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Driving With Vinny


1st Level Orange Feather
Oct 14, 2001
Driving With Vinny by Feathery

So I told you about this guy I've been seeing, right? Vinny... the car mechanic? Well, you know, I've been seeing him for about four months now... met him when I had to take my car in to be fixed. Anyway, I have to tell you about the craziest thing that happened last weekend. So he calls me up last Saturday morning, tells me he just got a new car and he wants to take me for a drive, but like on a weekend type trip. It's so last minute, and I tell him I didn't do laundry yet, but he's telling me to hurry up, that he's going to pick me up in like an hour! So I run around like a nut, trying to find something to wear, and all I can find is like this little sundress and my light trench coat and some sandals. It's hot out, so I put the coat and some other things in a bag, do my hair and make up, and before I know it, there's Vinny out in front of my apartment window blowing his horn and yelling at me to come out!

Well I must say it's a really cool car... like a Thunderbird or something from the 50's. I think he said it's a Thunderbird... oh you know me with cars... I'm pretty clueless about them. Anyway, he said it was a real antique! It's shiny blue, with black interior, leather seats with tinted windows... the kind where you can see out, but you can't see in. You know what I mean? Well, so I get in the car with him, putting my stuff in the back seat, and we drive for a while. He's telling me about the car and everything and what it does and all, even though I don't know what he's talking about... haha! We stop off at this place for breakfast... some diner. I ask him where he's taking me, where we're going but he just smiles and says it's a surprise.

So, we finish our breakfast and we get back in the car and we're driving and talking and everything, and then all of a sudden he pulls off to this quiet rest stop. He turns off the car and tells me how great I look and kisses me and all. He really is kind of a sweet guy you know, even though he fixes cars and he's kind of macho and stuff... you know what I mean? Anyway, so after we kiss and all, he reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out these handcuff things... hehe! I look at them and laugh and I say, "What the Hell is that for?" Haha! He tells me it's part of the surprise, so I say, OK, and he asks me to hold my wrists together and I do it. He ties my wrists together, and it's soft so it doesn't hurt or anything, but it feels really weird... not being able to use my hands and all. Do you know what I mean? Then Vinny reaches over and adjusts my seat back, so like now I'm lying there in the seat! Then he takes me by my wrists, and brings my arms up over my head and ties the loose end of the cuffs around the headrest above my seat. So, basically, he has me tied up in his car! I look at him, laughing and feeling kind of silly, saying "Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" But he just laughs at me, and tells me that I'll soon find out!

So he leans over and starts kissing me, which is nice... I kind of like that. But then he kisses my neck and strokes my arms and then I start getting very nervous. I have to tell you, I am really really ticklish! It totally drives me crazy. When I was a kid, my cousins used to hold me down and tickle the shit out of me, and I would laugh and laugh and not be able to do anything! A few times they even made me pee... hehe! But anyway, so while Vinny is kissing around my neck, and touching my arms, it feels tickly and I try not to laugh or anything, because then I'm afraid he'll want to do it even more! I'm squeezing my eyes shut and biting my lip and trying not to think about it, but then he starts to nibble at my earlobe, and touch my upper arms and shoulders, so I can't help but burst out laughing like a crazy girl!

Then he stops kissing and asks me what's wrong and why am I laughing and everything, and I just shake my head like I don't know. So he has this silly look on his face like he's hurt or something and asks me if I think he's funny and all, and I just shake my head no, but I'm still giggling. Then he starts saying "Oh baby" and starts to rub my belly and waist, and then that's it... I just explode with the giggles! And while he's touching me like that, he keeps saying, "Are you OK?" and stuff like that, and then he starts kissing down my arms, getting closer and closer to my armpits. Now, my armpits are the worst... I am so ticklish there it isn't funny. So as he kisses closer and closer there, I really wiggle and squirm and try to pull my arms down, but of course I cant!

Vinny does something totally crazy! He actually starts to kiss and lick my armpits! No guy has ever wanted to do that before, and it sends me through the roof! I start laughing like crazy, feeling like I'm going to lose my mind or something, and as he has his mouth all over my armpits, he's asking me if I'm ticklish... hahaha, can you believe it? His hands move up my belly to my sides, and then he starts to play with my tits while he's still licking my pits, and I have to admit it was really starting to turn me on. Especially when he started to pinch my nipples and all! Oh, so anyway, I have to tell you, so when I was running out the door that morning, I didn't put on any underwear because I didn't do laundry, and I figured I would just buy some when I saw a store. So all I had on was this thin little sundress with the spaghetti shoulder strings... you know the ones that tie together? So before I know it, Vinny pulls on the shoulder strings, and my dress fall down around my waist and now my boobs are showing! He pulls my dress down off me, while he's still tickling my pits with my mouth, and I'm laughing like crazy while he's stripping me! So now, can you imagine, I'm tied up and completely naked in his car!

"Vinny! What the Hell is this?" I looked around and couldn't believe my predicament! Although, I must confess, in a weird and strange way I kind of liked it, you know what I mean? I have to say, when I was a kid, I used to have fantasies about being taken and tied up by pirates or bandits. So this was kind of a frightening, yet exciting experience. But the tickling was definitely driving me crazy! "Vinny! I'm naked and tied up in your car... are your nuts? I can't believe you're doing this!" Then he got really sweet with me, telling me how beautiful I looked... tied up and lying on his black leather bucket seat. My pale skin and all, making a contrast to the dark leather interior. It was making me feel kind of hot. He said I looked like some kind of painting! You know I think he's kind of artistic in a way... for a mechanic, at least Haha! Anyway, I felt really good... I liked how he was being with me.

But then he started with the kissing and the touching, and I got all tickly again... he was driving me insane! His hands and fingers going up and down my hips, waist and sides, as he's licking and kissing my neck, pits and tits! Totally making me crazy! All the time he's telling me how great I look and feel! Then he starts tickling my belly, going up and down my thighs and I'm laughing and giggling and feeling like I'm totally losing my mind!

Then he stops tickling, and kisses me and starts up the car! "Hey!" I yell at him, "What do you think you're doing... where are we going?" He just smiles at me with that smooth grin of his and says, "You'll see soon enough, Baby!" Soon enough? So we leave the rest stop and then we're driving around, and whenever we stop at a red light or something, he reaches over and tickles me and gets me laughing again. I'm all confused now at this point! I'm sort of angry and pissed off on one side, but yet I'm kind of turned on too. You know what I mean? I told him I needed some things, like a couple of bras and panties and another dress maybe and he says no problem. So we drive into a shopping mall and we park the car in the big parking area and it's really really busy, all these people around! Vinny asks me for my sizes for all the stuff, and he says he'll take care of it. Then he tells me, "Hey, don't go anywhere!” gets out of the car, closes the door and heads into the mall. I'm thinking, "Don't go anywhere... what is he, crazy?"

So here I am, in Vinny's car, and feeling kind of helpless because now I'm sitting there all alone in the middle of this huge parking field. It's really busy because, you know, it's the weekend and everyone's out shopping and all these people are passing around the car, and I'm tied up and naked! Then, all of a sudden, something really freaky happens! A group of these young guys start looking around Vinny's car! It looked like they had a few of their girlfriends with them, as the all start pointing and checking the car out. I got really freaked out, because it seemed that maybe they were looking in at me, do you know what I mean?

I try to remind myself that they're young dudes and it's a really cool car and all, plus the windows are tinted so you can see out, and can't see in. But the way the guys are pointing and looking, and the way the girls with them are giggling and gesturing, I felt like maybe they could see me, and I was shaking with embarrassment! It was really making me nuts! I felt all hot and flushed, and getting goose bumps all over my body! Do you know what I mean? I felt so defenseless, that they were looking at me naked and tied up and joking and laughing and I felt like I was on display or something. It was totally insane!

Finally, Vinny comes back with some bags of stuff, and he talks to the young guys for a bit, and now I feel much more relaxed. I hear him talking "car talk" with them and then they go and Vinny gets into the car. He starts showing me all the stuff he bought, and I must say, I was really impressed! The lingerie was really sexy and fun looking and so were the dresses... yeah, he bought two, and the shoes were really hot too! And it looked like everything was the right size!

Then he reaches into a bag and pulls out this big fluffy make up brush, telling me it was on sale. I tell him I could always use one of those, and then he says "Oh look how soft it is!” and he starts tickling my nose with it. Well, I start giggling like crazy, and then he tickles my neck and under my arms and around my boobs, and it really tickles like crazy! I never knew just how ticklish my boobs were until he starts to tickle me there with the brush and it's making me giggle and laugh like a maniac. But when he tickled my nipples with it, I thought I would lose my mind, as it tickled and made me horny as hell at the same time! I was giggling and laughing and squirming and twisting around, and then I realized I had to pee really badly!

Vinny is just absolutely driving me crazy, with that silly make up brush, and I can see people walking around the car, which is so freaky, as I'm being turned into giggling squirming mush! Do you know what I mean? Especially when he starts stroking up and down my sides with the brush, then across my hips and waist, and then all over my thighs! He had me so totally hysterical I could barely put two words together. I tried desperately to tell him I had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't say anything through my laughter and giggles! And all the time that he's tickling me with the brush, he's saying really stupid things, like "Coochie coochie coo!" and "Gitchie gitchie gitchie!" Stuff like that, which is making me laugh more because it sounds so retarded!

I try to hold my legs together as tight as I can, hoping the feeling will go away, but when Vinny started to tickle my tummy with that brush, I just couldn't hold it any more! Especially when he swished the brush around inside my bellybutton, which is so ticklish! Well, what can I say? I just exploded... pee spraying all over the place. Down my legs, all over the car seat, the glove compartment and dashboard. It was a total mess! But the weird thing was Vinny didn't seem to care, as he kept on tickling me with that damn brush and saying those silly tickly things. As I'm peeing, I kept on laughing like a crazy girl, as if I was liking it, even though in a strange way I was kind of getting off on it. But I was really embarrassed too... do you know what I mean?

Finally, Vinny stopped tickling me, and took out some wet-naps and paper towels from his glove compartment and cleaned me and the car up. Then he kissed me so sweetly, I almost forgot where I was! I was a bit ashamed to admit it, but I was really turned on by what was going on and I wanted Vinny real bad... you know what I mean? So then he smiles and says he's going to show me the rest of the surprise. He starts up the car and we drive out of the parking area. We drive for a while, and I must say I'm feeling really horny! Then I see signs for "hotel" and "casino", and we drive into this beautiful parking area for this big fancy hotel! Vinny parks the car, turns off the ignition and turns to me and says, "Surprise... here we are!" and that we are going to stay here for the weekend. I can't believe it... it looks so fancy and cool!

But then he undoes the cuffs around my wrists and the headrest, puts my arms behind my back and fastens the cuffs around my wrists again! I say, "Vinny, what the hell are you doing? You have me naked with my hands tied behind my back... I can't go in there like this!" Then he pulls my thin trench coat out of my bag and just smiles.

I'm just sitting there in the car watching, kind of amazed, as Vinny puts my trench coat on me, and buttons me up. Then he takes out one of the pairs of high heels he bought and slips them on my feet. And then, if you can believe this, he brushes my hair and asks where my lipstick is and puts it on me! Is that amazing or what? An auto mechanic doing this kind of stuff? I have to say, I was very impressed and more than a bit turned on at the same time. So, he gets out of the car, comes around to my side, opens the door for me and helps me out. Then he stuffs my coat sleeves in my pockets, which is funny because it looks like I have my hands in my pockets. You know what I mean? Then he starts taking all our stuff out of the car, and this guy from the hotel comes over with a luggage rack on wheels, a bellboy or something, and asks if we are going to be guests and can he take our things to the lobby? Vinny tells him he has reservations for us for the weekend and shows him a card. The guy is very polite and says no problem and takes our things. I thought that was so cool... Vinny really had his act together, planning this whole weekend out and everything!

So we go into the hotel lobby, and it's all really big and fancy and everything! They have just about everything... a casino, a pool, a spa, a gorgeous bar and restaurant... you name it! After Vinny takes care of things at the registration desk and the bellboy takes our stuff up to our room, Vinny suggests that we go have a meal. So we go in the restaurant, and it's really well decorated and opulent looking, and the maitre d' comes over and says why don't we have something at the bar while they get a table ready for us. So we go to the bar and sit down, and Vinny orders me a vodka and cranberry cocktail and he gets a scotch on the rocks. When Vinny helped me on the bar seat, and I must tell you, I began to feel really weird and tingly all over! The cool leather on the seat against my bare bottom made me feel incredibly self-conscious, reminding me that I was completely naked and vulnerable under this thin little coat I was wearing. The bartender brings us our drinks, and I had to lean over and sip from my glass, since I couldn't use my hands. Vinny was talking to me the whole time, but I couldn't pay too much attention. I looked around the bar and started to imagine, what if people could see through this coat and see me naked with my hands tied behind my back! Do you know what I mean?

As we finished our drinks, the maitre d' comes back and tells us our table is ready, and I was thinking boy am I hungry! As they seat us at this cozy table in the corner of the restaurant, one of the waiters walks over behind me and offers to take my coat, and I almost screamed like crazy! Could you just imagine if he did that? Vinny just stood there, laughing with that sly grin of his. So we order a bottle of wine, and the waiter brings us menus and tells us what the specials are, and we are sipping wine and looking over the menus and deciding what we want. Then the waiter comes back for our orders and Vinny does the most ridiculous thing! When I'm about to order my meal, he starts running his finger around behind my knee and it really tickles, and I'm totally getting the giggles! The waiter just smiles politely as I try to blurt out my salad and appetizer requests. Then the waiter asks what kind of dressing I want on my salad, and Vinny tickles behind my other knee, and I go hysterical, trying to put the words "creamy Italian" together! When Vinny tickles my kneecaps under the table, I totally lose it, and Vinny, acting like "Mr. Cool", orders the rest of my meal for me and his, as I am totally crazed at this point! "She heard a very funny story before, and she can't seem to get over it... sorry sir", Vinny says, and the waiter just writes every thing down and smiles nonchalantly. When the waiter leaves, Vinny stops tickling me, smiles, and leans over and kisses me.

"Now what did you do that for, Vinny?" I ask. "You made me look like an idiot in front of that waiter! And how am I supposed to eat with my hands tied behind my back, anyway?" Vinny just smiles that cute smile and tells me not to worry. The crazy thing is that I believe him! Then he kisses me again, and tickles my thighs under my coat and gets me all giggly again. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm getting really turned on at this point! Finally our salads come with our appetizers. I ordered a shrimp cocktail and Vinny had clams on the half shell. Then Vinny does something so incredibly sweet... I just can't believe it! He actually feeds me! Guiding the food on my fork into my mouth as if I were a baby. At first I thought it was really silly, but then it excited me. This older couple at a table near ours looked over, the lady smiling at us fondly, like we were being cute and romantic or something. Then our entries came... I ordered the Chicken Cordon Bleu and Vinny got a steak. Again, Vinny cut my food and fed me, holding my glass of wine up to my mouth so I could sip. It was really weird but fun, I must say. Then we finished with splitting a piece of strawberry cheesecake and coffee with anisette. It was crazy, but after talking with Vinny for a while, I almost forgot that I was naked under my coat with my wrists tied. He is such an engaging talker!

When we finish, Vinny signs the bill, and we leave to go up to our room. After the drinks and the wine and the anisette, I'm a bit wobbly, so Vinny has to help me out of my seat and walk me to the elevators. As we go into the elevator, a big crowd of people get in with us, pushing us to the back. While we go up, Vinny sneaks his hand under my coat, and starts tickling my bottom! I tried desperately to keep from cracking up with laughter, but of course I couldn't, and everyone turned around to see what was so funny! The group seemed to be in a good mood, so my hysterics didn't faze anyone too much I guess! We get to our floor, and to our room, and it's beautiful! Vinny must have spent a fortune on this, I could tell! There was even a bouquet of flowers, champagne and little pastries waiting for us! I don't think I was ever in a place like this. I tell Vinny I would really like to use the bathroom and take a bath, especially after what happened earlier and all. He removes my coat and unties my wrists, and I slip out of my shoes and head into the bathroom. It is beautiful... all porcelain and marble and glass... with a sunken Jacuzzi bathtub. The toilet is even in a separate area, and as I go pee, Vinny turns on the Jacuzzi. Then, Vinny is, already undressed and in the 'cuzzi, with the champagne and two glasses! We have fun fooling around, drinking the champagne and all... laughing! Then we go to bed, but we didn't get much sleep, if you know what I mean?

Well, what can I say, it was a wonderful weekend with a really wonderful guy, and it was all just really great. Even though Vinny is kind of weird and kinky and all, he is very sweet and attentive. So this Saturday, Vinny is coming over my place and I'm cooking his favorite lasagna dish. I really hope things work out with Vinny and me... do you know what I mean?
A very well written, romantic tale!

The only thing it lacks is a foot tickle. Of course, if Vinnie invites me along next time I'll take care of that! 😉
the hollywood brother really likes this story and wants to read more aobut this great couple
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