I have always been honest in my postings and described myself as a very large person. I am lso extremely ticklish and I consider myself a pretty mean and merciless tickler too. Why then do guys reply to my ad if size is a problem? I'll mention no names but I was told by one person that they would rather tickle Britney SPears than Hatty Jacques - fair enough, but don't do it just because of the persons size and apparance. If you are true ticklephile surely what should be important is who is the most ticklish of the two, who laughs the most, who will you get the best reaction from. If that happens to be someone who is 20 stone or whatever and not twig thin - so be it. I know who I'd go for if I was choosing between Mel Gibson and Pavarotti - the most ticklish one. I'm beginning to wonder of you guys only want the thin good looking girls because you'r hoping for a few extras at the end. Surely all that should matter is the persons level of ticklishness and what it means to you both, not who's got the biggest jugs, slimmest legs and is likely to give to get me horny and give me a blow job!! Is it any wonder from the responses some of you guys email me with that I prefer to tickle females - not because I'm gay as one of you suggested (I'm certainly straight), but because tickling means something different to me than sex all the time from it and it give us woem a means o fulfilling our tickling desire together safely in a f/f situation. How does everyone else feel about the size/looks issue?