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Enterion chapter 12 (f/f, explicit)

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
Well, here is the second part. Turned out quite large, and took me longer than I expected to write. I apologize for the long wait. I hope you all at least enjoy.

First part can be found here: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=47961

Enterion chapter 12, part 2

Morganna never got to see her parents. Her mother died giving birth to her, and the only information on her heritage came from her grandparents. They told her that her father was a half-fiend, son of a dark paladin and a succubus, who raped her mother during one of his many raids on villages and small towns. Her mother went pregnant with her, deciding to keep her despite being a product of rape. And then, at birth, she died, the process taking too great a toll on the frail girl. She was only 18 at the time.
Because of her heritage, and the mindset of the whole community, Morganna was picked on by everyone, frowned upon, and looked upon like she was a full-blooded demon herself. Many people blamed her for what happened to her mother, and to the village in general. She was a living reminder to an event everyone tried to forget about. A thorn in village’s eye. As such, she never could have any friends, and even her grandparents have shown her little love or respect, leaving her to feed herself since the age of six, when that little love they felt for her granddaughter waned completely.
“I’d most rather see you dead”, she remembered her grandfather’s words as he cast her out on the street, with her grandmother crying in the hut. However, those weren’t tears of sadness for loosing her granddaughter. Those were tears of hatred, the old woman spitting out a few insults of her own before her husband drove the little, scared red-headed girl out of their home.
“You took your mother from us, you demon… and to think that we fed you for all these years”, were the last words little Morganna heard from the old lady before the cranky, wooden doors slammed behind her forever.
Morganna remembered desperately trying to get in, promising she will be a good girl from then on, even though she couldn’t understand what it was that she did wrong. Of course, a young girl like herself simply couldn’t understand that, for some people, ‘you were born’ was reason enough.
It took Morganna about half an hour of trying to get inside to finally realize that the house she just left was closed to her forever. A blank expression of confusion on her face, the little red-haired girl wandered the village's streets alone. She had no idea of time or space as she just walked, not noticing where she was heading off to. Even the regular cruel teases and mocks of the passer-bys, some of which would usually make her cry, had no effect on the lost little girl. She just walked, step by step, in a trance-like state, not even noticing where her little feet were guiding her to.
Morganna remembered that trance, and she remembered even better the thing that made her step out of that trance. It was a song. No... a melody. A sweet melody, sang by a most angelic voice she had ever heard in her then-short life. Now, after hearing so many melodic songs of elves and nymphs, many of which were able to stun with the mere beauty of words, sang by the best bards Enterion had to offer, Morganna would dismiss the song as mere quick poem but, back then, back there, when everything she was used to were barking voice of her grandfather as he beat her, the witchy screams of her grandmother and the grotesque voices of villagers' teases, the song had an almost mind-numbing effect to her. She felt drawn to it like magic, but her fear prevented her from following it; for Morganna knew whose house it was: Althea the witch. That was the name of the woman inside that residence, she knew.
Althea was a young woman, and a beautiful one at that. A widow at the mere age of sixteen, she was forced into marriage with the village elder's son by her greedy parents at the age of fourteen. Their marriage was not loving nor warm, and it was no secret that the young girl refused to sleep with her husband. This made young Marcus, Althea's husband, a laughing stock, and pretty soon, he had decided to put an end to it and take his wife's virginity by force.
What happened on that day nobody knows. What they did know was the outcome: Althea's husband died, fell out of window. Of course, the fourteen-year-old girl was immediately given the title of witch, and would have been killed then were the villagers actually not glad that Marcus was dead. The sly, deceitful man had made many enemies by then, and his passing was silently greeted as a blessing, the young girl's life spared, but labeled as a 'witch' from that day onwards. Sometimes, she would be seen gathering herbs around the village’s edge, occasionally entering the forest near the village. Villagers said it was a proof that she was a witch, for the forest was domain of mighty elven enchantress Daliana. Mortals who would wander those woods were usually not heard from again. And for such a young girl to wander the woods alone and come back… she must have been a witch, the villagers thought.
Fear coursed through the little girl’s body as she listened to the most sweet and melodic voice of the sixteen-year-old widow. Considering what villager’s told her: how she could make your crops go sick, your cattle die… even make your beloved sick. Villagers told tales like those, and whenever anything bad would happen to anyone, they would know who to blame: Althea, the witch. However, what little Morganna couldn’t understand was how anyone so evil could be singing such a beautiful song. So, she fathomed, maybe the witch captured some fair maiden, and she was singing from her prison. It occurred to the little girl that, if she saved the maiden, maybe she would be able to show everyone in the village how good a girl she was, and then her grandma and grandpa will have her back.
Happy thoughts of acceptance in her mind, the little girl sneaked into the dark house, careful as to not run into the witch, who she depicted as an old, ugly, hunched lady with pointed nose and, of course, a big wart on it. Thinking back on it now, Morganna thought how much that description resembled her grandmother. However, back then, all she could think of was the triumphant return from her little adventure. Who said all the glory was reserved for knights in shining armor? There certainly had to be some left over for a little girl prowling in the darkness of a small house in a small village. True, she was a bit disappointed at how common the house looked: where were the bat wings, shrunken heads of witch's victims, or funny looking herbs. There was even no big, black cauldron where witch brewed her potions... there were no potions either. It must have been some weak witch, Morganna thought back then. Or an apprentice for a witch. She wandered if witches get their big cauldrons at their initiations for full-fledged test. And if so, what would the final test be? Brewing of some potion with bat wings and frog eyes? Somehow, Morganna was sure the final test involved cooking some concoction in a big, black cauldron, and that it certainly included bat wings.
Her silent footsteps finally leading her to the source of the song, Morganna's heart raced: the maiden she was about to save was beautiful indeed. Her raven hair reached to the middle of her back in light waves, perfectly matching her equally dark long, tight dress, make-up and nail polish. Quite a contrast to it was her pale tan, her snow-white skin depicting an image of untainted pureness. She was cutting dill, placing it in a dish which looked delicious, singing a beautiful song about a princess waiting for her prince, who had gone off to a war. In the end of the song, the prince dies in a far away land, and the princess remains waiting for him forever. She didn’t even notice the small redheaded girl, who was enchanted by both her singing and cooking skill… Morganna hadn’t eaten that day yet.
And then, as the sweet melody of her song was broken by a loud growl of the little girl’s stomach, the lady turned her head to face the source of intrusion. Morganna could clearly see her face now: she was pretty, with big brown eyes and pleasant smile, her lips neither thin nor full, and her pointed, straight nose giving her a bit of an elegant streak.
"Well, hello there, Morganna", she said with a caring smile. "How are you today?"
Hearing the lady call her by the name, the little girl was shocked. How did she know her? She was certain she would have remembered such a pretty lady.
"Quick, lady!", the little girl said, not wishing to waste any time on idle chatter. "You have to hurry and come with me, or the witch is going to get us!"
Hearing this, the girl's brow furrowed.
The little girl was too busy explaining to notice the amused smile forming on the damsel in distress' face. "Yes! The old witch which has kidnapped you and plans on spreading evil through the land with her evil potion! We must stop her before she collects the bat wings she needs."
Somewhere after bat wings, the raven-haired human burst into light giggles. Of course, she didn't want to offend the girl, so she did her best to keep them as light as possible. It was very amusing.
"So, we will save the kingdom by keeping the witch away from bats?", she asked, visibly amused.
"Exactly!", Morganna agreed with a smile. "You're pretty smart for a damsel in distress."
"But your plan has a fault", the woman in black said, picking the little girl up. Morganna didn't resist... she really liked the lady. The woman then looked her in the eyes with an evil glint in her eyes: "... you see, witches can replace bat wings with something else."
"They can?", the red-haired girl was curious. "With what?"
"With little girls", the woman replied, smirking. Morganna immediately squealed. Since when could witches cheat? "I'm going to cook you, Morganna, and finish my potion."
At this point, the little girl was frozen with fear and amazement. "You... what do you mean?"
"Well... isn't it obvious that I'm the witch?"
"No way", Morganna's former self-assuredness returned very swiftly as the beautiful lady brought the conversation back on her grounds. "You're not old and you're beautiful. Everyone knows witches are old and ugly."
Hearing this, Althea's face suddenly darkened. She became very serious.
"Listen to me, Morganna", she said, her voice trembling, "never judge a person by his and her appearance. If you learn anything from me, ever, let it be that. I am Althea, the witch."
The little red girl was confused now. It seemed that this woman indeed was Althea the witch, but for some odd reason, she didn't look evil. Morganna couldn't fear her, no matter what. She didn't know why, but she felt so safe in this woman's arms. She wanted to be held by her forever. But everyone called her evil... why? Why?!
"Why?!", she cried out suddenly, bursting into tears. "Why aren't you evil like everyone says you are?! You're supposed to be a witch! You're supposed to be evil."
The young woman placed the child on a wooden table in the middle of the room. Morganna sat on the edge, the woman's brown eyes meeting with her bright, intensely-green ones.
"And you're supposed to be the devil", Althea said, in a surprisingly caring voice. "If I am a witch as they say, and you are a devil as they say, I should be no match for you."
"But I'm not a devil!", the little girl was crying, sick of being called like that. She started hitting the raven-haired woman on her chest. "I'm a good girl! I'm good! I'm good! I'll prove that to everyone, and then my grandma and grandpa will be sorry they kicked me out!"
Much to her surprise, Althea smiled compassionately and hugged her. Morganna's tears soaked the young woman's clothes as Althea whispered soothing words into the girl's ear: "I know you're good. You're a great girl." She planted a motherly kiss on the little girl's hair. "Now, what was that last part again."
The little girl was in so much pain that she could barely talk. "*sniff sniff*... My gramps told me... *sniff sniff*... that they never want to see me again. Uwaaaa!"
"Now, now... don't cry, my little Morganna", Althea was trying to calm the girl down to the best of her ability. "Your grandparents don't realize what a good girl you are." For a moment, Althea was silent, as if she was thinking on something. "If you want to, you can stay with me."
Immediately after those words left the raven-haired girl’s mouth, Morganna stopped crying. She still couldn’t believe her ears. “You… you would have me?”
Althea gave her a motherly smile. "Of course. I don’t have children of my own, and you seem like a good girl, Morganna." She pouted and winked. "What say you? Mind living with a witch?"
Instead of immediate answer, Morganna flung herself into the woman's arms. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! You're no witch! You're the best person in the world!"
And so, from that day on, Morganna started living with Althea. It turned out that the accident which earned her the dark title was just that... an accident: her husband was drunk that night, assaulted her, she moved out of the way, and the assailant went flying through the window. Also, the 'witch' knew about magic as much as villagers knew about politics. However, when it came to alchemy and potions, Althea was the master. Morganna would watch her create her oils and ointments, studying many rare books. She had quite a collection, Morganna remembered. And she taught her little friend everything she could. Morganna learned fast, everything, from reading, poetry and philosophy, to alchemy and mathematics. Even Althea, a very intelligent woman, was amazed with little redhead's progress.
During all this time, Morganna slowly grew into a beautiful young woman. Years slowly went by, and as the little red-headed girl started to blossom into a beautiful red rose, she slowly started to discover some new emotions towards her step-mother. She slowly started to notice things about Althea that didn't matter to her before: how beautiful her face was, how kissable her lips looked, how beautifully her figure glistened in the sun. More and more, she was feeling the urge to make their relationship something different than the one of mother and daughter... after all, Althea was not her real mom, and it seemed that she had very similar intentions. When Morganna made her first moves, Althea didn't resist. Rather, she seemed glad to reveal that her little redhead shared her feelings. Of course, both women knew that this wonderful relationship they let themselves into would be instantly interrupted by villagers if they found out about it. They knew that they had to keep it a secret. However, the problem with secrets was that they tended to be discovered...

* * *​

The discovery happened on one beautiful night of spring, few days before Morganna's nineteenth birthday. Harry Burroughby, a farmer, had a quarrel with his neighbor concerning the price at which to sell the young cows that just came to world. The quarrel escalated so much that Harry decided to try and ask for the witch to curse his rival. Of course, he couldn't allow himself to be seen consorting with the witch, so he came using the cover of the night. Unaware of the approaching danger and assured that none of the villagers would dare come near witch's house during the night, the two women started exchanging kisses in the kitchen. Althea was using sweet words to seduce Morganna's mind into thinking of all the wonderful things they will do at her birthday... together, and one to another. Unfortunately, the two women weren't aware of the pair of eyes that observed them from the window... a pair of eyes that will end their relationship.

* * *​

When two women went to answer a knock on the door, they couldn’t even dream of the sight that was waiting for them: an angry mob, army of people armed with torches and pitchforks. It seemed that Harry thought he could get in better grace with village elders by describing how Althea finally started to work with the devil, her ‘unnatural and perverse’ relationship with Morganna (who was considered a demon) serving as a proof. That was all the villagers needed. Led by hatred, fear and ignorance, they ran to Althea’s home, intent on bringing both women to purging flames. Of course, the women tried to fight back, but there was naught they could do. Quickly overpowered, Morganna was forced to watch as Althea is dragged out of the house, her clothes torn apart, the villagers hitting her with rocks and sticks. All of this made Morganna’s blood boil, her vision turning red from anger, almost clouding. She was praying to the gods that they give her power to save Althea, not really caring for herself in that moment, feeling no pain from the hits that were so generously handed to her. All she wanted to do was to save the ‘witch’, trying to reason with the villagers, screaming at them to leave Althea alone.
And then, it happened. Althea managed to free herself from the grip of one villager, freeing her hand, hitting the farmer next to him in order to try and get her other hand free. However, she was stopped in her intent by a farmer who looked at the incident and decided to stop the witch by hitting her with the pitchfork.
As she observed the tool sinking its rough metal teeth into Althea’s pure flesh, drawing blood from her waist, Morganna completely lost it. For a moment, everything she could think of was rage… rage against the farmer, rage against everyone who made this happen. This rage slowly consumed her thoughts, her reason, her vision, finally consuming her entire being, manifesting itself in the form of wild, untamed fire. That fire burned bright, erupting from Morganna’s pores, burning the men around her, the gush of flames from her mouth immolating Althea’s captors. Magic… the latent magic coursing through her veins has manifested for the first time in her life. And a few villagers around her found out the girl’s latent abilities the hard way.
Seeing all of the events coming to pass, Althea decided to heed Morganna’s screaming advice and run. While all of the villagers were stunned, the black-haired girl decided to use the mass confusion and run away, fleeing for her life. Clutching her side, she ran to the forest, where the darkness enveloped her.
The villagers were in shock. They had to fight two fears: one was of entering the cursed forest, which none dared to enter, and the other one was handling the beauty that knelt in the mud before them, exhausted, the release of her magic energy taking a toll so great that she couldn’t even stand. However, it was enough to scare them all to the point where they barely dared breathing in her presence. It didn’t last long, though. As soon as the last drops of strength left Morganna’s heaving body, and the girl fell to the ground, several men rushed her, picking her up. The redhead, not having any more energy to fight, could only watch as the villagers took her to the main square, where they would carry out her punishment. First, however, they made a few stops, allowing for several men in village to rape the redhead, taking away all the dignity she had left. By the time she arrived to the town square, more than twenty men have had their way with her, and her womanhood was bleeding from the rough treatment they gave her. Morganna was crying and begging them to kill her at the time.
However, the crowd wasn’t so merciful to give her a quick death. First, they placed her between two pillars in the main square, whipping her until two torturers could hold the whip no more. It was only then that she would be tossed at the pyre and burned.
Morganna remembered that time well. She remembered how fondly she thought of the flames. The fire, she thought… the fire would surely embrace her. Finally, someone… something… would embrace her, even if it was an embrace of death. Anything, she thought, laying there in the pool of her own blood, looking at how the pyre slowly came to life with orange flames, would be better than this pitiful existence.
And then, just as the villagers were picking her up, ready to toss her half-dead body into the flames, the time stopped. Everything around Morganna froze, even the flames being so humble to stop in their tracks, remaining ever-static. The villagers… everything seemed like a well-made, realistic painting, so realistic, yet so still and lifeless.
And then, in the midst of it all, a white figure emerged from the depths of the forest. Like a star of the play coming out at a well-made stage, the figure moved with such grace, radiating such power that Morganna thought that the avatar of death itself has come for her. But then, how could death be so beautiful, she asked herself, finding herself unable to even look at the figure without breathing heavily, despite her condition.
Step by step, the figure was coming ever-closer, Morganna feeling her heart beat harder and louder with every move the white being made. Was that it? Was this how it ends?, Morganna thought back then, ready to let herself be taken away by the woman, away from this hateful world, away from pain, suffering and rejection.
Finally, the figure stood before the redhead, in her full glory and beauty. Seeing her beautiful face, her graceful lines, Morganna could feel her cheeks blushing, overwhelmed by the woman’s beauty.
“Easy there, little one”, she said, her voice so sweet. Almost like an angel. “You are safe now. Come on, you can pass out freely.”
And those were the final words Morganna heard before listening to the blonde’s advice, her consciousness finally letting up under all the pressure. In the midst of the frozen villagers, the beauty’s vision slipped into darkness.

* * *​

“Hello honey, I’m back”, Daliana called out to the tied redhead, entering the room with Aurora right behind her, led on a tight leash. It seemed her mentor took quick work of her, turning the blonde into a slave that obeys master Daliana, not master Morganna. At least, that was what the redhead could read from the seer’s defeated look, walking completely nude behind the elf.
And just as she was thinking about nudity, a display of Daliana’s bare flesh stunned Morganna: her mistress went through a complete change of outfit, changing into the complete opposite of what she wore before. Where before Daliana's body was wrapped in long, white dress, a silhouette of pureness, now she wore black, tempting clothes which left little to imagination. A tight leather top now covered the woman's large, tempting breasts, outlining them perfectly and hugging them tightly, ending just below. Of course, this left the elf's flat, clearly-outlined belly out in the open, making the redhead admire it; oh, how soft, yet firm it felt under her lips as she would kiss it over and over, never getting enough of that thin, elegant waist.
"See anything you like?", Daliana teased, placing her hand on Morganna's ankle. The mere touch of her palm was enough to make Morganna have hard time holding back a moan of satisfaction. However, the bound girl noticed one more thing: her nails, of silvery color just moments ago, before she went to change, were black now, matching her clothes, an evil premonition engraved in them.
"I see you could earn for a living working as a brothel girl. I just wonder why are you here, and not on some street corner", Morganna replied, shying away from just how much she loved this edition of her lover. However, her eyes, which traced down Daliana's revealing, tight, black leather miniskirt and thongs which left little to imagination, down her long, beautiful, velvet legs, all the way down to her perfect feet, which found shelter in a pair of black high heeled shoes with just a few straps holding them together, betrayed the redhead, clearly displaying her lust.
"Mm... Morganna, you are insulting me", the elf said, placing her right foot on Morganna's tummy, pressing lightly into it, displaying her beautiful toes for her captive to clearly see. They were colored to match the outfit and the nails. "If your eyes weren't practically fucking me, I'd begin to think you didn't like my little outfit."
However, the foot was not there just for aesthetic value, Morganna soon found out, as Daliana started skittering her nails over her foot, driving her crazy with laughter. The redhead, being insanely ticklish on her feet, lost her ability to talk from all the laughter she started howling out. She tried to arch her back, but the foot pressing her tummy was keeping her pinned to the floor, stopping any attempt of moving, and proving just how dominant Daliana was in this situation. Morganna loved it.
And so, minutes passed in constant tickling of Morganna's bare, defenseless foot, Daliana's fingers happily dancing over it, welcoming the sensation they gave up so long ago. The demon kin laughed, screamed and tried to trash, her foot helplessly flailing around to the best of her ability, the constant stream of laughter pouring out from her beautiful lips exhausting her, but the sensation of having her feet touched by those skilled hands was flat-out wonderful. And the best part was that she knew: this was only the beginning.
"Well, then, this certainly was a nice little warm-up, don't you think so?", Daliana said, finally letting up her first assault, leaving Morganna gasping for air, still giggling sweetly from the tickles. Finally, the captive beauty's gorgeous foot lay still, and the elfin sorceress was devouring it with her eyes, the ideas of what she could, and would do, to it flooding her mind. "You don't mind if I pick up the pace a bit?"
"Ha ha... pick up the pace?", Morganna said, still giggling lightly, flexing her toes to tease her captor. "I didn't notice you even starting."
"You are right, Morganna... I haven't even really started yet", the blonde smiled in reply and tossed a pillow from a nearby table on the floor, turning to the slave behind her: "Aurora... kneel in front of this naughty girl. Right on that pillow."
This confused both women. What was Daliana doing, Morganna thought? Was her mistress going to enlist help in breaking her? How utterly disappointing.
"What? Can't break me yourself, so you need aid?", the redhead teased, freeing her tummy from the elf's foot. "What a letdown."
"Oh, I'll think you are mistaken, my dearest", Daliana replied with a smile as Morganna started to feel Aurora's warm breath tickling her supple skin, the blonde human barely restraining herself from putting those beautiful toes in her mouth. The only thing restraining her was Daliana's authority. And speaking of Daliana... she was starting to come back, with set of sturdy wooden stocks in her hands. "You see, I plan on using this blondie as a tickle-tool."
Now this was interesting.
"I see... and just how do you intend to do that?", Morganna asked, observing Daliana place Aurora's feet in stocks, securing them by locking the stocks into the sockets in the floor, and additionally tying the seeress' tender toes back, offering no free movement. As an addition, Aurora's hands were tied to the redhead's knees, her long, elegant fingers lightly touching the gentle skin, even this being enough to make Morganna squirm in her bonds lightly.
Was Daliana trying to... oh no... not that... please, that would be too... wonderful, Morganna thought.
"Fuck you!", Morganna shouted out, figuring out just what Daliana meant by using Aurora as a tickle tool, giving her approval this way.
"Oh, come on, Morganna... say that when you're not getting wet", the woman in black leather replied, flashing her white teeth at the scene of Morganna's womanhood, which was slowly building up heat, moisture starting to form on those sweet, private parts. Then, turning back to Aurora, she commanded: "Now... take her foot into your mouth. As deep as you can."
Just as Morganna expected. Aurora gently, but eagerly opened her mouth, and all Morganna could do was observe as her toes disappeared inside her ex-slave's mouth, one by one, until even her big toe was enveloped. Alas, it did not stop there: Morganna's beautiful foot was enveloped up to the half of the balls by the time those cute, evil mouth stopped devouring them. Seeing this, Morganna knew it was going to be a horrible torture. Oh, how happy she was.
"Now, stay like that", Daliana commanded again, tying Morganna's foot to Aurora's head by a silk scarf, making it impossible for the blonde seeress to take the demon kin's foot out of her mouth. Aurora groaned a few times in protest, but then just sighed in defeat, her tongue nesting between Morganna's big toe and the toe next to it, sending the redhead into a fit of light giggles. Why did she ever leave, a thought crossed Morganna's mind.
"There... all set." An evil smile lingered on the mistress' face as she stood back to admire her work, approaching Aurora from the back with a feather.
Looking at her mentor slowly hold the human girl's waist, moving Aurora's hair to access her helpless neck and, finally, to start kissing it lovingly. Morganna could feel Aurora's moan, as her tongue started moving, licking the foot that so sweetly intruded her mouth. Of course, the red-haired beauty started laughing immediately.
"Like it, Morganna?", Daliana asked. "Wait until I start tickling her, then." A sinister smile appeared on the golden-haired elf's face.
"O... ha ha... oh, fuck you!", Morganna shouted, trying to be defiant, knowing how much Daliana loved breaking her, over and over... and how she enjoyed it every single time.
“Oh, Morganna…”, Daliana pouted, obviously flattered. “There will be time for that later. First, I must punish you for being such a bad, bad girl.”
And with those words, the dominant beauty released her beautiful breasts from the confinements of the tight, leather top, letting it slither down her velvet, tanned skin, down to the floor, making her prisoner sigh in amazement: even after seeing them so many times, the stunning beauty of those round, big, healthy mounds almost blinding her.
Immediately, Morganna started to struggle in her bonds, trying to reach out for her lover’s breasts: she yearned to touch them, to kiss them lovingly, just like in the old days, to hear the woman she loves moan as she plays with her, bringing them both to the gates of heaven, and through, all the way to the stars. Just you wait, Daliana, she thought, I’ll come back to you, and then we’ll make up for it all… for all eternity, together.
“All right… now, let’s get this show on the road”, the woman in topless said, showing a glowing orb to her ticklee. “Remember these?”
Ah yes… those orbs… Daliana’s invention. She called them Mana balls, passing the knowledge of them to the mages later. Made out of small, almost-empty glass balls, no more than two inches in radius, the special, small crystal inside tapping on the magical energy of the artifact’s holder until it would fill up, serving as a container and a power source for many automatons or magical devices. If filled up completely, one of them could power a golem for many years. And this one looked ready to burst from power.
Morganna forced a laid-back smile on her lips. “Yes? What about them?”
“Oh nothing… I was just wondering if I put it in this…” With those words, Morganna’s mentor took a small device into her hand, showing it to her former apprentice. It consisted of a round board, dotted with many feathers, secured on a tiny, cubic wooden frame. Its usage was all too simple to guess: when the power source would be inserted, the feathers start rotating, serving as a devious tickle-machine. And with such a power source, it could certainly run for centuries without stopping.
“Oh, is that supposed to scare me?”, Morganna continued putting up the brave front.
Daliana placed the Mana ball into the device, and the little appliance happily sprang to life, the feathers cheerfully rotating. “Yes, I could see how this won’t make you loose your cool, Morganna…” Then, she turned to Aurora. “But, do you think she can hold her mouth and hands still while having her feet feathered by… two of these?”
And with those words, one more machine appeared, this one already powered-up and working. Seeing it, and hearing her predicament, the tied blonde tried to struggle against her bonds, to protest, to plea, but to no avail. All she accomplished was tickling Morganna a bit, and all she could do in the end was helplessly watch as the two devices were placed in front of her soft, outstretched feet, happily touching them, the feathers dancing along their soft surface.
Of course, this sent the poor girl into fits of laughter, muffled by the foot inside her mouth. However, the woman’s fight with bonds on all sides meant her tongue slithering all over parts of Morganna’s foot inside her mouth, and her teeth nibbling on it from time to time as well, sending the redhead back into the state of wild laughter. As if that wasn’t enough, knowing how ticklish her feet were, Morganna’s knee was under ticklish attack as well, as Aurora’s fingers flailed around, touching her skin all too often, driving her wild. As a ticklee, Aurora was great. As a tickling device, Aurora proved perfect.
“Geez…”, Daliana spoke elegantly, observing Morganna in her state of frenzied laughter, the woman laughing so hard she couldn’t even speak coherently. “I wonder what happened to that earlier attitude of yours.”
As hard as Morganna tried to answer with yet another sassy, witty remark, in the end she had to quit, seeing how she really was powerless to say anything, Aurora doing too fine a job at tickling… and arousing her. Very soon, the red-headed beauty became all too aware of the heat welling up in her womanhood, which was secreting love juices ever since the love of her life took her bra off.
Of course, Daliana was taking in the sight of the little creek that began to form between her lover’s legs, savoring it. It was no secret that she was welcoming this opportunity, having Morganna for herself again after so long. It wasn’t just for the sex… no, Daliana knew, this was the woman she wanted to spend eternity with. And she, being more than fourteen centuries old, knew all too well what eternity meant.
“Morganna… you seem to be enjoying yourself”, she said, taking off her left shoe, placing her tender sole on the redhead’s lower lips, using her toes to massage right above the woman’s pussy. Naturally, the exposed womanhood replied by bucking and producing yet greater stream of juices, its owner visibly approaching orgasm at lightning speed. “Let’s see if I can help somehow.”
And it was after those words that Daliana brought herself closer, taking a seat on the chair she summoned out of thin air. For her, such summoning was a piece of cake.
Thus seated, the blonde wizard took the other captive foot into her hands, massaging it lightly, the foot responding by grateful wiggling of the toes. As much as Morganna was tickled and aroused on both fronts, she always knew how to appreciate foot massage. However, she could never guess what was following: Daliana leaned forward, taking her two own breasts into her hands and enveloping the foot she massaged just moments ago in those mounds of pleasure.
“Mmm… I can see you’ll enjoy this”, she moaned, enjoying the feeling of this divine foot nested between her breasts. Slowly, she started to massage them, and Morganna responded by struggling madly against her bonds, bucking wildly and going mad from lust.
The redhead didn’t care any more… she just wanted to get to Daliana, her love. She wanted to make up for all those years without her, as now she felt what she was missing, and her will was quickly being crushed. Even on that day, she barely forced herself to leave, knowing that this was something she had to do. However, feeling her lover’s expertise again, seeing her, feeling her strong aura… all of this shattered her resolve. If this goes on, she didn’t know how she could find strength to continue this little trip.
Daliana continued to massage her disciple’s foot with her breasts, enjoying her reactions, her beautiful toes still massaging right above Morganna’s womanhood, driving her completely wild.
“Mmm… it feels so good, doesn’t it?”, she said seductively, slowly bowing her head towards the pretty toes that protruded from her bosom. Then, a pink, elegant snake left the woman’s mouth, playing with Morganna’s toes, licking them at their very tips, enjoying to see them twitch and dance, switching to licking their tops when they would curl, and their bases when they would spread.
Nobody but Morganna knew where she got strength for laughter of even greater intensity from, but somehow she managed to pull it off, along with getting even more aroused at the scene and sensation of her toes being licked by that skillful tongue. She knew that, at this rate, she would climax within mere moments, and that was what she feared: it was Daliana’s tactic. Her mistress would allow her one or two orgasms, to increase her sensitivity to even greater heights, then deny her the next one, keeping her on the verge until she broke, with a spell if needed (and it usually was).
The climax came more quickly and more intensely than Morganna expected. Soon after her mouth started busying themselves with the toes in her bosom, Daliana started using her toes, ones which formerly massaged her captive, to tickle her nether regions, provoking even more laughter from the redhead, but also sending her to heights of passion. Morganna tried to fight it, to hold the orgasm in, but all she managed to do was to delay it for a few seconds… and increase its power manifold.
The current of pleasure that ran through the redhead’s body caused her spasms all over her body, letting out a loud, pleased shriek as her mind left her body for a while, lost in infinite sea of pleasure for those sweet few seconds… or, to Morganna, sweet few eternities. Such was the force of this orgasm that flew through her body that it almost took her consciousness in the passing, her womanhood squirting out feminine nectar all over Daliana’s foot.
“Oh my… you shot out quite a load, didn’t you?” Daliana noted with a satisfied smile, lifting her foot for Morganna to see. Indeed, her foot was bathed in the creamy liquid.
Alas, the woman in question could not take good note of her work, as she quickly returned to the state she was in before: one of frenzied laughter, just stronger this time, as orgasm had left the fiery goddess even more sensitive than before. Just as she recovered from orgasm, she began howling with laughter, even though her teacher stopped her sensual massage, denying her access to those luscious breasts, wiping her foot clean with several tissues.
Then, her feet pristinely clean, the sorceress gave her ticklee a compassionate smile. "Ready for round two?"
Morganna tried to send her to nine hells like a good girl, but found herself unable to do anything but to scream out and howl in laughter, as Aurora relentlessly reacted to feathers which were still tickling her overly-sensitive soles. However, this time Morganna was in for a spell, too, as her captor had cast a spell she dreaded the most: one that would deny her orgasm. Morganna knew the chant for the spell all too well and she knew that both she and Daliana could cast it with just a flick of the wrist. But, that wouldn't please the golden-haired dominatrix. No. She wanted to see the clear mix of fear and joy in those emerald eyes she so adored as she slowly cast the spell.
"O NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! FAHAHAK.... FUHUHU... FUHUHUCK YOUUHUHUHUUUUUUUUU!!!!", Morganna somehow managed to shout out, telling Daliana in her own way not to stop.
"Wish to do it that hard?", Daliana winked, pouting. "All right..."
And with those words leaving her lips, the elfin woman released another piece of clothing: her miniskirt. Slowly letting it glide down her pale skin, Daliana was now showing herself almost completely to the two women, enjoying the lustful looks from both of them, as neither of the two women’s eyes could lift themselves from her godly figure, which now presented itself in its full beauty. The only area protected was her womanhood, her black thongs snatching it away from the curious eyes.
“So…”, the woman smiled mischievously, yet seductively, “… where did we stop?”
Of course, due to her immense laughter, Morganna couldn’t respond.
The elfin beauty sighed. “You know, it’s no fun if I’m going to have a monologue here. I guess… it would be better if we carry the rest of this in silence.”
To be honest, Morganna thought the same. While she hated to part herself from her mentor’s silky voice, the demon kin had to admit that there was no fun in it if she isn’t able to talk back. Also, breathing and concentrating were becoming problems, since Aurora was tickling her all too well, and her muscles were sore and exhausted. She felt like she needed a break, but at the same time she didn’t want it. She knew that, if she got regular breaks, she would never break. And that was not something she would want.
Obeying her oath of silence, the golden maiden slowly approached her red-headed captive, sitting on her belly and leaning forward to kiss her on the arms, her gentle hands sensually and slowly caressing along their length. For Morganna, this felt good… very erotic, and were it not for Aurora’s maddening tickling, the fiery temptress would be moaning.
Little by little, the gentle kisses went down the captive woman’s arms, finally nesting themselves in her smooth, sensitive armpits, increasing the intensity of the tickles, as well as the beauty’s laughter. So intense was Morganna’s response that she almost threw the blonde off her, bucking wildly. Being that a thick layer of sweat was coating her body by now, staying on top of her proved to be very tricky. Of course, Daliana managed to do it, happily reaping the reward, licking along the pits of pleasure, joyfully taking in her lover’s reactions.
Morganna didn’t know how much time passed in torture of her helpless armpits, but to her it seemed both too long and too short. She was exhausted, her sore muscles yearning for a pause, but her private parts, and her mind, were begging for more. She was asking herself where her mentor will strike next, as she slowly felt her consciousness fading away. No matter in how good a shape the granddaughter of succubus was, tickling this intense and long took her toll on her, and the lack of air became an issue she could no longer ignore. Slowly, she started drifting away into blackness…
… only to feel the woman of her dreams let up her attacks, getting up from her. Quickly, before the redheaded beauty departed for the land of dreams, Daliana untied Aurora, stopping the tickling on both women.
Even though her vision slowly returned, it took some time for Morganna to stop giggling and laughing, becoming painfully aware of her sore muscles. Once she managed to calm herself, she groaned from pain, madly struggling for breath.
“Enjoying yourself?” Daliana asked, untying Aurora, who was crying broken tears.
“Please, mistress…”, the submissive woman pleaded, her beautiful face red and crunched in a grimace, “… please… don’t torture me any more. Please!”
Daliana just smiled.
“Oh, don’t worry… you are no longer needed”, she said. “You’re not the one that needs punishment.” Then, she gave her other captive a meaningful look. “She is.”
“Boo hoo… I’m so scared now”, Morganna rolled her emerald eyes, still groaning from pain, breathing heavily. “Please, Daliana, if this is what you consider punishment, then I must say I’m very disappointed.”
“Oh, you don’t worry, I’ll deal with you. I just need to put this toy back to where she belongs.” And with a sadistic smile, Daliana brought the pleading woman to the wall, pinning her there. Then, she locked her neck and arms into the shackles in the wall, all at the same height. Next, the elf shackled her prisoner’s ankles to the floor, about at her shoulder level in width.
Seeing that she was being tied again, Aurora started to panic and plead for mercy: “Please, mistress, I’ll be a good girl… no, please, let me go…”
However, despite the girl’s pleas, Daliana just silently placed a gag around her mouth, preventing the beauty from speaking. The only words left in her repertoire were few incomprehensible mumbles, which she tried to use to win the favor of her mistress, along with the pleading, most humble look a human being could produce.
Unfortunately for the slave-girl, mercy was not on the menu.
The angelic smile on elfin wizard’s face was the exact opposite of her devious actions. No matter how desperate the look in Aurora’s eyes got, no matter how hard she cried, nothing could save her from her predicament: Daliana placed one of those tickling machines on a chair, adjusting its height so it would tickle her flat, sensitive tummy, right above her womanhood.
Of course, Aurora did her best to avoid this tickling: she tried trashing, bucking, pulling at the bonds, even squeezing her hand out of the bonds, but nothing helped. The shackles proved too much for her, and in her defeat, Aurora had to accept the ticklish punishment of having her belly feathered, whether she liked it or not.
As Daliana was elegantly strolling back to her, Morganna noticed one thing that kept eluding her all along: the blonde beauty still had one high heel on, that and her thongs being the only pieces of clothing left on Daliana’s beautiful body. Even though it was hard, the elf managed to walk gracefully, the fact that she was missing a shoe not even noticed in her walk, her hips still swaying so delightfully, her breasts seductively calling out for Morganna’s eyes and admiration.
“And now for the main course…”, she said, turning to emerald-eyed beauty, offering her a glass of water to drink. Morganna drank it gratefully, for all this sweating and muscular activity has left her dehydrated, not to mention the orgasm. “Ready for your punishment?”
“Well, if you’ll be the one dishing it, then I have nothing to worry about, don’t I?” Morganna said this in a very sassy tone, provoking her tickler, as always.
“Mm…”, Daliana purred, laying on her captive, caressing the redhead’s curly mane, and then tracing a single elegant finger along her lips, passionately and carefully.
Not being able to hold it any longer, Morganna gently kissed the finger, allowing herself this small release in order to preserve her own sanity.
“Come on, now, bring it on”, she said. “Let me see what you learned while I was away.”
“You can’t wait, can you?” With an impish smirk on her face, Daliana slowly traced her nail to her neck, where it was joined by his nine twin brothers, lightly tickling the supple skin they found there. Daliana’s sapphire eyes glistened with joy at the sight of Morganna’s smiling face, those beautiful lips stretched out in a grin, those white teeth showing themselves, adorning the already gorgeous mouth.
“Ha ha… I would like it… ha ha… if you actually started taking my punishment seriously… ha ha… really, Daliana, you disappoint me.” For the sake of argument, the elfin woman tickled only lightly, allowing Morganna freedom of speech, knowing full well the side-effect such tickles had on the redhead: slowly but surely, they will arouse her more and more, the sensuality of the touches slowly building up the heat, like raindrops falling into a glass. And, when that glass fills up, it will be her spell that keeps it from spilling.
“Well, I hope that I will be able to live up to your expectations.” Daliana was starting to kiss the redhead’s neck, adding some fuel to the fire that was starting to tingle between the woman’s legs. Slowly, both her hands and her mouth started advancing lower, down Morganna's collarbone, all the way to her luscious breasts.
Feeling the soft kisses on her skin, the redhead could not suppress moans of wild pleasure that was slowly taking her body over. No longer certain how long would it be until she lets herself go and starts begging for more touches, Morganna intensified her role of bad girl, knowing how sweeter it was for Daliana to break her when she acts so naughty. Even to her, it was way more fun to break someone who resisted than someone who just started begging outright. There was this sweet feeling of accomplishment when you see the iron will shatter under your very fingers, the person who seemed so determined before turned into a weeping, broken slave.
“You tickle so… *giggle* amateurishly”, she tried to tease. However, the tone of her voice, which clearly showed just how turned on the woman was, just proved the effectiveness of methods used on her.
“Oh, do I?”, Daliana was amused. She took her captive’s nipple in her mouth, nibbling on its edges. At the same time, her tongue started licking the pink, stiff mound of flesh, while her hand helped itself to the other nipple, those sharp, well-manicured nails of hers tickling the hardened pink area sensually. "I wonder what do you do when a real pro tickles you, then?"
To accent her words, the blonde started to advance her free hand higher, nesting it in the redhead's armpit, returning her into the state of helpless, frenzied laughter, even more so because of the orgasm. In this sensitive state, each stroke tickled four times harder, each skittering nail counting for a whole hand.
"What's the matter, Morganna?", the granddaughter of succubus managed to hear the blonde's voice from behind her own laughter, "Why are you laughing? Is something funny?"
"NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", Morganna tried to reply, only being able to do so after putting all of her remaining strength into it: "YOUHUR PUNY EFFORTS ARE MAKING ME LAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAUGH!!!"
"Oh, is that so?", Daliana replied, feigning hurt pride. "Well, maybe I'm tickling the wrong area." She glanced at her captive's beautiful feet, which have joined the rest of the body in struggling against the bonds which subjected them to Daliana's torture, which never relented, save for her mouth when she needed to say something. "Maybe, if you ask nicely, I can tickle your feet next?"
"Never!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!", Morganna managed to reply, barely suppressing wild moans of pleasure that was slowly taking her over again. This tickling of her nipples, and her helpless armpit... it was carried out with such skill, and with such sensuality, that she was finding herself very close to heaven's gate again. She started to rub her hips against her mentor, trying to arouse the blonde as well, to make her drop the spell and start making love to her. If she did that, Morganna would be glad, but disappointed at the same time. When she does make love to Daliana now, she wanted to be broken. She wanted to be made to beg, to admit that she had been a bad, bad girl, and that she needs to be punished. She wanted to be made to beg for punishment, and then receive it.
Of course, Daliana lived up to the beauty’s expectations. Not only did she not untie Morganna, she started to lower herself, her body, lips and hands, down the demon kin's firm, flat belly, licking it with unseen passion, her elegant fingers caressing it, sliding down the perfectly sculpted sides and waist.
And then, when the maiden's tongue and arms found their targets, Morganna shot her head up, opening her eyes so hard they almost popped out, only to shut them tight in the very next moment, her head falling far back, the woman laughing as hard as her lungs allowed. Daliana was tickling her inner thighs, each hand taking care of one leg, while her tongue went deep, deep inside her womanhood, licking the hot flesh found inside, invading her so shamelessly.
“AAH!! HAHAHAHAHA… AAH… HAHAHA… *aah* *gasp*”, Morganna was trapped between two kinds of wild screams: those of laughter, and those of pleasure. The tickles at her inner thighs sent the beauty into the orbit, their originally high sensitivity increased manifold by the orgasm.
And then there was the tongue. That devious tongue, deep inside her, was finding all of her most sensitive spots, touching them all again and again, torturing her with waves of pleasure. At this tempo, Daliana was rushing her towards the top, invading her, fucking her with that skilled tongue, and she couldn’t do a thing about it.
That knowledge got Morganna even more aroused.
And so, willingly raped by her lover, Morganna quickly climbed mount Pleasure, reaching the top within minutes, only to find she couldn’t reach it. Of course, she thought, the spell… the spell was preventing her from crossing heaven’s gate and reaching for the stars, leaving an impenetrable lock right there to mock her.
Interrupted by wild laughter, the beautiful demon kin howled with pleasure, and in frustration of not being able to achieve orgasm. With all of her remaining strength, she pulled at her bonds, trying to set herself free, but to no avail. She was trapped there and helpless to do anything but let herself go and enjoy.
And so she did. Finally dropping even the last of her defenses, Morganna let herself go, letting her thighs frantically flail around, trying to avoid the nimble fingers that were dancing along their surface. At the same time, she was fiercely pressing her womanhood against Daliana's face, trying to make her tongue go deeper inside, eager to feel more of it, her mind poisoned with pleasure. In this twisted state of mind, where tickling and pleasure were fighting for dominion over her consciousness, Morganna was convinced that, if she got horny enough, she could break through the spell. A foolish hope for someone of a clear mind, it was the only consolation for almost-broken ticklee.
And so, the tickles went on and on. All the while, Morganna was pleasured more and more, her mind and body drifting between heaven and hell. She was practically fucking her mentor in the mouth, while at the same time trying to avoid her fingers. Captured between tickling and pleasure, Morganna felt her will cracking fast, and she knew it was only a matter of time before she crumbled completely.
"AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT!! HAHAHAHA!!! YOU WIHIHIN!!" The breaking moment came not long after, the redhead finally giving in to torture. She started to cry, as an all-too-familiar event occurred, one she knew was coming all the while: Daliana managed to break her. Her once-mighty will was shattered into a million pieces, and now she was nothing but a desperate, giggling mass, there to serve her master... to beg for her mercy. And that feeling brought her even closer to orgasm as the fiery beauty found it enthralling, as many a time before. "PLEASE, STOP!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
The redhead had to scream at top of her lungs to be able to speak, like before.
"Oh, I win? Win what?", Daliana acted stupid, ceasing her licking just for a second, but returning to her post immediately.
"ANYTHEHEHEHEHENG!!! Just please... STAHAHAHAP!!!", Morganna cried, feeling the wet tongue leave her hot insides, only to be replaced by the other woman's two skilled fingers, which played her like a violin, fine-tuning her moans and screams. Daliana was sitting on her ankles now, her beautiful face covered in Morganna's juices.
"All right... how about you telling me why you really left?"
"I... *moan*... left because... *groan*... I wanted to go on... one last... *moan*... adventure", Morganna replied, no longer tickled so she could be interrogated. However, she was still crying, and was still kept on the edge of orgasm by the beauty's fingers. "Please, Daliana, let me cum!"
"Please, mistress, you mean?"
"Please, Mistress!", Morganna was broken, and would have accepted anything. However, it was clear that her former teacher wasn't satisfied with the answer she got.
"The truth, Morganna!" She accented that demand by pinching the woman in question on the clitoris, so hard that she screamed.
"AAAH!!! Please!!!", Morganna's cries were desperate, her face red from tears. "It's the truth! I swear!"
"So, you wanted to go on one last adventure?", Daliana purred, returning to pleasuring the redhead.
"Yes!! I swear it! I swear it!", Morganna's pleas were desperate, interrupted by moans and howls of pleasure, as well as tears.
"Last adventure before what?"
"Last *moan* adventure before I *aah!* marry you!"
This really stunned Daliana. For a few moments, her jaw dropped, and she looked dumbfounded. However, in just a few moments, she regained composure, her free hand lightly and sensually caressing Morganna's knee, heading towards her foot. She was visibly angry.
"Don't lie to me, Morganna! You couldn't have left me only for that!"
"It's the truth... *aah* *moan*... please... I swear it was only that... *gasp*", Morganna replied, her eyes widening in fear from what was to come.
"And how the hell did that adventure cause you to end up in Yamamoto with a personal tickle slave?"
"The... *groan*... chosen one." At this state, Morganna knew that only truth could save her and bring her into her mistress' grace. "Please *sob* mistress, stop."
"Stop?", Daliana raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean, please, mistress, fuck me?"
"Yes! Yehehehes!", Morganna cried out, trembling from pleasure, ready to explode at any given time. With that finger pleasuring her so skillfully, the tied beauty was prepared to offer anything just to orgasm. This humiliation only served to further arouse her. "Please, mistress, fuck me! Fuck me!"
The other woman purred darkly. "Mm... such a compelling wish. However, before I do that...", she accented this with a few light strokes along Morganna's smooth forelegs, causing her to let out a few cute giggles as well, "... you'll have to explain to me everything. What do want with the chosen one? And...", she lazily pointed at the chained blonde, who was desperately laughing and crying behind her gag, unable to stop the tickling, a stream of feminine juices coming out from her womanhood, "... what does she have to do with all of it?"
"Daliana... please, let me cum!", Morganna begged. However, her mentor was persistent.
"Answer me!"
"All right! *gasp* *moan* I want to use her to conquer Enterion!", Morganna kept crying broken tears, moaning wildly, fucking Daliana's fingers. "And... Aurora... she... ah... ah... she is a... ah... seer!"
"Oh... and when would you have time for me, a lowly magician, as a queen of Enterion?", Daliana didn't seem amused.
"No! Daliana! Ah... ah... please... ah...", the woman was in ecstasy, barely keeping her train of thought. "We... ah... we would rule it... ah... together... Enterion would be... *moan*... my gift to you."
Hearing this, the blonde was enraged. She started to fiercely caress Morganna's G-spot, at the same time tickling her behind the knee for a bit.
"Don't lie to me!", she ordered, her tone sharp as a blade despite the normal loudness of her voice. "First you pack up so suddenly, and then you come up with such a ridiculous story about trying to take over Enterion! And to share the throne with me! Hah!" Then, a tear started sliding down her cheek, her fierce exterior and voice broken, on the verge of crying. "If you don't love me any more... please, say so... I'll survive... somehow."
"Daliana!", despite her desperate, broken state, despite her immense ticklishness, Morganna was talking clearly now: in her broken mind, one thing was clearly floating, one thought so important that it brought all of them together: the love of her life was questioning her love towards her. And that was something she could never allow, no matter what. "Go... aah... go ahead and torture me all you *moan* want. Aaah... Keep me on the edge of orgasm for years, until my heart betrays me, flay me alive, impale me, whip me until I have no skin on my body left... either way, no matter what you... or anyone else... does to me... *moan* ... I... I will die with your name on my lips, and the words: 'I love you.' And... *moan*... Enterion will know... aaahh... *moan*... no greater truth... *gasp*... than the one... aah... ahh... that Morganna loved... ah... ah... ah... Daliana, with all her heart and... aaaaah... soul."
Hearing her lover say those words, those words she so wanted to hear, the blonde could hold back no longer, and she flung herself at her lover, embracing her and giving her a kiss so passionate that both women felt jolts of electricity coursing through their bodies as long as their lips were together. Of course, Morganna was all too eager to return the kiss, fighting her bonds with all her remaining strength, trying to embrace her lover.
"Why...", once their lips parted, Daliana asked, tears rolling down her reddening face, "Why did you leave me, Morganna?"
"I... I wanted to see the world, one last time before committing myself eternally to you, I swear", Morganna cried as well. However, unlike the broken tears she was crying before, these tears came from her heart: out of sorrow and happiness intertwined. Happiness for seeing her lover again, and sorrow for seeing her cry. "And... somewhere, along the way, I found out that you, my love, who mean the world to me, should have all these people look up to you as a queen that you are... a queen of my heart."
Hearing this, Daliana wiped her tears away. It was clear that she trusted what Morganna just said, and the way her nails started tickling the redhead's nipples indicated that she was regaining composure.
"Morganna, you little fool", she said, enjoying the renewed moans and laughs she got from her victim. "When you have lived as long as I have, you have seen countless mortals and immortals alike come and go. You have seen the birth of kingdoms, only to see them fall to ash again. You have seen enough to know that ruling anything other than yourself won't make you happy." She tried to look deep into those emerald eyes, but it was kind of hard, as Morganna kept flailing her head around, her red mane spilling all over, making her look as if she was a sea of fire. "I do not wish for Enterion, Morganna, as power is a treacherous thing. I would live to see the effects of every single mistake I make, I would have to spend eternity in fear for both my safety and your. No, Morganna... the life on the position of supreme power is not a happy one. All I really want is you."
"*giggle* And you will... aah... have me... ah.. *giggle*... *groan*", Morganna replied, loving the sensation of Daliana's nails, screaming from pleasure and damning that spell in her mind for not letting her pass the heaven's gate. "Please... AAAH... Fuck me!!"
A sadistic smile was back on Daliana's face as she took Morganna's left nipple into her mouth, sucking on it, her tongue circling around the tip, playing with it skillfully. Her hand was still tickling the beauty's nipple, while the now-free one skittered along the exposed belly. Of course, Morganna answered with more pleas, moans and giggles, too exhausted to struggle any more.
"Now, now", she said, taking the nipple back into her mouth as soon as she finished saying those words, "you know you were a bad girl for running away, Morganna. Now I need to punish you, don't you think?"
Morganna gasped in fear. "Ah...ah... punish me? Hahahahahaha... aaah... please, no more... ah...hahahahaha...ah...haha... I beg of you."
"I see...", Daliana said, feigning disappointment, "then I have no other choice than to teach you just how bad a girl you've been, and how much you deserve to be punished."
Morganna's curiosity as to what will her mentor do to her next was stated within seconds: the blonde took her remaining shoe off and faced Morganna's feet, kneeling so that Morganna's leg was between hers. Her beautiful feet she placed on Morganna's breasts, tickling those beautiful, stiff nipples with her toes.
At the same time, Daliana's hands held Morganna's leg captive in front of her, caressing her with tickles behind the knees with one hand, and on the back of her thigh with her other, going from just below her knee all the way to the place where redhead's leg met her ass, then back.
"And now, for the main course..."
All Morganna was able to see from her helpless position was the image of head full of beautiful blonde hairs approach her feet, a sight soon complemented by a sensation of something soft and wet slithering along the top of her foot. Daliana's tongue... it was licking the supple skin offered to it, driving its owner crazy, unable to talk anymore, only moans and exhausted laughter remaining. As ticklish as her feet were, Morganna always found the way Daliana carried out very erotic. Coupled with the rest of the tickles and her current state, this technique worked devastatingly well. So erotic was this method for the poor ticklee that she was not trying to move her feet away: she was trying to get her toes into her mistress' mouth.
"Mmm... you want me to suck on your toes, don't you, naughty girl?", Daliana teased between licks. Morganna replied with more laughter, unable to produce any comprehensible sounds. However, despite knowing this, Daliana resumed all of her attacks, telling her captive: "If you want to cum, you need to show me just how sorry you are. I think nothing less than... me licking your soles would do, don't you agree?"
Morganna couldn't reply, and even if she could, they wouldn't be the words Daliana was trying to torture out of her. Instead of begging for more, she would beg for mercy, her eyes focused on the beautiful sight of Daliana's bare, soft soles and those elegant toes that kept tickling and arousing her further. She remembered them, she remembered all those times she worshipped those godly extremities, and how she enjoyed it. After all, it was Daliana herself who made Morganna discover this fetish within herself.
"Ahahahaha.... *moan*... aaah... ahahahahaha... please... aah... tohohohorture mehehehe... aaah... please, mihihistres... oh, god... punish me..." It took only a few minutes more for Morganna to break, then just about the same amount of time for her to be able to utter those pleading words, the words that condemned her to more of this sweet hell.
Hearing this, Daliana was obviously pleased. She rotated herself around Morganna's leg like a skilled stripper on a pole, taking great care not to hurt her captive in process. Now, the beautiful wizard was facing Morganna's exquisite sole, placing one foot on the redhead's pussy, and stretching her other leg out, her foot ending just above the captive's face.
Of course, Morganna instinctively lashed out at the foot, trying to lick it, only to find that she was lacking precious few millimeters to do so. Daliana kept her foot just out of reach of the beauty's tongue and, no matter how hard Morganna tried, she couldn't reach it.
"Noo...", Morganna wept, hypnotized by the beautiful foot just out of her reach. Even normally, when she would find Daliana's feet at such close distance, Morganna would instinctively try to lick them, finding the act extremely erotic. And in this horny state, when Eros was controlling her body, Daliana's skilled toes ensuring that it remains that way, the desire to lick that gorgeous foot was irresistible. "Please..."
"Mm... like my foot?", Daliana pouted, flexing her toes just out of her captive's reach in order to arouse her additionally. "Want to... lick it...", she took a good, long lick all across the alluring instep in front of her face, her tongue easily sinking into the soft flesh found there, "... like this?"
Morganna didn't reply with anything but laughter, her toes curling as she felt the enjoyable, tickly wetness crossing her sole. However, she didn't waver in her attempts to take a lick of that divine sole laid out in front of her, its toes waving to her, still just out of her reach.
"Mm, yes...", Daliana talked as seductively as she licked her helpless instep. "I can see you want to let your tongue run across my sole. You want to feel it squirm, don't you? You want to taste my skin, graze it with your tongue over and over." All the while, the enchantress' foot was twitching and bending, her toes curling and spreading, as if it was actually licked, provoking and arousing the redhead to no end.
"Plehehease... aaah... aaahahahahahhh... ahhh...", Morganna pleaded with teary eyes, her tongue trying to get to that enchanting sole so hard it hurt, and Morganna felt as if it was going to rip itself from her mouth on its own. All the while, her own foot was getting licked with unseen skill and passion, twitching, dancing, suffering and enjoying at the same time.
"Confess, Morganna", Daliana's voice was silent and seductive, knowing that in this condition she didn't even have to be commanding. "Admit all the naughty, naughty things you want to do to my foot." Of course, she was still licking the woman's sole, and her foot was still playing just out of her reach.
"Ahahaha... aahh... I want to lick it... ahh... hahahahaha... I want to suck on... aaah... your toes... hahahehehehehaha... nibble on your... heeheheheheel... aaaah...", Morganna started counting, admitting defeat yet again, giving in to Daliana's methods.
On the other side, Daliana was having a time of her immortal life. Seeing Morganna broken under her again, after so long, felt so good that the very image of it brought the woman into a state of ecstasy, and she was grateful that she managed to keep Morganna busy enough to miss out on how turned on she was as well. The mere look at that beautiful face, the feeling of that precious love button under her sensitive toes... all of those were a divine aphrodisiac for the gorgeous dominatrix. As subtle as she could, she ripped her wet thongs off, exposing her flooding womanhood to cool air, still resuming the teases, licks and clit-massage. She knew that her patience was at the end, as was Morganna; for all her strength and endurance, as well as extraordinary willpower, Morganna had her limits as well, and she was reaching them. Thus, Daliana decided to make one, last tease before allowing release for both of them.
"Do you remember how ticklish it is?", she said, playing with her foot in front of Morganna's hungry eyes. "Do you remember how hungrily you licked it on so many a occasion? When I'd be the one in bondage, and you would tenderly make love to my feet, breaking me in the process, but sending us both to stars and back several times before that? Do you remember, back in the beginning, when you would exercise your techniques on me before applying them on the one who betrayed you, of course, in a much, much less enjoyable way?"
"Yes! Aaah! Yes! Hahahaha... I remember... I remember it aaah... all!", the demon kin's emerald eyes never let the beautiful instep out of her sight as she relentlessly tried to lick it, images of the past coming into her mind, flooding. Althea betrayed her. Left her there, at the mercy of the mob, while she begged Daliana for sanctuary, not even mentioning her. It was only after the elfin beauty used her magic to scan her mind, finding her story lacking, that she found the truth out. She went out and saved Morganna, at first only interested in her potential as a magician. However, as time passed by, she warmed up to the lost, misunderstood girl seeking vengeance. She started teaching Morganna everything, from magic to love making, happy to have such an eager student. Also, she thought her ways of exacting her vengeance upon Althea, the witch girl being their unwilling ticklee for four years, by which time she was nothing more than an insane shell of a woman she used to be. When that period passed, Morganna finished her off, as well as making her return to the village and killing anybody who was a part of that mob on that day. Morganna was sure she made no mistakes: after all, when someone puts you through what they put her through, you tend to remember faces, no matter how many of them were there.
"All right...", Daliana said, satisfied, eager to begin making love to her pupil. "Then, tell me, Morganna... would you like to have me now?"
"Yes! Haha... aah... Yes, please!", Morganna eagerly replied. Finally, she thought, that sweet moment will come. She didn't know how much more of this she could take.
With an eager smile on her face, Daliana laid herself on the hip, sliding the foot she was holding in front of Morganna's face to the side, while the one that was massaging her womanhood came in front of her face, this time so the redhead could reach it. This brought the two women's nether regions together, and they both started rubbing against each other vigorously, each one moaning in delight. With a snap of the fingers, Daliana undid her lover's bonds, feeling the freed legs immediately intertwine around her waist, and her both ankles caught in woman's hands and brought to redhead's face. Of course, an intense licking followed immediately, and Daliana found herself mixing moans and giggles as Morganna's tongue ferociously licked her tender, elegant, ticklish soles. Naturally, Daliana was all too eager to return the favor.
And so, the two women made frantic love to each other, Daliana quickly coming to the point where she knew she was only seconds away from orgasm, Morganna's clit rubbing against hers in perfect sync. She regretted not being able to use all of her... no, any of her love-making skills in this position, but those were not meant for this occasion. Now was not the time for slow, sensual build up of passion, tricks to invoke fireworks or special poses. Now was the time to let the passion out, she thought, using her last conscious moments to dispel the spell she cast on Morganna, and then joining her disciple in the stars, both women entering a new universe: one of exquisite pleasure. This feeling, though it only lasted a few seconds, was so intense that all of blonde's senses were turned off for a moment, so that her body could devote itself to it.
When she finally came back to her senses, when those few precious seconds ended, Daliana was surprised to see that Morganna was still having hers. She was shaking from its force, spasming and squirting out feminine juices. Was this orgasm that long, Daliana asked herself? However, then she noticed that this orgasm was only building up.
So, Morganna was having her second orgasm in row, the elfin beauty concluded, satisfied to see her love still appreciated her methods.
A few seconds of wild bucking later, Morganna's body finally calmed down. However, the sheer force of both orgasms took her consciousness away and left her body shaking on the floor, in the puddle of her own, and her teacher's, body juices.
Daliana slowly stood up, looking at the divine scene at her insecure feet. Morganna. She was so beautiful, and looked so peaceful now. Her little angel. But what a tough nut to break she was...
Daliana was trying to calculate exactly how much time would have passed had she not teleported them all to this little sanctuary of her, where time went much slower. She couldn't say exactly, but no less than twelve hours passed in this punishment, of that she was certain.
Well... never mind that now, she told herself, looking at the seer, who was getting tortured through all this time relentlessly. Daliana felt sorry for her now. Truth be told, when she saw the scene at the tree, she was very jealous of the human girl, and wanted to kill her, but now, feeling pity, she untied the girl, putting her to sleep with a spell. She will need to return them both to Yamamoto, since Morganna seemed to really want this one last adventure. Daliana decided to respect that wish.
And then, the elf shook, as she heard the voice she so adored weakly call out to her.
The woman responding to the name hurried to her lover, a concerned look on her face.
"Daliana...", Morganna repeated weakly, fighting for consciousness.
"Yes, my love?", Daliana replied, kissing the redhead's cheeks, fearing she might have gone overboard.
"Daliana... I'll come back...", Morganna was speaking weakly, the fire in her green eyes burning bright despite her state, "I'll do this adventure... then come back to you... and then we'll be together... forever."
"Yes, Morganna", Daliana replied, kissing her passionately. "Together, for all eternity. Just you and me."
"Yes... together...", a faint smile appeared on Morganna's lips as her eyes closed, the woman drifting away into unconsciousness.
Good luck, my love, Daliana thought, going to wash her before returning her to Yamamoto.

* * *​

Sore muscles all over her body weren't the best thing that could happen to her, Morganna thought. However, as her vision slowly started to clear out, and she started to regain memories of what happened, she decided that a few sore muscles were small price to pay for such pleasant time.
Getting up and rubbing her sore arms and legs, she found Aurora sleeping next to her. Next to her lay a long, soft, red feather, a gift from Daliana. Next to it, a few more gifts were found: several lengths of white elven rope, known for its softness, but also durability. And next to it all stood a ring of purest white gold, encrusted with a big, sparkling, perfect ruby, red as blood. Morganna knew all too well what it meant, and had barely stopped the tears of joy that started forming in the corners of her eyes.
"Well... I'm back", she suddenly heard a voice behind her. Elerion. What a splendid way to ruin a moment, she thought, forcing a pleasant smile on her lips as she turned to her companion.
"Hi. Did you have fun?"
"Yes. Wake Aurora up and let's go", the black-haired elf said, packing his bags, getting ready to leave.
Morganna did the same, and through all that time, a single thought ran through her head: Wait for me just a little more, Daliana. Then we'll be together - forever.
Ok... It is an excellent chapter like any other, more sensual, more exciting... I can't take it anymore... I was heartbroken! BUWAAAHAAAA!

So when do you get the time to write. Between faculty, torturing your slaves, having exams, keeping your social life high and playing diablo 2 online... I really don't get it 🙂

Well now we can only wait to see your next story... your infamous contest story... 🙂
Thank you, m8. Well, to be honest, I shortened this story a bit, seeing how it would be far too long for a pleasant read unless I did so.

Also, I feel that something is missing... just that *something* which makes a story good... I feel this is lacking it.
Yeah you forgot to write about elerions pleasure 🙂
wh wh what slaves????? have you been holding out on me?? tsk tsk..

ok..wow...this covered so much..poor Morgana as a child..i really felt sorry for her..and then Althea seemed so nice to her..i had no idea she abandoned her to the mob on purpose..the way you described the tickling scenes and the erotic play was superb...you can put your mind inside a woman's feelings pretty damn well, Diablo...this just gets better and better..i didn't think anything was missing...

oo so that's where you got the Diablo in your name..it's a game? hmm...
Nope... he is just plain evil so he uses that as his nickname... He is named after shiniest of angels... Lucifer Lui itself 🙂
Wow! Thank you for the wonderful comment, Izzy. I find it the hardest to know whether I managed to reflect person's feelings correctly.

As for Althea... well, she seemed nice until threatened. When threatened, she revealed her true colors.

And yes, Diablo is a game🙂 Though my nick was originally Duke, nobody called me like that if I used just Duke, so I added Diablo... and everyone started calling me Duke, which was my intention🙂

And Bashiku... I'm a good boy😀 And Elerion's pleasure... would just kill the mood😉
It would lighten up my mood... I could kill a village or two just right about now... 🙂
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