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Enterion chapter 2

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
First of all, I apologize for taking so long for this chapter. Due to a multitude of factors (colledge started, trainings started, and i'm mostly working on my novel) it took a lot longer than I hoped it would.
To apologize, I will be filling 2 requests for stories along with writing the chapter 3.
Well, that's about it. Enjoy!

«Talk!», Tahira demanded, tickling the thief's balls lightly, making Farah and Israt start tickling his feet again. The two girls were certainly enjoying their job, as was she. They knew how to make thieves squeal, to break both their spirits and bodies with constant torture... and they loved it. The man they were working on was accused of stealing diamonds from a local merchant. If he is found guilty, there is quite a punishment waiting for him: castration, and then torture to death in the dungeons. Of course, it was their job to find out where he hid the diamonds.
«AAHAHAHAHA! No! Please! No more!», the man pleaded, but, as usual, his pleas weren't answered. Touching his balls and his hardened cock, Tahira realized that he was still kept on the edge of orgasm. Great. The longer it lasted, the more he wanted it. He was in this state for half an hour now. She moved on to his armpits, to prevent him from reaching the final destination. Being that his arms and neck were restrained in stocks as well, the man could offer no resistance to Tahira's skillful, nimble fingers. All he was able to do was laugh helplessly and plead for mercy he did not recieve. Keira leant over, until she was so close to his face he could smell her sweet perfume. He tried to reach her face, but he was restrained by the stocks. He wanted her, she knew. All of the men did. She couldn't pass the room without turning several men's heads, and those who didn't turn were too shy to do so. Keira loved it... being able to control men's primal urges, reducing them to animals and then using them at her whim. Of course, she always stood on seduction, never going farther. There was no need for that... and, she wanted to preserve her virginity for the man she was to marry.
«Plehehehease! Stop! I beg of you!», the man shouted as loud as he could, succumbing to helpless laughter shortly thereafter.
«Tell me», Tahira whispered into his ear with the sweetest voice she could muster. «I can offer you your greatest desire... I can release you from this torment. You just have to tell me.»
The man was getting desperate. He tried to kiss her, to beg her to stop, to ask for mercy, but it didn't work. Nothing worked. Three beautiful women continued to tickle him, continuing until he would either pass out or talk. Tahira continued to tickle his armpits, smiling cruely as she looked at the man's grimace of pain, extasy and laughter. She was humming a sweet melody to herself, like a wife who was happily making lunch for her husband.
«I'll talk!», the man suddenly broke. «I'll talk! I'll tell you all you wish to know, just stahahahap!!!»
«I'm listening», Tahira hummed.
«Theehehey... the diamonds... hehehe... they are hidehehen in my house... look in the ceiling... in the door knob... hahahaha... now stahahap!» The man was on the verge of going insane. He was ready to do anything to get his ticklers to stop... or at least to get some attention where it was direly needed.
«All right, sweetie», Tahira said, «but you'll have to wait for our guards to check it out.» She turned to the guard that was standing there all the while. «Please, go and check if what our dear guest said is true.»
«All right, milady», the guard said, disappearing.
«Now, while we wait for the guard to return, I'll have you gagged, all right?», Tahira said, placing a large piece of cloth into thief's mouth. «I don't want you screaming for mercy while there's no point in it... guards have to check if what you told us is true.» Farah and Israt have never, even for a second, stopped tickling the thief's exposed soles. That way, the liars who tried to buy time by telling the wrong info gained nothing. The man tried to mumble something, but the gag prevented him from saying anything comprehendable.
«Don't worry», Tahira teased, «at least you live close-by. They won't be long.»
The man's agony continued for ten more minutes before the guards returned. He was probably dying for release and orgasm by now, Tahira thought.
«They were there», the guard said, showing the diamonds, «just as the man told us they would be.»
«Excellent», Tahira smiled, turning to the man. «Hear that? This torture is over. Farah, Israt, could you please let him go?»
The two girls smiled, standing up.
«I liked your technique with this one, Farah», Israt complimented her co-worker.
The other woman smiled. «Thanks, Israt. Yours was good as well.»
Hearing the compliment, Israt blushed. «Um... listen, this is really embarassing, but would you mind showing me how you did it?»
«Sure... you just put your fingernail...», Farah started explaining, but Israt put her hand on the other woman's finger.
«No», she said smiling shyly, «Can you show it on me, please?»
«Sure, no problem», Farah said, leaving the room with Israt. Seeing them together made Tahira smile. She knew well that Israt liked Farah... liked as a woman, not as a friend. It was a bold move she made and she was glad Farah accepted. She was so glad about seeing the two of them together that she completely forgot about the thief.
«Milady, what should we do with him?» The guard's voice brought her back to reality.
«Well, you know the law», Tahira replied coldly. Knowing what it meant, the thief started struggling in his bonds, mumbling behind his gag. However, it was of no use, as he was released from the stocks and immediately picked up by several guards. They led him out of the room, and soon, loud screams of pain could be heard. Tahira silently left the room.
Another job well done, she said, as she headed towards the quarters of her mistress, lady Aaliyah. Tahira served not only as the main interrogator but also as a chief councilor and a close friend to her mistress. She found it an honor to serve such an inteligent and able woman... and kind. Definitely kind to those who deserved kindness. Those who didn't... ah, well, they were dealt with harshly. Lady Aaliyah had to do it to quell uprisings. In their time and age, in their kingdom, it was wierd for a woman to rule a city... and it's whole surroundings. Therefore, Aaliyah had to prove her worth as a ruler to her cityzens... and she had to demonstrate her ability to stay on the throne. If she didn't... various devices of torture started lining up in Tahira's mind. There was no doubt that both of them would be exposed to a number of devices created to inflict great pain and suffering upon human body had Aaliyah lost her position. That is why Tahira decided never to leave her lady's side. No. Not after all she had done for her.
As she was walking for the throne room, Tahira was intercepted by a messenger.
«Lad... Lady Tahira...», the man said, trying to catch breath. «Lady Aaliyah wants to see you... Immediately»
«All right», Tahira said, running for the throne room. She didn't care for the reason. Her mistress needed her, that's all she cared about.
When she knocked at the doors, Tahira was surprised when she saw a tall red-haired man open the doors instead of a servant. She looked at him. Even though his short red hair and beard were messy, and his gray robes were common and torn at the places, his standing and demanor were proud, like those of a king. This was no servant, she knew immediately. Also, she was very worried when she saw that she, her mistress and this man were alone in the room. There was no one else there. Not even guards.
«Milady!», she said as she was running for the throne, to stand between her mistress and her guest. She leant down to kiss her lady's hand, but the other woman brought her head close to hers and kissed her on the cheek.
«Don't worry, Tahira», Aaliyah said, guessing what was on her councilor's mind. «I'm fine, and I'll be fine. No need to worry.»
«You wanted to see me, milady», Tahira replied. She didn't want to counter her lady on this one.
«Yes», the lady smiled. «I didn't want to start this conversation without you. Charlie wanted us to talk in complete silence, but I could never leave out my most trusted councilor.»
Hearing this, Tahira felt honored beyond words. However, there was no time to revel in the compliment, as the man, obviously named Charlie, began to speak.
«Ah, yes, now that we have all gathered, let's get to the point.» The man's voice was somehow unsettling to Talara. There was a lot of cynism in it, but also a cold, intellectual distance from everything. It was as if he was a narrator to some story. «Milady, I believe I have already noted that I bear a proposal to you.»
«Yes, you have», Aaliyah replied. «What is it that you propose?»
«Well, milady, I'm not sure if you are aware, but recently, a stunning discovery was made. Yamamoto empire, far to the east, holds a pretty important figure in it's borders, one which might stir and determine the fate of whole Enterion.» The man's words made no sense. Yamamoto was half a world away.
«Interesting», lady Aaliyah replied. «However, Yamamoto is a very distant land. I don't know why do you bring this subject before me.»
«Milady, have you ever heard of the legend called Planar Child?» The man looked Tahira's mistress in the eyes, expecting an answer.
«No, I haven't. Please, enlighten us, my good man.»
«Ah, yes, the Planar Child legend», the man started. «It's actually a legend, much like any other, with bits of truth and fable intertwined. As stories go, I must admit, I heard better ones, but this one is special because people actually believe in it. Or one might say that they believe in it enough to stage an invasion on Yamamoto.»
Hearing the man's speech, Aaliyah's eyes narrowed.
«All right. But, I still don't understand what does all of this have to do with me?»
«Well, milady, as far as legends go, I don't really care for some Chosen One or another... there were at least twenty of them since I was born.» Saying this, the man smiled coldly. He must have been around 35, Tahira thought. Still, he wasn't getting to the point. «However, what I do care about is the outcome of the war on Yamamoto soil. Yamamoto is a pretty wealthy nation. They have mighty armies and an impressive trading and war fleets. However, most of the western noblemen are already on the way. Dukes of Evermarsh, Gladegarden, Aronox and Castilla are all sailing towards it. Let's not forget the knightly orders: Order of Lilith, Knights of the Ribbon and Order of the Red dragon have set their sails for Yamamoto as well. If we also add elves of Alinor and Quanaria to the equation, we are getting a force that even Yamamoto can't handle all by themselves.»
«So, Yamamoto is doomed», Aaliyah concluded. «However, I still don't get what does it have to do with me.»
«Ah, yes, I'm getting to that, milady.» The man cleared his throat lightly. «I have already made a pact with dwarves. The Ironfist clan, McDaggoth clan, Holderheck clan and Burning Hammer clan are all coming to defense of Yamamoto. I would beseech you, milady, to come to our aid.»
«What?!», Tahira stood up like someone pinched her from behind as she shouted on the man. «Are you crazy?! Milady to take on such a force for an insignificant country to the east?!»
«The lady's help would be greatly appreciated», the man replied calmly. «You see, as Yamamoto is the main dealer of finest silk products in whole Enterion, the price of the same will increase manyfold, due to lack of it. Once the war is over, the ruler of Yamamoto will certainly control the flow of silk throughout Enterion. Now, of all the factions that will deploy on the battlefield, the most profitable ally is, of course, the one on the defensive, the Yamamoto. Others fight with a common cause for now, but as the war goes on, they will gradually start warring one with another. When that happens, the war will be practically over, and Yamamoto will be restored. It's allies will certainly get a lot of benefits in trading silk. Maybe even as much as becoming the sole distributers of silk for the west. I don't even have to tell you what it would mean.»
«The words you speak sound very tempting», Tahira started. She, for one, wasn't swayed by the man's cloaked promise of power. «However, what is to guarantee us the use of silk afterwards? And what is to guarantee us that Yamamoto won't turn on us?»
«Ah, I was expecting that question.» The man was obviously well prepaired. He opened the doors and a beautiful oriental woman entered the room. Seeing her, Tahira was stunned. The lines of her face, her eyes, her small, thin lips and long hair were so seductive Tahira couldn't keep her eyes off her. Even the very lines of her body, perfectly outlined with her long, silk dress, were tempting both Tahira's eyes and imagination. Tahira didn't notice it, but she was blushing, before she set herself straight again. What was she thinking? Falling like that for a woman? And here and now of all the places? Now was the time to be on your toes all the while.
«This is Rei Unetsumi, an ambassador of Yamamoto.» The sound of Charlie's voice brought Tahira back to reality. «She and I have made a document stating that, if you help Yamamoto out as allies, you will be the sole distributor of Yamamoto's silk for the west. Actually, you and the dwarves.»
«Lady Aaliyah, it is an honor», Rei said as she approached Tahira's mistress and knelt down in front of her to kiss her foot. Then, she handed a parchment over to her. Aaliyah read it in silence, then put it away and gave it to Tahira to read. Indeed, the treaty was just as they said. No cathces. This was going too smooth...
«Please, lady Aaliyah», Rei begged. «I beg of you, lend us your aid.»
«Hmm...», Aaliyah thought, turning to Charlie. «And what is your interest in all of this, my good man?»
«Let's just say I'm a man who doesn't want Yamamoto to fall», Charlie said, bowing.
Hearing this argument, Tahira stood up again.
«Milady», she said, «please, don't listen to him. I have a bad feeling about it.»
«And let me assure you, that feeling is unfounded.» The man's words, sweet as nectar, resounded very suspicious in Tahira's ears. She didn't like him from the beginning, and this could all be one huge set-up.
«Milady, please think this over», Tahira begged. «I... I have a bad feeling about this.»
Aaliyah looked at her with an indecisive look. «Feeling? Hmm... Tahira, I don't know, everything seems to be fine. And it's such a great oportunity as well...»
«Yes, milady, but I can't say I trust the man.» Tahira looked over to the red-haired man in dusty robes. «He never gave us a reason he would help any of us. Not the real one anyways.»
«Yes, that's true», Aaliyah replied, heeding her councilor's advice, then starting to turn towards the man.
«Trial by combat!» A sudden interruption by the man was quite unexpected. «Milady, can we settle this by trial by combat? Not to the death of course, as I heard lady Tahira was quite a skilled swordsman.»
The man was echoing her thoughts. Tahira was thinking of settling it that way ever since her mistress started to believe him. She looked at him, smirking. She has fought swordsmen ten times better than him and won.Why did he want the trial, she didn't know.
«I accept», she said, before lady Aaliyah could say anything. «If you win, I will support your cause. But, if you loose...»
«... then both me and my companion will die», the man finished instead of her. «Agreed.»
Tahira turned to her lady. Of course she didn't want to do anything without her approval. On her seat, Aaliyah was sighing.
«Why does it always have to come to this?» She sighed again. «Very well. You can have your trial by combat. Tomorrow at noon. Now, everyone, please leave me.»
One by one, the three people near the throne bowed before the lady and left. Tahira was confused. That man has obviously heard of her, but he insisted on trial by combat anyways. She didn't understand why, nor how did he get enough guts for it. He didn't look like much of a swordsman, which made her worry even more. She hated not being able to judge her opponent before the battle. At least with others she knew what she was up against. It seemed like she would have to study this Charlie, whoever he was. But just how would she do that? Spy on him? No... she didn't think it would be productive. However, maybe his oriental friend... Yes. That's right. She probably knew the guy's secret. She'll go and extract the truth from the ambassador.
These thoughts in her mind, Tahira headed for the room Rei was staying, according to the guards. She entered the room slowly and quietly, carefuly closing the doors, not making a sound during the whole process. Then, she locked the doors, blocking the escape to the oriental woman. She knew how the information procurement might result in her target trying to run away, so she wanted to be on the safe side, blocking all ways out.
«It certainly took you long to get here.» The voice that greeted her was Charlie's, not Rei's. Tahira stood there, surprised, trying to find a best way to get out. She was read. The man was counting on her coming here, and she was on his grounds now. This wasn't good. It was best to escape while she could.
«Um, sorry, I thought this was ambassador Rei's room», she said, trying to get away as quick as she could. «I had some things...»
«... you wanted to ask her», Charlie finished for her. How she hated when he did that. «I know what you intended to do. You intended to torture the poor girl to get info on me. That's why I told her to go to my room.»
«How dare you make such...», Tahira started, but was interrupted by Charlie again.
«... false accusations. Yeah, yeah. Save it for someone else. You wanted to know what's my trump card... well, here I am, ask me.»
«I don't need to resort to such lowly tactics to win!», Tahira shouted at the man. She was kind of embarassed. He was reading her like an open book. «Now, if you'll excuse me...»
«Wait!», Charlie said, making Tahira freeze in her footsteps. She turned around.
«If you don't have a question for me, I have a proposition for you.» Charlie was pouring himself a glass of red wine as he was saying this. «Go to lady Aaliyah and tell her to support me.»
«Why would I do that?» A mean smile appeared on Tahira's lips. «Scared of tomorrow? You shouldn't have challenged me, then.»
«Why must they always pick the hard way?», Charlie asked a question to nobody in general. The moment those words left his lips, Tahira found herself floating in the air.
«Hey, what the... mmf... mmf...», she tried to say, but her mouth closed before she could finish the sentence. She couldn't open them no matter how hard she tried.
«So, let's try again», Charlie said, sipping the wine and sitting down in a cozy chair. «Give up on our duel tomorrow.»
Knowing she couldn't speak, Tahira just waved her head negatively, stating how she won't do it.
«As you wish», Charlie sighed and Tahira got stretched spread-eagle in the air. All of her clothes were removed from her, and her naked body was exposed. Tahira struggled as hard as she could, but it was of no use. She was pinned with invisible shackles, at the mercy of this strange man. What was he going to do to her? Rape her? Or maybe torture her? Just as she was thinking about a few torture devices she expected to be used on her, she felt a slight sensation at her backs, a sensation that really surprised her. It was tickling. Ticklish touch of a feather. It crawled around her buttocks and backs, making Tahira arch them. It was of no use, however. The feather followed her, as if it were glued to her skin. Tahira tried to laugh but she couldn't even open her mouth. It was of no use, she knew. All she could do is try and endure. She was ticklish... ticklish all over. The sensation in her backs and butt was already killing her. Damn feather. It was so soft, yet so skillful and persistent. It's touch brought her both pleasure and agony, as she knew it would.
However, that one feather suddenly stopped to be such a major problem, as Tahira observed the dreadful sight before her: nine more feathers were slowly coming down from the ceiling, slowly positioning themselves in their respective places: one above her bellybutton, one near each armpit, one at each side of the ribs, at each side of the neck and one and one above each of her breasts.
No, please don't, she begged in her mind as the feathers started closing in. However, she knew she couldn't conciede the challenge. She was too proud... and she couldn't let her mistress be used by this man. So, she bravely watched as the inevitable was about to happen. The feathers on her skin... if it was for her mistress, she welcomed them.
However, when the feathers finally arrived, and started doing their torturous duty, Tahira was in for a shock. Not only did those feathers start working, but the ones she didn't see started working as well. There were at least four of them exploring her backs, one came as a help to the one already tickling her butt, and, the worst in the end, three of them tickled each foot. One was tickling Tahira's short but sensitive toes. Other was working it's way up and down her soles, while the last one was tickling the heel.
Tahira entered her own, personal hell. She was so extremly ticklish that she never allowed anyone to touch her... except Aaliyah. Were those bonds of a physical nature, she would have already broken them. She never could stand being tickled. No, she was far too ticklish for it. And look at her now. Tickled by about twenty feathers, she was ready to explode from tickling, and she couldn't even laugh. Her mouth were shut tight and all she could produce were muffled sounds. Those feathers... each of them tickled like hell, and there was no way she could shake them off. They followed the movements of her body, taking advantage of every opening her body offered.
«Ah, tickling... a most efficient way of breaking someone without damaging him or her, wouldn't you say so?» Charlie was sitting back in his chair, sipping wine, all the while calmly watching Tahira in her agony. She was struggling like a beast now, desparately trying to avoid the torment. Her nipples have stiffened long ago, noting that this sensation was arousing her as much as it was causing her agony. «Why do you keep this up?»
Because of my mistress, Tahira thought, forgetting the agony of the moment for a few short flashes. However, it all quickly came rushing back, eating away at her morale. Hold on, she was telling herself. Hold on long enough for someone to notice that you're missing.
However, holding on became a problem to Tahira soon, as the feathers, slowly but surely, started leading her to orgasm. It was getting closer and closer, Tahira noticed. Though she never had one, she knew how to recognize it. There was no mistaking it, though she never knew it would feel... that good. Slowly but surely the feathers were building up the heat in Tahira, one she knew would be released when it would reach it's peak. She decided to fight it. She just couldn't bear herself to orgasm in front of this man. It would be too much of a disgrace. That is why she decided to gather all of her remaining strength and focus on blocking her pleasure. However, it was of no use. The longer it lasted, the closer she was to it. Charlie offered her a chance to give up a few more times, but she refused. She could never abandon her mistress. No. No matter what he puts her through, she won't break. Who was this little mage to think she would concede the duel to him?
«I can read your thougts if you are up for a dialogue», Charlie said, surprising Tahira. Oh no! So... everything she thought from the beginning... he could read it. No... please, tell me it's not true!
«It's true», Charlie said. «Well, Tahira, since I'm really not enjoying this, I think I might tell you the complete truth, as it is.»
Saying so, Charlie raised his hand high above his head, making his gray robe change into brand new one, azure with golden edges. His beard was clear of dust now, and with his stature and holding, he looked like a king from ancient tales.
«I am Charlaw Mace of Thymmorea, the Librarian of Mages of the Citadel», he said, driving dread into Tahira's heart. Not good, she thought. Definitely not good. Mages of the Citadel were the most powerful order of magicians in Enterion. Only a select few have been accepted into the order, and those who are are individuals of great knowledge and power. Only a select few have been accepted into the order, and those who are are individuals of great knowledge and power. And this man was a Librarian in that order... not good. She thought of fighting him... she almost fought a Librarian! One of the mightiest in the order. Librarians were one of the greatest mages, assigned guardianship over one of the great libraries placed all over Enterion. These libraries collected knowledge on everything there was in the world, and as such were invaluable to the order. It was only natural that the guardians of those libraries were one of the strongest among the order.
«As for my reason to help Yamamoto...», Charlaw started, and then paused, looking Tehira in the eyes. «The princess of Yamamoto is my fiancee. I tried to tell her to evacuate the land, but she refused to. She loves her homeland too much... more than even her life. The High Council has assigned me on a mission to find the Planar Child, and us mages have to remain neutral, and thus I can't help her. However, what I can do is try and make sure she doesn't get hurt.»
So, the Planar Child wasn't such a nonsense after all, Tahira thought.
«No, it's not», Charlaw replied. «Ah... you see, that child will have the power to destroy demons, devils and angels alike with just a thought. The High Council needs that power.»
For what side?, Tahira thought, and Charlaw smiled.
«For our side. For too long have demons and angels used Enterion as their battlefield. We are sick of waging their wars so they don't have to mess their hands. We are sick of crying mothers, burning battlefields and other atrocities of war. If we can, we will stop at least this one.»
Hearing this, Tahira was stunned again. The feathers were still tickling her, and she was barely holding the orgasm in. So, that was his purpose. This way she was sure to help him.
All right, she thought, I'll help you.
«Excellent», Charlaw said, visibly statisfied. «I'm so very glad that I didn't have to resort to breaking you in other ways.» He was right, she knew. She would have broken sooner or later, it was just a matter of time. And even if she didn't, going against Librarian... well, let's just say she would be out of her league. As soon as he said so, the feathers stopped moving, and Tahira's mouth were hers to control again. However, he didn't free her of the magic grasp without tying her ankles and wrists, and leaving her in bed.
«Hey!», she protested, surprised. «I said I'll help you out!»
«I have another promise I had to keep», Charlaw said, leaving the room. «Until tomorrow.»
Before he could close the doors, another person came in through them. It was Rei. Tahira was surprised to see her, but then she remembered it was her room they were in the first place. Tahira blushed, turning her gaze from the ambassador, the one she came to interrogate in the first place. She didn't know why, but she couldn't fix her eyes upon the oriental girl without blushing. She felt funny whenever she was close. It was weird.
«I'm sorry about this», the oriental girl spoke. «I... I really like you, you know?»
«Thanks, I guess», the taller woman replied.
Rei sat next to the tied counsilor, looking at her flooding crotch. Tahira noticed it, blushing even harder. She felt... embarassed, but good. She didn't know why, but the idea of being fully exposed to this woman's mercy aroused Tahira. She never felt this way, nor did she ever dream she would. Her crotch responded, and quickly, Tahira found herself very close to orgasming again. Just being watched in this helpless, tied position made her aroused. There was even no need for touching her.
«Um... I'm sorry... but I can't hold it any longer!», Rei said suddenly, kissing Tahira passionately on the lips. Tahira didn't resist the kiss, like she normally would. She accepted it fully, entering a whole new stage of conciousness. Her backs arched as their tongues intertwined, and she let out a loud moan of pleasure. She felt immense pleasure taking over her body, her mind leaving for unimaginable heights, and then returning to earth. Even though it lasted only a few seconds, it seemed like an eternity to Tahira... eternity of pleasure. When the sensation of her first orgasm was over, she finally passed out.

* * *

Keisuke sat beside the fire and took a long sip from his water canister. He was real lucky to have found that girl, he thought. That demon would have tortured her to death, and when he found her she didn't seem so far from it. She was exhausted, so he let her sleep, but he did put some herbs on her muscles, to help them relax. She was so tense all over, he could feel it when he was carrying her. Even with his herbs, her muscles will probably hurt for the next few days.
He looked at the girl. Poor thing. Even if all of that Chosen One talk was just nonsense, nobody deserved such torture, especially not someone as young as her. That demon seemed to be enjoying it's job, since it was smiling while hearing her muffled screams from it's room. When Keisuke found it, it tried to seduce him, but he saw through it's mask. He fought shapeshifting demons before, and he knew one when he saw one. Maybe it was the evil aura around it, maybe the way it smiled evily listening to the muffled pleas from below... or maybe because it shifted forms in front of his eyes. Probably all of these things together, but the shapeshifting was probably the main reason he figured it out. Well, once the demon was found out, it was just a matter of seconds before it fell. Probably didn't even realize it was dead. Shame. Those don't deserve swift deaths.
Looking at the girl, Keisuke saw she uncovered herself in her sleep. Better to cover her again... with all the things that happened to her, getting a cold was something she really didn't need. However, just as he was reaching for the blankets, Keisuke had to draw out his sword to block two shurikens headed his way. He cut them in half, making their parts scatter around aimlessly. Right after that, a cloaked figure attacked him, and he had to use all of his skills to parry it's attacks. The figure was pretty fast, but lacked the strength Keisuke possessed, so the fight was over real fast. Using his brute force, the former samurai knocked the attacker on the floor, pinning it to the ground and disarming it. Keisuke took out his dagger in order to pierce the target's heart, but stopped, as he wanted to see who it is he was killing. Being that the target was definitely a ninja, he had to remove it's mask. What surprised him was that the target offered no resistance.
«Go on, kill me!», the figure roared at him as he reached for it's mask. What surprised Keisuke was that the voice was female. When he tore off her mask, long, dark hair spilled all over, practically hiding the girl's face. «Come on, what are you waiting for?»
Keisuke slapped her.
«Who are you?! Who sent you?!», he demanded. The girl smiled, but her smile froze as Keisuke pressed her diaphragm with his finger, aiming for the spot where she had no muscles.
«Try as much as you wish», the girl said, gasping from pain, «but Royal Ninja will never break.»
Keisuke smiled, thanking the gods for stupid people.
«Good. We are off to a nice start», he said, a sarcastic smile on his face. «What does the princess want with me... or my companion here?»
The look on the girl's face was that of a shocked surprise.
«Companion? What do you mean... companion?!»
«Companion. You know... I rescued her from a demon, saved her life, now we travel together and try and find out why do they want her... that sort of stuff.» The sarcasm in Keisuke's voice was obvious.
«So... what you are saying is, you're not trying to kill her?», the ninja said in disbelief.
«If I wanted her dead, I would have left her to that demon», Keisuke said. «Now, who are you and what do you want?»
«I am Asuka of the Royal Ninjas, sent here by the princess herself to find and safeguard the lady here...» the ninja started, but froze in the middle of the sentence as a scream pierced her ears. It was the girl. She was awake now, and by her looks, she was very afraid. The moment she saw Keisuke sitting on Asuka's chests with his knife above her, she started running, and Keisuke quickly stood up on his feet as well.
«Go home and stay out of our way, ok?», he told the ninja.
«No way!», the girl refused the thought angrily. «I have orders! Besides, I can be of great help on your journey. For example, I can act as a double for the Chosen One...»
«With your flat ass, I doubt it», Keisuke said as he started running after the girl. As he was leaving, he saw a shocked, angry... no, mad, look that the kuonichi gave him.
«My ass is not flat!», he heard her shouting. Then, he heard her running footsteps from behind. Ah, well. It seems that it's three of them from now on.
very nice, i like the premise so far, its keeping me interested.
Thnx nyte.

PS. Those requests I said I'm gonna write... If anyone has a request for a story, pls send me over PM
A great update with some real originality. Have you had experience with writing or anything else to do with fantasy fiction?
Thanks, DEV.
The answers to both of your questions would be affirmative. I have been writing since i was 12 years old. Since then, I started out a few novels (I abandoned my first two, which were both fantasy, and the writing of the third one is in process... this one WILL NOT be abandoned), wrote a few short stories and such. My tickling stories represent only a minor faction of my work as a writer, due to series of factors (most of them being a very large and inquisitive family). As for fantasy, I have always been a fan of mages, elves and mythical creatures and settings, my fascination starting out at fairy tales, and then continuing through later years by Tolkien, Kay, Martin, Salvatore and other great writers. I also play some Dungeons and Dragons (but it's not a classical, serious gameplay... we take on fantasy in a lighter approach).

Again, glad you liked it. I really hope this new chappy will come sooner.
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