i was thinking. WWE is okay now. nothing exciting, but not horrible either in my opinion. i notice things like the ratings are down, and there is no hype anymore. i know McMahon has been pulling his hair out trying to make the ratings come back. now he signs Scott Steiner, but i dont think it is enough. the problem i feel is that they dont have a dominant, crowd pleasing, charismatic "face" character. no Rock, no Austin, nothing. Booker T is funny, but he cant get to that next level. Brock Lesnar? he doesnt have the charisma. Kurt Angle has the best shot, but he makes a better heel. Benoit? no charisma. Edge? needs to work on the microphone more. Kane? not quite. Undertaker? yes and no, but he's not around right now. Triple H? way better as a bad guy? Shawn Michaels? great charisma, but not the same after his prime.
what i think they desperately need is for Steve Austin to clean up his personal life AND get him back. same for the Rock. i think Rock needs to stop making so many movies and come back for a long period of time. he needs to make a choice. Rock is my favorite character and man, when he isnt around, it just isnt the same. same with Austin. no one is rocking the crowds like Austin or Rock. they can keep brand extension, but have Stone Cold on Raw and Rock on Smackdown. no one is stepping it up to become that type of superstar. McMahon knows this. so once Austin clears up his personal mess, BRING BACK AUSTIN. BRING BACK ROCK. cant you picture Austin messing with Bischoff? it would be some great entertainment. plus, Austin isnt a great friend of Bischoff in real life either. imagine the fun, the crazy things we can see if those two get together. Bischoff makes a great heel, and Austin an dhim can take it to another level. on Smackdown, Rock will be Rock. entertaining.
quick word on Goldberg. in my opinion, he is NOT the saviour to the WWE. in fact, i hope he never comes. he wants some multi-million dollar contract, and keeping McMahon on hold. screw him. what is he doing with his life now anyway? NOTHING. McMahon could have made him a bigger star, but if he doesnt want to come, then to hell with him. bring back Austin and Rock. let someone else develop while they are there. Austin developed while chasing the I-C belt, same with Rock. the main eventers at that time were Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. let a new person develop under their run, so there is no pressure to force someone to become big, like now.
what do you fans think????
what i think they desperately need is for Steve Austin to clean up his personal life AND get him back. same for the Rock. i think Rock needs to stop making so many movies and come back for a long period of time. he needs to make a choice. Rock is my favorite character and man, when he isnt around, it just isnt the same. same with Austin. no one is rocking the crowds like Austin or Rock. they can keep brand extension, but have Stone Cold on Raw and Rock on Smackdown. no one is stepping it up to become that type of superstar. McMahon knows this. so once Austin clears up his personal mess, BRING BACK AUSTIN. BRING BACK ROCK. cant you picture Austin messing with Bischoff? it would be some great entertainment. plus, Austin isnt a great friend of Bischoff in real life either. imagine the fun, the crazy things we can see if those two get together. Bischoff makes a great heel, and Austin an dhim can take it to another level. on Smackdown, Rock will be Rock. entertaining.
quick word on Goldberg. in my opinion, he is NOT the saviour to the WWE. in fact, i hope he never comes. he wants some multi-million dollar contract, and keeping McMahon on hold. screw him. what is he doing with his life now anyway? NOTHING. McMahon could have made him a bigger star, but if he doesnt want to come, then to hell with him. bring back Austin and Rock. let someone else develop while they are there. Austin developed while chasing the I-C belt, same with Rock. the main eventers at that time were Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. let a new person develop under their run, so there is no pressure to force someone to become big, like now.
what do you fans think????