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Enterion, Chapter 11

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
«How much longer until we reach the Library?», Keiko asked.
«Need rest already?», Asuka replied with a question. «But we have only been walking for twenty minutes now.»
«He he», Keiko giggled. «No, it's not that... I'm calculating wether we will be there for dinnertime.»
«Maybe», Keisuke answered shortly.
«Well, we do have a long road ahead of us», Asuka noted. «We would have to walk without stopping, practically.»
«I see», Keiko said, cheerfully running around the ninja and kensai. She was so energetic that she probably wouldn't have any problems walking all day long. Keisuke was used to long walks, walking for several days without any rest on more than one, so he could probably reach the tower by dinnertime... maybe even sooner. Asuka, due to her devotion to assignment, would have walked herself to death if that's what it took. So, theoretically, they could have walked all the way to the library, reaching it by evening without any problems. But, they didn't. They haven't reached the Library that day. Not because of their lack of endurance, but because of the trio they encountered at the edge of a forest.
It was midday when they arrived at the edge of the forest, seeing a wierd trio standing there, as if they were waiting for someone. Keisuke had no doubt in his mind that they were waiting for them, knowing who it was he was guarding. And he saw that he was right: one amongst them, a woman, waved to them cheerfuly.
«Are you Keisuke, Chosen One and Royal Ninja?», she shouted out.
«Who wants to know?», Keisuke shouted out in response.
«My name is Ayumi!», the woman replied as she and the two men accompanying her slowly got up and came closer to them. Keisuke studied them: the girl didn't seem like much of a fighter. She was really frail and gentle, her beautiful face not revealing much fighting experience. It was somehow unnaturaly cheerful. Something was amiss about her... she was too calm and too relaxed for this situation. The two men behind her looked like a real threat: one was tall, muscular giant wielding a large sword, fully armored. How he managed to pick that sword and hold it with only one hand really eluded Keisuke... that was a greatsword, for cryin' it out loud! The other one, while a bit smaller in frame, didn't seem to be any less of a threat... if anything, he seemed the most dangerous of the trio. His long, brown cape, torn at the edges, coupled with the hood that hid his face efficiently, made him look like a Grim Reaper. The sinister-looking scythe on his backs only strengthened that fact. This is how they pictured death in the lands to the west, he knew... all that was left was for the man to have skeletal head. He reminded himself to check it out later, when he kills him. Of course, he will certainly have to watch out for that scythe... there was something about that green flaming skull that connected the blade and the shaft that he didn't like.
«These boys next to me are Frederic...», the woman named Ayumi continued introducing her companions, pointing out to the big armored brute. Then, she continued, pointing at the hooded man: «...and Nazzuth. We were expecting you here. Lady Yui told us you would be here so we could kill you two bodyguards and take the Chosen One.»
Direct, honest, and utterly psychotic. Yes, Keisuke could see that this was going to be a hard fight, as the girl seemed like a lot more dangerous fighter than first met the eye. He was more concerned about the other two guys, though. Neither one of them seemed at least concerned about words... and both of their gazes... if they even had faces under that helmet and hood... were fixed on him, Keisuke. He knew that, even though the trio's main goal was the Chosen One, killing Keisuke the Swordsman was a priority to these guys now... and he had no doubt in his mind that they were capable of doing so.
«Lady Yui would never tell such confidental information to you!», Asuka shouted out next to Keisuke's ear, disturbing his concentration. She was very upset when she heard that name... she must have been a leader or a friend of the ninja girl, he mused. «You lie!»
«Yes, and you're not taking me away!», Keiko jumped in. «Keisuke and Asuka are the best bodyguards ever! They won't let me fall into your claws!»
Keisuke was really grateful to hear this, but Ayumi just laughed.
«It's not as if you have a choice... once they are dead, you will do as we please, or I will personally break you.» The girl sounded like she was hoping Keiko would resist. Then, she turned to Asuka and, with a smile, added: «And Asuka, it's true, I am lying: Lady Yui was brave, until the very last moment did she not break... wonder how long would she hold out had we not found your report? She looked like she was about to break under my tortures, there.»
«What do you mean?», Asuka looked confused. The distance between them was about ten meters now, so there was no need for shouting.
«What I mean to say was that I found your leader, tortured her while my companions were searching for your report, and when we found it, since she didn't want to talk first, I killed her.»
Hearing this made Asuka gasp. Keisuke looked at her: she looked really struck by this. Her face was a grimace of surprise, anger and sorrow. It took her some moments to eschew the info, but when she did, she started shouting out:
«You... BITCH!!! I'M GOING TO...»
She didn't have the chance to finish the sentence, as Keisuke held her firmly, not showing intention of letting go. Kuonichi was about to attack the trio head-on, rushing into certain death.
«Calm down, Asuka!», he said. «Calm down! Remember your ninja training!»
Surprisingly, this did have some influence on the girl, who calmed down completely, her face turning cold as ice.
«Ayumi, is it?», she asked, in a tone that cut through the air like a blade does through butter. The ninja-girl's eyes were fixed on the killer of her lord. «I am going to kill you. No matter what it takes, I will get revenge for Lady Yui.»
Through the icy surface, a burning fire of hatred was clearly visible. Keisuke knew that Asuka meant what she said... she meant business. Ayumi, on the other hand, wasn't so concerned about it. Her face continued to smile as she bowed down to Asuka, saying:
«Well, then, why don't you and I duke it out somewhere else, so you get a chance to fight me, personally? We will leave boys to play together.»
«Let's go», Asuka said, heading away from the forest, slowly so Ayumi could catch her easily. Keisuke let them go... he knew that, once the two women were on a safe distance, his battle was about to begin. Knowing so, he never let his sight wander off his two adversaries except when studying the surroundings. They were on the forest's edge, exactly where the first trees started, and the grassland was replaced by thick layers of leaves. No real terrain advantage, he mused. He didn't see a point in taking the fight to the forest. That was why he braced himself as the two big figures started drawing out their gigantic weapons.
The fight was on.

* * *

As she finally caught up to the ninja woman, Ayumi took her time to study her adversary. Well, she certainly was a pretty thing, the younger girl thought. Such a lovely face, she thought... such a shame she was about to die.
«You have a pretty face», Ayumi complimented the ninja. She didn't get a reply. The woman just kept on walking, two adversaries side by side. «I like your lips. Always loved them a bit fuller.»
Again, no reply.
Ayumi stopped, smiling to her opponent: «Hey, why don't we make this more interesting: let's not fight to the death. Let's just fight until one of us is defeated and then, the winner gets to torture the looser. That way, I can have more fun with you, and in case you win, you can avenge Slut Yui better.»
This seemed to spark interest in her beautiful adversary. With a glint in her eye, she said through clenched teeth: «Deal.»
Ayumi was statisfied with the answer. Knowing that they were nearing the location of the fight, she decided to provoke her opponent even more. She knew that, if the ninja fought with anger, her chance of winning would be better.
«When I capture you», she started her provocation, «I will tickle your feet first. Do you have pretty feet?» After she didn't get a reply for a short while, Ayumi continued: «Then, I will tickle you until you orgasm, again and again, on your pussy. I will make you go crazy from tickling, torturing you day and night... maybe I'll even make Chosen One torture you. Later, when you bore me, I will kill you. But don't worry...»
«Ayumi...», Asuka stopped her in the middle of the sentence.
«You talk too much», Asuka said, taking out two ninja-tos and striking for Ayumi. The girl blocked the attack with her bare fists, kicking the ninja into the groin with her knee. Asuka screamed from pain, but she didn't fall down. Somehow, she managed to jump away, smiling.
«It helps when you wear protective handwraps, doesn't it?», Ayumi asked. The ninja said nothing, summoning a swirl of petals around her, disappearing.
Ayumi looked around herself, looking at the vast spaces of grass, the blooming flowers and the forest in the distance. She could see that the boys have started fighting. Well, no matter, she had a fight of her own here... a fight at which's end a great award awaited her. That was why she decided to remain focused... and why she blocked the attack directed to her backs by Asuka, who appeared behind her, out of nowhere.
«Let's dance», Ayumi said, elbow-punching the ninja, who fell to the floor, bleeding from her mouth.

* * *

Keiko looked at the three warriors that were facing each other. Neither of them have shown any emotion. They were just observing each other, trying to find out weaknesses they could exploit later. The fight would be a lot easier if you knew your opponent's strengths, she knew. During her time in the streets, she used to get into fights sometime, and she had learned that the key to winning the battle is using your opponent's weakness to your advantage. Also, since they started travelling, Keisuke and Asuka both gave her tips on how to defend herself more efficiently. Keisuke even gave her two wakizashis, short swords, which he bought from the blacksmith in Totara.
«They are fast and easy to use», he said back then. «You should use your natural agility to win battles, not strength. These are the best for you.»
She did practice, with aid from her bodyguards, and she did make some progress, but the time she spent doing so was still short... she knew she still had a way to go, and she didn't want to get in the way of this fight... she was out of her league, she knew.
And that was when she gulped, as the robed man took his scythe in both hands, prepairing to attack Keisuke, who was just standing, mere 10 meteres away. However, in a blink of an eye, Keisuke was standing again, this time behind his opponent, his two katanas drawn out, reflecting the sun that shined high in the sky. The man called Nazzuth fell into pieces, cut many times. Keiko heard about it: the Time Form. An ability exclusive to Kensai order. For a short period of time, they could move with such speed that time stopped for everyone else but them, making them able to cross short distance and deliver a single blow instantly. However, Keisuke didn't deliver just one blow, as most of them could... actually, Keiko thought one was the limit. He delivered at least ten of them with each katana, cutting the robed figure into small pieces. And each and every one of those attacks was so well placed, slashes cutting directly at the vitals, and at the places where joints were thinnest and bones least stable. Keiko was amazed. Keisuke had slashed and finished the guy in no time, and was already eyeing the other guy. However, something went wrong. Just as Keisuke was supposed to come behind the guy, he found himself on Frederic, his two blades shattering against the man's armor like crystal shards launched against city walls. How did it happen?
She didn't have time to ask that question again as she saw the man's blade going for Keisuke's head... it was going to chop it off, for sure.
«Keisuke, watch out!», she screamed, but the man was already ahead of her. Before she could even blink, Keisuke was standing behind the man, Frederic's sword harmlessly slashing through air. Slowly but surely, Keisuke's blades were being restored... but so was Nazzuth. Piece by piece, as swords came together, so did the man, and both parties looked like first contact didn't even happen. Nazzuth was ready for battle, the skull on his scythe shrieking with excitement.
Seeing this, Keiko fell on the ground. How did he get up? How was Keisuke to win against that?

* * *

«Woo hoo!», Ayumi screamed from joy as her knee found her way to Asuka's belly yet again, sending her flying backwards. The ninja girl was good, she gave her that, but she was nowhere near Ayumi in close-quarter combat. After all, her martial arts training, coupled with a pair of adamantine hand-protectors made Ayumi quite deadly in close-quarters combat. True, she wasn't nearly as dangerous as Frederic or Nazzuth, but she could hold her ground against a lot of foes.
The ninja-girl's stupidity surprised her, though. She fought without any care at all, often engaging her adversary openly, ending in direct exchange of blows. Of course, Ayumi was way better than Asuka in that, so the ninja took heavy punishment whenever such an exchange would occur. Ayumi knew that only pure willpower kept the girl standing up already, as she has recieved many hits in the head, body and legs. Even Ayumi was sore from the few hits she got from the ninja, and once she even stood in a trap, luckily evading it with only a small scratch on her backs.
«You're so stupid», Ayumi said, hitting her adversary in the stomack, making her bend over. Then, she went to hammer her from way above, but the ninja girl blocked her attack, sending her knee and elbow flying to Ayumi's stomack. The combo took a lot of air out of Ayumi's lungs, making her stagger for a while, sending her backwards, standing on a trap. The trap was a large log, and only the successful blocking on Ayumi's part saved her from certain death. It didn't save her from being knocked down, though, the log sending her flying through the air few meters, aching all over. How she hated those ninja traps. That log... it couldn't be supported by anything, being that they were on a plain, but somehow, by some magic, it happened to be there, striking her hard. How ninja got time to set the trap up, however, eluded Ayumi.
Finally landing on the ground, Ayumi found herself victim of more of ninja's attacks. Not giving her even a second of breathing space, Asuka jumped on her opponent, mounting her and punching her in the face and belly a few times, Ayumi barely blocking one or two hits, rest of them finding their target easily. Ayumi was on the verge of passing out, but she managed to block both of Asuka's fists through mere luck, tossing the girl off herself. They were back in standing position, both girls bleeding and exhausted, but not intending to give up. Not while they still had any strength left.

* * *

A regenerator, and a man in impenetrable armor, Keisuke figured as he evaded the blow of the scythe headed towards him, jumping off far away from two combatants. Then, he used the Metal Form to transform his two swords into adamantine. He knew it wasn't much of a help, as it couldn't stop Nazzuth from regenerating, nor could it break through Frederic's armor (which was also adamantine), but it could help him block the man's sword... he would rather not risk blocking the scythe, as it didn't seem ordinary... that skull... there was something about it he just couldn't put his finger on, but he was sure as hell he didn't want to touch it.
And then, just as he was thinking on his next move, he felt a strong force holding him firmly. Oh, no, a binding spell, he mused as he saw both Nazzuth and Frederic charging him, their weapons going for the kill. Think fast, Keisuke, he told himself as he remembered the counterspell Charlaw taught him for such spells. Thanking the gods for that man, he made a quick hand gesture, using all of his strength to restore functionality of his hands, breaking the spell just in time to evade the two monstruous weapons heading for his head. Just as he evaded it, a flash of light was seen and a loud bang was heard as Nazzuth's scythe met with Frederic's sword, shattering it into pieces. And not just where the weapons met... all of the sword was destroyed, only small pieces remaining, it's owner hitting the nearby tree from pain, leaving a clear mark of his gigantic fist in the tree, cutting through the thick bark and reaching almost the centre of the tree. Damn, this guy was strong. But, Keisuke thought, at least he got to safe distance, as he slashed Nazzuth a few times before jumping away... with the speed of his attacks, it was no problem. Now, it was time to finish these two off.

* * *

Keiko observed the fight in fear so far, rooting for Keisuke but not seeing the way of him winning against those foes. How could he kill a man that always came back to life, no matter how many times Keisuke cut him? She saw Keisuke far away from those guys, about 20 meters, looking at them, placing his swords together in silence. She saw him use Metal Form, something which only a few Kensai knew... the ability to transform their swords into any metal they wished... gold, silver, iron, adamantine, mithril... anything. She once heard about it from a traveler who told his tales in the bars for a couple of copper pieces and a drink. Of course, nobody believed his tales to be true, but now, seeing it with her own eyes, Keiko believed... and she was glad it was true, after all.
And then, she gazed in awe and amazement again, as water started to form on Keisuke's blade, coating it completely, dripping on the ground below it. Water... no... not water... acid, she figured, as she saw it burn the leaves and the grass upon which it fell. What was that? Another form, she thought. Well ,whatever it was, Keisuke seemed to have a plan and, in a blink of an eye, he put it into motion. Again, he was standing behind regenerated Nazzuth, his two blades loosely hanging in his hands, the regenerator falling apart in so many pieces Keiko couldn't even count. What mattered was that acid burned those remains, making it impossible for the man to regenerate, dissolving the severed pieces faster than they could regenerate.
That was it, Keiko thought. Finally, Nazzuth was done for. However, Frederic was still there, and he looked none too happy to see his partner killed. Also, he wanted to kill Keisuke, as he was annoyed by the warrior's skill and endurance. Never did in all of this Keisuke even break a sweat.
The man's big fists came for Keisuke, but he blocked them with his adamantine katanas, which were indestructible. They didn't break, and Keisuke quickly jumped away from the man, coming next to Keiko.
«Keiko, quickly, take your socks off and give them to me when I come to you next time», he said quickly, but calmly, as he jumped away from her again, leading the big warrior away from the Chosen One. Keiko listened to what he said, taking her white socks off and baring her beautiful, small feet, loving the tickly feeling of grass on her bare soles. Noting that she was barefoot, and her socks were in her hand, Keisuke quickly jumped off to her, jumping several times quickly, outspeeding the large, but not too fast, warrior. Then, he took her socks and quickly, jumping away again, wrapped them around the hilts of his swords, holding them at those points. Then, increasing the distance between himself and Frederic, who just couldn't keep up his rhythm in that heavy armor, he used Elemental Form to charge his weapon with the power of lightning, using Keiko's socks to shield himself from the electricity. Then, it was a simple matter of using Time Form again in order to deliver the shock to the gigantic warrior, whose armor offered no protection from this form of attack. Frederic tried to fight off, but it was useless: strike by strike, Keisuke ran around in circles around the big fighter, delivering blows in a quick succession, leaving the man defenseless. Each strike sent a shock through Frederic's body, weakening him further, leading him closer to death. The man was helplessly flailing his big, muscular arms around, trying to save himself, trying to hit Keisuke somehow, sending him flying through air and letting him recuperate. However, it was of no use. Keisuke was in a different league. He had no real problems with them before, and he didn't have any problems now either.
And so, blow by blow, slowly, Frederic had lost conciousness, falling on the ground. Keiko felt sorry for the man, seeing him die such a painful death. His screams, muffled by his metal helmet almost made her cry, but she remained strong, watching Keisuke finish him with a long touch of the twin katanas. Then, when he was sure the brute was dead, Keisuke returned his swords to normal, sheathing them and untying Keiko's socks from them.
«Thanks», he said, giving her a pair of white socks... her socks.

* * *

Finally got her, Ayumi thought as she observed Asuka victoriously. She sure did put up one hell of a fight, she thought, leaning over barely-conscious ninja girl, breathing heavily herself.
«You're so beaten up you can't move at all, aren't you?», the standing girl said, sitting down next to her beaten adversary, taking her wooden sandal off, completely baring her beautiful foot. Then, taking the ninja girl by the ankle, she decided to enjoy her victory for a while, before she sends the beauty asleep... she didn't want to risk her regaining strength without being properly restrained, and Ayumi didn't have bondage equipment there.
Taking her time to study the pretty bare foot in her hand, Ayumi started to suck on Asuka's toes, licking her sole every now and then, from the heel upward, ending it with a light bite on the balls of her feet. This ninja girl had such delicious feet, Ayumi thought. She felt so glad that she could torture her now. Asuka, even though completely beaten up, laughed lightly.
«Is there something funny?», Ayumi teased.
«You», Asuka replied, surprising Ayumi, materializing behind her. «You can't even beat my clone. How did you ever think you stood a chance against me?»
Hearing this, Ayumi froze in terror. She has been fighting a clone all the time, and has had troubles with it? Those clones had only one tenth of the original's strength! And the real Asuka... she has been using invisibility all the time? No wonder she had time to prepare that trap.
Before Ayumi could think anything else, the clone disappeared, turning into a swarm of butterflies which slowly flew upwards to the sky in a beautiful spiral, while Asuka finished her opponent off in one blow, sending her flying through air unconscious, with an attack so fierce and skilled that she wouldn't have a chance against it even if she was fully rested.

* * *

Even a few minutes after Keisuke killed Frederic, Keiko was speechless. She couldn't believe how cool-headed Keisuke was during all of this. Not even once did they manage to touch him, nor did he break a sweat. She now knew that she was, indeed, protected by one of the Great Four. When Asuka told her that Keisuke was indeed the fabled Keisuke the Swordsman she's heard so much about. Unlike most of the girls of her era, she didn't fall in love with one of the fabled heroes, nor did she give any of that ruckus any heed... she was grateful, she thought, but since she couldn't thank the heroes herself, she decided to get on with her life without drooling for someone she wasn't going to meet.
But now she met him and, even though he didn't look as magnificent as the stories said (fables did tend to be exaggerated quite a bit, and Keisuke didn't quite watch out for keeping his beard cut and his hair in proper order lately), she felt honored beyond words. Not because he was high-and-mighty Keisuke, but because that very Keisuke treated her, a nobody, poor orphaned child, like his equal, maybe even as his liege, protecting her and taking care of her. He was her knight in shining armor, she thought, giggling to that thought.
Keisuke sat by her side silently, in seiza, waiting for return of either their companion, Asuka, or her adversary, Ayumi, to return.
«Take your socks back on», he told the barefoot girl. «We will depart soon.»
«Can I leave it this way, please?», Keiko asked, not wishing to say goodbye to the beautiful sensation of grass gently caressing her silky soles, going in between her toes, tickling her gently and lightly.
Keisuke didn't reply. It was his way of saying 'ok', she guessed. He was never the one to talk too much anyways... most of the time, she and Asuka were the ones chatting, while Keisuke talked only when he deemed it important... or when he and Asuka had an argument. How could two people argue so much, she did not understand. Ah, well, they covered each other when it mattered, and they were both there for her when she needed them... she didn't enjoy their fights, but she knew they were only minor squabbles. She knew Keisuke could count on Asuka to get him out of trouble... as could Asuka for Keisuke, and that knowledge set Keiko at ease. She just hoped Asuka would be okay... that Ayumi seemed like a mean person.
Just as she was thinking so, Keiko heard someone calling out from behind her: «Hey! Been waiting for long?»
She turned around to see Asuka, carrying her passed-out opponent over the shoulder. Ayumi has been tied up using her own clothes, and was bleeding lightly from her mouth, bruises all over her naked body. Seeing her other bodyguard... her other friend... alive and well, Keiko cheered loudly, getting up on her feet in a second, waving cheerfuly to the victor.

* * *

«All right», Asuka said, observing her handiwork. That girl, Ayumi, was tied up pretty well now. Both her hands and feet were tied at her backs, around an enormous tree, the girl being so stretched that she couldn't move at all. She was completely helpless, at Asuka's mercy to deliver any sort of punishment she saw fit.
«Let's wake her up now», she said, slapping Ayumi, who immediately woke up. At first, the girl looked surprised at her surroundings, and at the fact that she couldn't move a muscle, but she realized everything pretty quickly: she and her companions have suffered total and utter defeat.
«Frederic...», she said in a sad voice, «...Nazzuth... How...?»
«You didn't really think they stood a chance against one of the Great Four, did you?», Asuka asked with a smirk, after it was clear Ayumi wasn't going to get an answer from the Swordsman.
Her captive didn't reply. Good. She didn't even want to hear anything from her... unless it was her screams of pain.
«And now», the kuonichi said, «I'm going to flay you alive! I'll feed you to the vultures while you'll still be breathing...»
«Asuka!», Keiko stopped her. «Asuka! Why be so violent?»
«Because she killed Lady Yui!», the ninja yelled out. She was furious. That girl had killed Lady Yui, her friend, and Keiko «I am going to kill her for that! Slowly!»
Keiko held her hand.
«Tickle her», she said. «That way she suffers, but she can also be handed to authorities. Besides, we need to question her... she seems to know something we don't... something about this Chosen One mess.»
She was right, Asuka knew. Ever since Ayumi told her of Lady Yui's death, she was so angry she completely forgot about why the wierd trio attacked them in the first place. She completely forgot about the Chosen One. And, what Keiko said was true... sending the girl over to palace, to be trialed, would mean much worse tortures for her than she could do herself, now. She knew that the palace's master tortures had ways of making this little bitch wish she had never been born.
«Yes... you are right...», she said, smiling coldly to her new prisoner. Ninja's face gave Ayumi a clear message: You are going to pay now. Of course, the girl realized that, so she started to beg, in her sweetest voice.
«Please... I... please... have mercy... not the royal dungeons! I'll go mad and die of the tortures there!», the short-haired girl pleaded, but it was of no use. Not even Keiko had any mercy for her... and when even the soft-hearted Keiko had no mercy for someone, that someone was doomed. With a smile, Asuka observed as the girl she was bound to protect approached her captive.
«Talk! What is so special about this Chosen One?», Keiko demanded.
«What is in it for me?», Ayumi countered with a question, her thin lips smirking defiantly.
«You don't get tickled until the guards come», the Chosen One replied, wriggling her fingers in front of Ayumi's eyes, which opened wide in fear. Asuka enjoyed the sight of that fearful face, keeping it in her thoughts as she turned, starting to write her report. She wanted to send it as soon as possible, so she could start torturing her catch.
«No... please... don't tickle me!», Ayumi tried to plead again, but Asuka knew it was of no use. Keiko sure wanted to know why everybody was coming after her. And who could blame her?
«Okay... then talk... else it's tickle-time for Ayumi!», Asuka heard Keiko say. Being that there was no answer from the tree-hugging Ayumi, pretty soon giggles could be heard.
Asuka turned around to enjoy the scene a bit, facing away from her report. Keiko was kneeling behind Ayumi, holding her foot in one hand and tickling it with the other. Being that the tree was ancient, there was no way of Keiko reaching both feet, thus having to settle for one foot at a time. She didn't have any problem with that, it seemed... Chosen One was clearly enjoying herself with only one foot in hand, it seemed. Ayumi, on the other hand, didn't seem to be enjoying herself that much. She was giggling at a rapid rate, Keiko obviously sending her into orbit, and, Asuka knew, if her bondage would allow any movement at all, Ayumi would be trashing at the moment. However, being outstretched spread-eagle on an ancient, wide tree, all Ayumi could do was laugh and suffer, taking it all.
«Hahahahahaha.... stop... please... ahahaha... stop!», Ayumi pleaded her tormentor, the devious-looking Keiko, who was wriggling her fingers all across the captive's immobile soles, doing her best to break the ticklish girl. Asuka turned to the report again, wishing to send it as soon as possible, so she could dish out some punishment as well... it wasn't fair, she thought. This was her revenge, and Keiko did to dish out most punishment.
And then, she felt a tap on her back. She turned around to see Keisuke.
«Why don't you go and get your revenge», he suggested with his usual face, no emotions whatever. «I'll write that report for you.»
«Really?», Asuka asked, surprised at this sudden generosity. «Thanks!»
Quickly, she gave samurai the feather, going to join Keiko in their assault on Ayumi's ticklish spots, in a round of tickle-torture.
«Finally», she said, facing the woman she worked so hard to cap... ah, who was she kidding, it was easy. I'm so going to enjoy this, she told herself as she mercilessly dug her fingers into Ayumi's ribs, scratching and raking as fast and as hard as she could, not in the mood for foreplays, getting on to the main event right away. Ayumi responded wonderfully, with frenzied, crazed, desperate laughter, begging and pleading whenever she could.
«Hahahahahaha.... please... please! Stahahahahap!!!!», she pleaded on and on, but none of the fingers on her soles or on her ribs have shown any intention of listening to her pleas. They just tickled, on and on, both tormentresses enjoying the spoils of victory, Keiko impatiently awaiting the revelation of the prophecy revolving around her, and Asuka savouring the vengeance, joyfully observing the desperate, suffering look on her captive's face. This is for Lady Yui, she thought, dedicating each and every stroke on Ayumi's immobile, ticklish skin to her dead friend... no, leader. To be honest, she and Lady Yui were never too close, never moving beyond the boss-subordinate relationship, but still, when she heard that her leader was dead, Asuka was struck with anger. Anger she needed to vent out on someone... someone who killed her.
«Plehehehehehease! Stop! Stop, I'm begging you! Ahahahahahaha!», Ayumi pleaded and pleaded, but to no avail. Her pleas did her no good. Even worse, seeing how her techniques were effective, Keiko attacked on two fronts: the hand that was scratching Ayumi's tender, flat soles with long toes was still vigorously doing it's job, but the one holding the foot has joined the tickling as well: it tickled the face of the helpless foot, trapping it between two hells at the same time, making it seem like tickling was waiting around every corner... which it was. Coupled with Asuka's fingers, which were lightly sinking in Ayumi's silky flesh, the tickling of her feet made an unbearable agony for the looser of the battle.
«How does it feel to be the one tortured?», Asuka asked, knowing full well how it felt... she experienced Keiko's techniques once herself, she remembered, and there was nothing funny about it. Even though her victim was laughing her lungs out, Asuka knew she was suffering... a realization that soothed the ninja's heart. She knew that nothing was going to bring Lady Yui back, but at least she could deliver some punishment to the one who caused that death. To her, that was enough... and it manifested in such a beautiful way, her skillful fingers slowly driving Ayumi insane, unable to bear the tormenting touch of Asuka's fingers that were digging through her ribs, exploring every little ticklish inch of them.
«How about we switch to belly now?», Asuka asked, switching the place of tickling, one hand raking above Ayumi's bellybutton, the other one exploring lower, going all the way to her clean-shaven crotch, tickling her even there, making her go wild with laughter.
«Ticklish everywhere, are we?», Asuka teased, whispering on her captive's ear, her fingers still playing with it's ticklish target. «I want to see you broken. Begging. To see you die a thousand deaths before you actually die. Oh, yes, you are going to suffer.»
«Plehehehehasehehehe... I'll talk.... hehehe... I'll tell you all you want to know...», Ayumi broke after Asuka whispered those words in her ear, exhausted by the longevity of the tickles.
«We are listening», Keiko interfered. «But don't think we're stopping until you finish speaking... we aren't fools, y'know?»
«Hahahaha.... please.... hahahaha....», Ayumi tried to beg them to stop, but after only a short while, she started talking quickly, unable to bear more of this torture: «Hahahaha... You are Planar Chihihihild.... you... ahahahahaha... please... ahahahaha... you have the power to destroy.... hehehehehe... demons and angels... hahahahaha... with just your thoughts... hahahahaha... that is why everyone is seahahahaharching for yohohohouuu! Now stop! Ahahahahaha!»
«The power to destroy demons and angels with just a thought?», Keiko sounded surprised, stopping the tickling to dwell on it. Then, she continued the tickling, saying: «I don't believe it. I was tickled by a demon already, and as many times as I wished it dead, it didn't die.»
«Ahahahaha! I swehehehear it's the truuuhuhuhuth!!!», Ayumi pleaded, her eyes full of tears. «Plehehehease! If you don't stop I'm going to peeehehehehe!!»
«Thanks for telling me», Asuka said, lifting her hand from Ayumi's crotch. She didn't want her hand all messed up when the girl looses bladder control. She moved that hand just a little bit upwards, so it doesn't get messed up, but it can still tickle the girl on where her bladder was, making restraining even harder on the captive.
«You have to get your bohohohody so exhausted that yohohohou almost die», Ayumi continued revealing vital information, accepting anything if it would mean the end of the fingers probing her skin. «That's... ahahahahahahaha... that's when your powers will.... hehehehehe... no longer be doo... ohohohohoho... dormant!»
«Well, I did that already!», Keiko said. «So, what you're saying is that now I'm a walkin', talkin' demon killing machine?»
«Yehehehehes!», Ayumi confirmed. «Now please stop... ahahahahaha... before I...»
She didn't manage to finish the sentence. The words still leaving her lips, laughing like crazy, Ayumi lost bladder control and started to pee, a stream of yellow liquid coming out from between her legs, soaking the ground below her, forming a small puddle near Asuka's feet.
«Well, that's all I wanted to know», Keiko said, leaving the tortured Ayumi alone. Asuka did the same, ceasing the tickling. «I'm done with you... you talked and I'll leave you alone.»
«I, on the other hand, won't», Asuka told her exhausted prisoner, whose eyes opened wide from fear.
«No... please... no more torture... I told you everything I knew already... please... don't torture me any more... have mercy!» Ayumi pleaded, tears running down her red face, breathing heavily from exhaustion. She came close to passing out for a moment, Asuka noticed, but she didn't care. No mercy for the killer, she told herself, taking out Ayumi's water canister and stuffing the girl's mouth with it.
«Drink!», she ordered, forcefully pouring the liquid down the captive's throat, taking Keiko's place, but at the other foot.
«Please... I beg of you... if you know mercy...», Ayumi pleaded, but Asuka just grinned evily.
«Same mercy you've shown to Lady Yui?», she asked, digging all of her fingers into the pretty, defenseless sole that was there at her disposal. The ten devils danced all over the feet, from the toes, all the way to the outer side of the ankle (where the ropes started, while the other side was blocked by the tree), indiscriminately tickling everything in their path, sending Ayumi back into her helpless state of crazed laughter.
«Please stop!!!», Ayumi screamed as loud and as humbly as she could, but it was of no use. Asuka was merciless. She tickled and tickled, deaf to her captive's constant pleas for mercy.
And so, touch by touch, stroke by stroke, the tickle went on and on, the already-broken Ayumi taking the torture she could no longer bear, her mind half-crazed by now, Asuka's fingers skillfuly dancing all over her feet: the soles, the toes, the face of the foot, even the ankles... nothing was spared of the ticklish touch that ravaged through Ayumi's body, which, after being finished with eating away at her strength, started eating away at her sanity. Keiko was pitying the girl by now, but she didn't do anything... Keisuke stopped her from interfering with Asuka's vengeance... this was a torture, after all.
«AAAAAAAA!!!! PLEASE!!! NO MOHOHOHORE!!!», Ayumi screamed as she felt her bladder loosing control again. She didn't pee yet, but she was close... so close to it that one more touch would set the fluid free...
And that's what Asuka wanted. Knowing in what state her adversary was in, she just took her bare foot in her left hand, placing the nails of the right one at the heel, moving them upwards while slightly wrliggling them at the same time, finishing the other girl off.
A loud scream was heard as Ayumi lost control of her bladder for the second time in one day, releasing her fluids in front of the captors again. However, this time, exhausted from the long tortures, with the scream, she also let out her consciousness, her vision blacking out and her mind resting at last... at least for a while.
Seeing this, Asuka stood up, statisfied.
«I feel much better now», she said, getting up. «Keisuke, did you send that report?»
«Long ago», the man replied, standing up as well. «Let's go now.»

* * *

«Um... Keisuke?», Keiko asked as they were strolling into the sunset... at least what was visible of it. Ayumi was pretty far away by now, being that they were in the heart of the forest.
«Yes?», the man replied calmly.
«What was that last thing you did to that Frederic guy? The lightning blades? And the one with the acid around the sword?», Keiko was curious.
«Elemental Form», Keisuke replied. «One of the five Forms kensai can learn. It is the Third Form, and only a few masters of the order know it at the time. It allows us to imbue our weapons with power of cold, acid, fire, lighting, water, or any other form of enchantment.»
«And which is the Second Form?»
«Second one is Metal Form, which allows us kensai to repair our weapons in a matter of seconds, regenerating it, and switching into any type of metal we wish.»
«I see...», Keiko said. «And what about Fourth and Fifth form?»
Keisuke looked at her. «Fourth Form is the Body Form, allowing us kensai to harden or soften our bodies, or part of them, at our will. Of all the kensai, only I and Master Shijuka know of it... and being that I'm no longer part of the order, only Master Shijuka knows it.»
«And the Fifth Form?», Keiko asked, interested. The fifth one must be something really awesome, if all the ones before it were so amazing.
However, much to her surprise, Keisuke smiled lightly, saying: «Fifth Form... ah, let's just hope I'll never have to use it again. There is a reason why it is the Forbidden Form.»
From then on, Keisuke went silent, his smile fading away immediately, and any attempt from Keiko to start a conversation had failed, as he spoke no more.

* * *

It was a cold, stormy night outside when a hooded stranger appeared on the doors of McTroy's inn. Nobody taking notice of it except the inkeeper, the figure slowly walked up to the counter, water dripping from it's soaked clothes, calling out for the inkeeper with a slight hand gesture.
«A room and a dinner», the figure ordered, whispering into the graying man's ear.
«Would a soup and some bacon be okay to m'lord?», McTroy asked, wiping a glass. «I also have some warm beer and some today's bread if you'd like.»
«Yes», the figure replied, shaking his hand, leaving two pieces of silver on his palm. Then, it casually strolled to the nearest corner, sitting and waiting for it's meal, while McTroy busied himself with telling his wife and daughter what to do. Both his wife Mathilda, a plain, yet pleasant-looking chubby woman, and his daughter Eve, the pride of Loughlin, the village where they resided, nodded, starting the preparations.
McTroy looked after Eve as she left to make the room for the wierd stranger. She was his pride, the only one of his children remaining... all the others were killed some years back by the demonlord's army... Gods bless the Great Four, he thought, for bringing him down, and avenging his boys. With his daughter all he had left, he tended to be overly-protective, he knew, but he just couldn't bury another child without jumping in the grave with her. He hoped that the stranger wasn't up to no good. What kind of a man would wish a room at this time? It was almost morning, he thought. And, he left quite a tip, paying triple of what the room and a dinner costed.
However, the inkeeper's attention soon shifted to the bar, as Lancos Timmertwig and his two cousins, the twins Tangor and Bangor entered his inn. Not again, he thought. Timmertwigs were never a welcome sight in the inn, their arrival meaning nothing but trouble. And the worst part was, being that the guys were so big and strong, nobody dared to go against them. He remembered the last year's games. That trio had beat a team of village's six strongest men in pulling the ropes, and with such ease that it was horrible to watch. And with them always being armed with those huge clubs of theirs, that could smash your head into hundred pieces if they smacked you, Timmertwigs weren't ones you'd want to angry. He has seen them kill people who stood up to them.
«Good evening, old-timer», Lancos said, strolling up to the bar, his club resting on his shoulder.
«Why, good evening, master Lancos», McTroy greeted him in his most polite tone. He didn't want to anger the big guy. «This is such an honor... please, what brings you to my inn this early?»
«What, you mean I'm not welcome here?», the man asked, angry. He was drunk, it was visible even without smelling his breath, which McTroy, unfortunately, had to do. But, this wasn't time to think about hygiene, he thought, apologizing immediately.
«No! No... please, you are always a welcome guest. Please... what can I get for you?» McTroy was so scared that a drop of sweat was visible on the edge of his dense moustache.
«So, I can take anything in your inn?», Lancos asked, clear despise for the small, honest man in his voice.
«Yes, sir...», McTroy replied humbly. «First round i... is... on the house!»
Hearing this, Lancos laughed from the depth of his soul, with a rough, barking laughter.
«Really? Well, that's great! You see, my cousins and I were thinking... your daughter, Eve, is sixteen already, and she hasn't experienced what it means to be with a man yet, so we came to change that and give her a time of her life.»
As soon as he realized what Lancos' intentions were, McTroy started shaking like leaf on the wind, sweating so hard his clothes were soaked in no time. No. Not Eve.
«Um... um... um... um...», he started, not even being able to speak coherently from fear, fighting tears. «Sorry, but my... my... my... my...dau... dau... daughter i... i...is no... not avai... lible.»
«What?!», Lancos shouted out angrily, knocking down a few pints with his gigantic fist, spilling beer all over the floor. Then, he turned to the crowd, who were pretending not to notice him, moving out of his way, shouting out theatrically: «Dear people, do you see what liar this man is?! He just told me I can have anything in his inn, and yet he denies me right to have his daughter. What kind of hospitality is this?! Any customer of his was supposed to be welcome between the legs of his daughter as well. Let me teach you what hospitality is: after we are done with her, all of you can have your turn with her. My treat!»
Lancos and his two big cousins barked, that probably being their laughter.
«But first, I am going to beat this little inkeeper up so he learns some manners», Lancos said, prepairing his fist, nobody noticing the hooded figure, which stood up from it's table, approaching the big brute... nobody except Tangor and Bangor, which blocked it's path, holding their big clubs in their hands, smiles on their faces making them even uglier and dumber-looking.
«And where do you think you are going, small guy?», McTroy heard Bangor say.
«Please... all three of you, sit down», the figure replied. «I don't want any trouble tonight.»
The figure was crazy, McTroy thought. Standing up to Timmertwigs... what was it, retarded? However, he could do naught to help the mysterious man... or woman.
«Listen to him, Bangor», Mangor said. «Let's teach him not to talk to us like that... let's make an example of him!»
Saying so, the twin brothers took their huge clubs in their hands, raising them high above their heads, ever-so-slowly, sure of their victory. McTroy heard the figure mumble something to itself, and that was probably the last thing Bangor and Mangor heard, as only a second later they collapsed, their bellies pierced by a sword, each. Elvish one-bladed sword, from what he could recognize by the tips, which were peeking out from their backs. Soon, the blades were drawn out of their human-sheaths, and in the figure's hands, much to amazement of everyone. Nobody could pretend not seeing or hearing this. They knew what this meant... more blood was going to be drawn tonight.
And he was right... Lancos was surprised beyond words... surprised and angered. He looked at the figure with such hatred that even McTroy shook... but the figure remained immobile.
«What the hell...?!», Lancos shouted out. «You killed my cousins! You were supposed to stay there and die! How dare you...?!»
With those words, Lancos charged the figure, launching a hit with his huge club. The figure tried to defend, but it was of no use: the club sent it flying to the wall, hitting it, making it unable to stand.
«I'm going to kill you to your death!!!», Lancos shouted, charging again, but the figure moved away in the last minute, club hitting the floor harmlessly. The figure stood up on it's feet again, still a bit dizzy, but able to fight again. It awaited Timmertwig's attack in a defensive stance, giving him a sign to come at it. And he did. He charged again, with unseen force, at striking range in no time. His club was aimed at the figure's head, closing at huge speed (well, for Lancos)... and missing in the last second.
The figure moved at the last moment, ducking and impaling the huge, but slow man, on the twin swords. He died right away, as the swords pierced his lungs.
A short silence followed, the crowd not believing the spectacle. However, when McTroy started clapping, everyone else accepted, following in inkeeper's footsteps. Eve wasn't the first daughter Timmertwigs were going to rape... and everyone in village was sick of their tyranny. In their eyes, the figure was a liberator, freeing them of Timmertwig's grasp. And the loudest cheers came from McTroy's, the people that the figure saved.
However, the cheers stopped as the figure removed it's hood to show it's face. As it's white hair spread and it's black skin was revealed, everyone recognized a female drow. A member of one of the vilest races in Enterion. Their savior... she was a monster, the villagers thought.
Immediately, the former cheers were replaced by angry mumblings, people giving in to their prejudices. From a hero, the woman quickly turned into an intruder, and would have been chased away were a clap not heard. It was McTroy.
«Dear people of Loughlin!», he said. «A hero just came into our tavern, saving us all... me especially... from Lancos and his lads! And what did she wish in return? Nothing! Did she ask for anything? Hell no! She may be a drow, but she's better than most of ya 'good people' here in my book! Those of you who don't like her, get out!»
A couple of confused looks later, one man, Trisham Wheatfield, a good, honest farmer, stood up to raise a glass: «That could have been my family. Lady... I don't know who you are, but thank you! From all my heart, I thank you. What is your name, Milady?»
«Markara», the confused girl replied. She obviously wasn't accustomed to this... not being chased after.
«Well, then, for Markara, hero of Loughlin!», Trisham accepted, everyone following up behind him, a loud cheer echoing through the small village:
The girl bowed down shyly, thanking everyone. Then, she turned over to the inkeeper, asking:
«Is... is the dinner going to be ready soon?», she said, barely stopping tears from flowing out of her eyes. McTroy could see how touched she was... this must have been the first time she got cheers like this. Being a drow, he was sure people didn't accept her, often assaulting before they gave her a chance.
«Listen, lass, if you want to, I'll tell Eve to get you dinner in your room», the inkeeper said. «You seem injured... care to check it in your room?»
«Yes...», she said, understanding what the inkeeper meant, running away so people couldn't see her tears, the ones she could no longer hold.

* * *

When Ayumi woke up, she was still tied to that tree. That same tree where Asuka tortured her, and where guards were bound to come and take her away for torture and execution. However, what surprised her was that she wasn't alone. Next to her stood three figures: two cloaked ones, led by a gorgeous red-haired woman. The red-hair noticed Ayumi was awake, so she came over to her.
«Finally awake», she said in a sweet, seductive tone.
«Who are you?», Ayumi countered with a question.
«I don't really like telling my name before I kiss a girl», the woman whispered into her ear, going lower, embracing Ayumi's waist and kissing her in the crotch. Ayumi could feel the woman's skilled tongue inside her, exploring her most sensitive areas, lighting all the fires inside her in a manner of seconds. Soon, it ended, Ayumi being both grateful and sad at the same time.
«Now that we are properly introduced, my name is Morganna», the red-hair said. «And you are...?»
«Ayumi...», she sniffed. «Can you please get me out?»
«But, dear child, you are a murderer», the woman said warmly, kissing Ayumi on the nipple... it felt so good. «It's written on your cute belly... see?»
Saying so, Morganna has shown a mirror to the tied girl, showing her the writing on her belly: I killed Lady Yui.
«Seems we will have some fun with you until the guards come», Morganna said, taking a feather out, showing it to Ayumi.
«Oh... no... no... please, no more tickling.» Pleading was everything Ayumi could do in this helpless situation, but it did her no good, she could see that clearly as the feather slowly approached her nipples, closer and closer...
Lol excellent chapter. And you were right about what you said to me earlier, but great minds think alike. And great job with reentry of our favorite bad guys. Too bad Ayumi will not appear anymore. 😀
Thanks, m8. Well, next chapter will revolve around your fave villains. How did their trip to Yamamoto go? Will they find the Chosen One? Why did Morganna team up with Elerion?
Answers to these and more in chapter 12 of Enterion.
Another good update. The action (Both tickling and not) was very well done. Looking forward to more!
Thanks, Lixxie. Glad you enjoyed it🙂 Didn't know this chapter had sad parts in it too😀
Keisuke....that is my favorite character now...i did it..i've read all eleven chapters over the last few days...i'm so impressed..damn Duke..you are a fantastic writer..with such an imagination..and to think English isn't your first language..you did a great job nevertheless...ah Nazzuth reminded me of the second terminator movie..where that terminator could regenerate at will..i suppose only one of the Four could finally do him in...the torture scenes are truly detailed...and we finally found out why she is the Chosen One..a little birdie told me chapter twelve might be coming out soon...

i don't know what you are studying in college, i never asked you that..but you have a terrific future as a story teller..i was enthralled enough to keep on reading each chapter..searching thru your threads industriously...you should be impressed lol...
Thank you very much for your kind words, Izzy. Your compliments are always so detailed and so nice. I am very glad that you read my biggest work so far, and amazed how you managed to read it in such a short time.

As for my studies, I study in the field of IT, telecommunications to be more precise. I know it's not really writing related, and keeps me out of shape with language (unless it's a programming language), but I enjoy writing, and do so whenever I have time and inspiration.
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