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Enterion, chapter 6

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
All right, finally a chapter I'm ok with. However, I must apologize again, since there won't be any Elerion or Morganna in this chappy. It was just that I planned to put them after the first part (which is very relevant for the storyline), but that part became quite long, so long that putting Elerion and Morganna in as well would result in it being too long for one chappy.

So, again, apologies, your fave duo will be there in chap 7. Until then, enjoy chapter 6.

Also, this chapter contains scenes of torture, so if you are offended by that, read no further.
And, yes, being that I have some formatting probs on forum, I will, from now on, upload the text files of the chapters I write, so if anyone wants, they can download the files and not suffer what becomes when I just copy and paste the damn thing on the forum

OK, this too was pretty long, so time for me to shut up and present you chapter 6. Enjoy.

Chapter 6

Sylvana woke up fresh and rested that morning. The mixture of leaves that the maids put in her tea and the new, comfy bed they made of leaves of trees from the magical forest of Lathimon really hit the spot, so Sylvana felt not only rested, but she was also in a very good mood. Oh, yes, the morning was perfect. Even the humming birds, the warm, gentle touch of the morning sun that pierced the forest's thick roof of leaves and the warm breeze couldn't spoil her mood. Usually she hated it all... the damn flying screechers, damn wind and the damn, secret-revealing light, ordering all windows shut all of the time, but today was really different. Sylvana felt so good today that she didn't even feel the need to torture somebody.
Getting out of the bed, Sylvana went straight for the mirror to comb her hair... after all, an elven princess should look good at all times. However, unlike other princesses, Sylvana didn't have a maid to look out for her hair because of two reasons: first off, she didn't want some commoner messing her hair up, and second, she was never the one for long, perfect combings. Her long, straight golden hair was beautiful as it was, and she was paying it just enough attention to be in a proper shape. After all, she had much more important matters to attend to. And speaking of important matters, the hunter she was planning to send out for the drow has finally shown up. The maids informed her that the man was sitting in front of her doors for an hour now, waiting for her to wake up.
«It's about time», the blonde said, smiling, licking her thin lips statisfiedly. She was hoping that this one was more competent than the last one she sent out... it would be such a shame to have to sacrifice two hunters. «Bring him in.»
The moment those words left Sylvana's lips, two maids went out through the doors, going to fetch that hunter. Shortly after, one of them came in, announcing the man:
«Sir Grushunk Bladesong of the Bloodhounds», the maid said, moving away to make space for the entry. When the man entered her quarters, the elven princess' eyes opened wide with surprise. Being that this one wasn't one of her father's hunters, Sylvanas knew she probably couldn't expect an elf, but never did she imagine that the Bloodhounds would send an... orc! An orc, of all the races! She looked at the man, taking her time to study him. To her, the tall, green, hairy mountain of muscles didn't look like much of a hunter... more like a barbarian on a vacation. However, his oiled, pristine black leather armor, long, clean, well-kept hair and his nicely-shaved beard did make him look a tad bit more civilized. Not much, though, as to Sylvana even most of the humans looked like savage brutes.
«You wanted to see me», the orc said, kneeling in front of the princess and waiting for her approval to kiss her foot. She didn't allow him that grace, even though she was pleased by the brute's etiquette. Maybe there was more to him than first met the eye. Very well, she thought, let's see what he's got.
«Yes», Sylvana replied nervously. «It took time for you Bloodhounds to reply to my message. I was already starting to think that you won't heed my call.»
«I apologize», the orc replied, his head bowed down so low that Sylvana felt his hair tickling her toes. She used all of her strength to keep her small feet calm, barely succeeding... she was ticklish as hell. «The Bloodhounds didn't want to insult Your Grace by sending anyone less than one of the Great Four. Being that all of us were away on other tasks, they decided to wait for one of us to return.»
«I am honored that the Bloodhounds think so highly of me to send only the best amongst them», Sylvana said with a formal smile on her face, but burning with anger from within. If they really thought so highly of her, they should have called someone off from the assignment. «But enough of formalities, let's get down to business, shall we?»
«I agree», the orc said, his hair brushing up and down the elf's toes, making her withdraw her feet, crossing them below her chair to avoid giggling in front of him. «Who do I have to find?»
«Your target is a drow female named Markara», Sylvana started describing the woman she wanted captured. «She passed through my village a week ago. You need to capture her and bring her to me, alive and unharmed.»
«I understand», the orc said. «Anything more you can tell me about her? Do you have any of her personal belongings?»
«Only this», the blonde elf replied, handing over a piece of torn cloth to the man-hunter. «That was all my previous hunter was able to find.»
«Ah, splendid», the orc said, getting up and studying the piece of tissue. Then, he sniffed it and, looking statisfied, concluded: «Splendid! Most splendid! The scent is still not lost!» He smiled evily, almost howling with excitement. «Don't worry, milady, I'll find her and bring her to you soon. Markara will learn the reason why everyone fears the Bloodhounds.»
Saying so, the orc turned and left the room quickly.
«All right», Sylvanas said. «Don't fail me.»
She wasn't sure if the orc heard her, as he left the room before she could even finish the sentence. But, she was sure of one thing: this was no ordinary orc. The way he picked up the drow's scent... he looked, and acted, more like a wolf than an orc. This was like sending out an intelligent animal to look for the drow. Perfect. She was going to need someone to do the job discreetly, without asking too many questions, and that orc seemed just like the type. Sylvana wandered if all of this was necessary... maybe the girl really didn't see anything. But, if she did... if she saw the symbol of the dark god Tatarius that Sylvana was carrying that night, she could easily tell someone... after all, Tatarius was an important part of the drow pantheon, being married to their supreme goddess, Lilith, the Spider Queen. If the drow recognized it, then she must know Sylvana's secret... and nobody should know that. Not until the time was right. The plan set in motion required flawless execution, and she didn't want to leave anything to chance. That was why Sylvana decided to capture the drow, torture her to reveal how much she knows, and then kill her... since that first attempt failed.
Well, now that the drow was taken care of, Sylvana decided to continue her day. While she was getting dressed, she ordered the maids to tell her all the news and information she should know. One of the maids brought her presents from her suitors. Sure was a lot of them today. However, she didn't care about any of them... she already had a man she was in love with. But, she couldn't marry him officialy, as she was sure he wasn't a kind of man her father would let her marry. And running away from the court... no, that would make her loose too much influence, influence she would need to succeed in the plan. But, once it was over, once when she will reign supreme over all of the living kingdoms, the situation will change. Then, she will have all these fools surrounding her tortured in most unusual and cruel ways. Oh, yes, how she longed for that. Her idiotic brother, and that viper she was forced to call sister broken, kneeling before her, serving as her foot-rests. That will be the day. Oh, yes, that will be the day. Sylvana couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure just thinking about it.
When she finished dressing up, Sylvana took a moment to look herself in the mirror. Perfect, she thought. The long, tight, black silk dress she picked perfectly drew out her beautiful lines; her full, large, soft breasts, her thin, seductive waist and wonderfully rounded hips, continued by her long, smooth, silky legs, ending in a pair of two small, high-arched feet with medium-sized toes. Oh, yes, the dress was just hugging her body tightly, showing off and hiding it's main attributes at the same time, baring most of her shoulders, opening continuing all the way to the chests, but stopping right at the breasts, hugging them tightly but gently at the same time, like water that somehow got stuck on her body. The black, soft silk cover continued all the way to the legs, where it opened up one more time at the side, showing Sylvana's beautiful side and leg if she wanted to show it, but allowing her to hide it as well.
All right, the dress was chosen, it was time to choose the nail polish and shoes. For her nail polish color, Sylvana picked dark-red, almost black nail-polish for both her fingers and toes. It went well with the dress, further enchancing it's seductive, dark tone. As for the shoes, Sylvana took a pair of very revealing high heels, held just with a few pieces of string, going for the ultimate seductress look and finishing the dressing-up.
Well, that was finally done, Sylvana thought as she left her dressing room and entered the tall, white hallway of elven palace. Elves were really master craftsmen when they managed to build a palace in the middle of the forest without cutting down a single tree, but Sylvana wasn't really impressed with the fact when she found it out. Why preserve the bloody things? Chop them down for firewood, she said. That was the problem of the elven race: they cared too much for beauty and it's preservance, and too little for conquest and destruction. Beauty and music were nice things, of course, but there was time for that after conquering everything that stood in their path. With their magic, elves could easily dominate all of Enterion. But no, they chose not to interfere in affairs of other races. Why, Sylvana will never know.
«Good morning, dear sister», a voice returned Sylvanas from her fantasies. She turned to see who it was, shaking when she saw her sister, Felosial. Out of all the people she could meet, Felosial was the last one she needed at the moment. «Looking beautiful, as always.»
So, she started the game already. Unlike Alanor, who was very blunt about everything, and was extremely skilled with bow and sword, Felosial took a less direct approach. Being a frail, gentle girl, Felosial was almost a stereotypical princess, kind, happy and beautiful, smiling at her father's side. However, those who wouldn't see deeper than that would put themselves in grave danger, as Felosial was a master of speechcraft and political games. Instead of using direct, brute force, Felosial relied on her ties, charms, wits and influence. Sylvana learned on her own skin how dangerous it was to anger Felosial.
«Why, thank you, dear sister», Sylvana replied, forcing a smile. «I might say the same for you as well. That crystal-white dress points out your eyes and hair well.»
The compliment was just random, but Sylvana couldn't be more right with it. The long, white, decent dress that covered up every inch of her sister's body literally shined, bathed in the morning sun. That, coupled with Felosial's milky-white skin gave an impression that the elven princess was shining, giving her a look of an otherworldly being, an angel, or something very close to that. The only clearly discernible things were her long, chestnut-colored hair, which fel all the way to her backs in beautiful, long waves like a waterfall of brown silk, and her emerald-green eyes, shining like two jewels on a ring made of purest silver.
Felosial smiled, revealing two rows of white teeth, which shined, bathed in the morning sun, like a row of diamonds. «Sister, you have always been to kind to me. What did I ever do to deserve such grace?»
That was a hidden bite, Sylvana knew, as she was always picking on both Felosial and Alanor, calling them names and doing her best to humiliate them in public or get them into trouble.
«I have to compliment my dear, beautiful sister, don't I?», Sylvana continued the discussion with a mask of smile on her face. «And for my dear brother, too. We can't have him walking into anything dangerous, can we? I heard that he even met a drow lately... he was lucky to have come out of it unharmed. That boy is so reckless...»
«Maybe...», Felosial said, smiling as well, «or maybe he's just kind-hearted. After all, from what I heard, when he found her, the drow was being tortured by some bullies. Obviously, there are some people with hearts blacker than drow's skin. I mean, she was alone and defenseless... what kind of monster would hurt a defenseless person?»
That bitch, Sylvana thought. She almost started shouting at her sister, loosing her cool, but held herself in the last minute. Instead of yelling, she continued talking, the fake smile still on her face: «Oh, sister, we can't say if the drow was really innocent without the judgement of the High Court. You know how it goes with their race... sly and deceptive liars. And, also, speaking of High Court... let's keep this drow business between us, shall we? We don't want them accusing our dear brother of working with the enemy, do we? I mean, a lot of people could see this the wrong way...»
This threat really struck Felosial, Sylvana could see it. Her smile disappeared, turning into a grimace of anger. Her eyes flashed like lightning, making her eyes look like two little storms.
«Sister», Felosial said, silently, anger clearly resounding in her voice, «you know it's not in my nature to be direct, but if you even lay a finger on Alanor, I will use whatever power I have at my disposal to make you sorry.»
Sylvana just smiled, pinning her sister to the wall. Being that the blonde elf was taller and much stronger, Felosial could do naught to resist.
«Listen, sister», Sylvana whispered into brown-haired elf's ear, «don't threaten me, or it won't end well for you or your dear brother. You two stay out of my business from now on, and I'll leave you alone. Else...», she kissed her sister on the neck, «... I'm sure this smooth, gentle skin of yours wouldn't take well to all kinds of infernal tortures I would inflict upon you.»
«Sister...», Felosial cried silently, «I know we never got along well, but for you to go that far...» She straightened herself out, both her demanor and voice cold as ice. «All right, then. Neither Alanor or I will... bother... you any more. Now, if you'll excuse me...»
Sylvana let Felosial go, and the brown-haired elf practically ran out of the room. The blonde princess smiled evily.
Do not forget my threat, she thought.

* * *

«Welcome back, mistress», one of the priestesses greeted Sylvana when she entered the underground temple. «We weren't expecting you so early.»
«I felt that the temple might need me today, so I came early», the blonde elf replied.
«And your timing couldn't be better, mistress», the priestess said, bowing. Her black robe with green edges and a hood of same colors were covering her whole face and body, so her looks weren't discernible, but judging by her voice, Sylvana judged that the human female was still young. «We just caught one of the priestesses of Agimund trying to pass off as one of our own.»
«Good job», Sylvana, the Head Priestess of the Cult of Tatarius said, smiling. «What did you do with her?»
The girl bowed, slowly reaching out with her hand in the direction of the dungeons. «She is being interrogated as we speak, milady.»
«Excellent. Take me to her.»
The young priestess complied, bowing and heading in the direction she pointed out seconds ago. As she was walking through the dark corridors, Sylvana could feel the screams of pain that echoed through the halls crawl up her skin, rejuvenating her, making her feel even better. Most of these people were tortured just for fun, ready to be offered as a sacrifice to the Dark God when they would no longer be fit for torture. Their god looked upon it as an honor, to be sent a tortured soul, as he was the God of torture himself. The teachings said that he would then torture the soul the same way it's tormentors did in it's real life, for all of eternity. That was why Sylvana wanted to make each of her victim's stay in the dungeons as agonizing as possible. When they came to the sacrificing table, most of the victims were already insane, begging to be killed.
«Ah, here we are.»
Sylvanas was turned back to reality by the voice of the young priestess, who was unlocking thick wooden doors. Screams of pain could already be heard from within. How beautiful, the dark priestess thought. It was so delightful to hear a girl scream like that. She really should bring her sister here once. Thinking so, Sylvana entered the room where two priestesses were torturing the captive. She was put on a wooden board, her hands tied high above her head, and her bare feet restrained in a set of stocks, toes pulled backwards and tied to the stocks so she couldn't move them. The two priestess were giving her a bastinado, using quick, precise, moderate strokes over and over again, making the girl scream from pain, struggling in her bondage. The beautiful, tender soles of her feet were of dark-pink color by now, and the girl was crying from pain.
Sylvana took her time to examine the girl, enjoying her suffering. She was a human, a mere 18-years old. Her hair was long, black and straight, reaching to her waist... or it would if she would keep her head still for a while, not trashing all the time. Looking at her body, Sylvana saw that the girl was thin, with small but cute breasts and ass. Her snow-white skin looked so smooth, so tender... perfect for torture.
«Hi girls», Sylvana greeted the priestesses in informal tone. Seeing her come in, the girls immediately stopped the torture and bowed down in front of their mistress.
«Lady Sylvana», one of them said, «it is an honor. The spy is about to break.»
«No», the girl said, sniffing, crying, «please, I swear I don't know anything... please... stop torturing me.»
Sylvana looked at her, visibly enjoying the girl's suffering.
«Silence», she said. «We will torture you until you tell us everything you know. Understand?»
Hearing this, the girl started to cry again, weeping. The two priestesses prepaired their canes again.
«No... please... my feet are in so much pain...», the young priestess begged, «... they hurt so much... no more, please...»
«Oh, you'd like us to stop?», Sylvana said, approaching the priestess. «And you don't want to tell us anything? You are a very rude girl, you know? You ask a favor without offering anything in return. We ought to...»
As she was saying this, Sylvana ran her finger across the girl's sole, hoping to get that painful reaction by poking on the painful spot, but the priestess' reaction surprised her: instead of making a painful grimace, the young girl laughed. Seeing this, an evil gleam appeared in Sylvana's eye.
«Ticklish, are we?»
Saying so, Sylvana ordered the priestess without cane to sit behind the captive, while she positioned herself at the girl's feet.
«No... no... please don't tickle me...», the girl begged, but to no avail. As soon as she finished saying 'me', Sylvana's long fingernails started dancing on her bare, defenseless, sensitive, smooth pink soles. The girl began trashing in her bonds, begging for mercy through hysterical laughter. Of course, the other priestess came to Sylvana's aid, tickling the girl all over her torso: starting at the armpits, five wriggling devils in each armpit, dancing and exploring every inch of young priestess' ticklish skin. Then, the fingers went, slowly and agonizingly, down to the girl's sides, driving her insane with laughter, making her body seem like a devil's dance floor, ending on the girl's tummy and bellybutton. That seemed to be the young priestess' worst spot, as she almost burst out of bondage when the fingers reached her flat, firm tummy.
Meanwhile, Sylvana took her time to fully exploit the enchanced sensitivity of the girl's soles. She raked with her long, manicured nails all across the girl's soles, starting at toes and quickly going down across the soles, all the way down to the heels, repeating the process over and over, making the girl squeal. Sylvana enjoyed watching the poor girl's toes unsuccessfuly trying to break out of the bondage, twitching as hard as the strings would let them. The poor girl must be at her wits end, she thought. Well, time to push her beyond that.
Thinking so, Sylvana added her tongue as reinforcement to the ticklish attacks of her fingers. She started licking the girl's soft soles at the heel, going upwards, following the outer line of her foot. The added torture could be felt in girl's ticklish reaction, as she started to squeal and laugh even harder, even more desparately.
«Talk!», Sylvana demanded, ceasing the licking so she could communicate normally. However, once she stopped talking, the tongue got back in it's place. «Talk, and we'll stop.»
«AAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! NOOOOHOHOHOHOHO!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!! PLEEEHEHEHEHEEEEEHEHEHEHE!!!», the girl tried to beg, but she couldn't. Sylvana and the dark priestess had found her weakest spots and were exploiting them the best they could. They were doing this to her for more than half an hour now. Sylvana knew it was only a matter of moment when the girl breaks. And it came soon after.
«AAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! IIIIIIHIHIHHIIHIHIIII.... COHOHOHONFEEHEHEHES!!!», the girl screamed out. Hearing those words, Sylvana and the dark priestess ceased the tickling, letting the girl breathe.
«Oh, you got smart», Sylvana said. «See? You broke, and all of this resisting was pointless. Now talk!»
«I... I'm a priestess of Agimund, Dana, and I... I was sent here to try and steal your temple's Black Grimoire. Your Black Bible», the girl spoke, crying. «That's all... that's all there is.»
«Excellent», Sylvana said, turning to the two priestesses holding the canes. «You girls, continue with what you were doing to her before I came. She seemed to be enjoying it.»
Hearing this, the girl's eyes opened wide. She started to scream: «No! No!! You promised you'll stop if I talked!!»
Sylvana smiled. «I didn't say for how long.» Saying so, the head priestess of the dark cult smiled cruely as long canes started to hit the girl's sensitive soles again. She left the torture quarters and went right into his room. He would be expecting her, she knew.
«Welcome back, princess», a voice greeted her as she entered the room, and Sylvana immediately recognized her love, and her leader, Polis. He was the one responsible for grand uniting of priesthoods of Lilith and Tatarius with necromancers of Deatholde for the purpose of Grand Plan. The blonde elf locked the doors behind her, flinging herself into his arms.
«I missed you, my love», she said, kissing him. He kissed her back.
«I missed you too...», he replied when their lips parted. «How have you been lately? Nobody suspects anything?»
«No, my love», Sylvana replied. «All the armies of the west are on the move, as you already know, and soon, Yamamoto will be turned into a great battlefield.»
«I see...», Polis smiled, «then everything unfolds precisely as I have planned. It was wise to employ Council of Shadows to spread the rumor of Chosen One, the Planar Child.» He laughed coldly. «With everyone believing that nonsense, they will turn Yamamoto into one big graveyard. Then, we will go there and resurrect those who died into a grand army of undead. With other armies weakened, we will easily conquer first Yamamoto and then everything else we want. Our army will be unstoppable, as each soldier that dies on their side is just another recruit for us. Sylvana... no longer will you have to hide your cult. Soon, the world will be crawling at those beautiful feet of yours.»
Sylvana purred statisfiedly, kissing the man again. «Mmm... I love it when you cuddle me. Now, what can I do to help?»
«You, my love...», Polis said, «you could influence your father a bit. You see, very soon, a red-haired wizard will come to your palace, seeking aid to save Yamamoto. Make sure he gets it... more corpses for us.»
«Of course, dearest», the elven woman agreed. «I trust that the corpse gatherers are progressing well?»
«Better than we had hoped. Recently we have found a new vein of dark crystals, their main power source, so all of our necromancers are filling them up with dark energies, making inexpendable batteries for the automatons. Oh, yes, they will be there on each battlefield, gathering corpses after the battles, adding recruits to our army. Also, if anyone is foolish enough to try and attack them... ah, well, we will gladly recruit him as well.»
«Mmm...», Sylvana moaned. «Perfect.»
«Yes, my love... the plan is perfect», Polis said, grinning evily. «And now, let us go and spread some chaos!»


hahaha good, very good. Twist after twist, betrayal and lies all over! I like it! Atleast evil has more chances to win now 🙂
Well your writing has moved up since your last two chapters. Only flaw is that I can't keep up with characters in every chapter... still not used to names and you rapidly add new one... not your mistake, but mine.
All in all still a great contribution. 10/10
P.s. my offer for help is still on... just call...
All right, mate, I'll try and summarize the story so far. It's about 1am when I'm writing this, so forgive me if I missed out on a character or two:

In the world of Enterion, a great war is coming, threatening to consume the great, prosperous kingdom of Yamamoto. All the armies in the west are fighting to obtain the Chosen One, who is said to reside within Yamamoto, and has the power to destroy demons and angels alike at her own will. Of course, the Yamamoto empire is trying to find as many allies as they can to help them defend themselves and retain their freedom. Little does anyone know that there is another alliance in forging... an alliance of dark priests and necromancers, trying to make their undead army from the dead soldiers on the battlefields...


Chosen One's party:
Composed of Keiko, the Chosen One, an orphan girl who grew up on the streets of Yamamoto's capital, Totara, and is now trying to find out why the hell are people trying to kill her; Asuka, the royal ninja, sent to protect Keiko, and Keisuke, a skilled swordsman with mysterious past. The group is troubled by internal squabbles, and is trying to stay safe and find out what is this Chosen One talk all about.

High elven court:
Alanor - Elven prince, kind-hearted, in love with a female drow Markara, who he saved from death
Sylvana - Elven princess, sister of Felosial and Alanor who fights with them all the time, and hates them. Evil and sadistic. Also a head priestess of cult of Tatarius, in love with head of the necromancers, Polis
Felosial - Alanor's and Sylvana's sister. Quick-witted and charismatic, as well as stunningly beautiful. Very protective of her brother.

Rei - a stunningly beautiful ambassador, friend of Charlaw, and in love with Tahira

Forces of lady Aaliyah:
Lady Aaliyah: a powerful noblewoman. Helps out Yamamoto because of the trade benefits they promised her.
Tahira: councilor and a friend to lady Aaliyah, and her information retriever. Also, very skilled in swordplay. Shyly starting a relation with Rei.

Elerion and Morganna:
Elerion: A deadly elven warrior, silent but cruel. Trying to take on the world using the Chosen One.
Morganna: Descendant of the succubus. Follows Elerion wherever he may go... and tries to have as much fun as she can in the process. An equal partner to Elerion.
Aurora: Morganna's tickle-slave. A seer, tortured into obedience by Morganna.

Markara: The unlucky drow, trying to find a way to transform into a high elf.
Charlaw Mace: Mage of the Citadel and a fiancee of Yamamoto's princess. Tries to assure Yamamoto's survival. Also, has his own plans on using the Chosen One to banish both forces of heaven and hell from the world of Enterion, returning mankind's fate in their own hands.
Grushunk: an orcish mercenary hired by Sylvana to capture Markara.

Thanks, by the way. I'm glad that you liked it, and I thank you for your offer. I was thinking on asking you for help in this chappy, but since I moved Elerion and Morganna into ch. 7, I'll ask for it on a later date. Don't worry, if I ever come across a prob, I'll ring ya😉
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