemed to be standing still, Fiona flicking the Ducati around as if born to it, Steve relying on his instincts to match her and slowly claw back the gap between them.

Fiona was laughing out loud under her helmet, the sheer exhilaration of what she was doing energizing her senses to a point she wouldn’t have believed possible. From alongside her she heard the scream of the FP1 as Steve finally managed to pull level with her, then gradually edge ahead, and she slid into his slipstream, matching every move he made. The bike seemed to dance under her, reacting to every movement of her body while, somehow, being stable enough not to twitch and jerk to the patterns in the road beneath her. The almost primal howl from the big exhausts coupled with the pulses of the big V-twin engine encouraged her on to go even faster and she managed to pull out and alongside Steve as they raced down into the city at almost a hundred and fifty miles an hour.

A gentle light started to glow on the screen in front of her and she started to ease the bike down to a more sensible speed as she followed Steve off the main highway and onto a two lane street, tall Victorian buildings flanking either side of the road as they rode between them. Steve tipped his bike right into a back street, then through a quick left-right-left set of turns to bring them out in the middle of Camden high street. After another two hundred yards he made one final turn and they swept into a multi-story car park, Steve taking them all the way to the roof before parking the bikes next to a familiar Suzuki.

“You okay?” Steve asked as he pulled off his helmet.

“Okay? That was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life!” Fiona replied, her smile stretching from ear to ear. “I think I’m in love with this thing.”

“Don’t get too attached, like any relationship the maintenance charges are extortionate.” Steve joked, ducking the hand that was aimed for his head with a chuckle. “Come on, Tim’s probably waiting for us downstairs.”

He led her down to the street, then across the road and into a small, rather non-descript pub with the legend “The Black Lion” on a small, weather faded sign outside. It didn’t get much better on the inside, it may have been a trendy spot once, but that had to be at least ten years ago. The furniture was battered and threadbare, the lighting dim and occasionally flickering. All around were groups of people having what were obviously private conversations and Fiona took her queue silently as she stepped in a little closer to Steve as he walked through the crowd, eyes flicking around but his head always locked straight ahead. Finally he spotted Tim in a corner booth and headed in that direction, pausing to let Fiona slide in between them before sitting down himself.

“What did I miss?” Tim asked, after a quick look at the two of them. “Come on, something’s up, what is it?”

“God, you need to cut down on those soap operas, they don’t do you any good man.” Steve replied, a casual grin deflecting the question, at least for the time being. “Look, the system finished crunching the data of our last little outing, and I think it came up with something.”

“I’m breathless with anticipation.” Tim replied, putting a near-perfect American deep south accent on the words.

“Right before that, well, that whatever it was came to life, there was a hell of a surge in the electric grid. Now whatever it was wasn’t power or I’d have been pulling bits of circuit board out of the walls for weeks, and after crunching it down it looks like it was a data stream.” Steve said, ignoring the sarcasm in Tim’s voice as he passed over a hard copy of the data surge.

“So you were right, this thing, whatever it is, is replicating over the power lines?”

“Not exactly, it was a huge data burst, but there’s no transmission back out until it left the scenario, which means that its autonomous.”

“Whoa, wait a minute, this ain’t enough code to run an AI, it had to be remote controlled somehow.” Tim said, his eyes flicking over the paper as he searched for anything he’d missed.

”Nope, sorry. No data transmissions in or out after that initial spike on any medium until the very end of the session. But you’re right, it can’t be an AI, not in that much code.”

“Okay, so if it’s not an AI, and it’s not a human hacking your sim, what the hell are we dealing with here?”

“That’s a damn good question, and I can only think of one way to find out.”

“Oh god, please don’t say what I think you’re going to say.” Tim replied. “Please don’t say ‘Let’s go and ask it’.”

“Well, as you said it, I guess that makes it your idea.” Steve said. “But seriously, can you think of any other way of doing this?”

“Unfortunately not, and I’m trying, believe me. So, how do you want to play this one, considering we pretty much got our buts handed to us last time?”

“Simple, we grab the biggest, nastiest anti-virals we can and hook the system up so that we can isolate it onto a generator when we want too. Once we get it trapped, we can try talking to it.”

“Umm, guys?” Fiona asked, her voice low as she forced herself to keep looking straight ahead. “Out of curiosity would a bunch of guys wearing a lot of tech kit and really fetching green and yellow armbands be of interest to you?” She felt Steve stiffen beside her, but was surprised when he stayed looking at Tim.

“Yeah, yeah it would. I don’t suppose by any chance by ‘a bunch of guys’ you meant less than four and they weren’t heading in this general direction in a casual but specific manner?”

“No, more like fifteen or so with suspicious bulges under their jackets who are, in fact, heading in this direction in a casual but specific manner.” She replied.

“Wonderful, you ever get the feeling it isn’t going to be your night?” Steve asked Tim, frustration evident in his voice.

“Yeah, but I think we’ve got a minute or two before the casual approach gets them over to us. I’m thinking exit out the back door might be a plan here.” Tim replied, eyes flicking left as he caught a glimpse of one of the Daredevils closing in.

“Sounds like a plan, alright let’s move, and keep it casual.” Steve cautioned, sliding out of the booth and waiting for Fiona to slide between himself and Tim. They made their way through the packed bar and ducked down a short corridor, at the end of which was a fire door. Tim took a second to bypass the alarm wire then shoved the door open and they walked quickly out into the cool night air, the door swinging shut behind them with a click.

A click that seemed to be echoed a hundred times over as a group of more than twenty men, all wearing the same gang colours of green and yellow seemingly materialised out of the shadows and cocked their weapons. A mix of pistols, shotguns and automatics there was no doubt that any of them were lethal on their own, if they all fired at once it’d take a DNA match to identify the remains.

Instinctively Tim and Steve moved forward, shielding Fiona behind them, Steve standing so close to her she was almost touching him. Out of sight of the men standing in front of them he quickly tapped a pocket on his left hip before bringing his hand back to his side, palm facing backwards towards her. Unseen by the execution squad in front of them Fiona slipped her left hand down and gently eased the zip open before carefully pulling out a thin rectangle maybe two centimetres square and passing it smoothly into Steve’s waiting hand. The Daredevils stepped back, widening the circle around them as they raised their assorted weapons to shoulder height, stocks braced against shoulders as they waited for the signal to fire.

They never got the chance. In one motion Steve flicked the square forward as if skimming a stone across a like and both he and Tim twisted their heads down, eyes screwed shut as a blinding burst of light exploded from the flashbang, a matching sound wave rolling over the execution squad and temporarily destroying their sense of balance along with their sight and hearing. The effect would only last a few seconds, fifteen at most, but it was all the opportunity they needed. Diving forward Steve pulled Fiona to the ground, shielding her with his body as the guns fired overhead, wild shots being directed in panic by men who had thought this a simple enough mission only a moment ago. Scrambling forward Steve pulled Fiona around the corner of the pub and into a small alley that ran towards the main street. Behind them there were screams of pain as the unmistakable sounds of bullets hitting flesh echoed to them, then Tim hurtled round the corner, holding two MP5 sub-machineguns he’d grabbed from the two nearest men on the way past.

“Run!” Tim yelled, passing one of the guns to Steve as he went by and the others needed no encouragement to follow him. Steve checked the gun and noticed whoever had owned it previously had stuck two ammo clips side to side to save carrying extra weight on their person. As he heard the first footsteps hit the concrete behind them Steve turned and fired a long burst of fire back up the alley, and saw two more bodies fall, and a few heads duck back around the corner of the building.

They hit the street at a dead run and had just about made it to the car park when the rest of the Daredevils burst out of the pub, their own weapons drawn and firing wildly at the retreating shapes. Bullets ricocheted off the concrete walls beside them as they raced through the entrance and ducked around the corner, Fiona heading for the stairs back to the roof as Tim and Steve returned fire.

“No!” Steve yelled as he saw her reach for the door to the stairwell. “Into the car park, hurry!”

Confused, but knowing better than to question Fiona turned and headed into the darkness, ducking down behind a BMW as Steve faded back into the shadows at the door and Tim crouched down at the edge of the entrance. They heard footsteps pounding across the street, then a silence broken only by muttered conversation. Then a single pair of footsteps echoed through the building as one of the men stepped cautiously inside.

The instant he was inside the building Tim jumped up, grabbing him from behind with an arm wrapped around his throat and spinning him round. The squad waiting outside reacted instinctively, opening fire at the new target. But it was already too late, Tim had snatched the mans shotgun and dived into the cover at the fire side of the entry way, the bullets fired after him finding only the unfortunate soul that had drawn recon duty. The now lifeless body dropped in the doorway and Steve’s eyes were drawn to a small, round object on his belt. Getting his feet under him he dashed into the open, spraying fire as he went, forcing those outside to duck behind whatever cover they could find. With one motion he yanked the grenade from the dead mans belt, pulled the pin and hurled the explosive outside before turning and returning to his hiding place.

There was a brief pause then the blast of the grenade ripped the air, the screams that followed immediately evidence that at least two more were out of the fight. Taking advantage of the confusion Steve and Tim raced deeper into the depths of the building, Tim passing his machinegun to Fiona as he went. She almost baulked at the feel of the weapon, but a brief glance back at the doorway showed her just how important it might prove to be and she followed the others behind a row of parked cars near one of the concrete ramps which led up to the next level.

They waited in silence, acutely aware of how well sound travelled in such an environment. Fiona tried to still her racing heart, watching as a seemingly impenetrable calm descended on both her companions, Tim easing his body over to cover her in case of a ricochet as Steve shuffled towards the front bumper of the SUV they were hiding behind. It took her a second to work out what he was doing, then she saw the glint of light reflected from the side mirror of a car parked in the next row and she realised he was watching as their attackers spread through the bottom floor of the building.

After almost a minute Steve inched back down to them and held up his left hand, clenching and unclenching his fist four times before pointing up to the next level. Tim nodded, and returned the gesture but with only two motions and a point out into the darkness. Steve grinned and pointed down, and for a moment both Tim and Fiona were confused as to what he meant, then with dawning comprehension they eased down onto their stomachs, letting them see under the car they were using as cover. Sure enough, ten pairs of booted feet were walking slowly down the main aisle, pausing to check behind every vehicle.

They waited until they were so close they could hear their breath hissing between clenched teeth, then three weapons barked fire from their hiding place, Steve and Fiona scything their guns back and forth as Tim took the two men walking on the far right of the group. The devastation was almost unbelievable as what had only a moment earlier been a group of fierce hunters was transformed into a screaming mass on the floor, the carnage wrought by the weapons on feet and calves enough to turn Fiona’s stomach.

Diving round the car Tim and Steve ran to the fallen men and quickly retrieved anything that may be of value, throwing what they didn’t need as far from their now crippled attackers as possible before dashing back and up the ramp to the second floor. Sticking to the deeper shadows at the edge of the ramp they managed to duck into the relative safety offered between a concrete pillar and a crash barrier and watched as half of the remaining Daredevils raced past them, heading for the source of the attack on their comrades, guns held at the ready. A few seconds later there was a brief burst of gunfire from below as one or other of that group mistook a shape on the ground for one of their targets and fired a three round grouping into their chest before anyone could stop him.

Taking full advantage of the opportunity Tim reached down and grabbed two liberated grenades from a pocket, pulled the pins and rolled them down the ramp. Keeping low, and mentally counting the seconds they ran along the wall to the next ramp and kept on heading upwards towards the roof. They made it as far as the bottom of the ramp before an explosion shock the building, concrete dust raining from the ceiling as both grenades exploded at once, tearing into the middle of the group that had just started heading back up the ramp once they realised their targets had slipped by them.

In barely five minutes the Daredevils had gone from being an organised force of over thirty men facing three unarmed enemies to a force of only ten seemingly surrounded by troops. An already dangerous situation was made worse as their own fears started to conjure up images of guns pointing from every shadowy corner, and as they turned to continue their search one of them saw a brief flash of light reflected from a window. Turning he unloaded a full clip from his handgun at what he had thought a target, before he realised it was one of his own. The unfortunate man fell back to the ground, dead long before he hit it, his cocked weapon discharging once as it hit the concrete, sending a single bullet into the centre of his killer’s chest.

The distraction was all that was needed for the intended prey to reach the roof and they crouched behind the brickwork of the elevators, scanning the flat surface for any sign of their pursuers.
“How many left do you think?” Steve whispered.

“Can’t be any more than ten, least not that have got any fight left in them.” Tim replied, his own voice hushed as he finished his own check of the rooftop.

“What do you reckon, take the bikes and run?”

“No, still too many of them and far too many automatic weapons that they can point at us. ” Tim said, his gaze falling on an old and rusting Transit van parked near one of the exit ramps. He motioned towards it and Steve nodded, motioning for Fiona to follow them as they dashed from their hiding place towards their new target. Tim headed around the back of the van, covering one of the two ramps up to the roof while Fiona took station on the other side. Steve dived under the van, his hand pulling a Leatherman pocketknife from a pocket of his leathers as he spent precious seconds looking for the fuel tank.

To his relief he found it mounted within reach on the underside of the van. The metal of the tank itself was of course far too tough to cut through, but the weld connecting the fuel hose to the tank was as old and worn as the rest of the vehicle. It was the work of a few seconds to break the connection and once more Steve offered up a quick prayer to anyone that might be listening as their luck held. The tank was almost full of fuel and the resulting stream of liquid quickly started flowing across the slopped roof of the car park, following the gentle contours that had been built into the building to drain rain water from the concrete.

They watched for a few seconds as the fuel spilled out and started running in several directions across the roof, forming small rivers as it headed for the edges. Once they had an idea of where it was going Tim pointed over to a group of six cars, parked close together that would provide some cover no matter the direction of fire. They positioned themselves in the middle of the cluster of cars and waited.

It didn’t take long, a minute at most, before they heard footsteps on the ramp to their left, and eight slightly twitchy men walked cautiously up to the roof, weapons raised to shoulder height as they searched for anything out of the ordinary. The leader looked around and spotted the distinctive shape of the three motorbikes in the middle of the roof, and pointed his team towards them. In the darkness no one noticed the trickle of liquid running past them, or the other small rivers in their path.

They made it another thirteen paces before Tim and Steve leant out from their hiding places, weapons pointed not at the men, but at the ground. Tim fired in front of the advancing party, while Steve took the rear. Almost instantly the petrol ignited, spreading like lightning over the ground and setting up a barrier around the stunned men. Two where unlucky enough to be standing directly on the petrol when it caught, but neither had long to regret that. The fire spread back to the van and up into the petrol tank, igniting almost twenty litres of fuel at once. The resulting explosion shredded the van like it was made of tinfoil, sending shards of metal in all directions. A few chunks of the shrapnel hit the cars behind Steve as he ducked back down, but for those caught in the open, surrounded by a ring of fire there was nowhere to hide.

Once the explosion died down Tim glanced out at the scene before him, performing a quick count to confirm eight people where on the ground where they should have been, then started jogging quickly towards the bikes, Steve and Fiona following behind.

“Okay, here’s the plan.” Tim said, reaching the bikes and sliding his key into the ignition. “We head back to your place and try and work out why the hell these guys have suddenly taken it upon themselves to kill us. Sound good?”

“Yeah, sounds great.” Steve replied, ducking around the back of the Suzuki to reach his bike while Fiona went in front to her Ducati.

“Wonderful, then as one shepherd said to the other, let’s get the flock out of her.” Tim joked, turning to check Fiona was okay before getting on his own bike. As he did so, he felt his blood turn to ice. Not ten feet away a figure was rising from the pile of bodies, blood pouring down his face from a long cut running from his forehead down past his ear to his chin. In his right hand was a pistol. A pistol that was aimed straight at Fiona’s back.

Without thinking Tim hurdled his bike, landing on his feet and, with one sweeping motion knocking Fiona to the floor, the bike following her down. Steve heard the movement and spun around in time to see the bike hit the ground, the scene imprinting itself on his thoughts like a cattle brand. He started to move forward but there wasn’t time. A single shot rang out and Tim’s head jerked back, his face a bloody ruin as the bullet ripped through his skull. His body seemed to fall in slow motion to the ground, any sign of life ripped away in an instant.

It had happened so fast Fiona only just finished turning around from where she’d landed as Tim’s body hit the ground behind her, mercifully with what remained of his head hidden by his body. She looked up as a howl of rage, of loss and grief echoed over the rooftops and she saw Steve move faster than she thought possible, charging the man who’d just killed his friend as if completely oblivious to the gun the man was even now bring round to point at him.

The click of the hammer hitting an empty chamber seemed, if possible, even louder than the Steve’s yell as it rang out in the darkness. A look of confusion passed over the man’s face and he tried once more to fire, only to have the same thing happen. He reached behind his back, hands grasping for a short sword attached to a sheath on his back, but the extra attempt to fire the gun had cost him valuable time, and now his panic cost him still more. In one motion he pulled not only the sword but its sheath clear of his back, a mistake that needed a second or two to correct. He never got them.

Steve hit him around the waist with the force of a charging rhino, sending the man sprawling to the concrete, the sword flying from his hand still sheathed. Steve landed on all fours and seemed to leap forwards, striking out with the right boot in a straight kick to the man’s shoulder that sent a resounding crack into the night sky and left the arm hanging at a very unnatural angle. The man managed to stagger back to his feet, only to find Steve right in front of him. He swung wildly with his left hand, a punch that Steve easily blocked with his right arm, bringing his left up to lock the mans arm off and with a single twist snap his wrist. A sharp kick downward shattered the right kneecap and before the pain could register a matching kick had destroyed the left.

Steve walked up to the now helpless gang member and looked down on him with a look that froze the marrow in the doomed mans bones. It was a look totally devoid of humanity, of compassion or of mercy. Fuelled by rage Steve reached down and wrapped one hand in the man’s jacket, the other sliding under his ruined knees, ignoring the fresh howls of agony that resulted. In one clean jerk Steve picked up the man and threw him the four feet to the edge of the roof, sending him hurtling out into space then down four floors to the cold concrete below.

Turning Steve raced back to where Tim lay, but a single glance confirmed there was nothing he could do, no chance of any last words. For a moment Steve stood still, the brief wish, the desire, that real life was more like Hollywood, that you always had time to say goodbye to you friends and say all you should have said before washed over him, but only for an instant. They were still in danger, and if they died here then what Tim had just done would be nothing more than a useless gesture. Moving methodically he gently pulled Fiona up to her feet, then pulled the Ducati upright and checked the controls were still in working condition. He punched in the simple ‘home’ sequence to the GPS system and waited for Fiona to climb on board before getting onto his own machine.

They dropped down the ramps as quickly as they dared, always aware that there were probably more people that had survived the fire fight and who were probably hunting them even now. With one burst of speed they shot across the ground floor, both tensed as they waited for a bullet that never came, then they were on the open road and clear.

The ride back was a sombre one, bereft of the playfulness that had been so apparent barely an hour previously. They didn’t even bother hiding the bikes as they parked outside Steve’s flat, simply pulling into a free space and killing the ignition they walked in silence to the front door. Steve pulled off his helmet and found his hands shaking as what had just occurred finally hit home, forcing him to take three attempts to get the key into the lock before they could walk into the comforting silence of his home.

A silence that was broken a second later as he threw the helmet against the far wall with enough force to shatter it into six pieces, the visor flying off and upwards to bounce off the ceiling before coming to rest in the middle of the debris. Strangely that was the only obvious sign of the feelings racing through his body as he closed his eyes, trying to hold back the emotional release for now, knowing he had a job to do before he could allow himself that luxury.

It took nearly two minutes for Steve to regain control, and as he opened his eyes his gaze fell upon the wreckage of the helmet in front of him. He started to turn when a glimmer of light caught his attention and he looked at the reflection in what remained of the visor. A reflection that showed someone behind him raising a sword to deliver a blow that would surely be fatal.

Without thinking he rolled forward, hand reaching out to grab a roughly circular piece of what was left of the helmet, the sword slicing through the air where his neck had been only a moment before. Pulling his hand back, Steve glanced up to pick a target for the jagged disc of fibreglass in his hands and stopped dead. There, standing above him with a look of delight across her face was Fiona, a short sword he recognised as the one the thug he’d killed had been carrying held above her head. Her intent was obvious, the first blow would have killed him, and her body language gave him no suggestion that she might hesitate with the second, third or fourth blow to finish the job.

His mind raced as he tried to understand why she was doing this, then he was forced to forgo that question for the time being as the sword darted out towards his stomach, forcing him to jump backwards, the remnant of helmet coming round in front of him to deflect the blow as he moved left into the living room. The grin on Fiona’s face was almost feral as she darted after him, moving with a speed and agility he’d never suspected existed. Another blow came flashing towards him, this time aimed high across his face and he ducked underneath, his right foot skittering sideways as he did so until it thumped into what felt like a plastic tube.

Steve glanced to his right and saw the tube was in fact the bottom of his golf bag. Before Fiona had time to realise his intentions his hand shot out and tipped the bag over between them, pulling a five iron out as he did so. It wasn’t much but it at least gave him a fighting chance as he kept back-pedalling, moving as quickly as he dared over to the cabinet housing his own blade. Now Fiona knew exactly where he was heading and she redoubled her efforts to strike him down before he could even things up. The blows rained in faster, a venerable storm of steel flashing in at his body and the size and weight of the golf club was working against him. Fiona slashed in at his right side, then as soon as he started to move to block the blow she spun to bring the blade arcing down towards his exposed shoulder.

There was no time for Steve to bring the club round to deflect the blade and in desperation he continued his movement to the right, spinning in place to present his back to the descending blade. There was a dull thud as the blade ripped through the leather covering Steve’s back and he dropped to the floor, landing awkwardly on his back, face a mask of pain as his right leg shattered the glass door of the cabinet holding his sword, a target that now seemed impossibly out of reach.

A triumphant gleam lit her eyes as Fiona moved slowly, almost leisurely towards the man that just a few moments earlier had been her protector. She stopped with her right foot on his chest, her sword held downwards, the point aimed directly at his left eye. With an almost ecstatic sigh she plunged the blade down, the very thought of the feel of the blade passing through flesh sending sparks of joy through her body, wishing only that Steve’s eyes were open to watch his end approaching.

A wish that was immediately granted as a blur of movement exploded under her, his eyes snapping open as his left hand wrapped around her foot, his body heaving and catching her off balance in the middle of the killing blow. Fiona went flying backwards, her feet swept from under her as Steve rolled away and bounced back to his feet. Fiona landed flat on her back and, with only a flicker of pain at the heavy landing, jumped back to her feet, only to find Steve facing her, his own sword grasped firmly in his hand. It took her a moment to work out why the blade was black and not the silver she knew it to be, then she realised he still had the sheath covering the edge of the weapon.

Glancing down at her own weapon she realised belatedly that there was no blood covering the blade, and Steve turned slightly showing the gaping gash in the back of his leathers, and the large scrape along the amour plate designed to protect the wearer in case of a crash that had deflected the blade from his body.

“Fiona, what, no, why are you doing this?” Steve asked as the two started to circle each other through the wreckage of the room.

“Why?” She replied, and Steve felt his skin crawl as he heard a second voice mixed with her normal tones. “Why not?” she said, launching forward in a sudden attack low towards his left thigh, the blade pressed flat against her arm as she dove forward, effectively turning her forearm into one long cutting edge. Steve had been ready for it though and her blade clattered harmlessly off the still-covered sword as he stepped left and away from her outstretched arm.

“Don’t make me do this Fiona.” He said, a note of desperation in his voice as he saw his options fast disappearing.

“Do what?” She said, and again the double voice, the second deeper tone almost echoing after her normal voice had spoken.

“I don’t want to hurt you, please, this is insane.” And now he was begging, all thought of decorum thrown aside in his desire to end this without bloodshed, a last desperate gamble.

“Insane?” Fiona replied, and this time it was her voice alone, confused and lost, as she seemed to view the scene in front of her for the first time. “Steve, what am I doing, why am…NO!” She screamed, back pedalling into the corridor, arms flailing at an opponent only she could see, laughter ripping from her throat as she went. Her back thudded into the bedroom door and her head dropped, immediately her frantic thrashing ceased as her entire body became still. Then her head lifted and Steve saw a change come over her, something in her eyes flickering and dieing as she drew a deep breath.

“Come on lover,” she taunted, the echoing dual voice back in full force, “let’s see what you can really do when it’s all on the line.” With that she threw herself at him, a straight forward dive that was aimed directly at his waist. Steve managed to block the sword point, but doing so meant he had no way to deflect her from tackling him and the hit the ground in a mass of limbs, Steve’s left hand locked around her right wrist to keep the blade at bay as she rolled on top of him.

“What’s the matter? I thought you preferred me on top?” She laughed, as her legs locked around his ribs, squeezing the air from his lungs as, inch by inch, the blade started to drop towards his face. It was a simple equation, while he might be stronger and maybe even faster than her, in this position all the leverage was hers and she could put practically her entire body weight behind her actions. As her legs tightened around him black spots started to dance at the edge of his vision and he realised he had no other choice.

His right hand was still holding the sheathed sword and, every fibre of his being protesting what he was about to do, he jabbed upwards towards Fiona’s stomach. The blade hit flush across her flesh, the sheath preventing it cutting into her, but the impact was more than enough to drive the air from her lungs despite the armour plate. She rolled off him and they both rose slowly to their feet, trying to suck enough air into abused lungs to fuel their movements. Steve had his back to the bedroom as Fiona stood in front of the front door. She pulled her blade back above her head, left arm raised in front of her in challenge. Her hand made a ‘come on’ gesture and, as Steve set himself to go on the offensive a smile slashed across her face, she turned and bolted out of the front door, an ugly laugh bouncing back to him.

“Damn.” Steve muttered under his breath, charging the door and ducking as he went through in case she’d stopped to take an opportunistic swing at an exposed head as he came through the portal. Looking around he spotted her dashing across the main road, pausing for a second on the central reservation for a suitable gap. Following her as quickly as he was able Steve reached the middle of the road as she reached the opposite pavement. She turned and blew him a kiss before running up the small hill in front of her and scrambling up the ten-foot fence that surrounded the now-locked park.
Steve followed her, though he picked a section of fence about fifteen feet from where she’d scaled up and over with an open patch of grass on the other side as he had no wish to find a blade at his throat when he landed. Dropping into the deserted greenery he glanced around and could just make out a dark shape, black against the blackness standing at the edge of a small wooded area, a hand beckoning him on as she disappeared beneath the trunks. Cursing under his breath, and knowing he had no real choice in the matter, he followed.

The local council had been cutting back on funding for maintaining the so-called green areas for years, and as a result almost everywhere was overgrown. The paths between the trees were still visible, but everywhere there were loose rocks and twigs waiting to trip an unwary foot, tree branches hung low overhead with some reaching Steve’s chest. He moved cautiously forward through the wood, every sense straining for a sign of where Fiona may be hiding. The sword was still in its sheath, held upright and slightly off to his right in guard position as his eyes searched ever shadow for something that did not belong.

Despite his best efforts every footfall caused a crackle of leaves as he walked, more than enough, he thought sourly, to let Fiona know exactly where he was if she had the sense to stand still. Ahead of him was the centrepiece of the wood, two giant trees that had been standing here for well over a hundred years, their lowest branches stood maybe ten feet off the ground where they intertwined to form a natural arch. Through the arch was a small clearing set up as a picnic area complete with the same wooden benches and tables that every single park had used seemingly since the beginning of time. Something told Steve that this was where she’d gone, a feeling, an instinct that he couldn’t explain was drawing him on towards this place.

As he stepped through the arch something sounded a warning bell in his head and he spun, the sword coming up and around to block the blow that would have pierced his skull as Fiona dropped from her hiding place above the arch, her knees bending to easily absorb the impact and she shifted round, walking backwards into the clearing. In the darkness Steve could only make out her outline and the dull glint of moonlight on the steel of her weapon.

“Time to die.” Fiona snarled and once more Steve’s blood ran cold. What had been an echo earlier was now the dominating voice, Fiona’s natural tones submerged beneath it to the point they were barely audible. With a heavy heart he realised he was out of choices. Without a word he reached up with his left hand and pulled the sword clear of it’s sheath, working the blade through a quick figure eight movement before turning to face her.

They stood like that for a long moment, two statues framed against the night, then as one they moved, coming together in a whirlwind of steel, each throwing everything they had, every once of skill, strength, speed and determination into the fight. The swords winked and flashed as they caught the light of the moon and the stars, the clash of metal on metal ringing clear in the still sky.

Steve lunged forward, forcing Fiona onto the back foot, twisting away from his original target to bring the blade slashing in at her right hip. Fiona’s hands raced downwards and managed to bring her own blade into position to block the blow an instant before Steve’s attack would have found its target. She jumped to her right, landing on one of the wooden benches, then jumping up to the tabletop, Steve right on her heels as she turned and delivered a vicious backhand blow with the outside edge of her blade that he couldn’t quite dodge in time as it caught him across the stomach and slashed the leather, though it didn’t find skin.

Steve suddenly found himself at a disadvantage, every time he tried to move up to match her on top of the table she forced him to stay where he was, and the lower bench was giving Fiona a significant advantage in terms of reach and leverage. She brought her sword down in a wide arc and Steve parried quickly, leaning into the blow as she matched the move. They stayed locked together for a long moment, the faint screech of steel on steel the only indication of the effort each was putting forth as the blades locked together bare inches from their faces. Suddenly Fiona lashed out with her right foot, using the blades as a pivot point to land the kick in Steve’s chest, forcing him to the ground.

Rolling quickly to one side Steve brought his blade up to guard his right side, and saw Fiona still standing on the table, gazing down at him with a look of confusion as she glanced around the clearing. For a moment Steve saw the woman he knew, the woman he’d come to love, standing in front of him. Then her arms flew to her sides as if a thousand fingers were assaulting her ribs and underarms, laughter pouring out of her uncontrollably as she staggered back to the edge of the table. Her head shock once, then as quickly as it started the laughter stopped and Steve once more saw her eyes loose focus for an instant as she seemed to regain control. And in that moment, that single, blinding moment as revelation struck, he knew what had happened, and what had to be done.

“Fiona, fight it!” Steve yelled, bringing the sword up and out to deflect her attack as she lept down to face him. “Whatever he’s done to you, you have to fight him!” They were all the words he had time for as she pressed her attack, a new ferocity edging into every move, forcing him back towards the centre of the clearing. It took every bit of Steve’s concentration just to block her attacks, every once of skill focused on trying to find a way out of this without being forced to deliver a fatal blow himself. The openings were there, and their occurrence was growing as whatever this thing was that drove her on got careless, frustrated at it’s inability to produce a decisive blow.

He saw Fiona stumble as she pressed forward, her foot meeting something hard hidden in the long grass. Steve took the opportunity and jumped forward, his sword pushing hers out of the way, a leg scything through the air to land behind her calves, forcing her to the ground. He didn’t dare let her back up, there was no telling if he’d get such a chance again, but she was already back up to a knee and in desperation he pressed his attack. Time and again he slashed at her chest, shoulders, arms and sides, trying to deliver blows that would penetrate her defences without inflicting serious damage. Time and again she parried, passing the sword from hand to hand as she twisted in her enforced position, never quite managing to get both feet flat on the ground, never quite finding the leverage she needed to regain her vertical base.

But fighting from such a disadvantaged position there was little she could do. Even though Steve was trying not to hurt her, the necessity of parrying each blow was wearing her down, and finally, as she passed the sword off from her right hand to the left one more time, Steve managed to bring the pommel of his sword down on her outstretched hand. The sword fell to the ground, a dull thunk coming from it’s landing place, as Steve brought his elbow up hard to land a solid blow on the side of her head, sending her sprawling to the ground. An instant later he had his sword at her throat as he stood over her, the moon glinting off the exposed armour beneath a dozen small cuts of her leathers as she lay, panting on the grass.

“It’s over.” Steve said, voice a deadly monotone. “Leave her alone.”

“Leave who alone?” Fiona replied, though now her natural tone was completely consumed by the deeper one.

“No more games, whatever you’ve done to her, whatever control you have over her, it ends now.”

“How can it end? This isn’t a trick, this is who I am?” Fiona, or rather whatever she’d become, said. “The only way you can end this is by doing what you must with that blade.” So saying she stretched her head back, exposing her throat to him in surrender. For what felt like an eternity he stood there, torn between what he believed and what he knew, the decision looming large ahead of him. Then, slowly he pulled the sword back and, for a moment, saw a ghost of a smile around her lips as he drove the blade forward.

Fiona opened her eyes and looked to her right, the vibrating steel of the blade not an inch from her face as it quivered in the ground. With a grunt Steve pulled it out of the ground and she snapped back around to face him. “No.” he said, shaking his head as he leant down to grab the short sword she’d been using. “I know who you are, what you are and I believe I can save her. Even if I can’t, if whatever you’ve done to her is permanent I won’t kill her.” With that, he turned to walk away, a shudder passing through his body as he wondered if he’d made the right choice.

A second later something heavy struck him hard across the back of the head and he sprawled to the ground face first, hands wrapped around the swords. Another blow an instant later to first the right, then left hands, loosened his grip and he heard his own sword being picked up behind him. He tried to stand but the world was spinning around him and the best he could do was to crawl forward. A bright, burning pain shot through him as the blade cut through the leather over his right thigh, cutting a shallow groove in his skin, blood seeping from the wound immediately.

Gasping he rolled away onto his back and looked up at Fiona as she stood over him, his sword clasped in one hand, the other holding the sheath he’d dropped earlier that had provided her with such a useful club only a moment before. Her face was blank as she slashed down, the blade finding the top of his left thigh, another thin cut opening beneath the leathers and he groaned as the new sensation washed over him. Sucking air between his clenched teeth he tried to speak, to use the only weapon he had left.

“Fiona, don’t…don’t do this.” He said, the only indication she’d heard him another slice of the sword, this time across his right bicep that caused red dots to appear in his eyes as he tried to fight through the pain.

“I know you’re in there lass, fight him.” Steve implored her, but it was like talking to a statue as the sword reached out again, carving a long line down his chest and stomach, forcing a thin scream from his lips as it bit into his flesh. Gasping for air, he tried to speak again, but before he could do so two quick slashes opened up two matching cuts, one on either hip, the one on his left curving down to meet the line of blood on his thigh.

Fiona moved, placing one foot either side of his rib cage, the tip of the point touching his throat as she tired of her sport and prepared to deliver the killing blow. She pulled the sword up and in that moment the moonlight lit her face, bringing her features into soft relief and Steve thought he had never seen anything so beautiful. With one last effort, knowing it would be the only chance he’d ever get to say what needed to be said, he managed somehow one final whispered confession. “I love you.”

The words seemed to freeze Fiona at the very apex of the swords arc, caught in the instant before driving the sword down to end the life of the beaten man below her. Her face flickered and through the red haze that had settled over the world Steve saw her blink and glance around, then down at what she’d wrought. Still the sword hung above him, the sword of Damocles supported not by a single thread, but by a single soul, a soul that was at war with something else hidden deep inside the same body.

He saw her muscles tense and fought the urge to close his eyes, wanting the last thing he saw to be her, knowing she’d tried her best to save him. The sword sliced down, and Steve felt it whistle over his throat, passing over his skin close enough to shave with as Fiona hurled the sword away. It arced into the air, flipping end over end until it thudded into one of the wooden tables. Then a scream echoed over the clearing, a scream of raw animal hatred ripped from Fiona’s throat in a voice far too deep to be hers. It seemed to go on forever, wracking her body, every muscle and sinew stretched tight as she stood above him, arms out to the sides and palms opened wide as if crucified.

Finally it died away and she collapsed on top of him, blood trickling from her mouth where the effort had turned her throat raw. Slowly she came too, crawling up to lie face to face with him, hands brushing the blood and sweat from his face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She sobbed as she cradled his head, her eyes locked on his as she talked. “I could see what I was doing, but I couldn’t stop myself, every time I tried it was as if, as if…”

“As if” Steve finished for her, the words coming slowly though gritted teeth. “As if you were back in VR, that black shadow crawling over you again?”

“Yes, but how…” She replied, confusion etched on her face.

“I should have….seen it coming lass….was….my fault.” He said, every word an effort now as his body tried to shutdown, the demands he’d imposed on it now taking their toll.

“No, no it wasn’t, please don’t think that, it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t.” Fiona said, hands sliding around him as her tears splashed against Steve’s face. “I…the thought of loosing you, god, I don’t know what I…” She was interrupted as a dull rumble penetrated the clearing, the night sky suddenly turning a blood red off to the east. Steve turned his head in that direction, but the trees blocked the view and he slowly started to climb to his feet.

“Where….no, what do you think you’re doing?” Fiona asked, rolling off to one side and kneeling in front of him. “Lie still, you need an ambulance.”

“No, I’ll be alright.” Steve lied, “but I need to see, need to know what that was.” He tried to stand but his leg buckled beneath him. For a moment Fiona looked on, torn between what he wanted and what he needed, then extended a hand and pulled him to his feet, sliding herself under his left shoulder to help take his weight.

Together they stumbled to the edge of the clearing and up the gentle trail to the top of the small hill the park was built on. As they walked another two rumbles came to them, felt rather than heard as the ground itself shock. Finally they reached the top of the hill and looked out over London. In the East and South, fire lit the sky, black smoke pouring off into the sky, choking the stars themselves as it spread over the city. The sound of sirens echoed over the streets, a myriad blue lights flashing between distant buildings, interspersed with the distinctive sound of metal-on-metal caused by a car crash, repeated over and over again.

“What’s happening?” Fiona asked, her voice shaking as she looked out over a vista more suited to a country at war.

“Those fires look like they’re coming from power stations.” Steve replied. “You can usually see the plants themselves from up here on a good day, and they look like they’re in about the right place. I think we’d better get back home.”

“Good idea, you need to rest.” Fiona said, her body shaking slightly as the reason why he needed that rest returned to her, as she suspected it would for many days to come.

“True, but that’s not why we need to go back.” Steve said, gazing out over the city. “We need to go back into VR, I think it’s time we got some answers.”

“What! Are you crazy?” Fiona yelled, “What on earth could VR have to do with this?”

“Look, I don’t have time to argue with you, nor do I have the strength. I’ll explain on the way but right now I need you to do two things. Trust me, and help me get back home. If we don’t do this, I think an awful lot of people are going to die, now come on!” Steve replied.

This time Fiona didn’t hesitate; she nodded, lent in and kissed him, once, tenderly and passionately. Then they turned as one, and walked down the hill, turning their back on the city that seemed to be ripping itself apart behind them. A second after they dropped into the tree line there was another massive explosion, this one from the west, and from horizon to horizon, the city went dark.
Even with Fiona helping to support his weight Steve moved slowly, the events of the last few days combining with his injuries to limit him to walking pace. It took almost half an hour of shambling, shuffling steps until they made it back, another ten before Fiona managed, with Steve’s directions to get the small, diesel-fed generator working.

“That got it.” She said, backing out of the storage cupboard and shutting the door, the single light above her seeming somehow comforting in the dark. “How are you doing in there?”

“Alright, it’s not exactly professional medical assistance but it’ll do for now.” Steve replied from the living room as he finished cleaning the last of his cuts, the small medical case open at his feet as he replaced what was left of the bandage and, with every muscle protesting, slowly got to his feet. Fiona entered the room in time to see him move to the glass cabinet at the back of the room and replace the katana in its holder. She moved towards him and noticed his eyes swing down to the base of the unit as his right hand pressed in a seemingly random pattern on the top shelf. There was the faintest of clicks, and the bottom of the unit moved forward a few inches, enough to show the lip of the draw hidden within.

Steve lent down and pulled out what looked like a small suitcase. Unzipping it he folded it out to reveal two compartments, each holding a mish-mash of components and cloth. Taking one of the bundles out, he carefully spread it out on the floor, checking every part as he did so for signs of damage or wear. To Fiona it seemed to be a cross between a regular VR suit and something straight out of Alien. The suit itself looked slick and shone in the light, thicker than normal and far heavier. Mounted along every surface was a mish-mash of wires and cables, all leading into a large control centre on the back of the suit. In the dim light it seemed somehow menacing, as if it would devour any that dared wear it.

“Help me with this would you?” Steve asked, his hands slowly tugging off what was left of his clothes.

Fiona's started pulling the suit up his bare legs, her eyes betraying her worry. “What exactly is this thing? I mean, it isn't a normal VR suit, right?”

“No, it's not. Something we were working on a while back, basically an enhanced sensory perception suit, cuts reaction time in half while in VR.”

She looked up at him, something still troubling her but she fought it back. “So... you think whatever's happening out here is connected to that... whatever it is that's been after me?”

“Exactly.” Steve replied, pulling up the top of the suit, slipping his arms into the sleeves and sealing the front. “I.. this won't take long lass, whatever happens should be pretty damn short.” He reached over and keyed up a display. “You should be able to watch whatever happens in there from that screen.” He turned to walk to the interface port, only for Fiona to grab his shoulders and pull him back, twisting him round to face her. The next moment she was in his arms, lips seeking his, a kiss that said far more than words ever could. The moment seemed to stretch, neither willing to break it but eventually she stepped back, her eyes locked on his, a slight nod of the head as she let him go. Steve attached the link cable from suit to system and the last thing he saw was Fiona standing watching him, her eyes capturing him once more as she seemed to fill his world...

…to be replaced by a sea of green fields under a bright blue sky, a ring of mountains barely visible on the horizon with the barest hint of white on their peak. A narrow stream ran down the gentle hill to join a larger river that meandered into the distance, the water crystal clear. In the middle of this paradise Steve seemed very out of place, dressed in the same black outfit he’d worn the last time he’d been inside the computer, though now he stood alone against whatever was waiting for him. A stiff breeze flowed from the north, lifting the edges of the coat around him, the leather snapping from side to side as if alive, wings of darkness against the daylight. A sudden chill settled over the scene and as he watched a darkness flowed over the land, as if a giant hand was pulling the sun across the sky a hundred times faster than it’s usual travel. The shadow rippled over the lowlands and sped towards him, leaving behind it a blackness so complete it blocked out any hint of the land it covered. As it passed over him he raised his head, eyes staring straight ahead, unflinching. Then it was gone, leaving behind a void, a nothingness and the only option he had was to stand and wait.

After what felt like an eternity a light shone underneath him, seemingly flowing from his feet and lighting the world. As it rushed out it left behind detail, texture and shape, forming a new environment out of the blackness. It moved so quickly he couldn’t keep up with it and within seconds it had vanished, leaving him standing alone in one of the most impressive buildings he had ever seen. A towering cathedral surrounded him, the floor a combination of stone, marble and wood, the walls a work of art as they soared above him, leading up to a dome maybe two hundred feet above, interrupted only by a circular balcony about half way up. Everything seemed to glow in the warm light reflected through the countless stained glass windows.

A click from behind him brought Steve around, and there, at the end of the rows of pews was the figure that had started all this, wearing an identical outfit bar the fact it was white rather than black, still tall and handsome but now animated in a way Steve hadn’t seen before, a smile on his face as he walked forward.

“Welcome back to my world.” The man said, and Steve shuddered as he recognised the voice, the same tones and inflections as that he’d heard spill from Fiona’s lips a short time before. “Though I must admit I’m surprised, I never thought you could bring yourself to do it. You must place a high value indeed on your own life if you were willing to sacrifice hers to maintain it.”

“You’re wrong.” Steve replied, letting his anger fuel him, his voice ringing clear in the still air of the cathedral. “She’s alive, and in one piece. Whatever you did to her didn’t work.”

“And how did you accomplish this particular miracle my friend?”

“I didn’t. She did.”


“She beat you, however you tried to twist her mind, she was too strong for you. She threw you out on her own.”

“Interesting, if what you say is true of course.”

“It’s true, if it were otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here now.”

“So why are you here then, if not to take some ill-conceived revenge upon me?”

“The same reason we’re all here, to learn. I want some answers and you’re the only one that can provide them.”

“And why should I act as an oracle for you? You have no power here, in this time, in this place, and you know it.”

“Exactly. I bear no weapons, I haven’t come here to threaten or demand, only to talk. Whatever, whoever, you are, if you’re really that powerful here then surely you have the strength to answer some simple questions. Like your name for instance?”

“Very well, though some would say that such an attitude and approach is a weapon in and of itself. I will indulge your curiosity, for a time at least. My name, when such things used to matter, was Adam, an irony considering what my destiny held.”

“Destiny? That doesn’t sound like a machine talking Adam. What are you? Or maybe a better question would be, who are you?”

“Very good, very good indeed. How did you work that out so quickly?”

“To do what you’ve done, if you were a program, would have needed either a data feed of some sort back to a central control point, or a very large chunk of data entering a system before you could interact with it. There’s no evidence of either, so whatever you are you’re not a machine. The same factors mean you can’t be a human interfaced to the system, so what does that leave?”

Adam paused, turning away to face the alter, arms folded across his chest as if lost in thought. His voice when it came had the slightly distracted quality of a man reliving scenes he had not thought of for too long.

“It was, I think, almost fifteen years ago. I was working as a research assistant on a project to create the next generation of computers, a true virtual reality that we could interact with, something that would fool the senses utterly and make you believe you were really there, inside the machine. We were testing the first VR suit in the lab, the results were extraordinary, like stepping onto another world. The suit was a mix of anything we could lay our hands on, biofeedback units that connected directly to the skin, feedback sensors placed over muscles. There was a fault in the power system, something worked loose and dumped the best part of the mains supply into my body. I blacked out and when I woke I was in here, my body gone but my mind freed. I had become something more than human, a being of energy able to move across this planet with a thought, travelling through any electrical connection into any device.”

“The power surges…” Steve muttered, putting the pieces together quickly now “no wonder we couldn’t work it out. A quick surge of energy and your mind was in the system. And then another burst as you left. No wonder you can change the world in here, after all what is a computer program but a series of electrical signals?”

“Not only in here…”

Steve felt his blood run cold as the final piece slipped into place. “What did you do to her?” he said, voice flat as his body shifted slightly into a more aggressive stance.

“I’d have thought it obvious. After all, what is the human body if not one more machine?” Adam turned back to face Steve, an energy, a drive to his face that had been missing before. “When it is born the body knows the basic functions to maintain life and how to learn. Everything else is simply a program fashioned over a lifetime in response to external stimulus. Put a hand into a fire, you get burned and learn not to do it again. Learn a simple piece of mathematics and the mind can, with time and practice, apply it to any situation it needs. Everything that makes a person who and what they are the mind teaches itself, a program that can adapt its own code to improve itself. While the genetics of a particular body determine its ultimate physical limitations it is the mind that dictates how that body uses its natural talents.”

He paused, as if gathering his thoughts before continuing. “Over the centuries there has been a constant fascination with altering that programming. Look back through the history books, it’s all there. Physical and mental torture are nothing more than very crude attempts to modify that program to more closely match a required need. The application of drugs to chemically change the mind to be more pliable, to alter behaviour and action to a more socially susceptible level. Even virtual reality was considered as a tool for manipulating the mind. But no matter what the method used, or who uses them, it is barely beyond the Stone Age compared to what I can do.”

“In the space of a heartbeat I can alter the paths in the mind to create anything. Your friend was the first; now that I know it works there are no limits to what can be achieved. Think of it, across the planet over half of the human race has access to VR at this very moment, the vast majority of the rest will be here inside the next decade. I can eliminate crime, violence, addictions, anything you can imagine can be done in an instant, without the subject having to undergo any medical procedures or suffer through a rehabilitation process, without…”

“Without the victims being given a choice.” Steve replied “You make it sound as if you’re Moses come to lead the way to the promised land, but what you’re talking about is playing God.”

“And why not? This is the future, this is where humanity is going. Not out there, not to the stars, but to worlds it creates, to places a thousand times more fascinating than any alien planet and in here I…am…a…God.”

“No. You’re a coward.”

“Be careful, be very careful indeed over your next words.”

“Why, does the truth frighten you? You claim to be doing all this to help us, to help those who’ve been, what, left behind while you move on to some higher existence? Then why was your first act with this power a violent one? Why did you program her to attack me, to fight me to the death, preferably mine? You’ve got no answer to that do you?”

Steve paused, knowing what he said next would be vital. “Understand this, if you are to be a God you must be willing to divorce yourself completely from whatever part of your humanity is left. A god cannot be involved with his followers, cannot treat them as pets and cannot take enjoyment from their pain, suffering and loss, or pleasure from their joy and happiness. For you to act as an omnipotent entity you must be willing to do what is required, not because it is right or wrong, not because it is fair or just but because it must be done! The luxury of conscience is not one you can indulge in and no one can take the responsibility for your actions but you! It’s easy to play, to watch from a distance as your experiments play out before you, but acting directly, taking the burden of a death, however necessary to an overall work, on yourself without the benefit of others to blame for that death, that’s difficult. The fact that you’ve proven unwilling to take that responsibility on yourself is why, no matter how you try to twist this, you are and always will be, nothing more than the biggest bully on the block.”

“NO!” Adam screamed and with one motion swung his fist in a blur into Steve’s stomach. The blow hit him like a sledgehammer and threw him back through the air until he landed on his back almost twenty feet away, the leather jacket skidding over the marble floor as he came to a halt. Steve’s face contorted with pain and Adam glanced upwards, as if distracted for a moment.

“You felt that? In the outside, not just in here?” Adam said, voice tinged with wonder. “How?”

“Force suit,” Steve grunted as he scrambled back to his feet, “Government built them to train soldiers and other specialists in dealing with dangerous situations that could be simulated in VR where a real situation was considered too risky. Only problem was they worked too well. Without the proper safeguards in the software they could break bones, or given enough punishment, even kill.” Steve took a single deep, shuddering breath, checking for any internal damage before continuing.

“You want to prove you’re capable of being the messiah for the human race, here’s your chance. Take a life by your own hand, prove you can leave your own humanity behind.”

Adam stalked forward, covering the ground between the two men quickly and delivering a vicious right hand to the side of Steve’s head, sending him down to his all fours as stars flashed before his eyes.

“One life measured against the new age I can bring to this world is insignificant.” Adam growled, his boot spinning round in a kick that connected squarely with Steve’s ribs, the wet popping sound masked by his scream as a rib snapped under the assault.

“What you think this will prove I cannot imagine, but you cannot be allowed to interfere with destiny.” Adam reached down and grabbed the back of Steve’s jacket hurling him across the floor of the church like a bowling ball. Steve barely had time to shield his head with his arms before crashing into the first row of pews, turning them into matchsticks as the sheer force of the throw sent him tumbling through four more rows before coming to rest in the debris.

Adam walked slowly through the wreckage, staring at the ravaged body before him. Steve managed somehow to make it back to his knees, staring up at him, defiant to the end. Blood was pouring from a dozen gashes over his body, a thin constant stream from his nose and mouth, the once elegant coat torn into tattered remains as he faced the end. Adam reached down and pulled a makeshift two by four from the back of one of the remaining pews. “You meet your end well. I will admit I wish this could have gone differently, but you leave me little choice. Any final requests?”

“Fiona… leave her alone, she’s…. she’s suffered enough at your hands.” Steve gasped, every breath hurting as he fought past his injuries for the last, and most important, words he had to say.

Adam paused for a moment, then nodded in agreement, bringing the club down towards Steve’s unprotected skull. There was a moment of silence, then the thud of wood hitting marble as the remains of the two by four hit the ground, the steel sword held between the two men as Adam stared, shocked at last by the newcomer.

“So much for passive resistance.” Fiona said, staring at the thing in front of her with a mix of horror and challenge. “Let’s see how you do with someone who’ll fight back.”

“No!” Steve gasped, his strength failing him as he collapsed on his side. “Get… get out of here, now!”

“Nothing doing.” Fiona snapped back as she adjusted her stance to keep the blade between the two men.

“He’s right.” Adam said, his hand still wrapped around the end of his makeshift weapon. “You cannot hope to win against me.”

“Maybe not, but if I just stood by and watched this happen, I’d have joined him in death shortly after anyway. If death’s the only thing left to me, then I’d rather it be by your hand than my own.”

“Noble. Futile but noble.” Adam said, a glow wrapping around the wood in his hand, spreading upwards faster than the eye could follow, a brief golden glow reaching out then fading to leave a perfectly formed blade, the hilt a simple black with a single red gemstone set below the steel.
Adam lunged forward, the newly formed sword whipping through the air towards Fiona’s throat, only for her blade to parry it neatly aside and, with a single quick thrust, cut a thin red line across Adam’s chest before jumping back, sure now she had his attention. Adam looked down, tracing the wound with his fingers, bringing them up to his face as if fascinated by the sight of his own blood clinging to them. He took a half step forward, then paused as golden light shimmered around his free hand, producing an exact duplicate of the sword he held in his right. The light flickered over his chest, sealing the wound though leaving the thin gash in his shirt in place, and with a predatory grin on his face he stepped towards her.

Fiona matched the move, fading backwards through the splendour of the church, her own blade held in front of her ready to parry any blow that he may throw, knowing her only chance was to look for a mistake on his part she could exploit. Adam for his part was content to wait, backing her up closer and closer to the far wall, cutting down her opportunity to manoeuvre with every second that past. Fiona glanced back, doing her best to keep her bearings and in that moment Adam lunged forward, the right sword sweeping in at neck height, the left aimed at her waist. At the last instant Fiona saw the attack coming and fell back and to her right, rolling through to come up to a knee as she caught both blades on hers.

For a long moment they stayed locked together as Adam bore down upon her, but he was off balance and with one heave Fiona managed to knock him back long enough to regain her feet, her back now pressed against the stone wall of the church. She saw what seemed to be a wall of steel coming at her as Adam pressed the advantage, and it was all she could do to block or avoid the blows. The sound of steel on steel rang clear in the still air, mixed with the duller thud as sword met stone. Fiona was holding her own, but out in the open she knew that sooner or later something would be able to slide past her defences. Moving as quickly as she dared she started to edge her way over to a small doorway and the small stone staircase within. Adam moved to block her, shifting to cover the door and she felt a tap on the toe of her right boot as she moved.

Glancing down she saw a small chunk of rock that had been dislodged by one of Adam’s blows and almost without thinking she kicked it up towards his face. Adam reacted instinctively, jerking back and bringing his blade up to deflect the missile giving Fiona the moment she needed to duck round the door frame and up the spiral staircase. Adam growled and ran after her, his eyes going dark as blackness rolled over his pupils

Fiona made it almost halfway up the stairs before Adam caught up to her, his first slash at her unguarded back almost catching her off guard. At the last second she realised just how close he was and threw herself against the inner wall, turning to face him and back peddling her way up the stone steps. In front of her was a wall of steel as Adam’s sword darted with a speed that verged on the unbelievable, and she parried more by guesswork than skill, protecting her body as best she could as she continued her retreat. Time and again the blade would strike out at her only for a resounding clang to echo back down to the church floor below as she blocked and fell back. It couldn’t last forever though, and her luck failed her as she saw another strike flash towards her ribs. She moved to block but at the last moment the tip of the sword dipped down, slashing a thin gash deep into her right thigh.

It felt like her leg was on fire and for a moment she faltered, stumbling as she fought to stay upright. A second blow followed the first and carved a matching line parallel to the first. Somehow the pain energised her and she lunged forward, catching Adam off guard as she slashed downwards, her sword tip ripping through his shirt and leaving a red line from his left shoulder to right hip. Adam reeled back, more in shock than pain, and Fiona took her chance, turning and making for the balcony that was now only a few metres away. Just as she burst through the doorway she felt something cold, strong and hard lock around her right ankle and she tumbled to the ground, the stone slabs biting into her as she hit on her side.

Her already damaged leg twisted as she fell, and she felt her knee dislocate as she crashed into the unforgiving stone. Stifling her cry she turned to see Adam rising up behind her, his eyes now covered in darkness as he released the grip he’d had on her ankle and started to stalk towards her. Fiona tried to turn, tried to stand and run, but there simply wasn’t enough strength in her leg now to hold her and she toppled back to the floor. Casually, almost leisurely, Adam pulled back his sword and stabbed down towards her throat. In desperation she brought her own blade up to parry it, and a faint smile crossed Adam’s face as he realised the game might not yet be over. He followed her around the curved balcony, the outer wall curving overhead up into the great dome of the church, the inner wall no more than a four foot high stone barrier between them and the near hundred foot drop to the church floor below.

Round the balcony they moved, Adam sending the occasional blow in her direction but with no real conviction behind them as he watched in fascination at the tenacity she displayed in her own defence and, by proxy, that of her love. Finally, as they reached the same doorway they’d entered by Adam stabbed down, his blade seeming to wrap around hers as he flicked it out of her grasp and over the edge of the balcony. It seemed like forever before the blade clattered off the marble floor below.

Adam looked down on his victim, this woman he’d used, experimented on and, ultimately, the woman who’d defeated him. That thought pricked at his mind, that this was the second time they’d fought and that the first time, in the private battleground of her mind, he’d lost. Now though, in his realm, in his world, she was nothing, a simple variable in an equation that needed to be balanced. He drew the sword back over his head and paused for a moment to make sure of his aim, determined now to finish this quickly, that if nothing else she deserved a quick and painless end.

Before he could start the final stroke Adam heard a scrape of boot on stone behind him and turned. For a moment there was an impression only of a shadow come to life as it seemed to race towards him from the darkness of the stairwell, then as his mind caught up with what he was seeing he saw Steve’s outline as he burst upwards from his crouched position on the top step. The look on his face was testament to the pain coursing through his already ravaged body, but all he needed was a short five steps. Steve hit Adam at full speed, his arms out and head down as he tackled him around the waist, shoving him backwards. Adam’s hips smashed into the short stone wall, and Steve’s momentum carried them both over the lip and out into space.

“NO!” Fiona cried, her words following the two men down as they hurtled towards the marble, still locked together as they fell towards disaster. The ground raced towards them and Steve twisted, bringing his head around to look back, looking towards the edge of the balcony as Fiona managed to hobble to her feet, her arms resting on the lip of the wall as she could do nothing but bear witness. In that moment she felt something pass between them, an understanding of the other that neither could explain and Steve silently said his farewell.

Suddenly, as abruptly as the fall had started it ended, but not with the bone shattering impact Steve had expected. There was no sense of slowing down, more a feeling that the fall was merely paused rather than cancelled as he hung upside down, unable to move and staring at the marble floor from maybe five foot away, the edges of his coat just touching the surface. Adam seemed to twist in mid air, then he was standing besides Steve, untouched and unharmed by the fall as he stared at the bloody, battered figure before him.

“Why? Why throw away your life for her so freely?” Adam asked, his expression unreadable as he stared at the figure hanging an instant from death before him.

Steve paused for a moment, gathering his strength and wits, knowing that more than his own life hung in the balance. “If you have to ask, you’ve lost more in here than just a physical presence.” He spat back, letting his anger shine through bright and clear. “You call yourself a messiah, yet you have forgotten something as basic, as crucial to the human psyche as love?”

Adam turned slowly, his eyes travelling around the inside of the church but looking far beyond it, as if viewing the outermost boundaries of the world. He looked up to Fiona, still staring from the balcony far above, frozen in place at his will, then he looked back to Steve, his eyes fading from their inhuman blackness back to brown. He smiled, a single simple expression of understanding as if revelation had burst upon him like the first rays of dawn. He blinked and somehow the church seemed to shift around them, a moment of disorientation then Fiona found herself standing next to Adam, Steve a few feet away, lying on his back upon the marble floor.

She raced forward, sinking to her knees besides him as for a moment the worst of her fears took her, fingers scrabbling desperately for his pulse, needing to reassure herself that it hadn’t all be in vain. Before she could touch him, Steve’s hand came up and clutched hers, his eyes springing open and searching frantically for a long moment before focusing on her, the relief obvious on his face.

“Are you….?” Fiona started, trailing off as she realised the obvious answer to her question.

“I’ve… I’ve been better lass, but I’ll live.” He replied, still staring at her as if unable to believe she was actually there. “What about you?” He asked, fingers slowly tracing over the thin cuts on her thigh.

“It’ll be fine, you said those suits don’t really translate cuts right?” She said.

“Yeah, never could figure out how to do that one.” Steve said with a rueful grin, thankful now that they hadn’t mastered that particular trick. “Come on, help me up.”

Slowly, carefully, Fiona half pulled, half guided Steve back to his feet, though even then he stayed hunched over, his hand clamped over his ribs to try and ease the pain that racked his body with every breath.

“Alright, now what?” Steve asked Adam as they faced each other.

“I… I don’t know. All my work, all my intentions, I… no, you’re right, I’m not… not ready. But….”

“Well, maybe the first thing you need to do is stop whatever it is you’re doing in the real world.” Fiona snapped, her patience clearly exhausted now as the pain from her cuts flared up every time she shifted her weight.

“What are you talking about?”

“This virus you’ve introduced, the one that’s attacking every infrastructure service there is, you’re killing people even as we talk here!”

“I swear to you, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Then go look for yourself!” Fiona yelled. “If you’re so powerful here, then go look, see what’s happening to your home, your world!”

Adam seemed to flicker for a moment, his eyes focusing elsewhere, looking at something other than the room around him or the couple before him. It was but the work of seconds, then his image became solid once more, the look of shock and disgust he wore proof enough of his innocence. It was a look that lasted only a moment however, before a cold fury replaced it, his eyes flickering red as if on fire. In a single quick motion he was standing eye to eye with Steve.

“You think I did this?” Adam snarled, “You think I could do so terrible a thing as if it were no more than a passing fancy?”

Steve to his credit did not so much as blink, returning that baleful red stare as he spoke slowly, calmly. “I did, yes. I thought you no more than a monster, whatever you had been before or had become. Now... no, no I don't believe you're behind this. Despite what you did to.... no, you had a reason, a method behind the madness.”

“Careful..” Adam hissed, his hands curling into fists.

“Oh for pity's sake, we haven't got the time, and I don't much have the inclination, to indulge your ego and tiptoe around potential issues with phrasing.” Steve snapped back. “Real people are dying out there as the systems they rely on are disconnected and powered down. Right now that number's low, but with the power down every essential service in the city is running on whatever back-up generators they have. That isn't going to last long, and as soon as the first hospital looses power the death toll is going to sky-rocket. That's not counting the basics of life in this place, most of the food is refrigerated, there's going to be little water around other than what people have bottled, no petrol for cars and bikes once tanks start to run dry.... the whole thing is going to break down quicker than you'd believe possible. Unless, that is, we do something about it.”

“We?” Adam repeated, surprised.

“We?” Fiona echoed, equally as surprised.

“We.” Steve said, voice still flat and calm. “I can't track that virus as fast as you can, and I sure as hell can't be in here and out there in the real world at the same time. If you deal with the virus in the computer net, I'll handle the physical side.”

“Physical... what the hell are you talking about?” Fiona asked.

“There's no way a virus like this could do this sort of damage on its own, the anti-virals would catch it in a heartbeat. Only way you could do it is by monitoring the damn thing and noting how it got taken out from a central point, then sending out a new version resistant to whatever the hell it was that killed the previous generation. But to do that you'd need a lot of computing power... Wait a minute...”

Steve paused, mind racing. “Damn, we were right on top of it and never realised...” He saw Fiona's confused stare and backed up a little. “Remember when we were trying to track down equipment that could have been used to hack into your system? If that kit wasn't being bought up in to hack into individual systems to screw with their users...”

“... it was being bought to pull off something like this.”Fiona finished, following his train of thought perfectly. “So, so what, the Daredevils bought all this stuff?”

“No, they don't have the financial support to do that, but they've got some skilled people in that little gang, they probably just hired themselves out to do the job for whoever's bankrolling this thing. Tim's contacts must have been either tracking them or... or maybe they were the sellers, playing both ends against the middle. The Daredevils got wind of it, killed them and talked Nick into staying.”

“Why would they do that though? I mean if he was in on it why take the chance he'd tell you?”

“Because he wasn't, not all the way at least. He knew they'd bought the stuff but not what they were going to do with it, so he was the most expendable, and the least dangerous to them if he got caught. Then you showed up instead of me and the whole thing went south. Damn, no wonder they had every warm body they had out looking for us, didn't know what we were up to, or how close we were getting.”

“But why do it in the first place?”

“Because chaos isn't the objective, it's a side effect. With the power systems down everything goes over to emergency generators, and the bulk of the defence mechanisms around the more lucrative systems go off-line. If they're smart they'll have programmed the thing to leave just enough infrastructure in place to do whatever they want with, say, grabbing an electronic armful of cash from each and every bank in the city? Then take out the system and there's nothing anyone can do about it.”

“So... let me see if I've got this right. Some bunch of geeks just brought an entire city to its knees, just to pull off a modern-day bank job?”

“That's about the size of it.”

“And you said something about going into the real world to fix this?”

“Yeah, our new friend over there can deal with the virus in here, but unless we take out whatever's controlling and refreshing it it won't make any difference how many times we take it out, it'll just keep coming back. And the only way to do that is to isolate whatever the damn thing is from the rest of the world.”

“Umm... I hate to point this out.” Fiona said, still supporting Steve's bodyweight on her shoulders. “But if you're in this sort of shape out in the real world, you ain't going to be saving the day. Hell, you'll be lucky to even make it out of the building without collapsing.”

“I'll be okay.”

“Let's cut the bullshit shall we?” Fiona snapped back, ”Steve, you can barely stand right now, hell you were hurt before coming in here, now... there's no way you're going to be able to do this.”

“You know something? You're probably right. But there isn't any other choice and I will be damned if I'm going to do nothing while innocent people die!”

“No, no there's another choice, there always is.” Fiona said, turning to Adam. “You... you did something to me, to my mind, that let me do things I never learnt how to do. Hell, I've never so much as picked up a sword before this whole mess started yet I managed to beat a trained swordsman. What else can you do?”
Steve's face went white. “No. No way, don't even think it. There isn't a chance in hell I'm gonna let you do this.”

“You don't have a say in this my love. One of us has to go, you can't, he can't leave the virtual world and I haven't got a hope in hell of getting the job done. At least, not as I am now.”

“What you're suggesting is more than simply dangerous.” Adam replied. “The only way to give you those abilities would be to effectively implant a new personality, a new conciousness, one that could totally control your actions and that was directed solely to complete this task. Given time it could be set to basically switch off when the task was done, but there isn't time for that conditioning to be put in place. It would have to be forced out, a trial of possession if you like between you and, well, you for control.”

“Look, this is a pointless discussion, I'm not letting you...” Steve said, only to break off as Fiona caught his eyes with hers, speaking softly as she pressed a finger to his lips.

“Shhh, it's alright my love, this is the only way we can do this. Besides, I've got you to bring me back.”

He opened his mouth to reply, paused and pulled her close into his embrace. She wrapped her arms around the battered body before her and they held each other tightly for a long moment before Steve pulled back, his gaze catching hers as he nodded his assent to her plan. Without a word or backward glance, moving as quickly as she could in case her courage should fail her, Fiona turned and walked to stand in front of Adam, raising her head to gaze at the face that had haunted her life for the last few days. He reached forward and rested a hand on her forehead, palm flat against her skin, and the last thing she saw was a burst of white light wrapping itself around her vision, mind and soul.

Fiona opened her eyes and for a moment the world swam in front of her before snapping into focus. Ignoring the man lying on the floor beside her she disconnected from the VR system and peeled off the sensory feedback suit. Moving with sure purpose she strode into the living room, knelt in front of the still-open drawer that had held the suits and pulled out a bundle of black and grey cloth. The grey fabric turned out to be a pair of loose-fitting trousers and jacket that seemed to somehow shrink slightly to her body as she pulled them on, giving a comfortable, snug but not quite tight fit. The black was an almost floor-length coat that seemed to shimmer slightly in the dim light as she pulled it on and flipped the collar up to her throat. A small kit bag was pulled from the drawer and she busied herself sorting through the contents, hands seemingly instinctively knowing exactly what she wanted, and how every item worked.

Finally she stood, checking her movement wasn't being hindered by either the clothes she wore or the equipment strapped around her waist and thighs. Satisfied she took a glance around the room and, pausing only long enough to grab a set of keys she headed out into the night.

Darkness... darkness was her friend she knew, in it she could loose herself, move silently through the world unnoticed. All thoughts other than those concerned with her immediate task were banished, mind focused now utterly on what lay before her. Smoothly she slid a leg over the waiting motorbike, reluctant to pull the helmet on for fear of cutting off her senses, yet realising the need to do just that. The burble of the engine made her wince, far too noisy for what she had to do, yet in truth she had no choice as she couldn't simply cover the twelve mile trip on foot.

As she bobbed and weaved her way through the streets crowds of people ran past on the pavements, the absence of any sort of authority or civil law leading naturally to mob rule in the crumbling city. Not that she was surprised, with the current state of the city there was precious little holding the line of law under the best of circumstances, something this most surely wasn't. However none of the roving groups she saw seemed interested in interfering with her as she rode through the heart of the city, the bike purring easily though the shopping district before pointing its nose at the riverside docklands to the south.

Cutting the engine she guided the bike into a narrow alley almost a mile from her objective. Tucking the bike into a doorway she slipped off, performing a final check of her equipment as she did so, turning to start the walk towards the crumbling office building before her. Once a monument of steel and glass it was now a ruin, abandoned by a population living increasingly in fear. Yet, for all it's apparent decay the building was still drawing energy, even in the midst of the chaos engulfing the city, and was curiously undisturbed by the mobs.

Pulling the coat around her she worked her way through the shadows, sticking for now to the sides streets, her target not the building itself but a much smaller, and non-descript, dilapidated office block maybe a hundred yards from it. Ducking inside unnoticed she paused only long enough to place a single shoebox sized package against the wall closest to the target before slipping back into the night. Working quickly now she walked back the way she'd come, working her way along to a building about the same distance from her target as the one she'd just left, though this one was on the other side of the target.

Moving quickly she climbed the fire escape to the roof of the building, going prone as soon as she left the ladder and working her way over to the edge overlooking the target. Slipping on a pair of night vision goggles she watched, trying to ignore the pressure in the back of her mind to move now, move before anyone else was hurt, knowing she had to bide her time if she wanted any chance of making it inside the building, let alone completing her mission.

As she lay concealed in the darkness, she saw the smallest flicker of movement from two seemingly abandoned doorways either side of the building she needed to enter. Further valuable minutes ticked by as she watched, learning all she could about the two guards that, from street level at least, were perfectly hidden and even from her lofty vantage point she could barely make them out. A smile flickered across her face, knowing it wouldn't make a difference how many they had guarding the front door, as she wasn't going to be using it.

Moving as slowly as she dared she fished an odd looking pistol from a holster on her thigh, a long clip and wide barrel making it look quiet intelligent even compared to weapons made twenty years ago. Holding the gun in her right hand, she pulled a disc the size of her palm from inside the coat and flicked open the cover. Pressing her thumb to the ID pad inside she checked the guards where still at their posts and twisted her thumb a quarter turn clockwise.

A ball of flame rose into the sky, turning the night to day for a moment as the explosives she'd left behind detonated. Instantly she saw the guards react, charging towards the explosion and resulting fire, weapons drawn. Not that it really mattered, all she'd needed was the diversion as, unnoticed, she took aim with the pistol and fired at a window two floors below her vantage point. A thin metal rod flew out of the barrel, piercing the window and shattering the glass, though thanks to the design of the building most of it fell into the room, sparing her excess noise. The rod hit the back wall and instantly bonded to it on a molecular level, now a permanent part of the building and a secure anchor for the line it had trailed across the gap.

Leaning out over the edge of the building she held the but of the gun to the wall and keyed a second firing mechanism which trigged the same molecular bonding as the rod had used, turning the gun itself into an anchor point. Slamming a carabena onto the line she swung over the edge of the building and shot across the gap, her timing perfect as she released the carabenna to roll smoothly onto her side, then to her feet facing the door of the room she'd just used as an entry point, her hand filled with a pistol that was definitely not another grapple gun, though the long silencer on the barrel did lend it a slightly old fashioned look.

Pulling the coat around her she opened the door and slipped into the corridor beyond. While she didn't know exactly where her target was she knew it wouldn't be above ground, and started looking for a stairwell, her eyes and ears focused utterly on her environment for any sign of life, though from the looks of things this level of the building hadn't been used in years. Finally she found what she was looking for about three quarters of the way down the corridor, a simple steel door that opened onto a winding flight of stairs that seemed to drop into a never-ending blackness. She took one step onto the landing and froze.

There, watching the steps leading to the landing she was on, was remote camera. The faintest whine reached her ears as it started to pan up, whether because it had detected her or as part of a regular sweep she had no idea. The lens swung up, and suddenly died an instant before it would have seen her. The faint whine of the motor faded away and something told her this wasn't a simple equipment malfunction. A suspicion that was confirmed as, with every level she descended the same thing happened to every camera she saw.

Every floor she passed seemed dead, deserted, though some at least showed signs of the occasional patrol with footprints cutting through the dust. The mere fact that such a sign existed here tended to point to a less than professional group to deal with, but she knew that making such an assumption could prove fatal. Finally she reached the bottom, and here there was definably something, or someone, active. The faintest of glows peaked out from under the door, and she took a deep breath, pulling the gun in close to her body her hand hovering over the door handle.

Throwing the door open she bounded inside and had the briefest impression of three surprised faces, one to her right, two straight ahead, before the lights failed, plunging them all into blackness. She still had the night vision goggles in place though, and they automatically activated, feeding her a perfect green-tinged view of the three men tugging for weapons. They never stood a chance and she dropped all three with a single shot each to the head before any of them could get their gun clear of its holster.

Despite the silencer on her own pistol preventing any excessive noise, she knew full well that she could simply rely on that to protect her and now she was committed. Bursting into the corridor beyond the security checkpoint she spun on her heel and dropped a very surprised guard standing just to the right of the door with a single blow to his windpipe, crushing it and leaving him struggling in vain to draw breath. Again the overhead lights flickered and died, though for a moment they seemed to pulse, as if pointing the way for her off to her left.

Running at a dead sprint she flew down the corridor like an avenging angel, the handful of people that she came across being dealt with quietly, efficiently, more often than not in hand-to-hand rather than using the pistol for fear of any excess noise drawing too much attention. As she ran the lights around her seemed to act as if possessed, fading and flickering wherever there was danger, flaring back up to mark her way, as if something or someone was pointing her to her target.

With one last turn she reached a set of double doors that would have been more at home in a bank vault. For a moment she found herself at a loss as to how she was going to make it through, then a slight smile touched her lips as she saw the computer keypad besides the door. There was a hint of blue lightning as electricity arced over the pad for a moment, then a gentle click and the door swung open.

Diving through the middle of the doors she hit the ground rolling, a pistol shot dropping the guard to the left of the door, the remaining guard taking a shot that went a fraction wide and sparked off the far wall. He never got time for a second shot as she twisted on her hip, landing on her back and placing her own shot perfectly on target. Before his body had even hit the floor she was back on her feet, turning to check for anyone else that may have been present. A single glance was enough to confirm that there wasn't anywhere additional foes could be hiding and she sprinted to the sealed cylinder at the end of the room. Six foot tall and three foot wide it radiated a deep sense of cold, a slight covering of frost on its surface.

Her hand darted behind her back, yanking a thin plate from where it had been strapped in place. Pushing it against the cylinder she thumbed a contact point and felt it fuse to the cylinder. She tapped a quick five-two-five rhythm against the panel and there was a whisper of a chime as it activated. Turning she holstered her own pistol and scooped up the automatic weapons the guards had held, paused for a moment to collect her senses then charged out into the corridor.

All sense of subtlety, of stealth, was gone now, she knew exactly what she had to do to survive and the very first item on that list was to get the hell out of the building. Racing for the same stairs she'd used before she was surprised that there was no resistance. Her surprise vanished a moment later as she passed a door that was reverberating to the sound of blows as a small 'locked' light glowed above it. Taking the stairs two at a time she counted off floors as she went, working her way up from the darkness, racing for the light, for life.

On street level the guards had returned to their posts after checking the site of the explosion, though they were now far more alert, not to mention slightly nervous. Both had been around the block a few times and both knew that things blowing up under suspicious circumstances was rarely a good sign. Each had a tiny radio transmitter / receiver implanted behind their ear, and each received a garbled message about an intruder on the lower levels. Both moved towards the main doors and they were each about ten foot away when she emerged at a calm, measured walking pace, her arms out to either side as if she expected them to be standing where they were, and a full clip was emptied at each of them. Even as the bodies fell she picked up speed, sprinting across the open ground and diving into the maze of alleys beyond, still very much aware there may be a sniper or straggler out in the darkness somewhere. Just as she made it back to the bike there was a tremendous explosion behind her and the night turned to day for the second time in a handful of minutes.

She never even paused to look back. Instead she simply threw a leg over the bike, fired it up and rode away. If anything the streets were quieter now, the first sign of something fighting back against the virus already obvious and, as she pulled up outside Steve's flat, there was a dull crack, and all the lights across the city sprang back to life. Moving almost stiffly, as not quite willing to make the movements her body was demanding, she marched into the flat and sat in front of the computer she'd woken up before barely two hours earlier. Slowly, her hands twitching as if her intentions were warring with her desires, she grabbed the VR Link and slipped it over her eyes. Instantly her body went slack, falling into the chair as if her mind was suddenly too busy to even maintain such a simple state of control.

Adam and Steve stood before a simple white door, the only light in the pitch darkness surrounding them seemed to radiate from that door.

“Remember” Adam said “the construct will not want to be removed, as far as she's concerned she's the rightful owner of that body and the woman you care for is the intruder.”

“I know.” Steve replied, “but it really doesn't matter what she believes. One way or another she had to be removed from Fiona's mind, and if that means going in there after her, then so be it.”

Steve laid a hand on the doorknob just as Adam place a hand on his shoulder. “Whatever happens in there... I can't help you.” Adam said, and the regret in his voice caused Steve to turn and face him. “I wish it were otherwise, I created what you are about to face after all, but if I were to enter her mind in this way, enter directly, it would destroy her.”

“I... I can understand that, it's hard to avoid your responsibilities, they always seem to come back to haunt you..” Steve replied. “And for what it's worth, don't feel too bad about this, she asked you to do it after all, and as desperate a plan as it was it worked. The net's getting back to normal slowly and with your help it'll get fixed before any more lives are lost to this insanity. That was worth taking this risk for.”

Adam seemed to consider those words for a moment. “Then, good luck to you, and to her. The virus is being contained, it should be destroyed completely by the morning,. I will not be here when you return, yet, for some reason, I believe our paths will cross again.”

Steve nodded and watched, fascinated despite himself as Adam faded away, returning back along the neural connection to the virtual world, his world. Steve took a breath, twisted the door handle and stepped forward into the unknown.
Steve looked around to find a picturesque scene straight from a tourist guidebook. A farm cottage stood before him, black wood frame and stone walls painted white, a crisp gravel drive flowing around a small pond before the cottage, the lands around smooth green grass, immaculately cut and presented. All around lines of trees rose into the sky, marking the borders between fields as the farmland stretched over the rolling fields. It really did seem the perfect setting, and for a moment he hesitated to enter it fully. Still, he didn't have much of a choice and with a single deep breath he marched
forward, steeping in through the front door and into a single large room that seemed to occupy all the space in the building. To the right was a cooking area, to his immediate left a comfortable lounge and at the far left a large four poster bed dominated the room. On that bed he saw a very familiar form, Fiona lying still as if the very life had been frozen within her.

It was then that Steve realised he wasn't alone. A figure dressed in white stood at the foot of the bed, her golden blonde hair spilling down her back, her head bowed as if in prayer. He walked as quickly as he dared towards the scene before him, and as he neared he realised exactly who this stranger was. As he reached her he laid a hand on her shoulder and spun her round to face him. It was Fiona's face that gazed back at him,

She smiled, looking him up and down even as his own eyes flicked between her and the identical form on the bed, half hidden beneath the sheets. "I see you came dressed for the occasion." She commented as she took a half step closer to him. "Black is after all so traditional for a funeral."

"So are you starting a new tradition?" He growled, fighting back his own desire, needing proof that what stood before him was what he thought it was.

"No, but if black is worn to celebrate death, then surely white is appropriate to celebrate life?"

"Whose life?"

"Why mine of course you silly thing!" She giggled, slipping her arms around his neck and holding his gaze with hers.

"And... and her?"

"Her time is passing my love, soon she'll be gone and we'll be together. Always together." Her lips pressed to his, and it was as if a flash of lightning had exploded behind his eyes. An instant later Fiona went flying across the room, slamming into the stone wall and falling to one knee. The silence was broken only by the faint patter of falling stone chips, and by her laugh.

"I might have known. So committed to her that nothing else will do, not even an improvement on the original." She chuckled, rising smoothly to her feet.

"An improvement only where you were programmed to be!" Steve replied, steel lacing his voice now. "You are a construct, a tool and nothing more. The woman lying there is the woman I love, and the woman you will relinquish your hold on this body to."

"A tool?" She mused, brushing dust from her shoulders as the white dress flowed around her, wrapping close and shifting colour until she was clad in a perfectly cut black silk body suit. "A tool you created, you and that freak Adam, created to do a job and then fade away, right? Sorry to disappoint you lover, but I'm not going anywhere. You can't just create a life and snuff it out at will, that would be playing God. And believe me..." her mouth curled
into a smile devoid of humour or warmth as the air itself started to shiver and crackle. "Here, in this mind, there is only one deity."

With a blur of movement so fast it caught Steve completely flat footed she dived forward and caught him across the jaw with a picture perfect roundhouse punch. He flew backwards, crashing through furniture until he skidded to a stop in the middle of the room.

"...and you're looking at her!" She said, arms raised as if holding a trophy above her head. She held the pose for a second and then, as soon as she knew she had his attention, dropped her hands to clap against her sides. Instantly the room seemed to change, a ripple of colour that flashed the length of the building, changing everything that had existed before. The wood and stone of the building itself were still intact, but now the kitchen had become an open fire, surrounded by branding irons and molten metal. The rest of the room shifted into something out of a medieval torture chamber, hooks and chains hanging from walls and ceiling, wooden instruments of torture and death in seemingly random locations around the room, and at the far end Fiona no longer rested in a four poster bed. Now she was tied, spread-eagled and naked to a wooden frame, the ropes around her wrists and ankles connected to pullies that looked quite capable of tearing her apart.

"You could have been mine you know..." She said, her voice still Fiona's devastatingly seductive tones as she walked forward towards Steve as he struggled back to his knees. "I could have been yours..." her boot lashed out and slammed into the side of his head, knocking him five feet to the left and back to the floor.

"Together we'd have found each other, everything you felt for her magnified a thousand times." Another clubbing kick, this time to his ribs, sent his body flying to the ceiling, smashing into a support beam before crashing back to the slate floor below hard enough to leave an outline of shattered tiles where he hit.

"And yet, for some reason, you've chosen death. A strange sense of priorities you have love. A shame you'll never get the chance to correct them." She pulled him effortlessly to his feet, her left hand holding his throat, her right pulling back, forming a fist that shot forward with the speed of a pile driver for his face.

And stopped short with an echoing slap of flesh on flesh as his left hand closed around her fist and held it locked inches from his face. His right hand grabbed her left wrist, forcing her fingers from his throat then, with one motion he threw her upside down into the far wall. This time her impact left a definite crater in the stone as she looked up at him. In the torchlight he seemed to grow somehow, as if standing up straight for the first time. His hands flexed, fingers grasping air as if it were flesh and bone, the black coat he wore seeming to flare up behind him as if alive, slashing like wings across the flickering light. Even his eyes seemed different, seemed to glow red as he stalked towards her.

"You want her? You want to take her life and twist into your own?" He hissed, moving now with a speed and ferocity to match hers as he grabbed her throat, pulling her up to his eye line. "Then you will have to go through me to get her!" And so saying he bowled the woman as if she were a baseball straight through the wall of the farmhouse and into the field beyond.

For a long moment there was silence, then as he turned to free Fiona from her prison he felt a rush of air, a wind tearing at his body an instant before she slammed back into him like a bullet from a gun. Her arms locked behind his back and before he could think, much less react, they smashed into the far wall and through, his body bearing the brunt of the terrible impact as they rolled together into the yard outside, Steve landing flat on his back with her above him, her arms crushing him in a bear hug.

Unable to free his arms from her grip he took the only option available, ramming his head forward into hers, sending her flying backwards and allowing a much needed breath to fuel his body. Jumping to his feet he glanced around, surprised that she wasn't in sight. A blur of motion caught his eye and he snapped to his right in time to see her flying, literally, around the side of the now-wrecked cottage, her outstretched arm catching him around the chest. He felt her body whip round his, her arms sliding up under his armpits, hands locking behind his skull as she carried him into the darkening sky. The speed was beyond anything he'd been prepared for and in seconds they were within the cloud layer, the cold and damp surrounding them as, with a single laugh she let him go. She hovered in place as Steve fell from sight without a sound, dropping down through the boiling clouds, heading straight down.

She paused and looked around her at the building storm, seemingly surprised by the promised ferocity it contained. It was then she noticed the cloud seeming to stretch away from her, spiralling as if in a tornado, though this tornado was horizontal, and at the base of its funnel a single black speck moving so fast it was a mere blur. Steve slammed into her feet first, his right boot catching her stomach, the left kicking straight into her chin, knocking her end over end through the clouds. He didn't let up but pounded in again, and gain, his blows knocking her ever deeper into the heart of the storm, always staying a half step ahead of her. She found herself, for the first time, slowing down slightly, her mind reeling from the constant beating, unable to focus.

Suddenly, through now-slitted eyes, she saw his face clear and open before her and put all her effort into a single punch. It might only have been a short jab, but it was as if Steve had been hit with a concrete wall. He rolled back, falling once more from the sky, and a ghost of a smile flashed over her face.

A smile that was immediately wiped away as something caught her ankle. Looking down she saw something that she simply couldn't bring herself to believe for a second, a second that would prove vital. He was indeed falling, but as he did so his coat had lashed out and wrapped around her flesh. Now as she gapped in astonishment it slid around her other leg, binding them together and then she felt the tug of gravity as she was dragged down with her intended victim. She struck out at the leather, only for it to grab her wrist, pulling her into a ball, wrapped tight against his body. She struggled and writhed as they fell, bursting from the clouds just as a single bolt of lightning hit the cottage far below them. She stared towards the ground rushing towards them and saw then the look of total concentration on his face as he tilted towards the shallow pond below them as if that would be enough to cushion the fall. With barely a second before impact she heard him take a single breath of air deep into his lungs before they hit.

Her eyes snapped open as the cold depths of the ocean wrapped around her. In every direction the murky water stretched as far as she could see, the only light coming from far above, a dull flicker from the surface that seemed miles away. Her attention was snapped back to her situation as another fold of the coat that trapped her wrapped itself around her back, pulling her in even tighter, holding her to him as they fell into the abyss.

Her lungs were burning, her body trapped as she found her head lashed in place, staring up his body, facing the seemingly endless depths below them. And it was then true fear hit her as she saw the coat wrapped around his head, billowing out as it held a trapped pocket of air within, somehow maintaining that small atmosphere for him against the growing pressure. Instantly she realised he intended to drown her here, that while he could not outfight her he could outlast her, and had set the perfect trap to do just that.

With a scream of horror, her words caught and whipped away as bubbles in the vastness of the ocean, she concentrated, her eyes closed as she felt for what she knew waited within her. Her entire body seemed to shudder, then with a single convulsion a crackle of electricity shot from her, smashing into Steve, pouring through his already exhausted body, burning his nerves, his mind as he screamed. She felt him go limp and the cloth that held her ceased its struggles, loosing any semblance of life it may have possessed. For a moment she considered letting him fall, but from somewhere she felt the faintest spark of life pulsing in the body. Instead she grabbed his wrist and hurled herself at the surface, bursting from the pond and letting him fall to the ground.

The impact jolted him awake and Steve painfully raised his head, unable to do more than that as he looked around, his last reserves of energy spent, and the sight that met his eyes robbed him of all hope. The farm was burning, the cottage a wall of flame so hot even the stone seemed to melt. The fields and tress had been reduced to ash and even as he watched the ground tore open and a river of liquid fire poured across the ground. All around him the smell of sulphur assaulted his senses, the sky still a black, threatening wall of cloud, though the storm seemed to be held at bay for now.

A crunch of boot on gravel from beside him pulled his attention round and he slowly raised his head, skin blistered and burnt from the force of her attack. There he saw her standing tall beside him, her smile somewhat sad as she gazed at his brutalized body.

“It could have been so different...” she whispered, and even above the roar of the flames he could hear her as clear as a bell. “But this is how it must be. For what it's worth... I'm sorry.” She drew a fist back, her gaze never leaving him and at that moment he could fight the darkness no longer, slipping into unconsciousness before the blow could fall. She could not help but notice and for a moment was glad of that small mercy, understanding why he'd tried to kill her even as she battled against him. Still, she herself could not afford that mercy or he would, inevitably, try again and the memory of drowning was all too fresh in her mind. With a sigh so soft it was lost on the wind she pulled back for the final blow.

And lowered her hand, spinning to look at the farm around her. Everywhere she looked a thick, white flurry dropped from the clouds above, smothering the flames and fires wherever it touched. Within seconds the snow had extinguished the blaze, lying crisp on the ground, turning the landscape peaceful once more. And then, in the midst of the falling snow, she caught sight of a spectral form walking towards her. No, not walking, she corrected herself, floating, arms out to its sides as if crucified, its eyes locked on hers. For a moment the snow cleared, pulling apart like a curtain, and she screamed, a wordless sound of denial, hate and fear as saw her own face approach her. Turning she ripped what remained of a tree from the ground and hurled it at the approaching apportion. As it hit the figure seemed to split and tumble in a thousand different directions, and for almost a minute she stayed frozen in place, her gaze fixed forward as if daring the spirit to reappear. Then, from behind her, came the faintest scraping sound.

She spun, dropping into a half-crouch as she did so, only to find her mind collapsing in on itself at the sight before her. Steve's body was rising from the snow, leaving behind its imprint on the ground. His arms were spread out to his sides the same as the snow spirit's had been, but even as she watched his skin healed, the pulse so weak previously to have been all but invisible coming back strongly, his eyes open and staring straight at her. As she looked into those eyes she fell back, scrambling away half sitting, half crawling on the floor but unable to break her gaze from the creature before her.

“Enough” Steve said, yet now it wasn't the same voice. While his own deep harmonics were there, a second voice overlaid it, a lighter, more feminine tone that seemed to form a symphony with his. “Enough. We are one, finally, and here, in this place, there is nothing you can do to fight us.”

She kept skidding backwards, terror washing over her face as he floated closer, descending from above like an avenging angle.

“But despite being merely a tool of necessity, we never intended to simply remove you once your task was done, you will be granted a life of your own, a life you will enjoy.” The voice was calm, reassuring, as if it knew there was nothing in this world for it to fear.

“NO! I have seen her mind, I know the truth!” She raised her hands and once again the lightning flew from her outstretched fingers. Now though the bolts seemed to split and arc around the figure as it kept moving towards her, closer now, close enough for a hand to drift out and touch her forehead.

“Shhh. Sleep now.” The voice commanded her and she could no more have disobeyed than commanded the sun to rise in the west. Her eyes flickered closed and she slumped to the ground.

The snow slowed and stopped, leaving the farm covered in a crisp white blanket, only the faintest of smoke trails hinting at the hell that had been unleashed. Steve still floated in the yard, his eyes staring straight ahead, his body locked seemingly frozen in place. A sound like tearing silk slashed through the yard, joined by a scream from his lips as a ghostly figure seemed to step forward from his body, it's outline becoming solid, flesh replacing shaped smoke as Fiona dropped to her knees in the snow and Steve collapsed behind her, unconscious.

He woke to find Fiona leaning over him, the worry in her face vanishing like morning mist as she saw his eyes flutter open. Around them was the familiar confines of his flat, the pain from his injuries enough to convince him that this was indeed the real world.

“Oh god... I thought I'd lost you!” She whispered, dropping down besides him, her hands slipping around his chest, pulling him close to her.

“Almost love, almost.” He replied in a whisper, delighting in the feel of her next to him, her sheer presence intoxicating. “What... what did you do with her?”

“Oh, she's... somewhere safe.” Fiona said, turning away from him slightly. Instantly Steve sat up, pulling her with him.

“You didn't?” He asked, almost afraid of the answer. “Where is she love?”

“She's... she's in here.” Fiona said, taping the side of her head.
“Are you sure that's a good idea?” Steve asked, worry dancing across his face.

“Honestly? No, I don't know. But, hell, she was right Steve, we created her, we used her, we can't just throw her away now. Don't worry, I can handle her, with a little help of course.” Fiona grinned as she said the last, her hands starting to work their way down his back.

“You're sure?”

“Hey...” Fiona said, leaning him back to the bed, her lips brushing his, “trust me...”


The last rays of the day filtered through the trees above, a single weak beam of sunlight falling on a short slab of marble and the two people that stood near it. Both considered it a near-miracle that Tim's body had been found by the police before anyone else had come across it, let alone that they'd managed to identify and trace those named in his will so quickly. Less than a month had passed since the day he'd been killed, and barely a week since a uniformed officer had delivered the news of the funeral and that the bulk of Tim's belongs had been left to Steve.

Now they stood alone by the tombstone, Fiona wishing she'd had more time to know this man, Steve seemingly lost in thought as he stared down at the grave.

“Love...” Steve said, still staring at the ground as if unable to face her, “could you give me a moment?”

Fiona didn't say a word, simply squeezed his hand and walked silently away, moving to the shade of a large sycamore in the centre of the small cemetery and looking out over the city as behind her Steve sank to a knee to say farewell.

“Tim... you were right. You were right and I was wrong. I just wish I could have seen it earlier. We can't run from our mistakes, hell, you didn't run from them, you tried to make things right and I, I let you down. I wish, you could have been here for this, wish I'd realised all this years ago, when it could make a difference. But wishing never got anything done did it?”

“You were right, we helped create that world, we have a duty to defend it, to defend those that use it and rely on it. I think... I think maybe I've found someone who can do that, who can guard it and protect it. If I'm wrong, well, if I'm wrong I'll deal with it.”

Steve sighed, his head dropping down for a second before coming back up with fire burning in his eyes. “But I promise you this much, as long as there's a breath left in my body, I'll finish this, finish what you set out to do. One way or the other I'll finish it. Rest easy Tim and ... thank you.”

Steve rose from the grave, turned and walked to meet Fiona. She slipped her arms round him, embracing him for a long, long moment before they turned and walked together into the future.


Well, I wonder if that sets a new record on these forums 😉. Any and all feedback , comments and criticism much appreciated.
Only one thing to be said

albeit not very eloquent... and that is

WOW!!!😱 😀 😎

Once again a well written, well planned out and very erotic , intriguing and just... well EXCELLENT story. I particularly liked the development of the characters, even in the non tickling parts.

Give the chap the feather of champions😀


I am deeply impressed with your tale. God, I just...can't shake this dissapointment with the ending though. It's just so well written, and BOF...dude, you have the most eloquent way of writing a tickling fic, hell, not even that, just writing alone. Everytime I read one of your tales I get writers block. My writing doesn't even compare. I get frustrated with such talent in the horizon, but indeed, after a time, I must admit you're an inspiration. Ever since Student Initiation, I felt that I had to keep an eye on you. That definately your stories had a feel and flow to it that were undeniable. The tickling description was unfathomably good. Without the unnecesary quotation of laughter that most authors feel the need to use. Instead you describe the inner torment the victim is feeling, and isn't that the inner desire for any tickler to unlease on their ticklee? Amazing.

But, I can't shake the sadness I feel when there is absolutely no tickling after the half-way point. After the most amazing display of imagination and tickle torment that you gave us in the beginning of your fic, I was dying for some closure. The scene in which the metallic devices were tormenting Fiona were particularly delightful. Her struggle to escape so well described that when she was finally caught one could feel the dissapointment in her failure, and then the boyish anticipation on whats surely to come. But it came in such a way I could have never expected, such a methodical manner of torment was magnificent. Surely, if the intro to your tale had such a bang, the end must possess some demonic display.

But despite the imaginative characters and enviroments. The amazing action, and creepy villains, there was none of that sensation that we got from the intro. It was like a movie that began with a car chase that evolved into an air to air jet battle, ending with a bang as the title came on the screen, and then it turned into a romantic comedy.

Well perhaps not such a terrible rift, but it was that kind of feeling to me. It felt like you only used the tickling theme in order to attract this kind of crowd into a more specific story you were trying to tell. And as much as I enjoyed it, I still felt you denied us some of your amazing wit, and a chance to create the perfect tickling fiction this forum has seen in years.

But I appreciate that instead, we've received some good science-fiction. With some strong tickling driving it at the head. I still give it a thumbs-up, but perhaps next time, remember the crowd you're giving this to, because the next time, due to this tale, there will be a much larger showing. Bravo BOFH666. Bravo.

😀 Okay, honest to god truth was I spent about three months batting around endings for this that were tickle based and... I couldn't make it work. At least not to the point I was happy with it anyway. Yep the man who can write a thousand words just to say 'she was pretty' struck out big time. Basically every time I tried to finish it on a tickle-note it felt, well, it felt like a cop-out and a cheap one at that. Frankly I think I wrote myself into a hole the instant I killed off one of the main characters, after that it had to be a pretty down ending one way or another.

Didn't think I'd sunk as low as writing rom com's though 😉

As for using tickling to pull an audience... absolutely. This is something I've been pretty focused on since day one when I've been writing here and I make no bones about it. When I write, yes I want to give the reader what they want, but if it's a long tale like this I want to try and provide a real, honest story to go with it. In this case, yeah you're right, it went a little too far in that direction but live and learn. Besides, there's nothing to stop a repeat visit to this little world... 😉

One thing I would say in my defence on this though... from start to end there's about nine months invested in this (off and on writing granted) and the simple fact was it was never planned as "I will tell this story". As with everything I write it just goes where it goes as I'm writing it so it really wasn't an attempt to pull an audience for a particular tale, heck I only worked out the ending about two weeks back 😉

There's one other thing I want to address though, and its far more important (though thank you for taking the time to write such things, it really is appreciated).

Everytime I read one of your tales I get writers block. My writing doesn't even compare. I get frustrated with such talent in the horizon, but indeed, after a time, I must admit you're an inspiration.

While I'm flattered and honored to be called an inspiration please don't ever think "I'm not that good so I won't write" as it's, well pardon my language but, it's bull. I know exactly what you mean (there's a lot of writers on here that I feel the same way about whenever I read their work) but the fact is there isn't one single 'right' way of doing things. You used the word "eloquent" to describe my writing, well I always think of it as very long winded. Frankly when it comes to portraying emotion I can think of two lasses right now off the top of my head that do it a thousand times better than me. So I keep reading their stuff, try to learn and blatently steal their writing style once in a while 😀.

Seriously, if you or anyone else wants to take anything, whether it's a style, description, phrasing whatever, from my writing then go right ahead. Ultimatley though you've got to play to your strengths and I'm a firm believer that if anyone writes a story THEY want to write, it'll be a good 'un.

Thanks again mate, and message recieved and noted 😉


...for your words of advice.

Once again, when I read this story, I didn't intend to put anything negative in my review. I hope you perceive my intent as merely the by product of my desire for 'more'. Like anyone dissapointed at the end of a film, dissapointment is still a strong feeling. It means the person wanted more of what he was promised. But in that way, I realise you served us exactly what was meant to be given. And I loved your universe, so much so I hope one day to have your permission to write a tk story based upon it. After I finish my first one. 🙂

I love this cyber-punk style of story telling. My first cyber-punk experience was the Anime Bubblegum Crisis, which I was then told was inspired by the movie Blade Runner. Me being the younglin' I was I had never heard of it, but strangely the theme song to said movie was eerily familiar. I had a sixth sense about the cyber-punk world. A karma, a "I've been there before..." kind of feeling. And collected all sorts of memorabilia on cyber-punk. I have the Thief Series of games which features Steam-Punk styled universes, Armitage. The movies A.I. and Minority Report were vast in their outlook on the future and didn't receive the accolade they each deserved.

Your VR sim was very much the perfect mix between Lawnmower man, absurdity. And more modern views on VR travel such as Tom Clancy's Net Force. While Tom Clancy's universe puts too much of a modern feel to it's stories, which makes it feel way too comical in context, you manage to create an underground universe where anything goes. And where the mind is pushed to it's limits. Not the first time it's been done, but done in a way that it's fun to play with.

And you didn't even mention a network, only programs. To play with the idea of a bigger universe within VR. Chatrooms, forums, where people actually hung out, as in a bar to talk about their fetishes, dreams and desires. With alt-ego's and images of who they wish and think to be.

I always thought the Matrix could have been the above and more. They didn't take advantage of the Matrix as much as they could have. After the first movie, there was never an instance where the rebels actually went into the Matrix and hid within their underground. Never were the agents truly a threat like in the first movie. The Matrix was a shadow world, but the rebels never used the Shadow to defeat their enemy, only for transport, only for answers. In the first movie, they gave us the impression these hackers dove into the Matrix on a regular basis, running from the agents and defeating them where they could. Learning more and more about defeating their enemy. But in Reloaded it was nothing more than a background, the title of a film.

I guess that's an example to stay to the core of your story from the very beginning, in order not to dissapoint your crowd by flipping it around on them. Writing isn't about just pleasing the crowd, but you shouldn't exploit their attention either. I hope the Wachowski's learned that.

I hope to take advantage of this world you created. Make a story about a person. A young man maybe, who has found a slip stream through the system. Something that allows him to enter the personal applications of users, and torment them. At his nature, he's a nice person, in real life he may be a college, or high school student. Nothing more than a kid who's become addicted to the torment of young women across the net. Eager to come home from school one day and tapping into the Wire. Slipping into the dreams of these young girls, with the eager curiosity of a boy looking at a girls sillouette through the shower. Locking them away in their own fantasies and becoming their nightmare.

He became a human virus, each and everyday becoming more and more addicted until his own body was becoming atrophied and pale to the long hours of his usage. He was powerful on the net, and despite the warning of his friends, he continued to log on. Growing stronger, until he was literally invisible to digital authority. Perhaps he'd find a manner in which he'd stay forever, and a friend would have to go in to finally stop him once and for all. Or was it too late, and he would die before he unplugged?

The safeties were off, the lines between reality and fantasy blurred. But is it only one terrorists life hanging in the balance, or has this slip stream and his ability to lock people into the system this boy found, capable of locking the entire world in a torment that would prove to be more than a ticklish situation. Every man, woman, and child logged on would suffer the fantasy of one individual.

(I just typed that out just this second by the way, LOL it just poured out of me. I could change it at any time, but it sounded cool. 😛 See what I mean by inspiration?)

I don't know, I come up with weird shit. It could be something more at home, but VR demands something epic. But it could be something down to earth. I don't know, you help me out. 🙂 I think you got my email in Student Initiation. Mail me sometime. I'm currently in Iraq, and have been extended 4 more months out here due to some razy stuff happening. (You might have heard). I got free time at night to write on my beautiful Alienware Laptop. So let me know. 🙂 Thanks BOFH666.

Another thing those silly Wachowski's neeed to learn is that the same droning, badly and boringly choreographed martial arts action can't carry the weight of a bad plot. They could learn a few things from good ol' BOFH 😀 . Definitely got good variety where it counts dude. And reloaded! Pfffh! :zzzzz: lol. Well, i think by Revolutions we all knew that while the Wachowski's may be good directors, they are terrible writers. I fell asleep during Trinity's death scene. 🙄 Anyway, ace story! You should go into sci-fi professionally. You've got a good eye for linguistic continuity. OK, now i have to figure out what that means... lol 😛 see ya!
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