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DormTickles (true)


TMF Poster
Jul 29, 2004
I live in a dormitory for college and last weekend i was in my friend's dorm room for a party. my friend Amanda (ill make up names to make things less complicated) was sitting on my other friend Sarah's lap. Somehow the subject of tickling came up and Amanda mentioned that she was extremely ticklish. This was sarah's cue and she said "oh really?" and started pinching amanda's waist. Amanda freaked out and started squirming and laughing but because of the way they were sittting on the couch, she couldn't move away and Sarah kept on going. Now, i am more often the ticklee than the tickler but i took ths opportunity to help sarah out. PRetty soon ther were about three of us helping sarah, grabbing amanda's knees and poking her stomach. The more she tried to get away, the more she got stuck in between Sarah and the couch cushion. Pretty soon she started begging and we felt bad for her so we let her up but man was that fun. Although next time I hope its me getting tickled!

Also, living in a dorm with two other people, we often sit on the couch together which is rather cramped and ther is some minor tickling that takes place. My two roomates are always teasing eachother and there is a lot of laughter so even though I cant see them, i can just imagine whats going on.
Ah, the dorm. I could probably take up all of the bandwidth here at the TMF withthe dorm tickles I've seen and/or participated in!

So let's start here:

Freshman year and my first time living away from home. I had a hard time adjusting to college life and spent a lot of time by myself trying to figure out what the heck I was doing. I didn't have many friends at the beginning of the year either so more often than not I was alone n my florr while the other guys were out doing their thing. One afternoon I was trying to wrap my brain around an English Lit. assignment while sitting in the lounge at the end of our hall. Then I heard the unmisakeable sound of female laughter. I followed the sound to the adjecent hallway and up the stairs to the next floor. There, from the door to the steps, I could see three guys tickling one girl. She was on her back on the floor. two guys were tickling her ribs/upperbody. One had a foot had was gently tickling her bare sole. I stood where I could not be seen and watched for several mintues as she giggled away beautifully. When they gave her a chance to breath she continued laughing and said "I don't know why I keep coming over here when you tickle me all the time!" and they started on her again. Eventually I heard someone coming down the steps so I bid a hasty retreat back to my floor. Years later I had my own encounter with that ticklish maiden. I'll get to that story eventually.

~ toyou
Class of '91
Frshman year was not a good year for me to be the tickler. Other than one female friend that also went to the same school it was more than a bit dry. I did a lot of observing though and tickling was going on all over the place! I tried to work tickling in where ever I could and was having little to no success. On one memorable occasion I had a "Toga Rock" CD that pictured a young lady being tickled on it...I mentioned to the female sitting next to me "Can you imagine that is you?" and she fired back that she absolutely hated to be tickled and that was that. :cry1:

Probably my most memorable experience from that year was when I, your humble author, was the 'lee at the mercy of TWO freshman women.

It was toward the end of the year and I had made more friends and was visiting the one girl who I went to High School with. She had a new roommate that semester who was from our home town, and another girl on her floor was also from our area so it was easy to hang out with them. On this particular visit my friend and I started wrestling a bit when one of the other girls decided to help her. Being the pro-wreslter that I am I held my own until I rolled on to my belly to keep from being "pinned". My friend was sitting on my back and her friend was sitting on my legs. The roommate told them to tickle me :shock: (I later found out she loved tickling and being tickled.) So the one girl tries to tickle my feet and my friend says she doesn't think Im ticklish. Fortunately I had my socks on and I could fight it pretty good. Then roommate yells "Take off his socks!" and I started fighting for my life! LOL! I fought and pulled until I could roll over and get my knees pulled up and my feet flat on the ground. I was still pinned by I had a chance. I worked one hand free and managed to tickle the foot of the girl who was pinning my legs. She jerked and laughed and moved enough for me to pull free. I easily overpwered my friend and started toward her roommate for some revenge! She began to cowher on her bed, already giggling when the other two girls stopped me and the floor monitor knocked on the door and asked us to keep it down! LOL!

~ toyou
Wesker28 said:
Please do 🙂

Okie Dokie!

This was the summer before our senior year. I had a job on campus during the day doing some research for one of the history professors. I finished with him, went to grab dinner, and then went to a second job in the evenings. One day I had finished early and rather than go to the second job early I went down to one of the dorms to watch some television. I wasn't living on campus that summer, but some folks were who were working there. Renee (we'll call her Renee) was already in the lounge watching a soap opera. I had no idea she was staying there that summer and really had no intention of seeing anyone when I went down there. We smiled at each other and said hi and I sat on the couch behind her and just chilled for awhile. We hardly even talked and when the show was over I got up to leave and she thanked me for hanging out for a little bit. I leaned over the couch and said "I always try to bring a little laughter into everyone's life" and started tickling her sides. She had the sweetest laugh as she started to curl into a ball and fall to her side. I teased her about being a little ticklish as I held on to her side and she continued to laugh. Eventually she rolled completely on to the floor and out of my reach. Still laughing she said that "Tom must have told you I was ticklish!" (Tom was a mutual friend) "They are always tickling me! But this isn't fair because I can tickle them back!" At that I considered telling her she was free to tickle me anytime but I didn't. 🙁 I got one more chance during senior year when she sat next to me in a religion class. Renee was sit with one leg tucked under her, her sole facing me. How coud I possible resist! LOL! I ran one finger down her sole and her head nearly exploded as she tried not to scream outloud during class! :veryhappy

~ toyou
Gosh I could do this for days!

Please, someone else chime in! I don't want to feel like I am monopolizing the thread!

I remember one Junior year. My then gf was a freshman and I have related she was a devestating tickler while also being quite ticklish herself. At our school, when you were a freshamn, you roomed four people to a three room suite. You had two people in one bedroom, two people in the other, and a shared room in the middle. Two quick storied about my girlfirends' roommates.

1) We were in one of the bedrooms by ourselves, talking, goofing off and I had to go meet some other friends. There was a curtain that blocked your view of the shared room and provided a wee bit of privacy. As we went to walk out, through a crack in the curtain I could see one of her roommates sitting at her desk with her back to us, studying. "Do you think she's ticklish?" I whispered. "I know she is" came the not-so-surprising response. We walked out and right over to her and both attacked her sides until she nearly fell out of her chair laughing!

2) After my morning classes I went to see of my gf was in her room. When I got to the room the door was open but no one was there...or so I thought. I was going to leave a not on her bed and when I walked into the room one of roommates said hello from the bedroom. After first asking if she was decent (she was) I walked through the curtain to ask where Mary was. Ann was in the top half of the bunkbeds and still a bit sleepy so I also ribbed her a bit about missing class that morning. She gave me a typical freshman response about it being to early for a class and I told her there was a severe punishment when a freshman misses a class that the upperclassmen made it too...and I grabbed hold of one of her feet that was out from under the covers. She ran cross country so I expected her fee to be a little bit tougher, but she exploded into a laughing fit immediately! She was begging within seconds to "please not my feet" LOL Being a gentleman I let go of her foot and tickled her side for a second before telling her to be in class and leave a message for Mary.

That was the only time I got to tickle her roommates, althought I did see them tickle each other occasionally after that.

~ toyou
Here's another one

DISCLAIMER: The events told in this story are true. Geography, first
names, and the date have been changed to protect the true identities of
the parties involved.

It was a freezing cold Saturday night at a small college in southern
Illinois. I was 22 years old at the time. If I remember correctly, I
was in the middle of my junior year.

The campus was a true suitcase college -- most students never stuck
around on weekends. Not surprising since the college was located in a
very small, very conservative town where there wasn't much to do (no
movie theaters, no dance clubs, not even a lousy shopping mall).

At about 4 pm, I received a call from my friend Kristie. She had
finally finished the 20-page research paper that she'd slaved on all
week. After spending the better part of five days alone in her dorm
room typing that damned paper, Kristie was eager for some company. All
of her other friends were out of town until Monday, so she invited me
over for the evening.

Kristie was a 20-year-old education student. She stood about 5'6,
slender, with brown hair and deep brown eyes. On the whole I would have
to rate her as very pretty.... and she had nice feet (yes, I noticed
that very early on).

Kristie and I had known each other for about 18 months at this point.
We met when she started dating my friend Steve. They had broken up
about five months back, but Kristie and I still remained good friends.

I arrived at the dorm around 5pm. True to form, Benton Hall was
extremely quiet. There couldn't have been more than nine people in the
entire building.

When I got to Kristie's door, she was waiting for me. She greeted me
with a hug and welcomed me in. She was extremely tired, and there
seemed to be just a hint of silliness to her mood (probably from
spending so many hours alone staring at a computer).

The two of us sat down on the floor and I immediately noticed that
Kristie wasn't wearing any shoes. She was dressed in a pretty white
blouse, blue jeans, and a pair of very sheer white socks.

Right away Kristie and I began the process of catching up. We hadn't
seen each other in a week so we had quite a bit to talk about. She
wanted to know all about the latest campus gossip and asked all kinds
of questions about what our mutual friends had been up to. We just sat
there talking for about an hour. The entire time, Kristie kept wiggling
her toes and rubbing one foot with the other. If she had any idea what
that was doing to me she would have stopped right there!

Kristie mentioned that she hadn't eaten a decent meal all day. I
scolded her for not taking better care of herself and said I'd buy her
dinner. Like any starving college student would, she agreed.

I stood up and helped Kristie to her feet. She walked across the room
and sat on the edge of her bed and continued talking to me while she
struggled to put on her left shoe.

Kristie was being a bit silly. I was standing a few feet in front of
her, and I made the mistake of turning my back to her. Before I knew
what happened, Kristie reached over with her stockinged right foot and
kicked me in the butt. When I turned around she pointed at me and
giggled. This was an opportunity I couldn't resist.

I grabbed her right leg, secured her by the ankle, and tried to remove
her sock. My first attempt failed. The sock was so silky in texture
that it was actually difficult to get a good grip on it. Kristie wasn't
helping much either. She was deathly ticklish and was flailing about
like a fish in a bucket trying to yank her foot free.

After about 30 seconds of struggling, Kristie actually managed to stand
up on one leg. I wasn't about to let her off that easy. With an
unexpected lunge, I picked her up and tossed her to the mattress on her
back. I pinned her left leg under me and secured her right leg against
my lap.

Now that Kristie couldn't kick anymore, I was able to grab the toe of
her stocking and start pulling. It wasn't coming off easily, but very
slowly her sock was inching it's way off her foot. There was a sudden
jerking motion as the sock slipped over her heel and began gracefully
sliding down the curve of her arch. Another second passed and Kristie's
sock was finally off.

The two of us just sat there in silence for a moment. Kristie's mind
was racing knowing what I was about to do to her. As for me, I was
savoring the moment and admiring the beauty of my friend's bare foot.
Her ankle was very shapely, and the arch had a beautiful curve. All
five toes were long, slender, had perfectly rounded, well kept,
unpainted nails. Her skin was creamy white and extremely soft with the
arch being the softest part.

After sitting there caressing her foot for a few minutes, I took my
index finger and gently traced several circular patterns on her heel
with my index finger. Kristie's expression began to change. Her lips
were quivering and I caught her trying to stifle a giggle. I worked my
way to the outside of the heel and dragged my finger all the way up the
arch. That was all it took. First came the giggles, followed by frantic

"I-I can't --- hahahahaha.... that's my f-f-oot..... I don't know why
you're doing this, b-but I-I'm ho-ho-ho-HEE HEE HA HA HA HAAA AAAIIIEEE

At this point I realized that I only had one of Kristie's feet.
Obviously it would be much more fun to tickle both feet. So, I yanked
the sock off of her other foot, scooped both feet into my lap, and
began tickling both of Kristie's feet simultaneously.

Kristie's laughter could best be described as maniacal. I increased the
foot tickling, scribbling my fingers rapidly up and down both of her
feet. Somehow she managed to catch her breath long enough to appeal for
her release.


I could feel myself regressing. I was becoming more childish and
playful by the second. As if the tickling alone weren't enough, I
started verbally teasing Kristie.

"“Such cute little toes”…I taunted. ”This piggie went to market.....
tickle tickle tickle the cute little piggies!!!“


Each of us have our own tastes when it comes to feet and tickling. For
me, hearing Kristie begging and helplessly laughing made me want to
tickle torture her that much more.... and that's exactly what I did.

"Kitchy kitchy kitchy koooooooooo!" I teased.

I continued running my fingers up and down the soles of both feet. With
each pass I made sure to notice any areas of increased sensitivity. I
selected three of the worst (or should I say best) spots on each foot,
and zeroed in on them as firmly and deeply as possible. At this point,
something happened which I had never witnessed before. Kristie's eyes
got extremely wide, her jaw dropped open, and her entire body continued
to shudder with hysterical laughter, but no sound was coming out. It
was silent laughter!

I had read about silent laughter in a number of tickling stories posted
on the net, but I'd never seen it before. There was no way I was going
to quit at this point. I continued for at least another two minutes.
Kristie continued to shudder with laughter, but the only sound was that
of her taking an occasional gulp of air.

My fascination with this experiment in tickle-torture was interrupted
by my concern for my friend. Kristie's face was flushed red, so I eased
up a bit to let her catch her breath. I didn't stop tickling
altogether, and once she'd caught her breath the giggles resumed.

Kristie tried to speak a couple of times but the words never quite
formed through the giggles. Her lips were quivering so hard that she
ended up spitting and giggling. I finally eased up enough so that she
was still giggling but could breathe and speak more easily.

"Hee hee hee hee hee....pleeeease.... why my fee-hee-eet?"

"Just laugh sweetie," I said. "Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!"

She complied, not that she had any real choice in the matter. I didn't
want her to hate me for this, but I did need to soften her up just a
little bit more. I wanted her to be receptive to what I had in mind.

After another five minutes or so she looked eager to make the tickling
stop. That's when I offered her some options.... demands would be a
better description. She asked me to stop tickling altogether. I refused
and offered her a deal instead.

Everyone has different preferences where feet and tickling are
concerned. In my own case I am an avid fan of tickling as well as feet
in general. There were a number of foot fetishy (is that a word?)
things I had always wanted to try with Kristie.

I confessed to my interest in feet and tickling, which completely
surprised Kristie. Then I offered Kristie two choices: plan 1 called
for another hour of foot-tickling; plan 2 required Kristie to be my own
personal foot fetish girl for the duration of the evening (essentially
allowing me to do anything I wanted to with her feet regardless of how
silly it might seem). Kristie responded to my demands in a very
sarcastic, slightly snotty tone. She almost seemed to think I was
joking, but I wasn't.

"Obviously you don't understand that I'm serious," I said. "I'll try to
explain it to you."

With that, I resumed my attack more aggressively than ever. The results
were immediate.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!...," Kristie screamed helplessly. "Hee hee hee
hee hee....pleeeease....hee hee hee noooooo....hoo hoo hoo hoo heee hee
hee heeeee heeeeeee.... AHHHHHHHHHH..... hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo....

"Now then..... would you care to discuss the plans I have offered to
you?", I asked.

I eased up on the tickling so Kristie could catch her breath. It was
almost a full minute before she could respond. She was ready to see my
side of things.

"Hee hee hee... okay... umm..... hee hee...okay," she said. "I promise
I'll be good... hee hee.... my feet are your's!"

I wanted to continue but as you may recall Kristie hadn't eaten yet. I
released my captive after once again getting her agreement to my terms.
We got bundled up to face the Arctic, and I took her to a nice
restaurant for a better meal than she'd had anytime recently.

Throughout the meal we talked about school, our friends, life, but
surprisingly not much at all about feet. I was eager to get back to the
dorm and resume the festivities, and it seemed like time itself was at
a standstill.

Finally, our meal was over and we left the restaurant. I drove us to
the local grocery store and bought Kristie some soda and snacks.
Coupled with the meal this seemed to dissolve any hard feelings from
her tickling torture.

While we were shopping I also bought three different types of Freeman
foot massage lotion, a bottle of nail polish, Q-tips, and some honey. I
think Kristie would have been worried if she had been paying attention
to what I was buying.

We finally made it back to her dorm room. Both of us were so frozen we
spent 15 minutes just trying to get warm. By that time Kristie had
kicked her shoes off and we were both diving into the snacks and soda.
I gave her a few minutes to eat and relax, and then I decided it was
time to get started.

I escorted Kristie to her dorm chair. She didn't seem to be the least
bit concerned about what I was doing until I sat at her feet and
started removing her socks.

"What's going on?", she said. "Don't tell me, we're back to that whole
foot thing again."

"We had a deal," I said. "If you back out on me we'll just go back to
the tickle-torture instead."

I sensed that maybe Kristie was thinking of backing out on me, so I
started tickling her feet.

"HA-HAAAAAA.... no no no, that's okay, I'll do it... HAHAHAHAAAA.. just
don't tickle mee-hee-hee!!!," Kristie squealed.

I could tell that Kristie thought this whole thing was ridiculous, but
she complied.

I reached into the shopping bag and pulled out the honey. Judging by
the look on Kristie's face she had no idea what I was about to do. I
gently took her right foot in my hand and carefully dabbed honey onto
each toe and a variety of spots on the top of her foot.

Before she could say anything, I began kissing and licking the honey
from her foot. She squirmed for just a second or two, and then she
seemed to relax a bit. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the
expression on her face. She wasn't necessarily enjoying this, but she
was curious about the sensations this was causing.

"This has, hee hee, never been done to me before," she said.

"Most of the things I'm going to do tonight will probably be first time
experiences for you," I replied.

I didn't feel like my position was ideal so I carried Kristie to the
bed and had her roll over on her stomach. Once she was settled I
plastered the soles of her feet with honey and began the lengthy
process of kissing and licking them clean.

I was very pleased because she was being so cooperative, and more than
bit bubbly. I think as much as anything she was intrigued by the fact
that I was so completely in awe of her feet. Also, she'd never felt
anything quite like this before.

Throughout the process she looked back at me several times with this
look of complete curiosity on her face. She also burst into giggles on
several occasions as my tongue hit one of her many ticklish spots.

"Hee-hee-heeeeeee..... hey, I thought this wasn't supposed to tickle,"
Kristie complained as I touched one of her many ticklish spots with my

"Accidents will happen," I said.

After the soles of Kristie's feet were finished I began sucking her
toes. I just couldn't resist! As it turned out, Kristie's reaction to
the toe-sucking process was nothing short of priceless.

At first, Kristie found the whole experience to be very sensual, even
relaxing. However, as I continued to explore her toes with my tongue
Kristie was literally tickled to squeals. Unlike the evening's earlier
tickling, she took this in stride.

"EEEEEK!!!! STHAHAHAHAPPP!!!!!! Watch what you do-hoo-hoo with that
tongue!," Kristie said as I tickled between her toes.

I looked at my watch and realized I had been sucking and licking
Kristie's toes for over 20 minutes. There were many things I wanted to
try yet so I decided to move on.

From the grocery bag on the floor I produced a box of Q-tips.

"What are those for?," Kristie asked.

I didn't even bother responding to Kristie's question. I very gently
grabbed the smallest toe of her left foot and began stroking it from
every possible angle. As I stroked along the top of her toe, I found a
sensitive spot just below the toenail. I decided to focus on that one
spot for a while.

I was making an effort to be gentle, but the technique was taking a
toll on Kristie. She was starting to nervously clench the sheets with
both hands, and her mouth was wide open.

"Umm... hee hee.... I'm trying to cooperate but.. hee hee hee... this
really tickles," Kristie complained.

"Just nine more toes to go," I said. "You're trying to be cooperative
so I'll ease up a bit."

That statement seemed to put Kristie at ease. She relaxed noticeably
and stopped trying to hold back the giggles. Kristie allowed herself to
respond freely, flexing her toes and giggling as I continued working
over her toes with the Q-tip.

Kristie was taking all of this quite well, but I didn't want to push
it. I decided it was time to stop and move on to our next activity.

I grabbed the chair from Kristie's desk. Kristie's desk was a sturdy,
solid oak antique, and I knew it could easily hold Kristie's weight
(and a lot more). I placed one of Kristie's dorm chairs on top of the
desk and helped her climb into it. Once Kristie was settled in her high
perch, I moved her other dorm chair over to the desk and sat in front
of her so her feet were almost level with my chin.

"I swear I'll be your foot fetish buddy for the rest of the evening, so
please don't tickle me for asking this.... but what are you planning to
do with me next?," Kristie asked.

I reached into my shopping bag and pulled out the bottle of fire engine
red nail polish that I had purchased during our grocery store visit.
Kristie looked at the bottle of nail polish and smiled.

"You have beautiful feet, and incredible toes, but there's something
missing," I said. "You need nail polish."

I set the nail polish down on the desk and gently held Kristie's right
foot in my hands. Having her foot so close to my face was more than I
could resist, and I started kissing her foot (which Kristie found quite
amusing). After a few minutes, I began to paint Kristie's toes (that
art minor was finally paying off!).

About halfway through the pedicure, Kristie seemed to be pleased. She
said that she didn't think a man would be able to apply nail polish
with that much skill.

A few minutes later, Kristie's right foot was finished. I repeated the
process on her left, and we sat there talking while the polish dried.

"Where do you keep your shoes?," I asked.

Kristie looked a bit thrown by my question. She paused for a moment
before responding.

"Ummm........ in my closet, in the bottom droor of the dresser," she
said. "Why do you want to know about my shoes?"

"And you consider yourself intelligent and college educated!," I
replied. "Obviously you can't play 'Shoe salesman' without shoes."

"Of course," Kristie laughed. "How stupid of me."

She was no longer nervous about any of this. In fact, Kristie was
extremely amused by the whole thing.

I rummaged through her closet and pulled out a selection of high heels.
I lined them up in the middle of the room in front of her other dorm
chair. When her nail polish was done, I escorted her to the chair and
she sat down.

Although I had not asked her to do this, Kristie began speaking to me
in character. Literally, she was pretending to be a customer in a shoe
store, and she asked me to help her try on some shoes.

I knelt in front of her and began to slide her feet into a pair of
sexy, strappy high heels. When I was finished, I just sat there
drooling at the site of Kristie's feet.

The open high heels accented the already shapely curve of her arch, and
her toes looked absolutely beautiful. As I had done earlier, I held her
feet and began to kiss and lick her toes.

"I really don't want to risk encouraging you, but I could get used to
having my feet kissed," Kristie said.

I just smiled back at her, gave her a quick tickle, and began the
process of putting on the next pair of shoes. We went through a number
of styles before we got to the black pumps which had always been among
my favorites (on her, not on me!).

While we were sitting there Kristie asked a million questions about
tickling and foot fetishes. During the middle of our conversation she
performed a "dangling" of her black pumps for me.

At this point I decided it was time to switch gears again and begin the
foot massage. I removed Kristie's pumps and carried her over to the
bed. She commented that she'd never had a foot massage and was looking
forward to it.

Earlier in the school year I worked at the campus health center where I
took a workshop on reflexology/foot massage. Those techniques really
paid off as the night went on. I massaged Kristie's feet for more than
two hours.

As I sat there caressing Kristie's feet with three different types of
Freeman foot massage lotion, she commented repeatedly how wonderful
this felt. She even fell asleep briefly two or three times.

The very last time Kristie fell asleep, I tickled her awake. It was
great fun to watch her go from a deeply relaxed sleep to a gentle
chorus of ticklish giggles.

"Hmmmm..... yawn...... heee heee heee heee.... hey! Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
hoo.......no faaaaaaairrr!," Kristie squealed. "I did what you asked.
It's haa haa haaa not my fault that you relaxed me so much that I fell
asleep! Heee hee hee heeeee heeee!"

"You've been a wonderful sport, but I don't think I can get through the
rest of the night without tickling you," I said. "I promise not to
torture you like I did earlier, but it's just too much fun to pass

"Oh God. Well, what kind of technique do you have in store for me this
time?," she asked.

"Actually, it was a lot of fun tickle sucking your toes earlier," I
said. "I'll have to wash your feet first. If I swallow any of that
massage lotion I'll be sick all weekend."

I went in Kristie's closet and grabbed a bottle of Palmolive
dishwashing liquid, and her fluffiest bath towel. The two of us walked
down the hall to the bathroom.

Kristie noticed that we were now the only ones left on the entire
Everyone else had gone home for the weekend. In short, this was a
license to do whatever we wanted.

In the bathroom there was a special shower for the disabled students.
There was a very comfortable padded seat, and a hand-held shower

I had Kristie sit down, and I rolled up the legs of her pants so they
wouldn't get wet. Then I got an idea.

"Have you ever had dish soap tickles?", I asked.

"No, but I have a really bad feeling you are about to show me," Kristie

"Yes, but I promise not to torture you like I did earlier..... if you
cooperate," I said.

I placed Kristie's feet across a padded stool directly in front of
her. I grabbed the shower attachment and rinsed Kristie's feet with a
soothing spray of warm water. Then I began to apply to dish soap to her
left foot.

As I worked the soap into a lather, I began to rub it all over her foot
in a series of massage techniques. Once her foot was profusely covered
in soap suds, I began to gently scribble my fingers all over the
slippery sole of her foot.

For those of you who have never done this, making the surface of the
foot slippery with baby oil or a lathering soap increases ticklishness
by a factor of three (at least). Kristie's response to my tickling was
a combination of total hysteria and begging.


I didn't want Kristie to hate me forever, so I eased up and reduced the
tickling to a level more consistent with what I promised. Kristie was
able to talk through her giggles.

"Hooooo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..... it's too-hoo-hoo slippery,"
she squealed. "That tickles meee hee hee hee. Be gentle!!!!!"

I had already done her entire foot so I decided it was time to work on
her toes. I snaked my fingers in between her toes and was rewarded with
another round of pleas and giggles.

"EEEEEEEEEEEE.... be careful.... AHHHHHHHHH...... in betwee-hee-heeen
the toes!!!!!!!," Kristie laughed while squirming in her seat.

After a few minutes I rinsed her left foot and began to apply the dish
soap to her right foot. Kristie was looking a little nervous and
begged me to be careful.

"Please, pleeeease be careful," she begged. "That soap makes me fifty
times more ticklish and I can't stand it. I promise I'll let you
tickle me, just be really gentle."

"You have been pretty wonderful about this, so I'll try to behave," I

With that I started to lather the soap all over Kristie's right foot.
As I had promised, I was much more gentle in applying my tickling
techniques. It actually paid off. Kristie was extremely patient with
me and I tickled her foot for almost 15 minutes.

"Hoo haa haa haaheee hee hee heeeee heeeeeee haa haa haa! Haa haa haa
haaheee hee hee heeeee heeeeeeehaaheee hee hee heeeee heeeeeee haaheee
hee hee heeeee heeeeeee!," Kristie giggled. "Can we-hee-heee stop

It was obvious that this couldn't continue, so I rinsed off and dried
her feet. I carried Kristie back to the dorm room and set her on the

I looked at the bottle of honey, and I'd had so much of it already that
I knew I'd probably throw up if I had any more. I started rummaging
through Kristie's tiny dorm room fridge and she watched what I was

I found a container of margarine, and on top of the fridge I also found
some small packets of sugar and cinnamon. I warmed up a small dish of
margarine in the microwave and took all of my new supplies over to the

I sat at the end of the bed and buttered Kristie's toes and sprinkled
them with sugar and cinnamon. She just laughed and couldn't believe how
much I was enjoying this.

"You are really loving this aren't you," Kristie said.

"This is the most fun I've had in a long time," I said.

"Well this is great!," Kristie said. "I can save myself some money on
presents when your birthday and Christmas roll around."

I spent the next hour sucking, kissing and tickling Kristie's feet
while we both giggled. It was a good thing we were alone on that floor
of the dorm, or someone would have probably called the police.

When the weekend was over I was really worried that Kristie might be so
freaked out that she just wouldn't talk to me anymore. Just the
opposite! Kristie invited me back to give her regular foot massages
(especially after work), and even allowed me to put her through a
number of foot tickling sessions before she graduated and moved away.
Some of my favorite college/dorm tickles were the random ones, the ones I would just happen upon or luck into.

To whit:

Kids had a habbit of taking their phones out into the hall way to talk. So I would be walking down the hall and see someone I know sitting outside their door on the phone. (The land line phones...no one carried cell phones then!) One girl, I can't remember her name, was wearing shorts and barefoot as I came up on her she smiled and continued her conversation. I smiled, reached downand tickled both her feet which had her kicking and swatting at me as she tried not to scream into the phone!

Those who didn't have their own phone used the payphone located on every floor. Going to to my gf after I graduated I caught one lovely young lady on such a phone. She was sitting backwards on a chair with her legs up over the back. Her knees bent over the top of the back of the chair. We smiled at each other when we made eye contact. I passed by the, thinking the better of it, went back to her and mouthed so she could read my lips "Are you ticklish?" Her eyes went wide and she started smiling already while shaking her head back and forth in the negative! I tickled both socked feet while she fought to keep her laughter in and then I moved on.

A lot of times the people who lived off campus would also use the public phones. They (the phones) were placed all over the place. I passed one down a fairly secluded hallway where a tall, shy girl from my class was talking. She saw me and nodded and I walked over and poked her in the side. I didn't even know if she was ticklish but she gave such a good shiver and reaction I just had to continue! I would tickle one side and then the other, the whole time she was trying to keep up her conversation. Then she smiled at me as I wlaked away.

One time (no phone this time 😀 ) I was innocently walking out of the dorm to go see my gf. Outside a guy and girl I knew were standing there talking. One thing led to another (and I swear I don't remember the exact reason for this) but I ended up tickling her sides. She was a little plump and her sides were soft and she screamed and laughed. While she tried to wiggle away I got hold of her arms and told the other guy to keep tickling her. He did. We stopped when we thought her screams would bring the campus rent-a-cop around!

More to come!

~ toyou
Wow, so many memories...

I was a rather notorious tickler in college. Not in a bad or creepy way, just among my friends and what not.

I was also rather renowned for my skills in the massage department. As you can imagine, I used those skills to sneak in more than a fair share of tickles.

One of my favorite memories was when a friend of mine... let's call her Melanie... wanted me to come visit. This was during exams, and I was essentially done for the year--and for good, since I was an undergrad putting the wraps on my final semester.

She was a massage addict, and was all stressed out preparing for some advanced class final. I offered to work my magic, so she sat on her bed and I started to massage her shoulders and back. We broke so she could get more coffee--she was also a caffeine junkie--and when she returned she put her feet in my lap and went, "OK, you can massage my feet now." in this high and mighty kind of tone.

This of course sounded great to me but I couldn't tell her that.

So, I started massaging... for about 15 seconds, then started tickling.

Now, picture it. She's got her feet in my lap, and a big mug of coffee in her hands. If she twists and writhes, her own bed gets doused. So she's begging me to stop because of this, and I'm all, "Not like it's my bed..." After about 30 seconds I gave her enough of a break so she could set the mug down, then gave her a tickly massage for the next several minutes. I remember using the soft leather band on her own watch underneath the toes to particular success.

Let me know if you guys would like to hear more.
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