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Enterion chapter 7

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
Finally, chapter 7 is here. It's quite long, so I won't bother you much and just get to the story. Just a quick thanks to Bashiku for helping me with this chappy.
Thanks, mate.

Chapter 7

Elerion let out a sad, frustrated sigh as he patted the two swords at his sides. Looking at the sunrise in the distance, he wondered when will he get a chance to use them again. They have been on this blasted ship for a week now, and he hasn't killed anybody ever since. Morganna didn't let him, since she didn't want whole ship turning on them... someone had to steer the thing, she told him. He agreed with her on that thing, but still, he wanted to feel blood on his hands again, to hear someone cry from pain as the twin blades slice his or her body. It wasn't fair! Morganna loved sex, and for that she took on Aurora as a sex-slave. Now, she was having sex whenever she wanted to, and he... he couldn't kill anybody. He asked Morganna to try and let him kill the girl, just once. Of course, she didn't let him. Then, he tried to talk her into letting him just slice her up a bit, or cut off just a small body part. She didn't let him do even that. But, he thought, it was all right... he still needed her as an ally, and there will be plenty of people to kill in Yamamoto. Oh, yes, just thinking about Yamamoto made him smile. There will certainly be plenty of people to kill there... maybe even a mage. Elerion was hoping he could kill one again. It would be the first mage he killed in fifty years, and he lusted to do so again. After all, the mages were the ones responsible for his current state, and for disbanding of Mage Hunters. The Mage Hunters were the ones who secured the world from their corrupt magics, hunting them down one by one. Oh, yes, it was a golden era, Elerion remembered. Whenever a village or a town would detect a magic user, they would call them, their fabled order of warriors specialized in removing the foul taint of magics. The Mage Hunters would then dispatch a team to the spot and conduct a thorough investigation. The target would then be hunted down and slain without mercy if he or she resisted the arrest. Those who didn't resist were taken in for interrogations, to confirm if they really dealt with magics, and if they were, they were given last chance of giving up the name of their accomplices, if such existed, before being burned on the stake. Of course, nobody sane would willingly condemn him- or herself to the pyre, so Mage Hunters usually had to use different techniques to 'persuade' them into talking. People called it torture, but people were ignorant. Nobody would chose death willingly, unless it was a preferrable choice. And if the person was innocent... well, Elerion never saw anyone claiming to be innocent after a few days in Mage Hunters' dungeons. However, even those days ended when, one day, Mages of the Citadel emerged from hiding. They claimed that magic can help the world, and that it is not to be feared. Also, they propagated the spreading of knowledge and literacy all around the world. Of course, the clergy of all of the gods protested, holding on to the sacred Law, which clearly dictated that peasants and cityfolk should be tending to their duties, those being trading, crafting and farming, not studying. According to the Law, knowledge was a sacred thing, and teaching a commoner how to read or count was considered a travesty. Also, any use of magic was forbidden, as only the gods were allowed to wield such power. And now, those filthy heretics were teaching even the peasants simplest of spells to help them with farming, teaching them how to read and write, thus delaying them from their main obligations: to pray and to work. That was why the temples immediately declared the mages infidels and heretics, enemies of all that was holy, and assembled all of their knightly orders just to annihilate them. It was such an interesting sight to see: temples finally united against a common enemy, holy knights standing back-to-back with the foulest of dreadguards. Mage Hunters immediately joined that alliance, hoping to vanquish those mages once and for all, to put them back into their place, that was six feet under.
However, the war didn't go as well as everyone had planned. The temples were hoping for a quick victory over the clearly outnumbered mages, planning to return to their internal struggles as soon as possible, before the first momentum was lost and the differences between the soldiers start to become visible. That was why they assembled all of their forces together and attacked the mages' main citadel. More than half a million soldiers assembled with a common cause: fall of the Citadel.
Well, the temples were right in one thing: the war was over quickly. However, much to their surprise, they weren't the victors. Oh, no. Elerion remembered that day well: legions of soldiers surrounding the glorious Citadel, it's white walls shining in the midday sun. Everyone was waiting for orders to start the attack, turning the great, white city and it's vast libraries into ashes. And then, just as the generals were about to order the charge, the great, wooden doors of the city opened, and two of the mages went through. They seemed so relaxed, casually strolling forward, as if they were in a park and not surrounded by enemies. Elerion watched them back then, knowing that something was wrong. They wouldn't have been so self-confident had they not had a trick up their sleeve. He watched them carefully: one was a human, bald and clean-shaved, with disturbing blue eyes that seemed to reach even into Elerion's soul, filling him with dread, even though he was far from the first lines. The human was wearing a purple classical wizard's robe with black edges, making him seem like pretty much any common mage... Elerion had killed many of them by then. However, his eyes... there was this something in his eyes and the way he held himself that made Elerion feel uneasy: he didn't even carry a staff, which was very unusual... those pedlars often found most of their powers in magical staves. When those would be broken, they would be powerless. However, this one didn't carry a staff, nor was he hiding it anywhere. No... he was different from all the other mages Elerion had faced by then.
Also, the human's companion, a dwarf, was completely different from all the other mages Elerion saw thus far. First of all, he was a dwarf, and he was wearing a helmet covering his face and a full plate armor. Elerion has never seen a magician in armor, as they usually claimed they didn't need it, and that their robes enhanced their spellcasting. This one's face wasn't visible from the mithril helmet on his head. However, a long, blonde beard did reach out to his waist from the helmet. Also, what surprised Elerion most were the two hammers casually hanging from the mage's waist. Even though nothing hinted that this dwarf had anything to do with magics, Elerion knew, somehow, that this dwarf could cast spells as well.
The unusual duo strolled carelesly, as if they didn't even notice that they were surrounded by enemies, stopping when they were on hearing distance. They looked around themselves, casually, unconcerned by the vast numbers of people they were surrounded with, gazing at them like they were flowers that just blossomed. Everyone watched them in silence, captivated, waiting for an order or for the two mages to start speaking, to say or to do something. Moments passed in total silence, as the two mages seemed not to mind the vast legion of knights, while the commanders on the other side didn't want to rush the attack, causing a defeat. Silence crawled under his skin, Elerion remembered, and he started to fear. Those mages... they were acting unnaturaly. Elerion had a bad feeling about this, a feeling which was digging him from the inside, slowly but surely, with each passing second of silence. Why didn't they do anything? Why were they just standing there, totally calm, the two lonely men in front of possibly the largest army Enterion has ever seen. And what was it that made them so calm? Those thoughts resounded in Elerion's head with each second of silence passing, silent at first, but growing louder and louder with each passing moment.
And then, finally, the human mage spoke:
«Good day to you gentlemen.» The human's voice was cynical, as if he was making fun of them, but his speech was formal. Also, his voice was strong enough to resound all over the battlefield, not as much because of it's strength, but because of magic. Elerion felt like the mage was standing next to him, telling him this in a voice of a man you meet in the street, and is talking just a foot or two away from you. «I am really sorry to have to tell you this, especially after you had gathered in such large numbers, but I'm afraid that we can't take any of you as apprentices. Please... return to your homes. Nothing for you to see here, I'm afraid.»
Hearing his human friend's words, the dwarf laughed, his strong, clear laughter resounding through the battlefield. Angered, some commanders ordered the archers to fire at the duo, and the sky turned black with arrows. After a few volleys, the commanders told the archers to stop, wanting to look at the bodies of the dead mages. However, what awaited them was a most unusual sight: all of the arrows stopped a few feet away from the mages, not even one harming or hitting a mage. All of them were levitating in the air, mages controling them with their magics.
«I am Edric Fisher and this is Thokrim Thunderblood», the human mage said in a cold voice. «We are Mges of Citadel, the Librarians. And we will kill you all.»
As soon as the human said those words, the arrows started flying towards the invading army's lines. The arrows flew with such speed and power that they flew through the people in first lines, regardless of wether they had shields or not, carrying into second lines. First few lines died in that one salvo, killed by the force of arrows. The commanders stood in awe, still not being able to believe what they saw. However, when the mages started to cast more spells, they quickly came to and ordered an attack. Heavy cavalry went first, charging the enemies, trying to crush them under the might of their charge. However, they didn't expect an army to appear out of nowhere. The human mage... Elerion somehow knew it was the human, summoned an army of white, glowing creatures. Their features weren't discernible, they looked like mere shapes made of light, armed with swords of equal appearance. When they held the lightswords, it looked like it was only an extension of them, a part of them. Maybe they even were, Elerion never found out. What he did find out was that they were invincible: the cavalry charge was squashed on their walls like a wave on a rock, leaving no effect. Those horsemen who did survive were quickly slain by the glowing warriors like they were children. Those who didn't die from the summoned fighters were killed by the dwarf. He was twice his size now, his armor seemingly melting with his body, his now huge hammers burning with blue fire. Elerion watched him fight: lances, maces, swords... every weapon imaginable broke on his iron skin. And when his mace just as touched a man, that man would be sent flying backwards, his body... even his armor aflame with that same blue flame. One of the retreating cavalrymen landed near Elerion, dying a screaming death. That was when Elerion got scared. For the first time in his life, Elerion got so scared his body refused to obey him. He, who lived for the battlefield was now frozen in fear. It was then that he realized that the mages are going to be victorious, and that the army stood no chance, even if there were ten times as many of them.
It was then that the catapults started firing, hoping to crush the mages with their massive boulders. However, they too didn't have any effect, as the human mage was crushing them with lightning coming from... from his rings. It was then that Elerion saw why the mage didn't carry a staff: he had more power in his two rings than most of the mages had along with their staves. The rocks would be smashed into tiny bits of sand by mighty thunders coming from mage's fingers. Elerion was frozen with fear, feeling the weight of each destroyed stone piling up on his shoulders. At the same time, the mage ordered his troops to march forward, dwarf leading in front. Seeing the summoned army advance, some soldiers started running away, saving their lives. The dwarf just snapped his fingers and a bunch of spikes came out from the ground, impaling the runaways with deadly precision. Not even one of them managed to escape. By this time, Elerion was so scared he started crying. These men... no, they weren't men. They were monsters! These monsters were killing them without mercy, and now their summoned army was getting closer, and closer...
And then, the two armies clashed, the real and the summoned one.
Led by the dwarf, the summoned army cut through the infantry lines, leaving no one alive in their wake. The light-made soldiers seemed invulnerable, and they were such skilled swordsmen that nobody actually had any chance of doing them much harm. Also, the dwarf was like a god of war: invulnerable, killing everything he touched, each strike of his massive hammer sending off a dozen of men flying through the air, burning to ashes.
Elerion remembered being too scared to fight. All he could do was stand there and watch, falling to his knees from mind-numbing fear. People were dying around him, many of his comrades as well, killed by the very mages they excelled in fighting. None of them had seen anyone of this caliber before, least of all anyone calling himself 'Librarian'. Those two wielded spells the likes of which he never even dreamed of to exist. The human was commanding his army and, at the same time killing his enemies by just snapping his fingers. Just one snap and the man would explode from inside, leaving only a bloody stain on the ground and an empty armor. The dwarf was, on the other hand, using both his hammers to bring doom to his enemies, and his magics to impale those who would try to escape. Elerion watched this, knowing deep inside he would have to fight the dwarf. Mustering all of his courage, Elerion took his twin blades, looking at the dwarf. Gripping each sword tightly, he closed his eyes, charging, ready to die. However, just as he started running, a sound was heard echoing through the battlefield:
«The generals are dead!»
That was it. The generals were dead, and the battle was lost. Those few survivors who remained mostly tried to flee, but in vain. They were all killed by Librarians' magic. Those few that remained raised their hands in surrender. Elerion did that, too, seeing how his death would be pointless and stupid. He surrendered, thinking how he was going to die anyways. He already started imagining what horrible tortures they would inflict on him. With all things considered, he thought that surrendering wasn't such a good idea. But, he was wrong.
The mages treated those who surrendered nicely, providing them with humane treatment, even with good food and drinks. Elerion couldn't believe it... those same mages that slaughtered half a million people and were being tortured and hunted like animals for years were now showing kindness. They even sent the prisoners back without ransom.
After being set free, Elerion thought about leaving the arms, retiring from soldier's life, retiring from Mage Hunters. It was really hard to hunt people who have shown you such kindness. However, before he could do anything, he was brought in by the very people he fought for: the priests. After the battle at Citadel, while he was imprisoned, the priests had to sign a surrender without terms. The mages forced them to sign a really humiliating treaty, and they were looking for someone to blame. So, they found Mage Hunters as perfect sacrificial lambs: they blamed them for starting the war, for attacking their allies, the mages, offering them as a sacrifice to appease the blood-hungry crowds: deaths of so many couldn't go unpunished. That was why the priests started hunting them off, imprisoning them and torturing them until they would admit everything. Then, each of them would be publicly executed as a warmonger and a war criminal, as well as a heretic.
Elerion was disappointed, to say the least. He went into hiding, depressed all the while. He still couldn't believe that their former allies, who really started the war and who gladly accepted their help have now turned their backs on them, chasing them like dogs. Disappointed and betrayed, Elerion turned to what he was best at: killing people. He decided to forget about everything else: ideals, love, women, music, friendship... none of that mattered any more. He didn't want to risk being betrayed again. No. Killing will never betray him, he knew. That is why he so reveled in it from that day on, his twin blades his only companions. And so he lived out his days, until he met Morganna. Them making a team didn't change much, though, as he didn't really care about her other than her abilities. He looked at her, seeing an ally in his vengeance: vengeance against the whole priesthood, for what they did to him, for what they did to his order. That was the only reason he really lived for. To show them the price of betrayal. That was why, when he heard the legend of Planar Child, he couldn't be happier: imagine their faces when a mere human starts killing the angels they revered or hated, depending on their religion. Also, imagine their faces when the demon they feared and revered start slaughtering them, their 'allies', the mages, denying them any help, since from the battle of Citadel the mages separated themselves from the outside world, not wanting to help the peasants and other commoners who wanted to attack them, along with priests. Oh, yes, that will be the day: the day when Mage Hunters get their vengeance.
Returning from his thoughts, reminding himself that only thinking did nobody any good, Elerion decided to pay Morganna a visit. He wanted to check out on how the demonkin was doing.

* * *

«Hey, Elerion!», Morganna greeted him when she saw him come in. As usual, she was busy tickling Aurora, driving her mad from both tickling and pleasure. This time, Aurora was lying on her bed face-down, her hands tied at her backs with Morganna sitting at them. Also, her feet were tied at the ankles, Morganna holding her feet by biting and sucking on her big toes. At the same time, the red-haired demonkin's long fingernails were dancing on the blonde's soles, making her scream from laughter behind her gag. Also, since Morganna trained her to be turned on by tickling, Aurora was getting quite wet behind her legs. She was suffering, driven insane by the ten fingers that were dancing all across her bare, sexy soles, but at the same time enjoying every second of it. Her long toenails weren't even twitching anymore. Instead, they were trying to fight their way into red-hair's mouth, wishing for the attention of her tongue. Morganna knew that, but her mouth didn't accept the offer, concentrating on those two delicious treats that were already in her mouth, nibbling on them, sucking them and savouring them with her skilled tongue at the same time. Elerion had to admit to himself, he enjoyed watching Morganna do this to Aurora. There was a certain pleasure in watching the blonde tortured by slow orgasm, her will completely broken now. Morganna was a skilled tickler, knowing how to deliver sexual pleasure while tickling, turning her ticklee's whole body into one enormous erogenous zone. Then, she would keep her victim at the edge of orgasm, letting them so close to that sweet sensation they could almost smell it, but denying it at the last moment. She could leave a person in such a state for days without him or her orgasming, but being on the edge all the while. However, it never took days for people to break. Most that anyone endured were three hours, and that someone was him, Elerion, when they first met. Come to think of it, the only reason why he held out for seven full days was because she never used her fearsome techniques until day seven. That was the day she unleashed her full assault, and that was the day he broke.
«Want some Aurora?», the demonkin's voice brought him back from his thoughts. She stopped sucking on blonde's toes to ask him that. However, Aurora didn't move her pretty feet away when her toes were free. Instead, her soles were seeking out Morganna's tickling fingernails. She really trained her well.
«Do you want some Aurora?», Morganna repeated, laughing. «I haven't seen you use that thing between your legs since when I raped you when we first met. C'mon, if you don't use it, it will shrivel up.» Saying so, she winked, a coquettish smile on her face. «I'm sure Aurora is dying to give you a little blowjob, isn't that right, my little tickle-slave?» Saying so, Morganna turned to Aurora, who just nodded silently. Then, statisfied, the redhair started kissing the human's soles, her red curls enveloping the two juicy, tied up feet.
«Come on, Elerion, I know you want to», he heard a sound coming from the pile of red hair. Elerion hesitated for a moment, but then sighed, knowing that his companion was right. He really hasn't had sex in so long, and perhaps it was time for him to get back in action. Most of the time he didn't want to give in to his lust because of fear of being caught off-guard. However, this time he was on a boat, in the middle of the sea. What could possibly happen to him, he thought. That was why he lowered his pants a bit, taking out his erect cock. He had to admit to himself: he wanted Aurora from the first day they met. There was something in this human that Elerion found attractive, he just couldn't tell what. He has killed even more beautiful women without blinking, but with Aurora it was different. He wasn't sure, but he thought it would be for the best if he killed her then, when they first met... he didn't want to find himself having a weak spot for anyone, least of all a slave. Well... he had to admit... as a sex toy, Aurora really could prove useful.
These thoughts in mind, Elerion came closer to Aurora, noticing one thing: Morganna has dug her feet into the girl's armpits, tickling her with the toes. Now, that was an arousing addition: Morganna's perfectly pedicured toenails wriggling their way inside Aurora's helpless armpits. Before, Elerion couldn't see that detail, as the seeress' tied arms were blocking the way, but now he had a clear view of those white feet holding tightly to Aurora's sides, wriggling the toes inside the blonde's smooth armpits. Smiling to the scene, Elerion held Aurora's trashing head still, fixing it with his strong hands. He could feel her face burning, her warm tears rolling down his fists. It seemed that there still was a little bit of 'old' Aurora left... and she didn't want this. Oh, well, who cares, Elerion thought as he slowly removed a few locks of Aurora's golden hair from her face, removing her gag as well. Here goes nothing, Elerion thought as he aimed for Aurora's mouth with his cock, holding her head firmly.
And then, Elerion stopped, interrupted by a scream coming from the deck.

* * *

Elerion looked at Morganna, anger in his eyes. What the hell was the demon-woman thinking?! She held his blades just as he was going to send all of those pirates to seven hells, opting for a peaceful solution. What peaceful solution, he thought for himself. There will be peace when these pirates start feeding the fishes. However, the pirate captain did manage to avoid combat, persuading the cowardly captain into giving up without a fight. She told him that, if he surrendered peacefuly, she would spare everyone on board, and the idiot just gave the order to let the woman board the ship. True, the woman held her promise thus far: she and her band of vagabonds boarded the ship and started taking all the valuables, but without violence. Those who resisted were held helpless, but no harm was done to them.
«Greetings», the pirate captain started to speak, taking her hat off and bowing down theatrically. Elerion noticed that, behind her long, brown curly hair, two pointy ears sprouted. This woman was a half-breed, it seemed. He had to restrain himself from laughing. «I am Eliza, a pirate. Me and my mates are collecting voluntary donations all over the seas. It all goes into good causes, so please... donate generously.»
Her crew roared with laughter in response to the captain's little speech. She was mocking them, and there wasn't a thing Elerion was allowed to do... Morganna seemed decisive on this, and he didn't want to fight both her and the pirates. Besides, Morganna probably knew what she was doing. She probably wanted to avoid fighting until Yamamoto, if possible at all. Well... she was probably right, he thought. A fight like this would greatly reduce crew members, and someone had to run this ship. That was why Elerion's two perfectly polished and sharpened swords remained sheathed, harmlessly hanging from his waist. Even when the pirates came to him to relieve him of all of his worthy possessions did he not draw his blades: he didn't have much money anyways, and he could always kill and loot someone in Yamamoto, should the need for money arise.
While the pirates were busy collecting the crew's and passangers' valuables, Elerion took his time to study Eliza, the captain. First thing he noticed about her was that she was fiery. Oh, yes, her stature, her brown, curly hair that was falling to her back, free and unrestrained, her broad, mischevious smile all gave out the girl's fiery, adventurous spirit. Also, her clothes were pretty tomboyish, composed of white, broad shirt with long, broad sleeves that allowed maximum manuverability, but offering no real protection, light-brown light leather pants and knee-high rough leather boots. As an addition, a longsword was hanging freely from her waist. That girl really did look like a pirate, Elerion thought... a pirate who is into piracy for adventure and fun, not for profit. She looked like a free, adventurous type, a type of woman made for open horizons, for the thrills of adventuring life. Same as Morganna, he thought. Living peacefully, married and in love, with an idilic house and a farm... that would be death for these two. Their spirits opted for more, to break the shackles of normal, settled life and live a life of complete freedom. Elerion looked at Eliza, and then at Morganna. He could see that the demonkin noticed the same thing as he did... and that she wanted Eliza. He knew what was on Morganna's mind: she wanted to tame that fiery spirit inside Eliza, to make her an obedient slave. Morganna found some kind of pleasure in it, subduing strong spirits to her will. It was almost as if she hated and loved that kind of people at the same time. Elerion could see the demonkin biting her lip, trying to hold back the urge to attack and kidnap Eliza. He knew she was really close to giving him order to attack.
Suddenly, the pirate-girl realized that the duo was watching her, so she started looking at them. At first it was just a glance, but when the girl's brown, mischevious eyes met Morganna's, Eliza smiled, talking to her crew:
«Well, well, if it isn't the notorious duo, Morganna and Elerion. How pleasant of you to turn yourself in without a fight.»
What the hell!? How did she recognize them!? Leaving those thoughts for later, Elerion drew out his blades, for he knew: now was the time to fight. And he was right: pirates were coming from all sides, trying to capture him for some unknown purpose. What that purpose actually was, Elerion didn't know, nor did he care. He will surely ask them once they are all defeated, he thought. Speaking of defeating, the first wave had just arrived.
Easy, Elerion thought, killing them all off with a quick spinning strike with his two blades. He realized something: most of these guys have never fought in their life. They were just for show, used by Eliza to intimidate ships into surrendering. Had it come to a real fight, these guys would be as useless as a fork would be against castle's walls. Hmph. Time to kill these guys off, Elerion thought...
And then, he felt pain.
In front of Elerion, coming out of nowhere, stood a tall, black woman. Her hair was long, black and straight, carried freely by the wind, her eyes dark, proud and wild like her beautiful face and narrow, broad lips. Her face was that of a warrior, her standing as proud and wild as Eliza's... and her knee was in Elerion's groin. Elerion could feel the pain eating away at his strength and conciousness, making him go towards the floor, slowly but surely. He tried to hold himself onto the woman, to catch some breath, but all he could do was slow his descent down, his hand going down the girl's shoulder, following the line of her beautiful, big breasts hidden under the same white shirt as Eliza's, down her muscular, flat belly, and...
That is when everything went black.

* * *

«Rise and shine, sweetie.»
Elerion waited for things to clear out in his head. Where was he? What happened? And who was this wom...
That was when it all came back to him. Of course. The pirate-girl and her black friend. The bitch had caught him off-guard and hit him in the groin so hard he lost conciousness from the pain. And to make matters worse, that very girl was still in front of him. Well, at least now is his chance to return the fav... what?
It was then that Elerion figured out that making his plan of vengeance a reality wasn't going to be that easy, as his hands were tied high above his head and his legs were tied to the legs of chair he was sitting on at both knees and ankles. Feeling a light breeze on his skin, Elerion looked down, discovering that he was naked from the waist up, and that his muscular, hairless torso (since elves didn't have any body hair) was vulnerable to whatever infernal tortures these two decide to inflict upon him.
«What the...», he started, but the black girl just smiled, showing her beautiful, white teeth. Her adorable face had a really mean expression.
«Finally, you are awake», she said.
Elerion didn't pay her much heed... whatever she was going to do to him, she was going to do it anyways, with him as an audience or without. He looked around the room, trying to find Morganna. It was a large, empty room, somewhere below the deck. The room itself was relatively well lit, but still, due to it's size, there were places that torches couldn't cover. The room was just too big for a few torches to lit it. What mostly surprised Elerion was the emptiness of the room. Not a single piece of furniture (if you don't count this restraining device, the chair). Also, considering the size and the lack of items, Elerion guessed it must have been the treasury room... emptied up, of course, since he and Morganna are the main treasure now. That girl, Eliza, must have known them pretty well, considering how quick she recognized them... and rememered th bounty on their heads, which was quite high. And bingo... Elerion stopped thinking about Eliza when he found Morganna, who wasn't so far away from him, but she was sharply to the right, so Elerion had to look over his tied, muscular arm to see her.
The beautiful redhair was restrained in a piece of wooden stocks, her hands secured in the center, and her legs spread wide so her feet could be put in the holes at the sides. Her toes were tied to the back of the stocks, offering her absolutely no free movement. Morganna was acting calmly but Elerion knew that inside, she was burning with rage. He hated being captive, but Morganna... she found any sort of restraints unbearable. Last time someone tried to put her in chains... well, it didn't end well for that guy. Elerion knew that even worse predicament awaited Eliza, who was standing in front of the tied demonkin. Elerion noticed one more thing: Aurora was standing next to the pirate captain, free. Eliza would turn to her every once in a while, giving her a sad, compassionate look. Then, she would fix her gaze upon Morganna again, but this time the gaze was angry and cold. The girl must have known them from before, he was sure. But, where from? He certainly didn't remember her.
«Hey!», the black girl called out to her captain, «This one is finally awake.»
«Finally», Eliza smiled. «I was getting a little impatient here.»
«What the fuck?!», Elerion shouted. «Who the hell are you and what do you want from us?»
Eliza turned to him, looking him directly in the eyes.
«I want revenge... revenge upon Morganna», she said, an angry fire in her brown eyes. «And I want the bounty on your heads.»
Oh, so that was why he didn't recognize her... and why the girl was still alive. This time someone wanted vengeance upon Morganna... this was the first this happened since they met.
«Hey, Morganna!», he shouted out to his partner, «This time they want you! Your treat this time!»
Morganna and Elerion had an agreement between themselves: whenever they would kill, capture or otherwise incapacitate anyone looking for vengeance against one of them, the one who was the target would buy drinks next time they were in tavern. Finally, it was Morganna's turn. However, Eliza's lapdog didn't find it funny. She kicked Elerion in the stomack, making him loose all breath, clutching as hard as he could (which wasn't much, really, only a centimeter or so).
«Shut up while she talks», the woman said.
«Fuck you, bitch», Elerion said, a defiant smile on his face. That earned him another hit. This time it was with her fist, again in the stomack. Damn. The bitch was strong, Elerion thought, coughing.
«Aszhara, stop», Eliza stopped the black woman from hitting Elerion again, after he spat at her. The black woman, obviously named Aszhara, stopped her hand a few centimeters away from Elerion's face.
«He started it!», she tried to defend herself, but Eliza gave her a sign to stop.
«Enough, Aszhara... you hit him first», the half elf said. Hmm... sense for justice. Elerion already started to hate her. He thought about insulting her a bit, to anger her, but decided not to. He wanted to hear what they were going to say, all the while thinking about a way to escape, then let them torture any way they want, still thinking about a way to escape, then escape during the torture (if not sooner) clearing out any disrepancies in the escape plan along the way.
The brunette then turned to Morganna: «So, finally, I have you trapped.»
«Um... I don't understand what is all of this about», Morganna tried to play dumb. However, Elerion could see that this wasn't working.
«Oh, cut it out!», Eliza yelled, her face red from anger. «You remember me well! I saw it in your eyes! You remember me and what you did to me, and you lust to do it again! Admit it!»
«I really don't know what are you talking about!» Morganna was visibly trying to stay calm, but it didn't work well. Poisonous despise was clearly heard in her voice, colder than the avalanche.
«Still trying to play dumb, are you?», Eliza shouted, slapping the demonkin across her face. «Fine. Then, I'll tell you. Do you remember the case of Narcis killer, when a series of murders happened in an elven tree-city of Tellaren, and the only lead anyone had was the note the killer left next to the bodies, saying 'Narcis did this'. Do you remember now?!»
«My head is a little fuzzy», Morganna said, still trying to act stupid, even though it was obvious she remembered the girl. Morganna wasn't such a good actress when trying to conceal killing rage.
«Playing dumb, are you?» Eliza looked upon Morganna with clear despise in her eyes. «Fine, I'll tell you the entire story, then. The authorities offered a huge amount of money to anyone who could help them solve the mistery. It was about then that I entered the city, already looked down on because of my human heritage. I didn't want to have anything with the city and it's problems, I was just passing by. However, it wasn't so easy, as when I went to the inn, I met you. You came over to me, offering me a drink with an excuse of being glad to find someone who actually wants to talk to a non-elf. I fell for it, enjoying some company and someone to talk to, not noticing the sleeping powder you placed in my drink. Of course, the powder affected me, and I fainted, waking up tied and helpless.» She slapped Morganna again, furious. «You tickle-tortured me until I confessed that I was the one doing all the killings! And, of course, you collected your reward, leaving me to get executed, innocent of crime. Do you know what tortures they put me through?! I was lucky the real murderer was caught a day later, or I would have been hanged in public. When I was freed, I swore vengeance upon you, Morganna. And now it has finally come.»
Finishing her story, Eliza silently looked upon the tied redhair with anger and despise, her wild eyes burning with hatred. Catching her eyes, Morganna laughed, her clear laughter echoing in the dark, empty room. Eliza slapped her.
«Stupid bitch», Morganna said, taking another slap from the angry pirate-woman. Her cheeks were blushing red by now, from all the slaps she got. His stomack wasn't in a much better shape neither, he thought. «What do you plan to do with us? Torture us until we squeal for something? Trust me, we will escape sooner or later, and then you will regret...», Morganna's eyes were so full of anger it seemed like they were burning, «... you will regret the day you were born. You and your little whore!»
Hearing the demonkin speak so of her friend, Eliza slapped Morganna so hard the redhead's lip broke, blood spilling over the floor.
«Don't you dare speak to Aszhara like that!», she shouted, slapping Morganna yet again. And again, new stream of blood was seen, this time from redhead's cheek.
«You just made the biggest mistake of your life, girl», Morganna smiled, spitting out some blood. «When I get free...»
«Oh, but you won't get free.» Eliza's smile was confident as she gloated over her former tormentor's helpless position. «The ship is already sailing for the nearest port. We are going to turn you in to the authorities there and take the bounties on your heads. And in the meantime...»
Eliza made a dramatic pause, slowly running her pointing finger across the outer line of Morganna's helpless sole. Morganna tried to escape, twisting and pulling on her bonds with full force, but it was of no use. She was trapped and helpless against this half-elf woman, who certainly planned on using her ticklishness. «...I plan on getting revenge for what you did to me in Tellaren.»
Elerion watched as Eliza readied her hands, kneeling in front of Morganna and wiggling her fingers in front of the demonkin's soft, ticklish soles. Morganna started to squeal and laugh, even though the fingers didn't even touch her yet.
«Before we start, I'd like to know», the brown-haired woman said, looking at Aurora and then back at the demonkin, «what did you do to this poor woman? Turned her into your slave? Broke her free will with constant tortures? Why, Morganna? Are human lives just a game to you?»
«Just shut up and start torturing me already!», Morganna yelled at Eliza, not wanting to answer. Hearing this, Eliza stood up, taking a long bandana in her hands.
«I see», she said, coming from the redhair's backs and tying the bandana around her mouth, gagging her. «Then there's nothing more for us to talk, is there?»
Gag in place, Eliza returned to her former position, at Morganna's feet, taking her time to study them both.
«Hmm... not bad», she said, «but I think Aszhara's are prettier.» She turned to Elerion. «What do you think, elf?»
When Eliza asked him that question, Elerion noticed Aszhara taking one of her boots off, revealing a beautiful, high-arched, long, broad foot, with long, slender toes and black, perfectly pedicured toenails. Her feet were taken good care of, it seemed. He would have never expected this from a woman with such warrior skills. She had beautiful feet, he had to admit to himself, but on attractivness scale, Morganna's would do a wee bit better because of her beautiful, perfect toes and the smoothest skin Elerion has ever felt.
«Yeah...», he said, «... her feet are nice... for a bitch!»
Saying this, Elerion braced himself for another serie of hits, but he was surprised when he saw that Eliza held the black woman's hand.
«No», the half-elf pirate said, «I have something better in store for this guy.»
Saying so, the tall brunette started digging through her pouch, taking out a powder of some sort.
«I was saving this for Morganna», she said, looking at the powder, and then turning her eyes to Elerion, «but I have decided to use it to teach you a valuable lesson: nobody talks bad about Aszhara in my presence. Nobody.»
«Eliza...», Aszhara wanted to say something, but the half-elf hushed her, putting her finger on black warrior-woman's full lips.
«Shh, Aszhara...», she said. «Don't worry. I will make Morganna pay in my own way. You go and punish this guy, my love...»
Saying so, the half elf leant forward, kissing the other woman on her lips. Aszhara returned the kiss, hugging Eliza. Elerion smiled cruely, but his smile faded quickly, as Eliza, as soon as her and Aszhara's lips parted, kicked him in the stomack, tossing the powder into his mouth when he opened them to shout from pain. Then, she tied a bandana similar to Morganna's one around his mouth, silencing him as well.
«Now, make him pay», Eliza said, despise in her eyes. Aszhara smiled at Eliza, kissing her again, and then looking at Elerion. The tied elf could clearly see a sadistic glint inside those dark eyes.
What the hell did she just sip in his mouth, a thought flashed through his head. He was already starting to feel dizzy. Something was wrong, he knew it. He felt like his mind wasn't his own any more. He could hear Morganna's muffled screams of laughter coming from the side. Turning around, he saw Eliza 'working' on Morganna's bare soles, her fingers dancing all across her ticklish heels and arches, which just laid there helplessly, unable to move at all. Morganna was trashing in her bonds, pulling on them as hard as she could, trying to do anything just to set herself free. Her head was swinging around, her red hair looking like it was on fire under the light of the torches, dancing to the beat of Eliza's wiggling fingers.
Elerion watched the show for a few moments, thinking how it was interesting to finally see Morganna getting it for a change, but he was interrupted when Aszhara sat in his lap, facing him. From this close, Elerion could feel the sweet scent of the girl's perfume mixing with the smell of salt, giving the woman even more alluring, natural touch.
«Time to get your punishment», she said, taking out two feathers from god-knows-where. Elerion wasn't concerned with where came from, anyways. Instead, he focused on getting away from them, trying to escape what he knew was in store for him: merciless tickling. However, it was of no use: the two feathers were slowly but surely heading for his ticklish torso, and the bondage made it impossible for him to escape. Trash and squirm as much as he wished, he couldn't escape the two feathers, which were heading for his body, making him shiver in expectation of what their arrival meant. His eyes opened wide when the two feathers arrived, each so awfully close to one of his sensitive armpits.
And then, the feathers touched his skin, and Elerion had burst into laughter. Aszhara started running the feathers slowly and torturously up and down his armpits, making Elerion go crazy. He finally found out what that powder was: it was an aphrodisiac, and a very strong one at that. It made his skin highly sensitive, even more than before, and very erotic. Each slow, ticklish stroke of the feather tickled like crazy, while on the other hand it also aroused the elven warrior. As if the very way Aszhara tickled him wasn't erotic enough, the aphrodisiac started to work, turning Elerion on very quickly. He screamed from ticklishness behind his gag as the devil's feathers slowly moved across the most ticklish spot on his body, those being his armpits, but enjoying each and every second of it. Inside, Elerion was cursing the three women in this room: Morganna for not letting him attack right away, Eliza for giving him that aphrodisiac and being a soft-hearted, annoying half-breed, and finally Aszhara, for many, many reasons. He knew this torture wasn't going to stop until they reach the shore, when authorities will pick him up and then torture him some more. However, by the time they come ashore, Elerion mused, he will be welcoming the touch of a whip or branding iron, as the twin feathers were driving him crazy already. Down inside his pants, his cock was already fully erect, each touch of the feather sending a sweet impulse down there, enchanced by the aphrodisiac. Elerion hated this, being so powerless against Aszhara and her cruel methods. At the moment, he wanted to rip her heart out with his bare hands but all he could do was laugh behind his gag, mumbling silenced curses and taking whatever tickling the black woman unleashed upon him. No matter how hard he struggled to escape the feathers, they felt like they were glued to his skin, not leaving it for a second, just going up and down, up and down, and then up and down his ticklish armpits again and again, in a never-ending, maddening loop. This slow torture was driving him crazy, the feather's erotic touch adding insult to injury by arousing him more and more. He should have kept his mouth shut, he thought. That way, Morganna would get that damn aphrodisiac. Instead, he just had to flap his big mouth and become the warrior-woman's tickle-toy.
As time passed, Elerion grew more and more desperate, and more and more aroused. His cock was pulsating from pleasure brought to him by both the aphrodisiac and the slowly moving feathers, while he was cursing everything he could think of from the inside. It occured to him long ago that his tormentor was beautiful indeed, but now he started to want her, his lust growing with each passing moment. After a while more, inside his mind he started to beg the woman to let him fuck her, just for him to relieve himself somehow. He could feel the orgasm coming in, but it was coming too slowly, little by little, an experience just as maddening as the constant tickling of the feathers that crawled on his skin. He was begging for release by now, feeling that all other things in life started to loose value. Pride, stoicism, rage... everything started to seem more and more distant as minutes of light stroking passed, stroke by stroke, each stroke tickling like mad, but at the same time feeling so good. Damn it, what devil invented such tortures, Elerion asked himself.
Speaking of the devil, Morganna didn't seem to be having any better time than Elerion. She was probably five times as ticklish as he was, even in this state. The sensation of ten long nails dancing all across her ticklish soles was a torture unlike any other for her. Elerion couldn't see her, but he could hear that her muffled screams of laughter didn't cease... if anything, they became more intense. Every now and then, Eliza would let her rest for a bit, not wanting to let the descendant of succubus to faint. The redhair was probably on the brink of total exhaustion by now, Elerion thought for a brief moment before returning to his own problems.
By this time, Elerion was already so aroused he stopped avoiding the feathers, seeking them out with his armpits instead, accepting their ticklish touch in hopes of finally reaching orgasm. He was so close to it he could already smell it. Aszhara must have noticed that, as her grin became wider and wider, teasing him cruely.
«Hmm... what happened to that brave guy from before, I wonder», she teased. He didn't care any more... he would have let her say what she wants, do what she wants with him, just as long as she would let him orgasm, and fast. He imagined her taking his stiffened cock out of his pants and into her beautiful, narrow mouth. He would probably ejaculate before she would put it into her mouth, he was that aroused. He could feel the orgasm coming just from behind the corner... but it was coming at such a slow speed, like a snail.
Ten minutes later, Elerion was ready to go crazy if he had to endure one more second of this torture. His groins were maddeningly thrusting towards the beautiful black girl, trying to penetrate her with their both pants on. He was at his wits end, literally, feeling his sperm ready to shoot out at any moment, begging for it to happen as soon as possible. Aszhara noticed that, she noticed his sex-madness, so she decided to finally have mercy. She moved one feather away from Elerion's armpit, placing it on his nipple. As soon as the feather touched his nipple, Elerion ejaculated inside his pants, feeling his hot juice spilling all over his pants, shooting out again and again in what seemed to be infinite amount. Elerion felt released, happy, as if someone had liberated him from hell, enjoying the releasing, warm sensation in his pants. Aszhara was looking at him the whole time, amused with elf's final submission. Elerion relaxed in his bondage, nothing mattering to him any more. Morganna's muffled screams of laughter could still be heard, echoing through the half-empty room, but they seemed somehow distant, unimportant. Elerion could feel his heart beating rapidly and strong, as if it was trying to break out of his lungs. This torture really tired him out.
«Ready for round two?» The warrior asked him, moving the feathers away and prepairing her fingers, wriggling them in front of Elerion's face to show him what she was going to do to him. However, instead of being scared, Elerion gave her a defiant look, noticing two things: first of all, Morganna's laughter went quiet all of a sudden, and second, Aurora was standing behind the warrior-woman, holding a wooden plank.
Before Aszhara could realize what was happening, she was hit from behind, falling unconscious from the hit.

* * *

«Finally, everything is prepaired», Morganna said finishing the final knots that bound Aszhara and Eliza together, one to another. Then, she stood up to observe her work, feeling proud of herself.
The two women were lying down, tied tightly one to another at several places: the ankles (each ankle was tied separately), knees, thights, waist and neck. Aszhara was tied on top of Eliza, face to face, the upper woman looking to the floor. Their hands were tied at their backs, whole forearms tied one to another, leaving no free space for movement. Thus restrained, the two lovers could do nothing but kiss and talk to each other while enduring the penalty that was about to come.
Elerion thought about how lucky they were. If Eliza didn't feel simpathy for Aurora, letting her free as a fellow victim of Morganna, they would probably be tickled to insanity. However, Aurora did her part like a good little girl, incapacitating both of their captors and setting him and Morganna free. Once that was done, everything else went smoothly. They tied Aszhara and Eliza up, and when they woke up, they made Eliza pass the command to them in front of the crew, threatening they will kill Aszhara if she didn't comply. It was funny to see how quick she was to obey at mere mention of hurting the black beauty. The crew didn't welcome the decision, but seeing how it was the captain's orders, they obliged. Better for them, for this time Elerion was armed, his twin swords back into his possesion, and angry. Being that these guys were mainly for showing off, they knew they wouldn't stand a chance against Elerion... not without Aszhara. Everything went so smoothly that Elerion himself was surprised. They were back on course, heading for Yamamoto, and all that remained now was vengeance. Vengeance upon these two.
«Tickle me, will you?», Morganna screamed furiously. «We will see who gets tickled now, Eliza.»
Eliza didn't respond to Morganna. Instead, she looked at Aurora, disappointment in her big, naive eyes.
«Why?», she asked the blonde, who just looked away. Tears were welling up in half-elf's eyes. «I... I thought you were same as me... I thought to free you from her...»
Hearing those words, Morganna laughed, taking some of her messy hair from her face.
«Free her? Oh, girl, you are so naive. You see, my little Aurora...», saying so, she came up to the blonde, giving her the sign to raise her hand. The blonde obeyed, and Morganna started to tickle her armpit. Aurora laughed and begged Morganna to stop, but she didn't drop her arm. Morganna looked at the tied duo, continuing to speak: «... she has no will of her any more. She is completely under my control. I am her mistress... her goddess. You should have known that...»
Saying so, the demonkin stopped tickling her tickle-slave, positioning herself at the duo's feet.
«I'm going to torture your lover first, Eliza», she said, taking Aszhara's bare, defenseless foot in her hand. «Since you so hate to see her suffer, I'm going to torture her until she looses her mind, and all you will be able to do is stand and watch her go insane through days of constant tickle-torture. Don't worry... when she goes completely insane, I'll have her help me tickling you.»
Hearing this, the captive half-elf pirate started struggling, but it was of no use. All she managed to achieve was hurting her lover by twisting her joints.
«Please... not her... she's done nothing to you», Eliza tried to plead for her lover. «Torture me any way you want... she's done nothing to you.»
«But she did do something to my companion, didn't she?», Morganna answered. «He wants her to be nice and obedient so he can... use her a bit.»
It was true. Morganna didn't let Elerion cut Aszhara to tiny pieces, saying it would be too fast, and that she was a precious hostage. Instead, she promised she would let him make her his love slave during the long voyage to Yamamoto. Elerion agreed with that, as the thought of raping Aszhara remained in his mind ever since that tickle session he went through with her. It would probably be more fun that way, he thought: making love to the broken lioness in front of her lover's eyes, making the half-elf even more desparate. He was certain Morganna will insist on him fucking her in front of Eliza while she tickle-tortures the brunette. Once Aszhara breaks, of course.
Elerion could hear Aszhara's mighty laughter echoing through the room as Morganna started to lick her foot, from the toes all the way up to heels (since she was facing upside-down, her heels were above her toes). Come to think of it, the voyage to Yamamoto should take around three more weeks. The duo will certainly provide lots of entertainment for both him and Morganna in the meantime.


Hahaha... best chapter yet. You full filled all requirements. Perfect score.
Thanks, m8. Glad you liked it. Well, I did promise that the ch7 will make out for lack of quality in ch4 and 5😉 I was really putting a lot of hope and effort into this chap, and that was why I decided to separate it from Sylvana's part (since I thought it would take me ages to write such a huge chapter, and ages for people to read it).
I'll try making the next few chapters a little shorter, though😉
No need to worry about how long it is mate. It is perfect. Only few details that i send in pm are what are needed. All in all you have talent.
Thank you, mate. You really flatter me too much. After all, you have been a great help to me in modulating the plot (I wouldn't have thought of the fight with the mages if it weren't for our little exchange in PMs)
man i love morgana you should really write a story of when her and elerion met
Thanks, m8. Morganna seems to be quite popular. On the next Enterion chapter, she does get tickled by someone (I won't reveal who). As to Morganna/Elerion tickling scene, I'm not sure if I will cover their meeting, but maybe later-on, I will include it. As I said, not sure yet🙂
Thanks, m8. Morganna seems to be quite popular. On the next Enterion chapter, she does get tickled by someone (I won't reveal who). As to Morganna/Elerion tickling scene, I'm not sure if I will cover their meeting, but maybe later-on, I will include it. As I said, not sure yet🙂

Ahh you're still around, that's nice, i just recently read all the chapters of this story after finding this one, i'm happy to see you're still around and working on this, i was worried you might've given up on it.:ayyy:
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