I believe God may have a "Divine Plan", but as far as determining every possible outcome for everyone ahead of time, I don't think I can believe that. That would eliminate the principal of free will, which is considered one of his greatest gifts to humanity. This is something that has confused me, for I don't know how long. A long time ago, I think it was a CCD teacher who told me that yes, we have free will, but God still knows exactly what you plan to do and what the outcome is going to be. I can sorta understand this, I mean, God is supposed to be omniscient, after all. Of course he knows what's gonna happen next. However, it all seems to ultimately tie back to fate. It makes me think of the Calvinists, who thought that everyone was either destined to go to heaven, or to hell, regardless of what they did in life. If we were going to do something stupid, but God didn't want to interfere because it violates free will, are we the death of ourselves? Are we merely that girl in the horror movie who slowly approaches the creaking door that you know she shouldn't open, and you shout out to the television, "No, don't go in there!" even though there's nothing you can do about it? This thought kinda bothers me a little bit, because suppose God knew that I was going to end up in hell, and I had a foreknowledge of this. I could try and try all I want to be a better person to do whatever it would take to "change my fate", but ultimately, God already knows what will happen based on the course of my actions, and you can't argue with God, because God's infallible! I apologize for going off on a tangent with this thing, which completely strayed from my original belief, which is that God has a destination or purpose for us, but we can make the journey to that destination/purpose as straight or winding a road as we like. However, I just argued myself into a brain fart, and I'm not sure what I should feel...