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Enterion, chapter 8 (f/f)

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
Chapter 8 is FINALLY out. I know it has been long since I made a new chap there, and I'm really sorry for that, but a series of events have led to my neglecting of writing in general, and with some requests I needed to fulfill, Enterion didn't get any of my time. Well, now I changed that, and decided to go back to my series, so fans of Enterion, I apologize for the wait and give you chapter 8!
Note that in this chapter there is very little tickling (only at the end), so if you want only tickling, read the part after the last *** mark. In this chappy, I wanted to profile some of my chars better, and the setting was such it didn't allow tickling.
But, enough of me talking, on with the story.

Enterion, chapter 8

«Nothing again», Keiko groaned, disappointed, as they walked out of another library without any answers whatsoever. «And this was the last one.»
«Yes... it seems that no library in Totara holds answers to this riddle», Asuka confirmed. «But, what now?»
Keisuke sighed. They have been searching for the whole day, without any success. All three of them were hungry and thirsty, and Asuka and Keiko were showing signs of fatigue. He couldn't blame them... they searched all the libraries in Totara, each and every one, trying to find something... anything, that could give them some useful information on this particular 'Chosen One' legend, but they came up short. Why didn't people write important things down, he wandered. This was the same situation as when they were hunting Tyrammon the Betrayer, Exiled Lord of the Abyss. Yes... the quest that has woven his name into numerous epics and legends also started out by seeking knowledge in the libraries of Totara, coming out empty that time as well... in Totara, at least. And hadn't it been for the wizard, Alagonde, and his great library, they would have probably failed. But, the old man was there, as was his apprentice... Charlie... who became their companion, proving himself as an invaluable and seemingly endless source of information and as a trustworthy companion and comrade. He could still remember him: his red hair, which earned him nickname 'Copper Charlie', his bright remarks which cut straight to the core, his determination to make everything in the world right... ah, yes, those were the days. They made quite a group; The Great Four they called them when they finished the quest, even though only three of them returned... thanks to him, Iron Keisuke, or, as legends call him, Keisuke the Swordsman. The Swordsman, they said, calling him so because of his unmatched skill in the sword, becoming the youngest Kensai in the history of the order at the age of mere 15 years, quickly becoming the greatest amongst them in skill.
Pah, Keisuke thought, of what use is the skill in swords if you are just another young fool, like he was, letting himself fall for the demon's tricks... letting himself kill Adeanne. He still remembered how she looked at him that day, one last time, the memory of her eyes haunting him ever since, her last words still echoing inside his head, waking him up screaming many times since that day:
«Farewell, my love.»

* * *

Keiko was staring at Keisuke for some time, waiting for an answer to Asuka's question. She thought that Keisuke would reply with one of his sarcastic comments on ninja girl's account, as they used to do to each other, but instead he was silent, standing like he was lost in thought. She was waiting for the ronin to reply, focusing on him, wandering if there's something wrong with him.
And that was why she was so surprised when he suddenly screamed, as if in terrible pain, hitting the nearby wall with his fist. At first, Keiko screamed too, jumping away, feeling her heart in her heels. Asuka jumped as well, though without screaming. However, Keiko soon saw that Keisuke didn't look too well, so she ran up to him to see what was wrong. The tall, muscular warrior certainly didn't look too well: his long, straight, messy hair which reached to the height of his armpits has suddenly become all covered in sweat, as well as his face, which went red all of a sudden, his facial expression cramped in a grimace of pain.
«Keisuke!», she called out to him, holding him so he wouldn't fall or hurt himself... a futile effort, she knew, as he was about double her weight. She was really worried for him. «Are you all right?»
At first, the ronin didn't reply, still struggling against the wall, his face looking like he was about to go mad from pain. This made even Asuka worried, so she, too, came over to see what was wrong.
«Hey, Keisuke!», Keiko tried patting him on the back to get his attention. She was really worried, which was clearly reflected in her voice and tone. «Are you all right? Please... answer me.»
«C'mon, Keisuke», Asuka joined in, «you're scaring Keiko... what's wrong?»
Again, no reply was heard from the samurai, who just kept leaning on the wall, his fist bleeding from the impact to the wall, but he didn't seem to notice that... something else was on his mind.
«C'mon, Keisuke...», Keiko started shaking him a little, but stopped as he placed his hand on her shoulder, setting himself straight, his usual, calm face and icy, formal holding returning like they had never been gone.
«I'm all right», he said. «Let's all take a break.»
Saying so, he marched forward, entering the nearest inn availible.
«What was that?», Asuka wandered, scratching her head. Both girls were confused, and Keiko was visibly worried as well. She knew that, even though he tends to appear rough around people, he was there when she needed him... and nobody had ever done that for her... especially if they really had no reason, like him. Keisuke was a sweetheart inside, but for some reason he didn't want to let it show, pushing everyone away from himself, trying to make everyone hate and avoid him. Or at least, that's what Keiko thought.

* * *

«Another one», the man in front of Michikusa ordered, emptying his sixth sake since he entered... which would be about two minutes ago. Michikusa, a short, fat bald man, scratched his head. In all of his life as a bartender, never has he ever seen someone drinnk so much sake in so little time and still stand. His father and grandfather probably haven't either, and they were both bartenders too, his grandfather founding this inn. Inkeeping has since then been a family business for his bloodline, and Michikusa was no exception... even his three sons were on a fine route to become his heirs one day. However, in his long years of serving food and drinks, he has never seen anything like this: This tall, muscular man, aged about thirty-five drank like a demon, and it didn't seem to have any effect on him yet.
«Here you go, sir», he said, pouring the man his drink. The man took the strong beverage out of his hands, emptying this one as well in one sip.
«Another one!», he ordered again. Michikusa, still not believing his eyes, started to pour the man another drink, when a beautiful woman stayed his hands, appearing next to the drinking man from out of what seemed nowhere.
«I think you've had enough», she said, talking to the drinker in a low, gentle voice.
«Asuka...», the man turned to her, roughly and rudely, «I think that I can handle myself. Now, I have reserved a room for you and Keiko: the inkeeper only had one with one bed and one with two. You and Keiko go and take some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow.»
The woman gave him a stern, concerned look. Michikusa really didn't know what was going on between those two. Were they married?
«What's wrong with you?», the girl asked, silently. «All of a sudden, you're acting so strange...»
«My business is my own!», the man growled. «I don't need you babysitting me, woman!»
The woman seemed angered at his words, letting go of Michikusa's hands and starting to shout at the man: «Fine! Do whatever you want! Just don't expect me to feel sorry for you or drag you out of some mess!»
Michikusa couldn't believe the man's reaction. He didn't even look at the woman... he just signaled him to pour him another drink.
«Your wife seems to be concerned about you, sir», he said, in a worried tone. And he was worried... if a big guy like him gets drunk and starts making trouble, it could cause a great amount of damage to his inn, in the end. And he certainly didn't want to risk broken tables and lost reputation. However, his comment seemed counter-productive: it only served to unite the two against him. As soon as he finished the sentence, he got angry looks from the duo and then both of them shouted out, as loud as they could, in same voice:
«I wouldn't marry him even if my life depended on it!», the woman shouted out at the confused inkeeper, spraying fire from her eyes.
«Hell yes!», the man said, in a firm, final tone. «Marrying her would be worse than condemning yourself to hell!»
Michikusa was slowly backing away. These two seemed ready to draw out blades. He was hoping the girl was going to let the man's remark slide, that she was going to be above it... but the look on her face made it obvious that the real artilery was about to be pulled out. And he was right.
«Fine!», the girl started shouting out madly at the man «You want to drink, Keisuke?! Drink to your heart's content! Don't let me stop you! You big, useless drunk! Keiko would be better off protected by demons instead of you, you big idiot! You said you were protecting her! She'd be better off protected by a village idiot than you! You told me not to be a drag: who's a drag now, huh? Think you could protect her in such a state?! I bet you took this job only to show the world that you could do some good, but let me tell you something: you can't. You're no good, a simple, common drunkard with some skill on the sword, that's all!»
Damn it, the fat inkeeper thought. With all those insults the woman shouted out at the man... and considering how much he drank... the man was sure to pull out his sword. Oh, well, so much for the reputation of being a peaceful inn, Michikusa thought, saying goodbye to the nearest chairs, looking for a place to hide.
However, surprisingly, the man just sat back down and emptied another glass of sake, which he helped himself to from the bottle Michikusa left on the table, searching for a good hiding spot.
«You are probably right», the man said, his voice completely calm. «Now, get out of my sight and take Keiko with you. From now on, we part ways.»
The girl slapped him.
«This is for all the time I had to take insults from you, you pig!», she said, storming out of the room, taking the pretty girl who came behind them with her. The younger girl seemed struck with what she just saw... she seemed to like the big guy. Michikusa didn't know what went on between them, nor did he care... the bar fight was stopped and he thanked the man for that silently... what did the woman say his name was... Keisuke? Wait... wait... KEISUKE?!
«Um... sir... may I ask you a question?», Michikusa asked.
«Ask», the man said, helping himself to more sake. He seemed intent on emptying that bottle, it seemed.
«That woman... pardon me if I'm mistaken... but did she just call you Keisuke?», the bartender said, scratching his head with his chubby fingers, which looked ready to burst if only pinched by a needle.
«Yes... that's my name.» Another glass of sake came down the man's throat as he was saying this.
«Um... sir...», the inkeeper's voice suddenly became a mixture of humility, awe and respect, «... pardon me, if it's not too rude to ask, but could you, by any chance be the fabled Iron Keisuke, Keisuke the Swordsman.»
Hearing the names of the fabled hero made the man laugh bitterly, visibly making his mood even worse than before.
«Keisuke the Swordsman...», he repeated, «Iron Keisuke... yes... that is how they called a young fool I once was... proud and undefeatable...», he spat on the floor. «Pah! Nothing more than a young, inexperienced young idiot. Great Four they called us... but there was nothing 'great' in me then... as there is nothing great in me now.» He laughed even more bitterly this time. «Keisuke the Fool, that's what they should call me, because that's what I am. A mere trash.»
Michikusa did not understand the man's bitterness, nor did he care... the moment this man... the hero of all Enterion... the fabled Iron Keisuke, confirmed his identity, Michikusa stopped listening to him, and started to observe him with awe, wonder, amazement and surprise. The short, stocky inkeeper backed away a step, unsure of what to say, and then bowed down deeply in front of the man.
«Keisuke the Swordsman...», he said, not even noticing that the man was about to burst in tears, his past clearly haunting him, probably not even caring. All that mattered to this simple man was that one of the fabled Great Four visited his inn. A great hero, the very one who has slain the great archdemon by himself as the tales say, was sitting there in front of him, and he had the honor and privilege to serve him drinks.
«Sir... please... it is such an honor...», the inkeeper kept bowing down as deep as his backs allowed, «... the fabled Keisuke... here in my inn... please... drinks and room are free for the slayer of Tyrammon...»
«I am the killer of Adeanne!», the man shouted out angrily, jumping up from his seat to his feet, his hand on the hilt of his sword. He did it so quickly that Michikusa wouldn't probably have time to blink before ending up dead, if the man wished so. The inkeeper squealed, covering himself, clutching behind the bar. He was so scared he didn't even notice he had wet his pants. He just angered the great Keisuke... oh no... please, Gods, don't let him kill me, the man thought, crying like a baby.
«Listen, people!», Michikusa heard the man's shouting voice coming over the bar. He peeked a bit over it to see what was happening: the man was facing the patrons, trying to get their attention. It wasn't hard... he had it ever since his fight with that beauty. Then, the man continued shouting, his arms spread wide: «This is how your hero, the fabled Keisuke the Swordsman, looks! Nothing more than a common drunk I am! I bet the legends haven't told you that! I bet they even didn't tell you that it was I, not Tyrammon, who killed Adeanne the Maid! Me, not him! I ran into his trap like a young fool, falling under his spell which made me confuse the two, and it was my blade, not Tyrammon's claw, which pierced her, killing her! How's that for a legend?! Great four killing each other!»
His little speech didn't go unnoticed. The big guy got surprised, but pretty unstatisfied and angry looks: it was obvious that nobody in the inn believed his story... except Michikusa, and they were angry at him for tarnishing the legend... many of the young men took one of the Great Four as their role models, and many young girls had dreams of marrying one of them someday. His daughter Yumi, the youngest of his four children, was no exception: she always talked to her friends about the tales of Great Four, and about how she'd like to meet Iron Keisuke someday. Well, Michikusa thought, hope she doesn't get to see this.
«You are not Keisuke!», Michikusa was returned to reality by the shouting voice of one of his inn's patrons. He looked in the direction from which the sound came to observe a large, strong young man with long, carefully combed hair fixed in a samurai bun on the back of his head who just stood up in the opposition to the drunken hero. «Keisuke would never say a thing like that! You can't talk about him like that! And you CAN'T SAY THAT YOU'RE HIM!»
Indeed, Keisuke was Yamamoto's greatest hero ever, many even claim that he was the greatest and strongest of all the Four, so tainting his name in Yamamoto was considered a grave insult for some. Michikusa knew what was the young man's plan, but he also knew that he could do naught to stop him. That was why he just stood there like everyone else, observing silently as the young man pulled out a giant, two-handed katana, pushing his table aside and charging the drunk patron. The boy was huge and muscular, standing about two meters tall, making even Keisuke look small in comparison. Also, the sword he was wielding looked like it could easily cut a man in half, so Michikusa knew blood was going to be spilled, since there was no way Keisuke wasn't going to answer with equal... no, not equal... ten times greater force. Against such a hero, the bald inkeeper knew, this guy stood no chance, no matter how big he was.
And then, the man came so close to Keisuke that the ronin was in the range of his two-handed sword, swinging wildly, with all his strength at the hero, shouting out a fierce battle-cry. Keisuke was just standing calmly all the time, his hands relaxed, calmly falling down to his waist, looking completely unconcerned by the big man approaching him. Michikusa couldn't believe how he could be so calm about all of this... after all, the inkeeper could feel his heart beating so hard he thought he was going to have an attack. Even when the blade started moving quickly, falling down to cut the hero in half, did he not move, observing silently.
And then, two flashes were seen and a quick, singing sound was heard. That was all what happened before the young man hit Keisuke with his large sword... or, better to say, before his sword was cut off from the hilt and split into two exact same pieced, right at the middle of it, following the line of the blade, both halves falling harmlessly next to Iron Keisuke, one to his left, and one to his right. The ronin didn't seem to have even made a move: he was back into his former position, his hands still relaxed and his sword in it's hilt, like it had never been drawn in the first place. But, Michikusa knew, it was drawn twice: once to sever the opponent's sword from the hilt and once to cut it right at the middle, down the thin line that was it's blade, hence the two flashes. And it was done so fast that the human eyes couldn't see it.
The young man who had attacked just stood there, confused, looking at the three pieces of his sword, puzzled and in fear: the hilt, which was still in his hands, and his blade, cut into even thinner halves than it had originally been. Still gripping on to the hilt, frantically, in fear, his eyes widened in disbelief.
«Ho... How...?», he asked, shaking and sweating from fear. He was slowly backing away.
Keisuke said nothing. He didn't seem to have the need. However, in the next second, just as Michikusa blinked, the man was flying away the way he came, crashing on the place where his table had been. His friends gathered around him, looking at Keisuke but to scared to do or say anything: everyone was convinced now that his words were true, as only Godslayer or one of the Great Four could perform such a feat: he hit the boy so fast that nobody could even see the hit. Only visible things were the effects: the broken blade and the young man in the puddle of his own blood, which was gushing out from his broken jaw and nose. Michikusa thanked the gods that Keisuke had enough reason and mercy left in him to spare the boy's life.
«I think you believe me now!», Keisuke shouted out at the mob. «Or should I start killing people?»
Keisuke placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, making everyone back away a bit. He smiled, statisfied.
«Good! Excellent!», he said, trying to act merry, but anger visibly pouring out of him. «Now leave me alone!»
Saying so, he took the bottle of sake from the bar, leaving a piece of gold on it. Michikusa noticed the beautiful woman from before... yes, she was standing at the doors through this whole show, ever since Keisuke shouted out he killed Adeanne, not being able to speak a word, just observing with a concerned look on her face. As the Swordsman made his way for the exit, she tried to block his way, holding on to him.
«Keisuke...», she started to say, but he didn't even stop to listen to her. He just pushed her away, making her fall down a few meters away.
«Get away from me!», he shouted out coldly, not even turning around to see if she was ok, just proceeding towards his room.
«Keisuke...», the woman repeated, getting up from the floor, running after the man, leaving confused Michikusa behind. Everyone in the bar returned to their drinks, pretending all of this didn't happen, but Michikusa knew that his troubles only started as he heard a female, sobbing voice behind himself.
Fearing what he knew he would encounter when he turned around, Michikusa stiffly and slowly turned his neck backwards to find that his fear had come true: his daughter, Yumi, has witnessed all of this, too, and she was standing at the doors to the kitchen, her face blushing from the tears she has spilled since beginning of the drama. Michikusa knew what this meant for her: the dreamy, strong, legendary Keisuke appeared in his worst light, shattering the girl's dreams in a matter of seconds.
«Yumi!», he said as he chased his daughter into the kitchen, and then into the busy streets of Totara, where the girl ran to.

* * *

«Who is it?!», Keisuke shouted out, taking a long sip from his bottle of sake as he heard strong knocks on his door.
«It's me, Asuka!», the voice on the other side replied. Keisuke didn't answer. He really didn't have the time for ninja girl. He was in a bad mood, cursing everyone he could remember: he cursed that day when they fought Tyrammon, he cursed Tyrammon himself, he cursed that damn spell he fell under, the inkeeper for making him remember everything again, sake for not helping ease the pain... and most of all, Keisuke cursed himself, for not being strong enough when it most counted... when he had to resist the demon's spell, for failing Adeanne... and for not noticing her feelings towards him.
«Come on, Keisuke, open up!», Asuka was persistent, still knocking on the wooden doors. «Give me just ten minutes, ok?»
Angrily, Keisuke stood up, opening the doors and taking the girl inside by her neck. Then, he closed the doors, pressing the ninja on them, choking her with his strong fist.
«You have time until you choke to talk me out of strangling the life out of you!», he shouted out at her. She was struggling for air, her frail neck almost completely fitting inside the ronin's large fist, and Keisuke could feel her fighting for air, barely being able to breathe.
«K... hhhkkk... Keiko...», Asuka barely said, clearly not having much more time left. Keisuke tightened the grip.
«I thought she was safer in the hands of a village idiot», he said coldly, his words cutting the air. At the moment, blood was the only thing on his mind: he wanted to choke the ninja girl, to break her small, frail, weak little neck for making him live through his failure yet again by her words, since her words during the fight brought the memories up even stronger... Keisuke had to live through each and every moment of his former journey through their talk.
«Shhkkk... Save... hhhhkkk... Keiko... hhhkkk.... Please...», Asuka barely said, her consciousness slowly fading away. Keisuke smiled evily.
«I pity her... appointing such a clumsy bodyguard to her... the queen certainly doesn't seem to care if she lives or not. I'm going to do her a favor by killing you. She's better off on her own», he said, further increasing the grip.
Asuka looked at him with her big, pleading eyes. Keisuke could see her broken: all she wanted to do probably was to ensure Keisuke would continue to protect Keiko. However, with Keisuke's refusal, he knew she felt she failed. Asuka would probably give her life if it meant Keiko was safe, and who would be a better guard other than one of the Great Four. Keisuke wanted to enjoy her failure, to make her go through what he had to go through... through that day...
And then, looking directly in Asuka's eyes, the memory came haunting him again. Keisuke remembered Adeanne's eyes... both of them had the same look, Adeanne back then and Asuka now. Looking at those eyes... Keisuke just couldn't handle seeing that look again. He felt his strength leaving him, pain overwhelming his senses, making him drop the ninja to the ground, coughing and fighting for air, unable to stand up. Keisuke himself fell to the floor, trying to fight away the memory of that fateful day, screaming in anguish, hitting the floor multiple times with his fist. The memory just wouldn't go away.
«Why do you have to keep reminding me?!», he shouted out at the ninja, but it was obvious he didn't mean only her. «Why?! Why?! Why?!» With each shout, he hit the floor once more.
«What... what happened?», Asuka asked, coughing, as she still hasn't fully recovered from the choke.
«What, you haven't been at the bar so you don't know?!», Keisuke shouted out at the ninja. «I killer her! During the fight with Tyrammon, I killed Adeanne the Maid, my friend, my companion... the girl I loved!»
«Yes, I heard that part», Asuka said, «but I don't believe you did it on purpose. What really happened that day, Keisuke?»
«Like you'd understand», Keisuke cut her in despise.
«Try me!», Asuka replied, slowly getting up on her legs, rubbing her neck, placing her hand on Keisuke's shoulder friendly. «Come on, Keisuke, when I met you I never even thought that you might be one of the Great Four. After I shouted out at you, Keiko scolded me for shouting at you, telling me how you were always there for us, even though you didn't have to, in the end, making me go and apologize to you. And then, when I entered and you said you were one of the Great Four, it was then that I realized that we really don't know each other and... well, we're comrades, wether we like it or not, and it would be best if we get to understand each other better, don't you think so?»
«First off, we're not comrades any more!», Keisuke shouted out at her, «I meant what I said back there. From now on, we go separate ways.»
«Keisuke, please...», Asuka pleaded. «Keiko needs protection... come on, think of her...»
«No.» Keisuke's expression was stone cold, stoic as a mountain.
«Please, Keisuke... I'll do anything... anything!», Asuka was down on her knees now.
«Anything?», Keisuke asked, a glint in his eye, measuring Asuka. Seeing his reaction, Asuka blushed a little bit, and then, hesitatingly, nodded her head.
«I see...», she said, starting to remove her ninja clothes, making her kimono fall from her shoulders, her beautiful, round, firm breasts enjoying the kiss of air on her medium-sized nipples. «If that's what you want...»
Looking at the girl in disgust, the ronin slapped her, making her fall to the ground, her lip bleeding open.
«Whore», he said coldly. «I'm not some kind of mercenary, nor a bar drunkard. I am, for all I'm worth, still a kensai, and I can't be swayed by some whore offering me herself. You make me sick.»
Saying so, Keisuke straightened up, standing up to his feet. Just as he was about to leave the room, he felt someone clutching his leg: it was Asuka, of course. She was down on the ground, her beautifuly built body covered in dust, blood and tears.
«Please, Keisuke... do whatever you want to me, think of me whatever you want, just please, watch out for Keiko...», she pleaded out, crying bitterly, «Please. I'm begging you...»
«Let go!», Keisuke ordered, hitting the ninja girl in her belly. She let out some air, clutching her stomack with one hand, but still holding on to Keisuke's leg with another, refusing to let go.
«Please... if you ever cared about Keiko... or Adeanne...», the ninja girl pleaded out through tears, desperately clinging on to Keiko's best bodyguard imaginable.
Keisuke, on the other hand, was furious. He raised the girl, slapping her again, making her fall on bed this time, then mounting her and starting to choke her again.
«How dare you even speak her name in my presence?!», he shouted out. «Neither you, nor I nor anyone is worthy enough to even speak the word Adeanne...»
Then, he stopped, his hand letting go of ninja girl's throat. What was he doing, he thought. Was he going to kill another innocent girl in his fit of rage? The very same mistake that haunted him through all those years... was he going to do it again? Looking at the image of beautiful, crying Asuka made him remember why he had left the Four, the Order, and the world itself, turning to spend his days at the bar. It was because of that day... because of that demon... because of himself.
«It was the final encounter, we knew it», he said, rolling over from atop Asuka to the bed, facing the floor, placing his hands over his face, doing his best not to cry. Even though he couldn't see her, he knew that he had the woman's full attention. «We have already fought off all of Tyrammon's generals, reducing his power greatly, leaving most of his troops disorganized and fighting each other, knowing we could leave them to the demonslayers, dragon riders and knightly orders. We knew what awaited us: a long, hard struggle, fighting through legions of demonlord's minions before reaching the beast itself. Also, we knew that, probably, some of us won't come back alive... hell, chances were we would all die there. That night, the four of us, Copper Charlie, Pretty-Boy Alanor, Adeanne the Maid, and me, stood by the fire, remembering the good times we had together, the adventures we've been through and how we changed during them. It was a way of saying goodbye... and it was really painful, knowing that, in just a few hours, one of those people, one of your friends, will probably die... hell, maybe even all of them. Or maybe it was going to be you. Either way, it was hard. Especially for me and Adeanne... we didn't show it openly, but it was no secret that I was in love with that crazy half-elven girl... and that she was in love with me. We didn't say it even then... we were just too scared to do it. And that was when it all began, I think... I was already starting to get angry... angry at myself for not being able to tell Adeanne what I feel about her.»
«Yes... that can be tough», the woman next to him confirmed, and Keisuke thanked her in his thoughts for listening to his story. He just felt like he had to relieve himself... the burden was too much to bear for him.
«Then, the next morning, it was time to fight», he continued. «We were fighting off hordes of demons, each one of us doing his or her share of fighting: I was holding the front line, Charlie was supporting us with spells, Alanor giving aid with his bow, and Adeanne was helping by healing the injured... her healing magics have proven invaluable yet again. I was fighting off the demons easily at first, annoyed by the fact that the little bastards used hit and run tactics, angering me more and more for having to run after them. Also, there was this tiny voice in my head, constantly telling me what a coward I was for not telling Adeanne what I felt for her. At first it was silent, only a whisper, but as my anger grew, so did the intensity of the voice increase. With each demon I have slain, with each running insult from those imps, my anger, and the voice within my head grew, which angered me even more. And so, by the time we finished off the last of them, I was already mad with rage, so I just proceeded to the demonlord's throne room, not heeding the advices of Charlie and Alanor, who advised me to wait for them to heal themselves. At that moment, I only wanted to kill Tyrammon and confess my feelings to Adeanne. My mind... my reason was clouded by rage, and all I could think of was skewering the demon in half. And so, I came in front of him, alone, my two swords drawn, ready to attack. But, when he saw me, instead of the expected fighting stance, he greeted me like friend. Before I could do anything, or say anything, he invited me to come in and have a seat with him... after all, it was my express departure that made it possible for his best assassin to kill off the rest of my friends. I shouted at him angrily, his lies making me even angrier, ready to attack, when he told me to turn around, visibly amused. Making the biggest mistake in my life, I indeed did turn around to see a disgusting, flaming red creature with twin mouths on each side of it's face, four rows of eyes neatly lined on it's long, red skull. Instead of hands, it had two sharp scythes, and they were stained with blood... my friend's blood, I mused. Angered beyond reason, I attacked the creature, impaling it on my blade easily... too easily, I thought as one of it's scythes touched me... and the demon's spell was dispelled.»
Keisuke couldn't help himself but cry as he said the last sentence. He was now weeping openly. «That was when this creature that I impaled, the one I thought had killed all of my friends started to change, right in front of my very eyes and, after a few moments, I beheld a sight that haunts me from that day on: the creature was really Adeanne, my friend... my love. She looked at me with her big, blue eyes, life slowly fading away from them. I fell under the demon's spell, so he made me think that she was in fact a demon, but instead she was rushing to get me to snap out of it, to break the chains of the spell before I was completely under the demon's control. She was rushing to help me and I... Oh, god, Asuka, I killed her!»
Saying so, Keisuke turned on his stomack, facing the bed, starting to cry openly, tears running his red cheeks. He felt Asuka's warm touch on his shoulder.
«Keisuke... I'm sorry... I didn't know...», he heard her soft voice in his ear, ringing so distantly, so sweetly inside his mind.
«Her last words... her last words still echo in my mind...», Keisuke continued his story, «and her eyes haunt me to this day. 'Farewell, my love'... that's what she said to me, that's what she said to the person who killed her. From behind me, I heard the demon's laughing voice, taunting me, cheering victoriously, teasing me. He was taunting me even further, trying to make me loose all reason, for he knew that, of all the blows he could have given me, he had just struck the deadliest one. I turned to him, attacking him and starting the fight that made us into legends. Soon after, Charlie and Alanor came and aided me. It was a long and savage battle, and if by epic battle you call a damn hard one... hell, it was as epic as it could get. It was hard as hell, but we managed to put him down, and I was the one who made the final, killing blow. However, the demon died with a smile on his face, laughing at me for having tricked me successfuly. I didn't feel any victory at all, but Alanor and Charlaw were overjoyed. I couldn't believe it... Adeanne was dead, and they were feeling victorious. Worst of all, when I told them I killed her, they said it was some sort of misunderstanding, as I would never hurt her, continuing to assure me that I was one of the greatest heroes in history, second only to maybe Godslayer. Also, the public had the same oppinion, singing songs of apprasial to all four of us... even to me, the common killer. And the more they glorified my deeds, the worse I felt, trying to tell the world that I was no hero. Heroes don't kill their friends. Heroes...», he sniffed, «Heroes aren't young goddamn fools! They can protect their loved ones!»
Asuka stood silent for a few moments, and then she embraced Keisuke. He could feel the softness of her body as he embraced her as well, but he shuddered with guilt and regret when he saw the big, red mark on her dirty ribs... the one his foot left. Also, if she didn't have to beg him, she wouldn't have to get all dirty like that, he thought. He was such an idiot, he blamed himself again.
«Asuka... sorry... I'm so sorry...», he cried, apologizing.
«It's ok... I'm sorry too...», Asuka said. From her voice, Keisuke could make out that she was crying, too. He looked at her face in guilt, observing the bloody crack of her lip his slap left. «I... I can't even imagine how hard it must be to loose a loved one... especially in that way... and all the time you were blaming yourself... oh, Keisuke, why didn't you tell me all of that before?»
«Because...», Keisuke whispered, «I was trying to forget.»
As Asuka ran her fingers through his long, dark hair, Keisuke's head rose up a bit, making his cheek caress one of her soft, still naked breasts. It felt so good, he thought.
«Keisuke...», the ninja girl's voice was so soft, sweet and tender that it made Keisuke wonder was it really the usual fiery, agressive Asuka talking, «you can't forget. That's impossible. But what you can do is cherish the memory of Adeanne... she loved you, Keisuke, more than her life, and she probably knew she would end up so... the demon's spell was powerful and she probably thought that she could save you by sacrificing herself. And so she did, Keisuke, and you should be grateful to her for that... you should show her gratitude by living, not dying inside. If you continue like this, the demon wins and Adeanne's sacrifice will be in vain.»
Keisuke didn't answer. He knew she was right. So simple truth, clear to see, yet he wasn't able to see it for so long. Instead, he kept on drinking, avoiding people so he wouldn't hurt anyone else, constantly living in fear of himself. And now this ninja girl... this kuonichi just came and took a great load off his shoulders. Having someone he could tell everything, if only to lighten the load.
«Thanks, Asuka», he said, after a long silence. He could feel the gentle touch of her fingers as they stroked his hair. Talking really did make him feel better, if only a bit.
«So, are we a team again?», Asuka asked, her voice cheerful now.
«If you still want me», Keisuke replied.
«Well, you may be a pain in the ass», Asuka said, teasing him, taking her clothes back on, «but you're still one of the Great Four. If Keiko isn't safe with you, safe just isn't going to happen.»
«You seem really concerned about Keiko», Keisuke noted, implying the lengths the ninja girl would go through just to keep the girl safe. «There seems to be more to it than just royal orders.»
Asuka smiled shyly.
«Am I that easy to figure out?», she said. «Ah, well, since we're comrades, and since you shared your tale with me, I believe I really should tell you. I... I wasn't asked to do this job... when I heard the whole tale, I volonteered for it. I... When I was a kid, I was orphaned, my parrents slain by some sort of incurable plague. I was lucky to survive, but I was on my own... an orphan, left to fend for herself, doomed to live my days off in poverty and constant struggling to survive. I was lucky, though, as one day I was almost run over by a royal chariot. The queen took pity on the poor, starving girl who was all alone, and took me with her, fed me and gave me clothes. Also, she gave me to the ninjas for training. As a sign of thanks, I have trained as much as I could and as hard as I could, constantly striving to improve myself so I could serve the royal family better... to repay them somehow. And when I heard of Keiko's case, I knew that she was much like me before I was found: alone and scared. As if that weren't enough, people are trying to kill her without her even knowing why. That was why I felt the urge to help her. I... I wanted to protect her the best I could, Keisuke, because I know how she feels... and I'd give my life away willingly if it meant her safety.»
Keisuke thought for a moment on Asuka's words.
«Noble», he commented, without sarcasm.
«Surviving on the streets of Totara can be hell in it's own right, Keisuke», Asuka added. «I don't even want to imagine what the girl must have gone through.»
«I understand», the ronin nodded. «Well, let's continue protecting her, then. And we can't do that if we don't get enough sleep.»
«Yes», the girl smiled, stretching out her full, wounded lips. Keisuke couldn't help but feel guilty about it. «I'm damn tired.»
«Hey... but first...», Keisuke placed his finger on Asuka's lip, making the wound go away. He sucked at healing magics, only being able to heal small cuts and bruises, but being that this cut wasn't so big, he managed to patch it up, making it appear as if it wasn't even there. It wasn't much of a wound but, aestethically, it was worlds better. The girl smiled at him.
«Thanks», she said, looking at him, her beautiful lips back to their former shape. «However, this doesn't mean I like you, make no mistakes about that.»
«Oh, don't worry», Keisuke replied, smiling himself. «That doesn't make your butt any less flat either.»
«I'm gonna slap you!», Asuka tried to sound dangerous, but the amused smile on her face gave her away. «Good night.»
«Good night», Keisuke said, closing the doors. Smiling, he looked at the half-empty bottle of sake he overpaid at the bar. Nah, he thought, going to bed, Asuka was right... that couldn't solve his problems.

* * *

«Right on time», Ayumi said, looking at the small group that headed their way. If their information was correct, lady Yui was supposed to come that way, bearing information on the whereabouts of the Chosen One. Rumor had it that one of the Royal Ninjas has found the Planar Child, and was accompanying him (or her) on their travels, sending regular reports to the royal court and the royal family. And what better place to get a hold on the freshest report than the hands of the head of the Royal Ninjas. Her country did indeed change since she left it, and she thanked the gods for the new princess being stupid... putting a diplomat in charge of warriors, what nonsense. Well, at least it made their job easier. Ayumi looked at her two companions, Frederic and Nazzuth: they looked ready as ever.
«You ready, Fred?», she asked just to make sure, looking at the huge, armored man to her left. He just nodded slowly, his shiny, metal helmet flashing with anticipation. His big, broad sword was unsheathed, held by the man in both hands... how could anyone even lift that huge thing, which stood taller and broader than Ayumi herself, was beyond her, but the man certainly had no problems, wielding the sword as if he held a bastard sword with two hands.
«And you, Nazzuth?», she asked the other man. He didn't reply at all, darkness within his brown, tattered hood fixed at the incoming group, his large, scary figure completely, unnaturaly calm. Even his black, skull-adorned scythe was resting calmly, planted into the earth and held by the man to reflect the sunlight upon his companions. Ayumi knew that it was his way of saying yes... after all, in those two years since she met those two, she had to learn that the man spoke only on special occasions, and those occasions were rare, making the cloaked man even more mysterious and scary than he usually was... and being that he always wore his brown, tattered robes with hood, which efficiently hid his face, making him look like a walking wight, being even scarier was really a great feat. Also, with his scythe, which consisted of a dark, sharp blade attached to a long, ebony handle by a vicious-looking metal skull, whose mouth and eyes were constantly gushing out a green, foul smoke, the man looked kind of like a grim reaper, the death itself. Ayumi prayed that she never would have to fight him.
Well, enough thinking, Ayumi told herself, let's get this thing going.
Thinking so, the young girl stood in front of the small entourage, waving to it.
«Stop right there!», she shouted out. Yui, the head of Royal Ninjas and her guard did indeed stop, wanting to see what this girl had to say. «Is lady Yui here? I want to torture her for information!»
The men, trained not to take any threat to their mistress' life easily, drew out their swords. There were about fifteen of them: thirteen normal samurai and the two who stood next to the lady's carriage... probably kensai. Piece of cake, she thought as Frederic and Nazzuth stepped out of the hiding, ready for battle. Seeing their hostility, the samurai army attacked, the two kensais remaining next to the carriage. They all rushed both Nazzuth and Frederic, but with no success: Frederic killed all of his attackers with one swing, taking them by surprise with the swiftness, and the ferocity of his attack. Next to him, Nazzuth had even less problems, using his magics to make the enemies stand still, lining them in perfect order and cutting their heads off in one precise wide blow of the scythe, it's skull gushing even more green smoke with joy.
The kensai duo at the carriage could not believe it... their men were butchered so easily. But, they thought, that was why they were there, attacking the duo. Before Ayumi could even blink an eye, those two kensai were standing behind Nazzuth and Frederic, their swords drawn out, having already made their strikes. Nazzuth fell into three pieces, cut apart by the ferocity of the swordmaster's attack. However, as soon as he started falling apart, he reformed again, returning to normal as though as nothing happened. Ayumi smiled, looking at the confused kensai. Regeneration... Nazzuth's most dreadful technique. Whatever cut or wound he got, Nazzuth could completely regenerate it, no matter it's severity. He was unstoppable, Ayumi told herself as she watched kensai's katana break under the force of the dark warrior's scythe, which then made it's way for the man's neck, beheading him as well. Ayumi looked to the other side, where Frederic was just about to finish his kensai off... as expected, Frederic's impenetrable armor had proved it's worth once again, stopping the kensai's blow without any harm being made to the large knight. Then, Frederic dueled a bit with the man, breaking his sword easily and wounding the man severely, cutting off most of his arm. Then, as the man fell down, screaming from pain, Frederic took him by the legs, tearing them off one by one, killing the man slowly and painfully, but efficiently.
«And now let's open our prize», Ayumi said with a smile on her face as the last of the guards stopped screaming from pain. The girl inside was stupid... she didn't even try to run. Not that it would do her any good, but she could at least have tried. Ah, well, maybe torturing her proves to be more entertaining, Ayumi hoped, peeking into the closed carriage, admiring the sight that she saw there: the girl inside, obviously Yui, was beautiful indeed, aged about 35, which would make her fifteen years older than her captor. The head of ninjas had an elegant, long hair which reached to her waist... beautiful, but certainly not fit for combat, Ayumi thought as she watched the woman's full, narrow lips and her beautiful face with high cheekbones. The woman herself was wearing a white kimono and a red hakama, both adorned with the symbol of some clan Ayumi did not know, nor did she care about. Yui obviously knew what awaited her, and she seemed to think that she was capable of holding the tortures out, so she awaited the younger girl with a proud, defiant look.
«Hi», Ayumi greeted the ninja leader. «I'm here to torture you for information... unless you want to tell me right away.»
«Never.» The pride and defiance in the woman's voice reflected the expression on her face.
«Thanks!», the younger girl said cheerfuly. She loved torturing people, and she really hated it when they talked right away. Thinking about how long it has been since she has tortured anyone, she ordered her companions to strip the captive woman naked and tie her down to the ground next to the carriage spread-eagle. Yui tried to resist as hard as she could, but there was nothing she could do. Her clothes were violently ripped off her, and in a few moments, the two strong men nailed the four bolts into the ground, tying each of her limbs to one, making her completely immobile. Thus tied, and completely naked, Yui blushed as she felt her dignity taken away by being stripped naked like some brothel girl in front of three complete strangers. Ayumi, on the other hand, stood for a while to savor the woman's beauty, looking at her from her beautiful head, down her small, firm breasts, tight body and beautiful, small, clean-shaved crotch. Ayumi stayed her eyes there for a while, enjoying the sight of ninja leader's naked womanhood, making the captive blush even harder.
«Do what you want to me, you perverted bitch, but I'm never going to talk», the woman said, and Ayumi smiled in response.
«We'll see about that», she said, sitting on the woman's flat, firm belly and putting a rubber ball-gag inside her mouth. «There... I don't want you screaming... it gets boring after a while, you know?»
The woman did not respond. She just stared at the sky, ever so defiant, her face having a strong, unbreakable look.
«All right, here I go», Ayumi said, giving Nazzuth the sign to search the carriage for the report, while she herself took out a long, big white feather out of her backpack. «Are you ticklish, my little Yui?»
Saying so, the younger girl started to tickle her captive's nipples with the feather, making her twitch and pull on her bonds as hard as she could, but to no avail. There was no way she could escape the feather's ticklish touch, which covered the area of both of her breasts, driving the poor woman hysterical with laughter... or it would, if she could laugh. This way, all she could do was mumble out a few muffled screams, silenced by the gag as efficiently as her escape was prevented by the bondage she was in. No matter how hard she pulled at it, no matter how hard she tried to twitch or turn, she could not escape the maddening touch of the feather, which was gently caressing her ticklish nipples, feeling like hell in it's own right, but feeling so good at the same time.
«I wonder what will happen first», Ayumi teased her ticklish captive, still feathering her breasts. «Will Nazzuth find the report by your ninja or will you break and talk? Let's find out!»
And so the tickle-torture of Yui, the head of the Royal Ninja force continued, the devious tormentor constantly tickling the woman's nipples, making them slowly turn erect and stiff, as she couldn't ignore the sensuality of it's touch for long. Also, while having her ticklish breasts constantly tickled seemed like torture worse than any other, Yui started to feel a warm sensation between her legs, forming in the area of her crotch, which started getting wet, slowly but surely.
«Damn it, girl, you are loving this!», Ayumi teased her unlucky captive, pinching her nipple so hard the girl screamed in pain from behind her gag, still tickling the other one with the feather. Yui tried to protest, to defend herself, but due to the gag there was naught she could do. Ayumi was free to say whatever she wanted to, and Yui knew she couldn't reply, this knowledge increasing her agony even further. Even worse, she knew that if that man in brown clothes finds that report... she didn't even want to think about what will happen to her.
«Hey, Nazzuth, any luck on that report?», Ayumi asked, as if she read her captive's mind. Being that there was no answer from the inside, both girls knew that the torture was going to continue. However, being that this time they were in a real hurry, and even after fifteen minutes of search Nazzuth failed to find anything, Ayumi decided to switch the tactics.
«As much as I love tickling your boobies, dear lady bitch», she said as she turned around to face the woman's pussy, leaning forward to it, whispering into it's lips like it was Yui's ear: «we are in a hurry, you know, so I will have to tick-tick-tickle you here now.»
As those words left the younger girl's mouth, the feather started running up and down Yui's shaved pussy, switching to tickling her sensitive asshole as well from time to time. The woman started moving her hips frantically, in a frenzy, driven crazy by being touched by the feather on her most sensitive, most erotic spot. She felt ashamed... ashamed and aroused at the same time, the slow strokes of feather upon her lower lips and butthole driving her mad with both pleasure and tickling, lighting her passion like fire, leading her towards orgasm ever so slowly and ever so surely. Her beautiful, clean-shaven pussy responded to the soft, gentle kisses of feather with a flood of it's juices, which stained the ground below the ninja leader, quickly forming a small puddle. The woman tried resisting the feeling, pulling at her bonds to release herself, and screaming for mercy as hard as she could, but she could do none of those. No, until she either broke or the man with the scythe finds the report, she was doomed to suffer this way, stuck between heaven and hell. She could feel the orgasm approaching, it was just around the corner, lighting up the fires within Yui, making her lust for the feather's touch.
«Girl, you are a real slut», Ayumi taunted her, making the beautiful woman feel even more ashamed. «I am torturing you here, and you are getting all wet on me. You are really enjoying this a tad bit too much. You should be suffering, not moaning like a cheap little slut you are.»
Again, the gag prevented Yui from saying anything. All she could do was hope for a miracle... for someone to save her from this hell, to chase those three off, to make this devil-woman stop... and then offer her release she so craved for. Yui was on the verge of orgasm now, fighting with all her strength to preserve dignity, her mind barely restraining her body from making love to the feather. Her love juices were pouring out of her in a small waterfall, her hips still moving frantically, unable to stand still from their sheer ticklishness, her mouth drooling like crazy through the gag and her nipples as stiff as they could get. Tears were welling up in her eyes... tears of pride about to be crushed, tears of a woman who was going to come in front of her tormentors, ridding herself of any dignity she had left.
And then, it happened. Suddenly, Yui's eyes opened wide, the woman screaming from behind her gag, arching her back as hard as she could, pulling at the bonds with all the strength she had left as her mind left her body for a couple of seconds, entering a world of pure joy and pleasure. For those few seconds, the woman forgot her surroundings, her current situation, and her current fear. All that mattered was this raw, pure emotion, the pure, unrestrained pleasure that took her body over, leaving as abruptly as it came.
«Oh, you came», Ayumi noted once the woman's mind was her own again. «How nice. Let's make you do it twice.»
Again, the feathers returned to caressing Yui's pussy and asshole, making her twitch, scream behind her gag and pull at her bonds, exhausted as she was. However, this time the feeling was quadripled, her body still sensitive from the mind-numbing orgasm it just went through. Each tickle... each stroke of pleasure was multipled, Yui feeling like there were four feathers instead of one, slowly but surely leading her towards ultimate pleasure once again, slowly but surely breaking her will.
«Tickle bloody tickle», Ayumi continued to tease her helpless captive who was visibly at her wits end, from both pleasure and tickling. She knew what she was doing to the head of the ninjas, knowing what agony the girl must be going through, and she was loving it. She almost didn't want the report to be there at all, nor for the woman to know anything, just so she could be able to do this to her for a long, long time... until the woman died, that is.
However, that wish was ended with a light pat on Ayumi's back. It was Nazzuth, and he was holding a parchment of paper.
«So, this is it?», she asked, reading the report.
Report of Asuka the kuonichi.

Lady Yui,
I am glad to bring you some good news since the last report. The man accompanying me and the Chosen One is none other than Iron Keisuke, also known as Keisuke the Swordsman, one of the great four. We have talked about our next step, and the Great Library seems like a logical place. After all, being that Charlaw Mace was also one of the great four, and he is the temporary guardian of the library until one of the mages is found and recruited as a keeper of it, we should probably have access to the books and the knowledge stored there. Also, Keisuke would really like to see his friend again, after so long. Their meeting was long overdue. But, forgive me, I have went into unimportant details.
We will be making our way there tomorrow, after we make the necessary preparations. With Keisuke in our team, I believe that my mission won't fail that easily, and that the Chosen One will be protected to the best means availible.


Reading the report, Ayumi smiled, turning to her captive.
«Well, that would be all I needed to know. Perfect!», she said, taking a tanto in her hand. The captured woman was crying, knowing what was about to happen to her, ridden of her pride and everything else before her death. The dagger had cut through her soft flesh easily, leaving a bloody trail on her neck, where it had struck, leaving the woman coughing blood even through her gag, choking and bleeding to death. Seeing that her toy was really dead, Ayumi stood up cheerfuly, turning to Nazzuth and Frederic, shouting out cheerfuly:
«Well, isn't this great news or what? I get to torture a kuonichi and you two will get the chance to kill one of the Great Four!» Then, she turned around, pointing in the general direction of the library... in those four years of exile she hasn't forgotten anything of her homeland... shouting out: «To the great library, then, and the Chosen One!»


Good chapter. I'm surprised to find a tickling story with a plot that I wouldn't mind reading in a Fantasy novel. All in all, nice!
Your writings cease to amaze me, Mr. Diablo. I feel kind of bad however...as I've not been going in order of the chapters (I read from the first I could find, which was chapter 3). After all, one cannot start a novel from the middle. That aside, I am happy to know that there are other methods to extracting information other than severing fingers and burning sensitive areas.
Great chapter...and once I read the others(in order >.>) so I can get on track, I can fully appreciate the actual story.
Hehehe Duke this is great. You style improved so much. How will I defeat you... hmmm... I know... I should probably write new D.O.D. chapter (last one and all others were destroyed by hacker. DAMN HIM). Well I can't wait to finish it and can't wait to see more of enterion. 🙂
Thanks, DEV, Carmen and Bashiku. I'm really glad you enjoyed my little piece🙂 An artist always likes to know that his work is appreciated.

Mrs. Hu: Thank you again for the wonderful compliment. If you wish to find the rest of Enterion, just type Enterion in the search window. It should list them all🙂 Hope you can follow the story well and understand everything (regular readers have had probs with that).

Bashiku: Thnx m8. Well, I really hope to see the new chapter of D.of D. here on TT. The last one promised quite a story, and I'd be glad if you could beat me... that would mean that I get to read a high quality story.

DEV: Thanks, I'm really glad you're enjoying the story, as I believe that a serie of stories should never be all around tickling... I prefer stories being told and tickling implemented into them, with more than just sex at stake... but then again, that's just me.

And yes, everyone, chapter 9 is being written as we speak😉 Expect it within a week of time.
an amazing storyline " as usual " and stunning discription.
you have my regards D.D.

Thank you, Lixxie🙂 I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
*hugs back*
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