Been patiently waiting for this for a while.
A few TMF members getting tickled as a quiz. That would make a fun video!
Phineas said:...sure would. However, given how many people have responded to my periodic requests for TS models here on the forums (zero), it'll never happen. Shame too, we have some good-looking folks here.
BigJim said:
Have you thought about other mediums of advertising Phin? And have you thought about paying for it?
BigJim said:Just out of intrest Phin, did you specify that potential models had to have ticklish feet?
grippedchimp said:Reverse psychology... great marketing ploy, mate!
Anyway, this program looks good from the screenshot so far. The finished article is likely to blow the lot of us away! Hell, it's probably a first in the tickling community!
grippedchimp said:Just wondered WHO from my art would you like to see? Or how about I draw some of the TMF females for the game. Just e-mail me, as usual.