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Enterion chapter 4

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
Didn't think I'd get the time to write the new chapter, but I just had to let it go. I wrote it in a really short period of time, and I'm not really statisfied by the way it turned out, but ah well...
Here's chappy 4. Enjoy!

Keisuke sighed as he brought the firewood into the cave where he, Chosen One and Asuka had made camp. They were really lucky to find it there, as it looked like it was going to rain, and the girl was already exhausted... she could easily catch a cold... or something even worse, if she wasn't on dry.
They didn't have to chase her far when she started running. After not even a minute of run, the girl tripped, and was unable to continue, due to the exhaustion from torture. When they caught up to her, she was begging them not to torture her, but then she calmed down, remembering Keisuke was the one who saved her from that demon. And about Asuka... Keisuke wasn't so sure, he overpowered her too easily. He just hoped she won't be too much of a drag during the trip to... well, to wherever they are headed to.
«Good, you're back», Asuka said when she saw him enter. «Now start the fire while I go and scout the surroundings.»
Keisuke sighed. «I already did that while chopping wood. What do you think, that I just knocked down the first tree I saw?»
«Well, it certainly looks like it», Asuka replied, visibly annoyed by Keisuke. «Tell me, mister 'oh, look at me, I know everything, and everyone else sucks', how do you plan on lighting fire without any smaller sticks?» She took a thick piece of wood and handed it over to him. «Do we rub two of these together?»
Keisuke took the piece of wood from ninja's hands and, as soon as the girl moved her hand from it, the wood went ablaze with fire. Keisuke used a fire spell to light it. He was never one to rely on magic, but on his many adventures he learned that a man should never underestimate the power to make light and fire whenever he wished to.
«There», he said, tossing the blazing log on the ground, and then some more over it. The fire started cracking happily. «The fire is set, miss. Now, why don't you try and make yourself useful... if that's possible at all... and get to cooking the dinner. The lady we are supposed to protect looks hungry.»
«Can't you two try to get along?!», the Chosen One screamed at them from her bedroll. She was too tired, her muscles too sore, to even move. However, she was now sitting upright, an angry, determined look in her eyes. This was so much better than her usual, scared one, Keisuke figured. «I don't know who you are or what do you want with me, but you certainly won't achieve anything by killing each other.»
«Ah, yes, I believe that introductions are in order», Keisuke said, bowing. «I am Keisuke, a wandering swordsman, at your service.»
«And I'm Asuka, a member of royal ninjas», Asuka said, not lifting her eyes from her pot. «And who are you?»
«Keiko... just Keiko», the girl replied. «And what brings you two here? And how did you find me there, Keisuke?»
The samurai sat down besides Keiko, examining her muscles and coating them with herbs. He was gentle, as he knew that even the slightest touches caused the girl much pain.
«I was sent to protect you», he finally said. «I was searching for you, asking everyone about you, when I found an old man sitting beside some female clothes in the back of a lonely house. I looked at him in disgust, as he was sniffing the underwear found among those. However, he noticed me and told me to keep off, as he paid for it fair and square, and that clothes of young ladies are very rarely found these days. At first, I barely restrained myself from killing him, but then something occured to me: the girl I was looking for was poor and young, and the clothes there were in really bad shape. I knew it was a long shot, but I asked the man where he got those clothes. He told me the location, so I went there. It was the best lead I got that far... and it was good, as I found you in that very house.»
The girl, Keiko, gave him a scared, sick look. «So... you're saying he was sniffing on my... YUCK!! Why didn't you kill him?!» The girl's voice was really violent at the end, when she was asking Keisuke why didn't he kill the old man.
«Talking to perverted old men in order to find the Chosen One», Asuka laughed. «I should expect something like that from you. Come on, tell us, what did you two do together.»
«Nothing», Keisuke said. «Any clue is welcome when trying to find somebody. Where were you while she was being tortured, miss Royal Ninja?»
Asuka looked taken by surprise with that one. «I was...», she started, thinking, and then regained her balance. «I was ambushed by the demon's helpers while I was on the way to save Keiko. There... there were a lot of them and...»
«I am sure that there was a small horde of them, right there in the middle of the city, and no one noticed them but you», Keisuke said, pointing out ninja's ineptitude in everything, even finding alibies, «but now that you've checked up on her, you really should report to your mistress, the princess, that someone has already come to guard Keiko and that you would only be a hindrance to them both, so you were nice enough to come back.»
«To nine hells with you!», the ninja girl yelled out at him. «You keep talking you were sent, but by who?»
«By a visage of a woman in a lake when I was sobering up», Keisuke said it matter-of-factly, as if it was a valid argument. Keiko gave him a disappointed look, while Asuka laughed.
«Oh, this is so rich», she said, obviously glad to be holding the cards now. «Sent here by some drunken hallucination. Do you even know who it is you are protecting?»
«Yes... the Chosen One... as you have confirmed», Keisuke said. «Just a coincidence? I don't think so.»
«Yes... but do you know why she is the Chosen One?», Asuka continued in her bitchy tone.
«Well, that's what I'd like to know, too», Keiko said. «Keisuke?»
«Well, I got no idea», Keisuke admitted honestly. «I was hoping she would know. Besides, what's important is that she survives, we'll worry about details later.» He looked at Asuka. «You seem to know what all of this is about. Enlighten us.»
«Yes, Asuka... tell us», Keiko joined in as well.
«Sorry, but I can't.» The look that Asuka gave them was both pleased and determined. «Princess' orders.»
«Then why are you still here?», Keisuke said. «You try to join us and now you hide vital information from us. Of what use will you ever be to us, then?»
«You'll find out when the time is right», Asuka shouted at the ronin. «Royal orders must never be questioned. If it were not for the Chosen One, I'd leave you here to rot long ago, Keisuke!»
«Well, I don't care about any royal orders!», Keiko yelled at Asuka. «Tell us, Asuka, or else...»
«Or else what?», a gleam was found in Asuka's eye. Keiko turned to Keisuke, smiling at him.
«Keisuke, I am the Chosen One, right?»
«So, you have to do exactly what I say, right?»
Keiko looked surprised. «What do you mean no?!»
«No as if in negative of yes», Keisuke replied calmly.
«Oki, then, can you please restrain her, then?», Keiko pointed at Asuka.
«Restrain me?», Asuka looked amused. «There's no way a guy like him could take on a... hey!»
Asuka didn't even have time to finish the sentence, and she was already mounted and tied by Keisuke, who floored her in a matter of seconds. Having a rope was really useful when you had to climb somewhere, Keisuke thought... or when you were in situations like these.
Restraining Asuka took only a brief time. Keisuke tied her hands behind her back and then he tied her ankles together. She was completely helpless now, since there was no way she could escape the bondage he set up.
«Good», Keiko said. «Now, let's interrogate her.»
«What?!», Asuka sounded surprised. «What the hell do you two think you are doing?»
«What is this all about?», Keiko demanded. «Why do I have demons chasing me?!»
«I can't say», Asuka replied in a cold tone. Keiko went towards her, reaching out for her feet, but Asuka kicked her.
«Hey!», Keiko said, barely dodging the blow. However, Keisuke sat at ninja's ankles, driving a bolt in the ground next to her left one and retying the knot. Then, he tied that ankle to the bolt, which he secured by pounding it in with a hammer, while he let the other one unrestrained. Then, he knelt, picking up the unrestrained ankle and securing it in a lock, turning so his backs were facing Asuka's face.
«Here you go», he said.
«Thanks, 'Suke», Keiko said, kneeling in front of the foot held by former samurai. «Now, Asuka, we have ways of making you talk, so I suggest you better start now, while it's still not too late.»
«Never!», Asuka yelled. «I'll never betray my mistress.»
«Fine», Keiko said, removing Asuka's shoe and sock, revealing a short, pretty foot with high arches and medium-sized toes. «Then it's tickle-time until you decide you wanna talk!»
Saying so, Keiko dug her fingernails into Asuka's smooth, ticklish sole. Asuka burst into laughter right away, her toes twitching and struggling with all her force to break free. However, no matter how hard she kicked or pulled, nothing helped. The bonds were too good, the bolt was fastened into the rock, and Keisuke's grip was iron. No matter how hard she tried, Asuka had to endure the torment of ten fingers dancing all across her ticklish right foot. Keiko's fingers were very nimble, dancing in the beat of Asuka's soles, making escape impossible. Asuka was laughing hysterically all the way, not even being able to make a solid statement. Keiko would ask her to talk every now and then, but she would just shake her head negatively and continue to laugh and struggle in her bonds.
«Hmm... you're a hard one to crack», Keiko said as she gave Asuka some time to rest, to catch her breath. Then, when ninja looked ready to continue (by Keiko's judgement), she looked her, with a twinkle in her eye, saying: «Let's play 'this little piggy'!»
«No! Please! Nooohohohohoho!», Asuka tried to beg, but it was of no use. Keiko took her big toe running her fingers up and down, up and down.
«This little piggy went to the market...», she started, launching another ticklish attack on ninja's heel at the same time. Asuka started to laugh desparately, and both Keiko and Keisuke knew that she was going to break soon.
Five more minutes passed, and Asuka finally broke down. However, instead of confessing, she started to cry. Seeing this, Keiko was visibly worried.
«Asuka», she said, a concerned, sad look on her face. «Are you all right?»
«Damn you!», Asuka cursed through her tears. «Damn both of you!»
«Oh, just shut up and tell us what we want to know», Keisuke demanded. He wasn't as sensitive as Keiko was.
«I... I don't know», Asuka confessed. «I don't know, and my mistress doesn't know either.»
«What do you mean?», Keiko asked.
Asuka's face was already red from tickling, but the tears made it even worse. «We don't know. My mistress was asked by her fiancee to look after you. He didn't tell her why... told her that the time wasn't right yet... just to look after you. That's... that's what she told me, too, and that's all that we know, I swear. I'm sorry...»
Keisuke was angry. This girl has been playing them. He took her toes and started crushing them. Asuka screamed from pain.
«I don't believe you», he said. «Why didn't you say so in the first place?»
«Because...», Asuka sniffed, still crying bitter tears, «because I wanted to feel useful. Keiko... she's the chosen one and you... you seem to know everything. I... I'm so sorry... I just want to help out and you... always...»
She couldn't end the sentence. Her foot free, the ninja girl turned her face into dust and started to cry, not talking any more.
«Now you know how useless you are, I suggest you do what I told you in the first place», Keisuke said. «Get lost.»
«Hey!», Keiko interfered, pushing Keisuke. «Cut her some slack, would ya? She just wants to help and you've been criticizing everything she did from the beginning.» Then, she started untying Asuka. «Come on, Asuka... you can come with us, ok?»
«This isn't a good idea», Keisuke said.
«Look, Keisuke», Keiko looked at him with anger in her eyes. «From what I heard, I am the Chosen One. I decide on who goes and who stays in the group, all right? If she really wants to come, then let her come. We're going to need all the help we can get!»
«Thank you», Asuka said, still crying, hugging Keiko.
«And you... don't ever lie to me, ok?», Keiko told her, hugging her back.
«Touching», Keisuke noted. «However, I'd like to let you both know, Asuka and Keiko, that this is no child's play. We are most likely going to get killed in this mission, so no backing out after this moment.»
«I know», Asuka said. «I understood that already. Trust me... if it's for my lady or for Yamamoto, I'd gladly give my life away.»
Keisuke sighed, but remained silent. Keiko, on the other hand, hugged Asuka again, this time happily.
«Welcome aboard, Asuka», she said, a smile on her face.
Women, Keisuke told himself.
«All right... does anyone know what should our next step be?», he asked.
«Well... why not try and find out something about this legend, since it's obviously evolving around us?», Keiko asked.
«Yes, but who could know about such a thing?», Asuka wandered.
«Well, you said your princess' fiancee knows», Keiko said. «Let's go ask him.»
Asuka smiled. «He is from the western lands, from an organization called Mages of the Citadel. They are the keepers of knowledge of Enterion's past, legends and things like that. However, the mage appointed to Yamamoto passed away last year, and the suitable replacement hasn't yet been found. Also, being that the man is from the west, the legend is also probably western, so it's going to be hard finding someone knowledgeable here, in Yamamoto.»
«What about the port cities?», Keiko asked. «I grew up in Totara, and sometimes western sailors would come and tell stories and legends from the areas they came from for a pint of beer or other drink. I think maybe the port cities should be where we should begin our search.»
«It's not much of a lead», Keisuke said, sighing, «but it's better than nothing. Let's go, then.»
«Yes, let's go», Asuka said, getting up, then offering her hand as help to Keiko.
«Great!», Keiko said happily, hugging both Keisuke and Asuka together. «We are now A.K.K. trio. Watch out world, here we come!»
it is still a good one... but what about our beloved villains 🙂 ?
Interesting turn of events there. It rather reminds me of how RPG's get started...
Thanks for your support guys. It really means a lot.

Bashiku: Don't worry, you'll be seeing more from Elerion and Morganna, but I need to develop storyline on many fronts, so I can't include them in every chappy.

DEV: Quite possible. Maybe it was my dungeon master side talking😉

Espartano: Thanks, mate. Glad you liked it.
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