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Dr. Charles Embrey - A Mischief Maker


TMF Master
Mar 4, 2014
Dr. Charles Embrey smiled to himself as he made his final rounds for the evening. Although a professed bachelor, he loved nothing better than a decadent meal, and long ago had learned to reduce gourmet recipees to create a dinner for one or the occasional two. Actually, he loved all fine things and had made it a point to study them...fine wines, fine food, fine art, fine architecture, and as always...fine entertainment. But his taste for entertainment was a little different than most. And tonight, he chuckled thinking to himself, was going to be the perfect bit of entertainment to go along with the incredible bottle of merlot he'd picked up for the very occasion. In fact, he'd had to order it from Australia six months prior. But that had been the easy part.

He'd been nuturing heirloom tomatos, shitake mushrooms and herbs in his garden for months now. And they weren't the only thing he'd been patiently cultivating for this very night...

He picked up the chart in front of the next patient's room. Ah, lovely little Audrey Brown. Such a cute little petite thing with her big blue eyes and brown hair. She was gorgeous by any man's standards. In fact, had she been two feet taller, she'd easily made a career in modeling. But he liked her just as she was: Little arms, little legs, little feet, and a huge laugh.

"Well, how are you today, Audrey?", Dr. Embrey winked at the object of his current devotion upon entering the room. The poor thing just lay there in a body cast from her shoulders down with only her hands and feet sticking out. She turned her head and offered him a warm smile, "I'm doing okay, all things considering, doc!"

He couldn't help grining at being called that by such an adorable creature. But he had always been a bit of a devil, and today was no different. He placed a hand against her cheek and pretended to be puzzeled, "You seem a little bit flushed to me...your cheeks are warm and your skin is a little pink." then he leaned in close to her ear,"Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?"

Of course he knew perfectly well what was bothering her. He'd been the architect of her current torment. For the last six months he'd made sure her femine needs had been swaped out with those containing his own special solution. He'd gotten the idea when he'd been browsing a fetish store and had seen a little tube of "Nympho Cream". Curious, he'd brought it home and diligently experimented with it. He'd been very pleased to discover that a few adjustments had allowed him to increase the ointment's sensitizing effects by leaps and bounds. Audrey had been his ongoing unwitting experiment, as he'd also mixed his formula in with her lotion which the nurses were instructed to apply to her feet at least twice a day. In fact, he'd so perfected the sensitizing ointment that he'd designed it effects to increase the longer it remained in contact with the skin and to double each time it was reapplied on top of itself. He'd also told the nurses to use a specific formula to keep her privates "moist" due to the "X" shape her body was in. Such a request was not unusual so the nurses had not thought anything of it as they had made it a daily point to apply the ointment after giving Audrey's exposed parts a sponge bath.

What this meant for the poor inmobile beauty was a mixture of excrutiating unsatiated arousal that was steadily growing month after month, and unbearably ticklish feet that had long ago passed what any human could consider humane. He had lovingly cultivated both sensations in the young woman as precisely and dedicatedly as he had tended his garden. In fact, he thought of her the way an orchid grower lavished attention on creating the perfect flower, encouraging it to aquire unnatural traits that made it devastatingly gorgeous...

"You are such a lovely little flower", he flirted openly with her, now, loving that she had no idea how literally he meant those words,"It's the good thing you're all wrapped up tight or you'd be overwhelmed by all the men on this floor!"

Audrey's cheeks turned crimson through her cream-like skin. God she was lovely, he thought, maybe this one will be a keeper. He normally never minded it when a patient, nurse or other doctor would discover one of his "projects" had become inexplicably unbearably ticklish during their stay at the hospital. He'd get a kick out of it in fact when one of his hidden cameras would record another tickler torturing one of his patients. He'd often play the role of guardian angel for them, arranging for them to be assigned to their victims when no one else would be around to hear the frantic laughter and pleading. He'd just go to his office or home computer and enjoy the show over a homemade soufle and savor the helpless laughter even deeper than the flavor of his food.

But Audrey was different. Her beauty, her natural vulnerabilty and her predicament made her all too perfect to share. So he'd had to get rid of her roomate the way he got rid of the aphids in his garden.

It wasn't that he blamed the man for noticing Audrey the day she was moved into his room, that was to be expected. But then it had happened, Audrey had complained about an itch on her foot and asked the other patient to help her. The man, who had been slowly regaining mobility, had managed to hop with his crutches over to her and proceeded to help her out. That's when Charles had discovered how precious she was...He had all sorts of equipment hooked up to her, and had noticed it immediately... when the guy's fingernails had begun to scratch, Audrey had dissolved into giggles. With the formula on her feet, that had been expected, but what Dr. Embrey had not expected was that she would actually like it!

The man had been amused and proceeded to take full advantage with Charles transfixed to his screen at home in jealous outrage. That very night he'd given the man a sedative and used a surgical tool to stuff a mixture of itching powder and the sensitivity solution deep into his casts, past where the man could reach and then waited patiently for the inevitable complaints to arise. it had workd like clockwork, the man had woken with a start and immediately began clawing away at his casts but to no avial. Dr. Embrey made sure his complaints went unheard for a good week until poor Audrey had been forced to request a change of room so she could sleep at night. Charles had only been too glad to offer her a private room in the hospital that he had already outfitted for his purposes.

And now, all those strategic actions, all his patience, all his tedious dedication was about to pay off. The poor girl had no idea how fully he as about to realize her hidden fetish. And she did have a deep one. He'd made certain of it, even breaking into her apartment with a copy of her housekeys he'd swapped from her purse, to confirm his suspicions. There, with surgical gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints, he'd logged onto her computer and discovered the tickling websites she'd explored. He'd found her diaries going back to her teenage years and read them all, cover to cover. He'd studied her books, like the diligent student he'd been in med school, and smirked whenever he'd found well worn pages novels that had mentioned tickling. But then he'd found the motherload: In a shoe box in the top of a closet he'd found her collection of fantasies...some she'd written, others she'd torn from old books or downloaded off the net. But all of them had made his heart race...all of them had revealed her deepest desires to be tickled past all limits while simultanously kept in the throws of excrutiating desire. "Perfect.", he'd said it outloud, thrilled at the discovery. He'd meticulously taken notes and placed everything back exactly where it was before moving onto the fridge, the garden, and even the garage. He'd left having learned her favorite foods, her favorite flowers, who her old boyfriends had been, why she'd been attracted to them, and even found out that she'd left an old message on her home phone to some friend whispering that she'd thought her doctor at the hospital, Dr. Embrey, was 'hot'. Charles had laughed outloud at that one. She must have made the call after he'd transferred her to the new room where a telephone had been rigged to be permantly on speaker phone via a button that was in reach of her right hand.

Charles had even started a file on her at his house, even researching places to wisk her away to should anything further arise from where things were now. He had restaraunts and hotels, B&B's and extravagent get-aways all neatly filed, matched to her dreams as he'd discovered them throughout her diaries. But that would all have to wait until after the week had proven itself. He was afterall, a patient man.

"Dr. Embrey?" her voice brought him back to the room where he realized he'd been staring down at her the whole time with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, Audrey?"

"Is something funny? You seem kinda amused and hungry at the same time..."

Charles raised his eyebrows at how her observations made total sense, then bluffed his way through,"Well, now, I have an incredibly attractive immobilized young woman all to myself in a sound proof room...in any other circumstances it would almost sound kinda kinky."

It worked, she was laughing now, "Well, I hadn't thought of it that way! But then again, I always assumed you doctor types weren't the mischievious type!"

That caught him off gaurd! Charles walked over to the foot of her bed and leaned agains the wall, arms folded, looking down at her. "That's quite an assumption for someone in your position to make."

His serious tone made her stop laughing, and she looked at him with concern,"I didn't mean to offend you or something. If I did, I'm really sorry..."

He pretended not to hear her,"...I mean, when you come to a hospital you give all your power away to whatever doctor is treating you...

"I-I-think I understand..."

"So you need to look at me or at any other doctor, and ask yourself, 'is this someone I want to be tied up by'?" He let her see him grin widely at the end of his little tirade and wiggled his eyebrows up and down with his last sentence.

Audrey's cheeks were now a full out pink flush. He knew the time was 6:57pm, the time the nurses and doctors were changing shifts. He knew this because, like everything else he did, he'd planned each exact moment for months up until this day. In fact, her recent femine requirement had been full of the strongest concoction he'd made thus far. In short, she was freak'n horny and in the next three minutes she'd be the thows of the most excrutiating desperation she'd ever known. And best of all, she'd assume he didn't know her body was craving release. Just like she was assuming now, as she looked at him, that he didn't know she had a crush on him, or that he didn't know being tickled aroused her. He had all night to exploit this...that's why he'd made sure he was the only one responsible for seeing to her tonight...

"Soooo, Audrey, you've never encountered a mischievious doctor before? That makes me terribly sad. I do try my best to see to it that all my patients are happy, especially the beautiful ones...", he extended a single finger and let it hover just above her toes, watching delightedly as her eyes grew huge and her pink lips gasp at the very idea.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you afraid I was going to tickle you?", he let the word roll off his tongue effortlessly, as if he didn't notice her pink cheeks going from pink to red at the very word. How delicious!,"I was just pointing at you. But perhaps a good laugh would do you some good..."

He let his finger stroke the underside of of her toes. Immediately the girl gasped with shock at the sensationthat turned into an out and out giggling fit.

"Wow! Audrey, I had no idea you were this sensitive!", he teased,"You've got to be exaggerating here. Let me try the other foot..."

Again, he ran his finger under her little toes, and again she squealed and giggled. But this time, instead of stopping, he tickled both feet full out with both hands, exploring each little nook and cranny, each tiny crease and pink area.

"Nooooohohohoho!Wait! Oh!ho!ho!ha!ha!hee!stoaaaahhp!pleeheeeheeeheeese..."

But he didn't stop. Instead he kept tickling, paying more attention to his watch than to her giggling...6:59....he glanced up at her head and and drank in the vision of her lovely face thrashing about helplessly....7:00...her eyes grew huge and her mouth let out a gasp in between laughter. He smiled, she was in the most unyeilding hell now, and it was only going to grow as the evening went on.

He kept tickling her, going from her toes to her arches to her ankles to the tops of her feet and back again, watching her eyes glaze over from the combined shock of how ticklish her feet were and with the ever increasing aching desire that demanded a satisfaction she would be unable to provide for another four months....7:15...he knew it was taking every bit of her will power to not scream for him to release her this very minute and he knew it was only going to get worse for her. He'd seen to it himself personally...."Oh don't worry, Audrey," he said innocently,"You only have to put up with four more months of being in a body cast. So that means I have only four more months to prove to you how mischievious a doctor can be!"

He stopped tickling her and pretended to pick up his pen and paper, making notations on it. As he did so, he glanced at her from out of the corner of his eye and caught it...the inevitable look of relief and disappointment mixed in together. Perfect.

"You know, I just realized something, Audrey.", he began, letting her see the devilish twinkle in his eyes, "that may be the first bit of cardio activity your lbody has taken part in since you've been in this cast. Perhaps I should be prescribing a dose of tickling a day just to get your lungs used to working more again." He let her eyes search his contenance for some sign that he was teasing, but decided not to give her a hint either way.

"Dr. Embrey! You're joking, right? I-I mean you have to be joking right..." Her face looked so desperate he had to glance away to keep from laughing outloud.

He gave her his best 'Doctor' expression, "Well, you know, Audrey, it's in your best interest to keep your lungs in good condition while you're in the cast so that when you begin regaining your muscular strength, your lungs will already be in prime condition..."

Audrey's eyes now seemed to grow, slowly taking up her whole face as he continued...

"But as you seem to be a little embaressed by your obvious ticklish condition I would be willing to attend to these treatments personally so that we can protect your privacy...."

The poor thing began shaking her head up and down frantically...

"But if you prefer to have a nurse administer these treatments, I can personally see to it that the entire nursing staff is informed and able to regulary administer the necessary treatments to enhance the condition of your lungs..."


Charles stopped his monotoned monologue and glanced up at her over his glasses. She was fully red in the face now, shaking her head back and forth as frantically as her cast would allow. He loved that the cast ended around her collar bone...somehow seeing her head and neck shake frantically just made her all the more helpless. Gorgeous. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"I beg your pardon, Audrey, is there anything else you will be needing this evening?" He walked to the chart next to her bed and saw that the nurses had not brought her food to her yet. Actually, he knew they wouldn't be bringing it at all, as he'd arranged their schedules assuring that she'd be overlooked, "Hmmm...it says here that you haven't eaten, is that right?"

Audrey shook her head with a grateful smile,"Yes! thank goodness, I've been so hungry!"

He pretended to wrinkle his brow with concern and looked down at his watch, 7:30, the cassoulie would be ready to be taken out of the oven in 15 minutes. Everything was right on time,"I'm sorry but the hospital's kitchen has been closed for over an hour."

Her immediate expression was almost heartbreaking, but she smiled quickly putting on a good show,"That's alright, Doc. Afterall, you pointed out that I haven't been gettting any kind of cardio excercise since I've been here, so perhaps it's for the best..."

Charles grinned in spite of himself,"I'll tell you what. I've got a better idea. I'll run home and whip something up for the two of us, and bring it back here. We'll have a picnic in your room tonight over a bottle of wine. then afterards, I'll help you burn it all off as long as it takes." He reached over and tickled her left foot making her laugh, "Is that a deal?"


He tickled her even more agressively, attacking the sensitive areas in between and underneath her little toes, "What was that?"


Charles stopped, , allowing himself to glance at how moist she had become, knowing she didn't even notice him as she fought to catch her breath. Ah, yes, she just might be the one he'd been waiting for all these years. He waited till she was begining to relax, then ran a wicked finger down her soles as he turned to go, making her shriek with laughter,"Alright then. I'll be back in 30 minutes bearing gourmet sustenance for us both!" He winked at her as he left, closing the door after himself. Thirty minutes would actually be longer than he needed, but thirty minutes would insure his subject would have the greatest desperate need for release thus far. The perfect situation for him to walk into...

He was happily thinking upon the fabulous meal he would be sharing with her when he spotted a young nurse rushing with a food tray towards Audrey's room. He intercepted immediatly,"Where are you going?"

The young man looked up nervously,"I-I'm sorry, Dr. Embrey, but I just realized that due to a misscheduling on the nurses' calendar, this patient hasn't eaten today."

Charles gave the neophyte his best doctor scrowl,"Yes. I already noticed that and have taken care of it. Please take this food back to the cafeteria."

"I'm sorry, I'd hoped that I'd been quick enough for you to not have noticed..."

"This patient is a very important hospital client of mine, so I will be taking special personal care of her needs in the future. You needn't bother with providing the dinners, as I will be delivering them to her myself."

The young nurse nodded and quickly left.

Charles steamed under his collar. How dare the young nurse almost ruin his months of planning! He glanced at his watch, he'd lost ten minutes already. He sighed, as he walked towards the elevator jingling his car keys, that was alright. He'd take all his frustration out on her little feet within the hour, and by the end of the evening, little Audrey Brown would be craving him in all the ways that mattered. Then, he'd just have to see wether or not he tired of her...


Part 2

Charles entered his flat, immediately pulled the cassoulie out of the oven before even removing his doctor's coat, and then opened the bottle of wine to let it air while changing into the outfit he'd bought especially for this special evening: A blue shirt, nice slacks and a sports coat...all carefully picked out according to what she seemed to be most attracted to judging from the photos he'd seen in her apartment.

He then tossed together a salad, complete with rasberries, her favorite, and placed both things into a picnic basket he'd bought for the occasion. He nixed the candles at last minute, thinking that they might make him look a little too prepared, grabed up his best bachelor stemware, corked the bottle, and nabbed a box of chocolates on his way out, careful to eat a few to make it look like a last minute thought.

He was halfway out the door when he heard a muffled sound that made his heart stop:

He rushed across the room from his front door to the desk where his hidden camera in Audrey's room played her image across his computer screen, the sound barely audible coming from the headphones attached to is computer...

Audrey was laughing!

And that damn night nurse was in the room with her...

Charles leaned in closer for a better look, set down the basket and picked up the headphones attached to his computer to listen,

"...Nooohohoho! I don't believe you, David! You're just making fun of me! Hee!Hee!"

"No, I'm not, Audrey. I'm telling you, Dr. Embrey has the hots for you! You should have seen how fast he moved to stop me from delivering your dinner tonight! He wanted to be the one to do it!"

"Ha!Ha! David, that's ridiculous! He is so confident and smart, believe me, he has plenty of other things to be worried about than being the one to bring me dinner."

"Then why won't you eat what I've brought you, if you're so sure?"

"Because he's being nice enough to whip me up something at his house and is going to hang out with me a little bit tonight."

The night nurse got up from the chair next to her hospital bed and leaned against the wall at the foot of her bed,

"Nice, huh? Is that how you like your men these days, miss thing? You like them 'nice'?"

Charles exhaled a sigh of relief...no straight man called a woman miss thing...

Audrey giggled,"Well, even if he is a 'vanilla' kinda lover, its not like I'm going to have the opportunity to find out, is it? Afterall, at least this way I can enjoy having a sexy doctor to hang out with on a Saturday night...hell, that's better than I was doing when I was completely mobile! ha! Ha!"

It was David's turn to laugh,"I can't argue with you there, girlfriend! Listen, if you really like the doc, I'll do you a favor and be scarce when he comes back. But I'm assigned to this wing all night, so if you're not happy with the food he brings, just buzz me to let me know when he leaves and we'll order a pizza."

"Thanks, David!"

David began leaving her room, then turned with his hand on the doorknob,"But for your sake, girlfriend, I'm hoping I don't hear from you because you've passed out under the expert hands of a lover that's blown your little world into a whole 'nother universe!"

"Ha! You really think he could?"

David let go of the door and put his hands on his hips, looking down at her,"Audrey, honey, let me tell you about your Dr. Charles P. Embrey. No one knows what the 'P' stands for, but I know it signifies 'perfection'. The man is a machine in the mind and the bod-AY", David emphasized the last syllable, making Charles laugh at the screen in spite of himself, "He is always, and I do mean always 'on'. If he is doing a surgery, there will be no mistakes. None. Zero. Zip. Ten years of surgery under those expert hands of his, and no mistakes. If the man is filing his research away, we're talking card-catalogue-index-cards orderly here, even for his phone numbers. When the man set up his office, he studied feng shui and coordinated the picture frames with his furniture. When the man wanted to become head of the orthopedic surgery wing, he made a plan and got to where he was in less than three years of first being hired on staff, in spite of the fact that he was only twenty when he started since he had entered medical school as a child prodigy. THAT's undheard of in any hospital, anywhere. Now, when the man wanted to become a millionaire, he researched, invested and made a killing without hiring a stockbroker."David walked back to her bedside and pointed at Audrey for emphasis," And if that same man has decided he wants you to be his, you minus well call up any other men who are in your life with rommance on their minds and kiss them goodbye, girl, 'cause that, doc, he always get's what he wants!"

Audrey had been laughing up to this point, but now she stopped, looked up at David thoughtfully and said,"It's not that I doubt Dr. Embrey's brilliance, David. I don't. But I'm not sure he has what it takes to conquer me, and that's my thing. I need a lover who can devastate my body, wrap my mind around his little finger, and who'll get off on that whole thing, 'cause although I fall for that kind of man, I'm actually not that easy to..."

"Hey girl, I get it. You need a lover who can seduce your mind as well as the body."


"What I'm telling you is if Dr. Charles P. Embrey decides he wants to, he can turn that mind and body inside out and keep you twisting, drive you crazy and make you like it."

"Sounds like a dream lover, but I highly doubt he's all that, David."

"It's the good thing the doc isn't here, little girl, or he'd make you pay big time for that one. Nothing get's him going more than being doubted."

Charles' eyes were ablaze as he stood transfixed on the screen. Soooo, little Audrey Brown doubted he could play to win, huh? She doubted he could conquer her did she? Hell, she even thought he might be a 'vanilla' lover! The very thought was outrageous!!

Oh, he'd make her little mind agonize over him, and he'd take great delight in leading her little body towards an ever growing desperation for his tickling fingers and he'd keep her in an excruciating pleasurable hell until the day she 'broke' and beyond...

Charles gathered up his things and headed out the door.

Perhaps he'd weave the rest of her life into a seductive dance of addictive agony...

She'd be his. That was certain.

He started up his car and headed back to the hospital. His mind flickered briefly on the recollection of a spider he'd studied in biology as a kid. It was a special kind of spider whose silk was much thinner than most, so thin and soft in fact that the unsuspecting fly would already be tangled deep in the web before it even realized the danger it was in. But although soft and barely there, its silk was unbreakable. Just like the web he'd weave for her...

Charles parked and headed up the elevator to the orthopedic wing.

Ah, Audrey, the special flower he'd been cultivating for so long, just waiting to be plucked...

The elevator opened and Charles walked down the hallway, careful to make enough noise to alert David to scram. He turned the corner and saw her room up ahead.

He'd tickle that little heart of hers just like he'd tickle her little feet....she'd crave it and not be able to stand it all at once...

He deliberately turned his smirk into a friendly grin and reached out, turning her doorknob with a loud friendly, "Hey there! hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long!"

She looked up at him with that crush so evident in her eyes and a big warm smile, 'Hey, doc! thanks for coming back!"

Oh yeah, little Audrey Brown would be in for the surprise of a lifetime...
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