Facts /opinions/plain old crap
tss, you've had 2 threads pulled, one of which I'd say was directly attributed to your own comments, and you've had 3 out of nearly 200 posts edited....really not much.
As Milagros suggests and has been previously stated, it's all about staying "in bounds". It's a learned skill, less difficult than skateboarding or golf, more so than pillow fighting and slinging mud. Personal attacks in which another member are specifically named are always on the edge, as are direct comments about other posts. Innuendo and subtle sarcasm are much more effective and generally safer, although harder to implement. I believe Drew70 had a thread going somewhere around 2 months ago on the subject of how to "almost" flame and get your point across. There's many members who are quite good at it, others that try to emulate them and just can't stay on the right side of the line. Here...let's look at this theoretical reply to august spies latest...post.
"Hey I've "heard" a lot of things...lol..but fortunately I don't believe everything I "hear" or else I wouldn't need to think and would just post it on the forum."
Obviously sarcastic, and although not directed by name at him, it's clear who is being spoken about or to in the paragraph. Is it over the line? Close, but not there. It subtly implies certain things about the original post, but doesn't spell out the conclusions overtly. Could it start a flame fest going? Also a close call...depends on how you read the intent. Therefore it would stay until further posts either made it non relevant or be edited out if flames spring up due to further commentary. Threads consist of posts "leaning" upon each other in that the previous one segues into the next, which is why editing at times becomes nearly impossible as it extends further and further into the "past"...at which point a thread is deleted. You can post a rather sarcastic opinion on world leaders because they're not forum members and it won't get pulled on that basis. What will happen is that someone will take offense to your calling someone they admire an idiot and that will lead to the eventual editing or deletion of posts and perhaps even the thread.....others chiming in with a "yeah" or "amen" or "you go girl" type comments clutter it even further and make the odds of editing go down and deletion go up. We may end up deleting this post and those that follow as well. *shrug*...it's a process. As you stated, this one was a rather wry bit of humor and hopefully will survive... Q