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Enterion, Chapter 1

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
OK, guys, encouraged by your positive comments, I have decided to write on. Pardon me for taking so long to write, but I have a full house at home, and my family is quite inquisitive, so I have a very limited time that I can devote to tickling. Therefore, you'll have to pardon me for not commenting on any other stories (I do read them sometimes, I just never have any time to finish reading) and being irregular on my new updates. But, you probably didn't come here just to listen to my banter, so on with the story....

Totara, the largest city of Yamamoto empire, and the seat of the royal court. Pah, Keiko thought in disgust. Nothing more than an overcrowded hellhole where a bunch of royal buttholes decided to settle their asses. All that talk about the city's glory didn't affect her much... she was still out on the street, orphaned, left to fend for herself in any way she could. She was alone and hungry, with no one to watch out or care for her. Some 'City of Wonder' that was. True, a common citizen probably was much better off than the ones in the rest of the known world, but poverty still existed, and people dying of hunger on the city streets was still a common thing. Worse still, the people in the street never gave any money to beggars, considering how 'they should work for money'. Well, Keiko tried to find a honest, decent job, but no one would have her. Today, she asked around on two places: the docks and Kawasashi's inn. She was turned down on both places... if you didn't count being offered a job as a prostitute. She got that on both places, but she would rather die from hunger than sell herself so. Ah, well, something good did come out of all of this. Both sailors and the inkeeper were too busy deciding which way it would be best to take her virginity to notice her hand slipping into their pockets. Seven silver pieces. Not bad. It should be enough to feed her for some time... and to buy some clothes for the coming cold days. Well, this day didn't end so bad after all. Now, if she only could find a sheltered place to sleep...
«Excuse me, young lady», a voice came from the back. Keiko shook and turned around. There stood a beautiful woman, aged around 25, smiling at her. Her hair was long, black, reaching all the way down to her knees. She had such a beautiful figure and a pretty face, Keiko thought. Unlike her, the woman wasn't dirty, which meant she could afford a soap. Even more so, her broad lips were crimson-red, meaning the woman could afford the luxury of a makeup. Oh, yeah, she was rich. «Are you looking for something?»
«Just a silent corner to stay the night, madam», Keiko responded. «Don't want to risk the rainfall... or worse.»
Hearing her response, the woman gave Keiko a warm, compassionate look.
«Don't you have anywhere to go?», she asked.
«No, madam», Keiko answered. «There is no place for a poor orphan like me who can't afford an inn.»
She was lying. She knew she could afford herself an inn for one night, but she didn't want to risk moving around so many people while her crime was still fresh. The punishment for theft was having your bare feet whipped for quite a long time. Some people even died from it. Keiko remembered that she had been caught once already. It wasn't a large theft, really... one piece of bread, but she did get twenty whipstrokes on her soles. She remembered not being able to walk normally for a whole week. If they did that to her for a simple bread, what would they do to her for seven pieces of silver. That was some people's monthly paycheck. Well, to her it had to last for two months. She hated stealing, and was hoping she could find a job within that time. But, now it was time to try and get rid of this woman. Keiko didn't know what her intentions were, but she was sure they weren't good. However, the woman didn't go away... She actually looked concerned about Keiko.
«Oh my god!», the woman said, surprise and worry in her voice. «You poor child... Listen, I know it's not much, but maybe you could stay at my house while you search for a...»
«Thanks, madam, but I really couldn't», Keiko tried to turn the lady down nice and polite, so she wouldn't be insulted. This sounded too good. Nobody would pick up a homeless girl under his or her roof, without some compensation... not in Tolara, at least. And Keiko said thousands of times, she was no whore. «I would really feel bad if I didn't pay you back in some way.»
«Oh, but you could pay me back in a lot of ways. There are many things the girl of your age can do for me.» That was it, Keiko thought. Now she is going to say her price. Undoubtedly, she wanted Keiko. This wasn't the first time Keiko was offered a place to stay by a woman asking for sex in return. However, this one was the first one that was actually young and beautiful. «Cook, clean, do the dishes...»
Hearing the last part, Keiko's jaw dropped. The woman was actually letting her have a place to stay in exchange for some decent work on her part?! Keiko shook her head, still in shock, and then fell on her knees, hugging the lady's ankles.
«Thank you, madam», she said, crying. This was the most beautiful thing anyone had done for her.
The woman raised Keiko back on her feet and gave her a warm smile. «Come on, now. It's not as much of a service as you think. There is a lot of work to be done at my mannor.» She bowed to Keiko. «They call me Rei, by the way.»
Keiko bowed too, deeper than Rei, out of gratitude and respect for elders (Rei was older than her, as Keiko was 18 and Rei around 25). «Keiko.»
«Now, come to my mansion», Rei said, breaking the short silence that followed their introductions. «It's getting cold out here, and we have to feed you and...», she paused to look at Keiko, «no, the clothes certainly won't do. They are too light for such a weather. We are of similar build... I believe I have some old, warmer clothes for you.»
Keiko followed her, thanking her at almost every opportunity. She was still finding this hard to believe, but yes, someone in this town actually was kind enough to let her in. Finally, she was going to be able to feed herself without stealing. Thinking so, she left the coins she stole in a nearby alley, while Rei wasn't looking. She didn't need that any more. From now on, she was turning a new page in her life. No more stealing.
It didn't take long to reach the mannor. It was a large house in the center of the wealty part of the town. Well, her benefactor sure was well-off, Keiko mused.
«Here we are», Rei said, unlocking the doors and entering. They both took their shoes off and entered the house. As soon as they entered, Rei started looking at Keiko. «Hmm... first things first, we have to give you a bath, and then it's dinnertime, ok? You'll have enough time for a bath while I prepare dinner. And leave your old clothes in front. I will give you something newer and better... warmer.»
Keiko nodded and obeyed. She entered the bathroom, still amazed by the mansion... it looked so pretty, and what was even more important, it was a safe roof under head... something she didn't have for many years. Finally, she will sleep in a real bed tonight.
Taking off her clothes, Keiko entered the bathroom. It was so clean, she thought. She was too scared to touch too many things, fearing she might dirty them. Then, she entered the bath, filling it with hot water and immersing herself completely in it. It felt so good, Keiko thought, letting out a statisfied moan.

* * *

«There!», Rei told the astounded Keiko, who still couldn't believe that the reflection in the mirror was actually hers. From the messy, dirty Keiko she has transformed into a completely different woman. She was amazed at what a little soap, shampoo, comb and new clothes could do. But yes, this young woman with long, straight black hair reaching to her breasts, thin but cute lips and big, beautiful eyes really was her. She liked the new Keiko. She was so pretty now, she couldn't help but notice. After all, it was a huge change... for better. Rei seemed statisfied, too. She was smiling warmly, checking out this transformation. «See? You were pretty before, but now you are more than beautiful. Now... shall we go and eat?»
The mention of food brought Keiko back to reality. She was starving. She turned around to face her hostess and gave her a big, happy, thankful smile. «Yes, please. I'm starving.»
Hearing her enthusiasm, Rei giggled and took her into the dining room. There awaited a really large assortiment of meals. Nothing too extravagant, but everything was there in large quantities.
«Itadakimasu!», Keiko practically yelled as she started eating. Everything there was so good... She never ate a real, home-made meal, she remembered. This was way better than leftovers she got from some merciful cooks or food from public kitchens... much, much better. Finally, she started to realize what having a home would be like.
The dinner was finished quickly, as both women ate fast: Keiko out of hunger and Rei out of practice. Raising up from the table, Rei led the sleepy Keiko to her room. Statisfied and happy to finally be able to sleep in a warm, comfy bed, Keiko fell asleep.

* * *

When Keiko woke up, she felt really rested, but that wasn't what occupied her attention. She tried to stretch out but found out that she couldn't... her hands were tied high above her head and her clothes were taken away. Worst of all, her feet were put in stocks, which reminded her of her whipping ordeal.
«N... no», she squealed, «no no no no no no no no... please, please...» She never wanted to go through that again.
«Someone!», she shouted as hard as she could, trying to get someone to help her... to get her out of these restraints. «Anyone?! Miss Rei?!»
«Ah, finally, you're awake», she heard a voice coming from behind. She tried to turn around, but the restraining equipment didn't allow her such liberty. It was a female voice, that was to be sure.
«Who are you?», Keiko asked.
«Who am I?», the voice echoed her thoughts. The figure who came out into Keiko's field of sight surprised her beyond words... surprised, and terrified. It was her... or someone who looked exactly like her... just wearing dark-red make-up and nail polish of the same color. «I can be anyone you want. You...» Suddenly, the visage of Keiko disappeared and the innmaster at Kawasashi's inn appeared. The creature's voice changed into deep male's. «...simple innmaster...» Then, it turned into a samurai, in golden armor, wielding a shining katana. «... a hero...» And then, finally, the visage assumed what seemed it's final form: a form Keiko recognized as Rei. «... or anyone.»
Keiko started crying, realizing what it meant. Her whole dream came crushing down on her, plunging her into deep despair.
«No...», she cried out. «No... please, tell me it's not true...»
The creature turned back into Keiko, making a sinister grin. «You are beautiful... taking on your looks will serve me in more ways than one, Chosen One. That is, once I get rid of you.»
Hearing the 'Chosen One' part, Keiko's eyes opened wide. «Chosen One... me? Wha... What do you mean? This must be some kind of mistake...»
«No mistake, let me assure you», the creature replied, looking at her. «It appears you don't know a thing. Good. That will make this easier on me.»
«W-who are you?», Keiko asked. The creature laughed in response.
«I am what you mortals call a 'demon'. In the lower pits they call me... ah, I won't honor you with that... let's just say you humans call me Morphis.»
Keiko's face was full of tears, her face blushed from crying. «I... I trusted you...»
«Don't worry... you're not the only one», Morphis replied. «I am a good actress... or actor, however you like. Not even once was I seen through.» The creature took Keiko's face in it's hand. «Aw, don't be crying, now. There will be plenty of time for that later.»
Hearing those words made Keiko remember the whipping again. She began trashing in her bonds as hard as she could (which wasn't much, as the device offered minimum manuevering space).
«No! No! Please, don't!», she screamed as hard as she could. «Help! Someone! Anyone!»
The demon seemed amused. It let Keiko scream as hard as she could until she got tired, slowly calming down. In the end, Keiko was left breathing heavily, her face now even more red than it was before. She found out that she couldn't move her feet, toes and arms at all, and all the other movement functions were minimum as well. She was completely at the beast's mercy.
«Good, you have calmed down now», the demon continued, seeing how it's captive's attention was fully gained. «I hope that we can talk like civilized people now. See, what I want from you is to admit stealing from those two guys you robbed yesterday.»
«What?!», Keiko shouted, surprised. «You know about it?!»
«Of course I know about it», Morphis replied, obviously amused. «I have been following you for quite some time, my dear Keiko. Now, shall we go and carry it out?»
«What?! To confess for that? But they will kill me!» Keiko was being desperate. She knew she would die from pain this time.
«That's the point», the demon replied. «You see, we go there, you confess, have these sexy feet of yours beaten to death, and then I get what I want, my master rewards me and so on.»
«Your master?», Keiko asked. «Who is your master?»
«Oh, just a certain someone who wants you dead, hun», Morph said, «but doesn't want to get involved in it too much... you know, it's best for him... or her... to remain completely out of this mess. So, shall we go immediately?»
«No!», Keiko answered strictly. She could feel some courage returning into her. «No way! I'm not just rolling over and dying!»
«Ah, suit yourself», the demon said. «But then I'm going to have to do this... to make you comply.» The demon that took the appearance of Keiko ran it's fingers across her soles, making Keiko burst into laughter from even a slightest touch. Demon withdrew it's fingers and Keiko was left in amazement.
«Wh- what was that?», she asked, confused. The demon laughed.
«Don't tell me you've never been tickled before», it said. So, that was it. Tickling, as the demon called it. Keiko was never 'tickled'... who would do it to her... who would want to?
«No... I was only tortured once», Keiko said, honest about that. The demon laughed in response.
«Entertaining! This is most entertaining!», it said. «The greatness of your ignorance amuses me to no end. Listen: tickling usually isn't torture... unless applied for a prolonged time. Sometimes it's a form of social contact between you humans. Damn it, I am not one of you and yet I know more about your kin than you, a member of it. Sad, sad.»
«Well, whatever it is», Keiko yelled, «you can't make me go there and confess whatever you want to. I have principles, you know?! And besides, what is this 'tickling' compared to whipping? Nothing!»
«Brave words now», fake Keiko said, a sadistic glee in her eye. «But let's see what you'll say in the evening.»
Saying that, the demon started running it's long, polished nails across the surface of Keiko's soles, making the poor girl burst into laughter.
«AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!», Keiko yelled and begged out loud, but it didn't help. The demon was playfully tickling her, abusing the fact that Keiko was probably the most ticklish person of Yamamoto empire. Morphis didn't tickle her hard, it was just lightly scratching her soles, but it was enough to make Keiko go into bursts of frenzied laughter.
«I'll stop once you agree to come with me and die», the demon teased, tickling Keiko between her tied toes. The orphan girl couldn't even beg any more. The shapeshifter increased the rhythm and the intensity of tickling, so all she could do was laugh hysterically. However, she wasn't going to break. No. She decided to endure, no matter how hard it gets. True, she was sorry for spending all that energy before, as she was going to need it now, but she knew she could endure. She had to.
«Some Chosen One», the demon teased. «I can already see the history chronicles: mighty Chosen One broke under the severe torture of tickling.»
Keiko didn't pay it much attention. She was too busy laughing, screaming and trashing in her bonds to notice the demon's remarks. The light strokes she was recieving on her feet were slowly intensifying, turning her feet into a dancefloor for ten dancing fingers. Keiko was now laughing desperately. Tears were running down her face. She was getting desperate to make it stop, even though it just began. Soon, she could feel the pain in her muscles, even through all the laughter and the severe sensation of maddening tickling.
«AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!» Keiko tried to beg the demon to stop, but she couldn't find breath for it. All she could do was sit there helplessly, hoping for a miracle. She was having trouble getting enough air now. Her whole body was exhausted by constant struggling to escape her bonds and achieve freedom. Her vision was becoming blurry and her conciousness was slowly fading away. The sensation of extreme tickling on her feet was constantly there, eating away at her will, her stamina and her sanity. Keiko was desparate. She knew that it was only a matter of time before she does something stupid. She looked at the demon at her feet. In every aspect of appearance, it was her, but the sadistic joy with which it tortured her gave out it's true demonic form. It was using it's long fingernails to scratch Keiko's poor, defenseless soles, starting at the balls of the feet then slowly dancing down, all the way to the heel, and then back up to the balls of the feet. Keiko was at her wits end by now. Before, she thought all the tortures were based on inflicting pain upon others. Now she realized that it wasn't necessarily the case. This tickling worked quite well, too... and worst of all, there was little fear of the tortured one to die... unless you really pushed it too far. She was done for, she knew. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before she breaks, and then she will die... slowly and painfully. But, never did a thought of giving up cross Keiko's mind. She decided to last as long as she could. The long years on the streets of Totara have taught her one thing: never give up. No matter how hard it gets, don't let go. And that is what Keiko decided to do. She won't give up, even if it means dying here in this device.
Then, suddenly, just as she made her decision, the tickling stopped for a second. Keiko was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath.
«Never... I'll never... do what you ask, demon», she said, her voice as defiant as she could make it. As expected, the demon was amused by her will.
«My my... such strong will», it said. «Better that way. All the more fun to break it!»
Saying that, the demon started to lick Keiko's feet, making her start screaming from laughter again. The demon, still in Keiko's form, was licking her feet slowly from the heels all the way up to the toes, using long, fast licks. Keiko entered hell. Her pretty little feet were in ticklish agony. The demon's skilled tongue was driving her insane with laughter, returning her to the same state she was in moments ago. She tried screaming as hard as she could, begging for help, but there was no reply. No one was there to save her, as usual. She was on her own. All alone, as always, left to fend for herself in her hell.
«Mmm... delicious», Morphis teased, licking her poor feet. Even though it tickled like hell, the bondage didn't allow Keiko even the slightest movement of toes, so all she could do was sit back and let the demon lick her stretched-out soles. By now, she was on the edge. Edge of her forces. Her body was tickled to the point beyond exhaustion, each and every muscle in her body hurt, and she still couldn't stop herself from flailing around in bondage, trying her best to break free. Suddenly, she noticed she was lacking air. Again, her vission became blurry, darker.
And then she passed out.

* * *

«Wakey wakey», Keiko heard as she regained conciousness. Everything in her body was sore... where was she? Then, opening her eyes and realizing she can't move at all made her remember. In front of her was Morpihs, this time in the form of Rei. The shapeshifting demon was licking it's lips in the anticipation of what was to come «Time for your afternoon dose of tickling, my dear Chosen One.»
«No...», Keiko barely said, still sore and exhausted from the previous session.
«Oh yes», the demon said, placing itself on top of Keiko. «Just this time, I'm going to leave your delicious little feet alone, and move on to these cute breasts...» Saying that, the demon pinched Keiko's nipple, «... and armpits. Oh, we're going to have so much fun... unless, of course, you plan on cooperating with me.»
«Wait», Keiko said, «you said 'afternoon dose'. Is it past noon already?»
«Yes, my dear», Morphis laughed. «You have been stronger than I would have ever imagined. Noon passed even before you passed out, actually. Really, I am enjoying this more and more. But, now, let's cut to the chase, shall we?»
The demon took both of Keiko's nipples in it's hands and pinched them. The captive girl let out a silent moan, looking at her defenseless breasts. They weren't big, nor were they small, but they had the perfect shape, as gravity didn't seem to have any effect on them. Also, they were perfectly round, except for two small nipples on the tops.
«Cooperate», the demon demanded.
«Never», Keiko replied, encouraged by the fact that she already lasted out a whole morning. True, to her it seemed like eternity, but if she lasted out that long, forefiting now would be a betrayal of all that suffering she went through in the morning.
«As you wish», Morphis replied, digging it's long fingernails into Keiko's ticklish armpits. As soon as it touched her skin, Keiko let out a shriek of laughter, screaming and laughing as hard as she could.
«Tickle tickle tickle», the demon continued teasing the exhausted Keiko, who was trying her best to avoid it's tickling touches, but it was of no use. She was bound and her bare armpits were exposed to it's nimble fingers. There was no escape. All she could do was laugh. And she was doing so, as loud as she could.
«You know, I think I'm going to make you have sex with me first, and then go to guards», the demon said, licking it's lips. «Your body is too beautiful to throw away.»
Hearing it tease her so made Keiko even more resolute not to comply with her captor. There was no way she was going to let a demon take her virginity willingly. No. Not even if it tickled her for hundreds... no, thousands of years. The demon must have sensed that, so it started to increase the ferocity of it's tickle strokes.
«Kootchie kootchie koo», the demon teased again. It was loosing patience, Keiko knew. It never expected such fierce resistance from one such tiny, fragile, ticklish girl. «Come on, you're going to obey me sooner or later... why do you make this harder on yourself?»
Keiko tried to respond, but she couldn't. She was laughing too hard. However, every now and then she would also release a moan of pain. Her muscles were killing her. Her lungs too. They have been taken to, and kept, at the level beyond exhaustion for the greater part of day. Those whipstrokes she suffered, and the pain afterwards, didn't seem so bad any more.
Minutes passed. Then hours. The tickling didn't stop, nor did Keiko break. Both the tormentor and the captive were persistent. Keiko, though, was feeling her will slowly, but surely broken. As time passed and the maddening strokes continued to torment her armpits, Keiko's muscles began to hurt more and more, to the point where she was almost numb with pain. The thought of letting herself go, letting demon do whatever it wishes to her crossed her mind for a second. But, she chased that idea away pretty fast.
«Hmm... you are a persistent one, I give you that», Morphis said, stopping the tickling, then yawning. «Uwaah... I'm going to give you one more chance to talk before I go to bed. If you don't talk... well, I strongly suggest you talk.»
«Never», the girl replied with her last ounce of strength. She wasn't ready to give up just yet.
«Fine... suit yourself», Morphis said, taking two feather dusters from the nearby shelf. The demon used one to tickle Keiko's breasts, focusing on her nipples, while it used the other on her womanhood, tickling and stimulating it at the same time. Keiko tried her best to hold back the sensation, but after a while she couldn't do so any longer. She had to admit to herself that she was enjoying this kind of tickling. Maybe a little too much for her own good. Pretty soon, she was moaning openly, fighting back orgasm. She didn't want to humiliate herself in front of that demon. However, that too became a torment very soon, as Morphis used it's best techniques to try and make Keiko climax. Or so it seemed, as when she was about to let go, the demon stopped, opening something on the ceiling, making a greasy substance start dripping on her exposed soles. Then, it whistled a sharp tone, as if calling for someone... or something. Keiko froze in terror as two dogs came out from the darkness. The demon came back to tickling Keiko's swollen womanhood, getting her on the very verge of orgasm again.
«Meet Rex and Spot. They will accompany you tonight.» The demon then turned to the dogs. «Boys, dinnertime.»
As soon as the words left demon's mouth, the dogs started licking away at Keiko's soles, making Keiko go wild screaming, howling with laughter. Morphis stopped tickling Keiko, getting up and putting a gag into her mouth, making her unable even to scream. Keiko, who had believed that, when the demon got the feather duster out from between her legs, tickling won't be erotic any more, found herself shocked when she realized that her whole body had become one huge erogenous zone and that her senses were actually enjoying the dog's licking. It tickled so hard it drove her hysteric, but at the same time it drove her wild with lust.
«Well, enjoy yourself, and good night, my dear», the demon said as it slammed the doors shut, leaving Keiko all alone for the night.
This wasn't good, Keiko thought. She couldn't even laugh any more, she couldn't beg for mercy... and worst of all, she couldn't reach climax. The dog's licking was enough to drive her mad, but not enough for her to orgasm, so she was constantly kept on balance between constant ticklish agony and the agony of being so close to climax and not being able to reach it. The dogs were happily licking away at her bare, immobile soles, their tongues playfuly dancing across the soles' surface. Keiko wasn't sure what she wanted more: for them to continue or to stop. The demon just unleashed the worst torture imaginable upon her, and she knew she was going to have to take it the whole night. She was tired... no, more... more than even exhausted. Morphis seemed bent on not letting her sleep, it would seem.
It went on for some time, the tickling/licking. Keiko didn't know how much time passed... she didn't have any way of telling the time down there in that dark cellar, but she knew this: for her, it was too long. She was crying like a baby now. She knew that, if the demon was there, she would have agreed to anything, just to... stop the tickling? Help her orgasm? No, both. She kept looking at the dogs, who were happily dining on her soles, probably not even realizing what kind of agony they were putting her in.
And then, they stopped, falling dead in the puddles of their own blood. Keiko looked, astounded, as a man walked in through the doors, covering her with a blanket and untying her.
«Hi», the man said, taking the gag from her mouth. «I am Keisuke. I have come here to rescue you. You all right?»
Keiko didn't reply. Finally free from her bonds, she passed away from exhaustion.
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Good description of the tickling and nice rescue at the end. Hope to see more soon!
Wow, this chappy was GREAT. What can I say? Illustraitions would be pointless, and if this were made into a movie... it wouldn't even be as good because of yoru detail. Keep on writing!
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