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Edenvale - A Knotty Afternoon f/f


4th Level Blue Feather
May 4, 2001
Hello Everybody! Sam here again. I got another story about my life in Edenvale. I hope everybody enjoys it! And don't forget to read the previous entries!

Edenvale - Welcome to the Neighborhood (brief ff/m, m/f)


A knotty afternoon​

Hey everybody! Sam here again. I have another tale for you all. This one took place about a week after we had moved into our new house in Edenvale. I hope you enjoy it! I know I did!

So, as those of you who read the previous story, you might remember that my husband James, and I had just moved into our new house in Edenvale. On the night we moved in, we met our new neighbors, Andre and Felicity. They had invited us over for a BBQ dinner and some drinks. Well, it was a great meal, and a good time, involving some rather risqué hot tub time and some tickling for myself, Felicity, and even my husband! How could the night get any better? Well, my husband gave me a serious deep-dicking when we got back home, and then punished me for tickling him later, so I suppose that’s how!

Well, the next week was pretty tame by comparison. James and I spent most of our time getting things unpacked and set up. We did hang out with Andre and Felicity a bit more, but it was more casual than our first night together. Felicity did still seem to be flirting with my husband a bit, and I did notice that Andre’s eyes seemed to be drawn to certain parts of my anatomy whenever I was wearing more revealing clothing or happened to bend over (bending over at the knees is for when you’re by yourself or having back problems, IMO, and from her own actions, I get the feeling Felicity agrees).

Not that they were the only ones checking people out. Felicity likes to go for runs in the morning (Andre isn’t as big on running because of his knees. He’s more into biking), and has invited me to join her. Well, I have to say, I could follow that ass of hers all day!

So anyhow, it was a decent week, but not super exciting. So, I decided to spice things up a little for my hubby.

He needed to make a trip to the next town over. Something about them having a store chain that they didn’t have in Edenvale. It was going to take him an hour to get there, and an hour to get back. Plenty of time for what I planned.

I waited until an hour and a half after he had left, and got to work.

Are you into self bondage? Well, I am. It’s not my favorite kink, but I admit, it can make things a little exciting. Of course, you must be careful. I always make sure to make the binds secure, but not too tight. I also make sure that there is enough slack in the ropes that I can move around a little and don’t have anything hanging. Gravity is dangerous that way, and a good way to cut off circulation. A good way to lose body parts too. So, let that be a lesson. If you’re doing self bondage, don’t, DON’T tie yourself so your hands rest in the bondage.

Fast forward thirty minutes later, and I’m nice and spread eagle on the bed, wearing nothing more then an excited grin at the thought of what James will do to me when he gets back. The only thing left for me to do at that point was wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And waaaaaaait…

I was really starting to wish I had turned the TV on. Looking over at the digital clock on the bedside table, I could see that James was running a little later then expected. Like, an hour later. I wondered if maybe he was having trouble finding the place. Or maybe he stopped for a bite to eat. We’d had lunch together, but maybe he decided to grab a snack.

Just as I was musing over my husband’s possible fate, my cell phone went off. I automatically assumed it was my husband, and sure enough, as I looked over at the phone, I could see his name. The problem was, I couldn’t reach the phone. It was tauntingly out of reach of my bound hand. Well, ok. At least this was a good sign he was alive.

The phone range long enough to go to voicemail. Then he called again. This was getting me a little worried. If he called once, and I didn’t answer, he could just leave a message, and he knew I’d get back. Maybe I was in the shower, or maybe I had my hands full with something. If he called again, after the first call didn’t go through, that meant something was wrong. Not end of the world wrong, necessarily, but something was wrong. After the phone stopped ringing the second time, I was feeling a little more concerned.

Twenty minutes later, a third call, James again. I was really starting to get a anxious by that point. Several possibilities ran through my mind, and none of them good. I didn’t bother trying to struggle in my bonds, because I knew they weren’t going to come undone, as sure as I knew that I wasn’t going to break them either. I could only hope that whatever James was dealing with wasn’t something he needed me for.

Another ten minutes rolled by and then I heard a voice. “Hello? Sam? Anybody home?”

“Well, fuck a duck…” I groaned gently, It seemed that Felicity had come a calling. She had actually came into the house instead of just knocking and leaving, which made me wonder what was going on, though I had a good hunch.

“Sam? Are you around?” Felicity’s voice again, though this time from the living room. Yup, she was doing a search. I internally debated my options, but that only lasted for a few moments, because I really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter if she was actively looking for me.

“Upstairs, Felicity. Second door on your right.” I called out. Might as well get this over with.

I heard her footsteps as she climbed the stairs. She was moving at a casual pace, the tone of my voice likely removing any concern she might have initially had by my lack of earlier response. I was obviously conscious, and not in any serious trouble, or I would have said something.

The steps continued, reaching the top of the stairs, and then moving towards the door. I watched the knob turn agonizingly slowly before the door was opened. Felicity stepped in, looking as much the dark skinned goddess she always did with her six foot tall frame, and incredible curves. She was wearing a low-cut white tank top, barely holding her massive fake tits and making a wonderful contrast to her ebony skin, and a light blue pair of jeggings, contouring every curve of her lower body. In one hand she was holding a cell phone to her ear.

“Oh!” The look of “oh shit!” ran across her face as her eyes ran (non-to quickly) over my naked and very spread form, before a smile came to her face as she struggled not to laugh. My face was probably the reddest it had been in years. “Uh, yup, yup, I found her, and she’s A-O-K.” She took in a deep breath, the smile on her face changing from one of borderline laughter to something else. “Very A-O-K.” She said the last part under her breath as she pulled the phone away from her mouth and walked slowly over to me.

“Your husband would like a word.” Felicity said, moving to hold the phone to my face, while also giving me a better look at her cleavage. She was leaning over me a bit as she did this, using one arm to brace herself as she sat on the bed, and I wasn’t the only one checking out a pair of breasts as her eyes kept dipping down to my exposed chest.

“Hey sweety.” I said into the phone in as best a casual voice as possible. Don’t get my wrong. I know I said I was into flaunting what you got, and I have nothing wrong with exhibitionism, but there’s a little difference between when it is planned, and when it is a surprise experience.

“Hey, are you ok? I tried calling but you weren’t picking up.” James’ voice was on the other end, and he sounded worried. I instantly felt bad.

“Sorry, I was a little…” I hated to say it, but I felt compelled to. “Tied up.” Felicity laughed at this, burying her face into her shoulder as best she could to try not to be too loud. I feel my husband didn’t understand at the time though.

“Ok. No problem, I’m just glad it wasn’t anything serious.” James said. “At any rate, the car died. Pretty sure it’s the battery. I’m waiting for a tow truck to come give me a jump. They said it might be a few hours though. Busy day, it seems. Just wanted to let you know what was going on.”

“Ok hun. Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it.” I said, relieved at least that James was ok. “I’ll see you when you get home, ok?”

“Ok. Love you. Bye.”

“Love you too. Bye.”

Felicity swiped to disconnect the phone. “James called when he couldn’t get a hold of you.” Felicity explained, though I had already figured out what had happened.

“Yeah.” I said, feeling a little sheepish. “Thanks for that.”

“Oh, it was my pleasure.” Felicity laughed, then stood up. “I’m guessing James didn’t do that to you, since he called looking for you. Unless he wanted me to find you like this.” Felicity smirked slightly with a raised eyebrow. She then looked at the bottom of the bed, and both her eyebrows went up. She slowly walked around to get a closer look. I felt my cheeks go from pink to crimson.

At the bottom of the bed, is a lovely linin chest. It’s solid oak and has a wonderful, light varnish on it. It was from a time where things were built to last. It also had a lock, which made it the perfect place to hold my private items when I was growing up.

I got from my grandmother. She was a sweet old lady, and a devout catholic. So, it only made sense that we use it to hold our bondage gear and adult toys. Some of which had been laid out on top of the linin chest. They were an assortment of feathers, some remote-control silver bullets, an electric toothbrush, some flavored body oil, and of course, to top it all off, a big vibrator.

This display of sexual favors wasn’t the reason I was turning red as a tomato, though. I mean, it was certainly helping, but it was the question she asked. I was trapped between saying that I had done this to myself, or say that James had done this, and claim that he did indeed want Felicity to find me like this. The fact that she even asked made me wonder if maybe she was into this. As I’ve said before, my husband and I have engaged in swinging before, but we usually move slower before we invite others into the bed. We’ve never invited neighbors, or work related associates, because of the old adage, ‘don’t shit where you eat.’.

“Better hurry.” Felicity teased me, picking up one of the feathers and running it between her fingers. “Ve haf vays of makink zee talkin, ya…?” She grinned at me.

If I had been standing up, I’m sure my knees would have gotten weak at that moment. I’m sure my eyes opened up a bit, as her grin got slightly wider. My mind was running a mile a minute. ‘‘What’s going on!?’, ‘Oh my god! Is she serious?’, ‘do I want her to be serious?’, and such. I had never really had a “tickle torture interrogation” before. I mean, yes, I had played with my husband, and Maria, and a few others, but this was different. This was somebody who I wasn’t a playmate with. Felicity wasn’t a stranger, but she was only a few notches above. This made the idea of her actually tickling me, trying to get me to break, all the more exciting.

My mind raced for the best response. Something that would not only say I wanted her, this strikingly beautiful, sexy woman to tickle me, but to also be defiant and give her a reason to tickle me. I settled on an oldy, but a goody. “You expect me to talk?”

She didn’t disappoint or miss a beat. “No, Mrs. Shepard,” Felicity ran the tip of the feather slowly down her cheek, her face becoming serious, save for the slightest smirk, the fake German accent still at play. “I exschpect zee to laughen…” And so, delivering her line, she reached one strong hand out, clasping my rope-encased ankle, while the feather was brought to my foot. Up and down it flicked at a leisurely pace. “Gitchy…gitchy...goo…”

Now, some people claim that tickling has a psychological aspect to it. I agree 100%. You see, when it comes to feathers, unless it’s a very few places that are getting it, I’m not really that responsive. The only exception seems to be with people I trust, or if I’ve been brought into the right headspace, and even for that last one, it rarely works with strangers. Maria calls it the ‘fitmus test’, combining the words feather and litmus. Give James or Maria a feather, and with their intimate knowledge of my body they can both have me laughing my tits off.

This is why I was surprised to find myself scrunching my face up, trying not to laugh as Felicity carefully let that feather lick up and down my arch. Why was it tickling so much with her? Was it this situation? Was there something about Felicity that made me intimately trust her? All I knew was that feather really tickled!

“Zat’s eet…big schmiles…open vide…gitchy gitchy goo.” Felicity teased, taunting me in her fake German accent as her feather sped up. That’s all it took.

“Bwa ahahahaha!” I burst into laughter, my foot wriggling around as I pulled at the ropes. It wasn’t going anywhere though. Felicity was making sure what little slack I had in the rope wasn’t going to be of any use, as she simply pushed on my ankle while she continued to assault my foot with the feather.

“Gut. Laugh for me, Fräulein. Laugh!” Felicity gave a mocking, exaggeratedly evil laugh. I felt her grab a hold of my toes, pulling them back as she began to use the feather to sweep their undersides.

“Ahahahahahaha no toes no toes!” I pleaded. In response, Felicity started running the feather in between my toes as well as underneath.

“Yes, zee toes. Zee tender and zenzitif toes. Teekle teekle teekle.” Felicity probably tickled my toes for a good, solid couple of minutes with that feather. Back and forth, back and forth she dusted under my toes. She would then go back to between the toes, making quick, short stabs with the feather tip some of the time, or long, drawn out threading of the toes at other times. She would then quickly change feet, working over the next before another random switch. I was laughing my ass off, of course, but I was a long-ways away from saying uncle. Still, she stopped tickling, looking at me from the bottom of the bed.

“Vell, are zee ready to begin talkink?

“I’ll eheheheh never talk.” I dared to promise, blinking the tears of laughter from my face, and grinning ear from ear. I wasn’t grinning because of the tickling, though. Well, I was, but I was also grinning because I was actually having a lot of fun. Yes, it was still sexy and a turn on, but sometimes tickling could be just fun as well. From the look in Felicity’s eyes, I got the feeling she felt the same way.

“Fery brafe, frauline, but futile.” Felicity stood up and walked towards the head of the bed, feather in hand. She leaned down and began to brush the feather around my left armpit. “I vill zimply teekle teekle teekle zee until zee schprekink zee secrets.”

“Ohohohoh ahahah you-you fiend! Hahahaha!” I was laughing, and even if Felicity stopped tickling me, I would probably keep laughing. It was the dialogue, the corny roleplaying. It was just so SILLY!

I think this is one of the things I loved the most about tickling. Yes, it was my fetish. Yes, I got me wetter than the Olympic swim team. But, tickling was multifaceted. Tickling could be good natured or meanspirited. It could be dominating or freeing. It could be flirty or innocent. It could be sexy or playful. It could be all of these things, or none of them.

As I looked up at Felicia, her feather busy exploring my armpit still, I could see the look on her face. She was laughing almost as hard as I was. She wasn’t laughing at me though, she was laughing with me (granted, she was helping me along with that feather). I’m not saying she wasn’t getting turned on by this, or didn’t think of it as sexual at all. I don’t mean to sound conceited, but I do consider myself a pretty hot piece of ass. I was hoping that Felicity was getting at least a little aroused from tickling me, just as I was getting aroused from being tickled. More than that, from the way she looked at me as she tickled, I felt that she was simply enjoying it. It was a game, and she was playing with me. I felt myself liking this woman more every time I interacted with her.

Left armpit, right armpit. Left armpit, right armpit. The feather continued to explore either cavity, constantly and erratically jumping from one to the next. I also have to admit, the outer sides of my breasts also got a couple sweeps from time to time, though I think this was more collateral damage then intend infliction of titty tickling. Chalk it up to really big natural tits. Unlike implants, they tend to slide around a little when you lay on your back.

I was a little surprised, in a good way, that she hadn’t tried to tickle my breasts yet. Aside from the fact they’re pretty big targets, it wasn’t exactly like I was being coy with this woman. Her entire reaction to this situation told me that if she wasn’t into this (that is to say, hot naked tied up women), she was extremely openminded and playful. My money was on the former. If that was the case though, she was showing a considerable amount of restraint. Yes, I had done everything but say, “please tickle me!”, but I hadn’t said she could ravish my naked body, something I think most people might believe was inferred from this situation. I would very likely forgive her, or most others for that matter, if they did believe I was giving them a carte blanche in this situation, so long as they stopped when I said no.

I would have likely said no at this point, because yes, she was hot as hell, yes, she turned me on, and yes, but we had only known each other for a week. I might be willing to get my fuck on with this woman in record time, but she and her husband were still our neighbors, and that created a ton of pitfalls. Perhaps Felicity felt the same way, or maybe she was just more interested in tickling than sex, but I was happy to see that she wasn’t pushing the sexual aspects of the situation.

The feathery torture went on for some time. My pits received a thorough dusting, and my belly also got a good feather scraping, including a deep navel exploration with the tip of the feather, before Felicity returned to my delicate tootsies (or “ze Tootziez” as Felicity called them).

“Hready to schpeaken?” Felicity pulled the feather away from my feet after a drawn out period of running the feather between my toes. To very good effect, I might add.

I looked over and saw an hour had passed on the clock. Time really flies when your getting the “gitchies”. Granted, it felt like it had been closer to two hours. By this point, I was starting to feel the drain of being tickled. I had been giggling, laughing and struggling for almost the entire time. Felicity had been good to give me short breaks, usually to ask me if I was ready to talk, or when she moved unto another target. The period between those breaks seemed to grow longer over time, as she was likely starting to get the idea of just how well I could handle a thorough tickling. Mama was no rookie. Neither was my tickler. The look on her face from the bottom of the bed told me that she wasn’t getting bored in the least.

“If that’s the best you can do…” I said slowly, dragging it out so I could get as much of my breath back as possible. “You’ll never get me to talk, you evil Nazi.”

“Iz zat zo? Vell, zen ze glothes are off.” Felicity slowly placed the feather down, and raised her hands, showing me her red nails. She grinned the entire time as she slowly moved them towards my feet before she began a ten-fingered attack on my soles.

“Bwa aahahahahahahahahahah!” I must have jumped a mile (or tried to). The tickling with the feather had made me more receptive to her nails. I had gotten so used to the light touch of the feather that the sharp, hard, intrusive tips of Felicity’s nails was a bit of a shock to my system.

“Zat’s ze shpot. Gitchy gitchy goo.” Felicity’s fingers worked at my arches, digging into the vulnerable spots. Not so hard that it hurt, but much firmer than the feather, that was for sure. She didn’t have long nails, but they were long enough I could feel them scraping away. I suppose I already knew it from her use of the feather, but with the way her fingers danced, there was no doubt in my mind that this woman was a tickler. Born or bred, I wasn’t sure, but experienced and skilled at making people laugh under her fingers, that was for sure.

“Ohohohohohohoho nooooohohohahhahahahahah!” I cried out, shaking with laughter and trying to get away from this devious Nazi tickler. Of course, I couldn’t. At least not much, with the bit of slack I had left in my bondage ropes and the reach of her own impressive arms. The one second of respite I might have had for one foot was quickly devoured by the attention she refocussed on the other defenceless ped.

“Gitchy gitchy gitchy!”

In fact, Felicity started playing a little game. I got the impression that this girl loved games and had a lot of them. It was a pretty simple game, really. Reaching out with one or two fingers, Felicity would say, “Gitchy gitchy gitchy!” in that horrible (lovely!) fake German accent of hers and tickle one of my feet until I pulled it away. Her hand would then jump to the other in record time, her repeating, “Gitchy gitchy gitchy!” again as she tickled that foot until I pulled that one away back. See, the way my feet were tied, pulling one foot up, pulled the other down. A ticklish version of “whack-a-mole”. It wasn’t the most complex game but it did put me in stitches.

“Ehehehe! Eeeeehehehe! Aaaahahah ehehe!” I was squealing with each new “gitchy”. Left, right, left, right, left, right, this was better than jogging! I finally exploded in a squealing, hysterical laugh, both legs kicking up and down on the bed searching for a moment of reprieve before I went deliciously insane. Felicity was laughing from the end of the bed, but had mercifully stopped her game, at least for the moment.

She wasn’t feeling too merciful though. As I gasped for breath, Felicity pulled herself up on my bed and placed one of her magnificently, meaty legs over both of mine. Her thick thigh pushing down in particular on my right leg, trapping it completely. She simply grinned, one hand beginning to lightly skitter over the top of my foot, while the other began its own attack on the bottom. There was no teasing this time, just a full on assault.

“Aaahahahahahahha ok ok no more! ahahahahaahha! I’ll talk I’ll ahahaha talk!” I managed to last maybe five minutes, but by that point, I was in need of a break.

Felicity stopped right away, which I had to give points to. No teasing, no asking if I was sure. I had given the equivalent of a safe word, and there was no hesitation to halt. Points to for her. She just looked at me, smiling. Not a smug smile. Just a friendly smile. Patiently, she waited.

Now, I could have refused to speak, once I had gotten my breath back, but that would have been cheating. Felicity had won (I’d argue I won as well) fair and square. It was only fair I tell her.

“Ok…” I took one last deep breath. Funny how being naked and tickled to screaming hysterics by an almost stranger was less embarrassing than admitting that I sometimes enjoy self-bondage for my husband. Deep Breath. “I tied myself up, as a surprise for my husband when he got back.” I swore my cheeks couldn’t get any redder.

“I see.” Felicity said, smiling that friendly smile. She wasn’t judging at all, that smile said. “So, do you want me to untie you, or leave you tied up?” She asked the question like she would about leaving a door open or closing it.

“I, uh, guess you should untie me.” I said in a very sheepish voice. She had taken all this in stride, and then some.


I watched as she went to work, and it became pretty clear that she knew her way around a knot. She didn’t try and sneak in any quick tickles either (which I wouldn’t have been upset about). It was like, ok, game over. Time to clean up. She did take in a couple quick peaks at my snatch though as I stretched out my newly freed leg and shook it around. She no doubt was able to see how wet I had become and my swollen clit.

“I guess I’m going to have to be careful around you now.” Felicity spoke as she began to work on my wrists. “

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“”Well…” Felicity spoke slowly as she finished up with my first wrist and got to work on the second, almost pressing this massive mammories of hers in my face as she did so. Mmm yummy!

“If I was the one who was tickled half to death…” Felicity finished up with my last wrist, straightening back up. “I…” she slowly turned and began talking over her shoulder as she walked towards the door, head turned sideways. “Would likely get some revenge on that person who tickled me…”

She stopped by the doorway, smiling at me with that playful smile of hers. “I mean, who’d blame a person for wanting to get even? I certainly wouldn’t. If the opportunity presented itself. Turnabouts only fair play, isn’t it?” And with that, she slipped out of the room.

Holy shit. I couldn’t believe it. She had pretty much told me it was ok to tickle her! Not only that it was ok, but if I was reading the room right, that she wanted me to tickle her. Was she into tickling as well? I mean, Felicity and her husband certainly had seemed to enjoy the previous tickling fun. More investigating was needed.

At the moment I had more pressing matters, that being my aching pussy. I needed to get out my trusty jackrabbit and relieve some of the sexual frustration. And then, I was going to have a serious talk with the hubby about todays going ons (and get fucked again), and come up with some ideas as how to move forward, and hopefully get some payback on Felicity.
This is a fantastic story, and so was the first part! Love the little setting you've got going. Looking forward to reading more if there's any to come!
Fabulous story! Thanks for sharing it, and I look forward to reading the payback episode.
Always a thrill to see something new from you, Cosmo_ac! This story was fantastic. I really liked Sam's voice and the interplay between her and Felicity. Just a hot, hot scene from beginning to end. I hope we'll get another one from you — I'm eagerly looking forward to Sam's further adventures in Edenvale (and I REALLY want more Felicity). Thank you!
This is a fantastic story, and so was the first part! Love the little setting you've got going. Looking forward to reading more if there's any to come!

I'm glad you're enjoying the setting. I hope you continue to enjoy it as it grows.

Fabulous story! Thanks for sharing it, and I look forward to reading the payback episode.

Thanks! And I'm sure Sam will share that story in time 😉

Always a thrill to see something new from you, Cosmo_ac! This story was fantastic. I really liked Sam's voice and the interplay between her and Felicity. Just a hot, hot scene from beginning to end. I hope we'll get another one from you — I'm eagerly looking forward to Sam's further adventures in Edenvale (and I REALLY want more Felicity). Thank you!

Thanks for the response. Sam and Felicity have a very good relationship, and I'm glad you are liking it. You'll definitely be getting more Sam and Felicity in the future as well, so no worries there.
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