I got an e-mail with a wmv attchment i would like to post.I moved it to a zip file,but that does not seen to work either,or am i not doing something right?I moved just the attachment,not the whole thing,i think.:confused
You need to save the attachment separately. What you are trying to do is upload the entire message with the attachment still inside of it. .eml is a filetype used by some email clients, Outlook and/or Outlook Express being two, I think. To save the attachment separately, try the following (I assume you use Outlook Express here):
* Open the message in Outlook Express.
* Select File | Save attachments... from the menu.
* Select which attachments you want to save.
* Specify the folder that the saved attachments should go to.
* Click Save.
Credit: http://email.about.com/cs/oetipstricks/qt/et032202.htm