So you could POSSIBLY interpret this as a "I just like to laugh" kind of thing. But here's an interview where Erykah Badu pretty much says she "Loves to be tickled!!!!" She's interviewed on NPR and she goes in a bunch of weird directions. But you can read it in the transcript, where she goes on this tangent and says,
"BADU: My family. It's our coping mechanism. You know, it's the way we get on with time and life, tragedy. You know, everything is funny to us. And I also feel like the world is a private joke between me and God. Everything is funny to me. I guess it's just, you know, one of the things that I am, one of the ways I express who I am. And I don't have the most popular opinion. So a lot of times, the humor can be misunderstood or took for something else. But I don't care. I mean, only thing I apologize for is that you don't understand what I'm saying. I love to laugh. I love to be tickled. It feels great - really, really good.
BADU: Inside, you know, the tickley (ph) feeling, it's just great. I love to feel like I have to hold my nose in class so the teacher won't see me laughing. You know, I like laughing that hard. And I like laughing to tears. I like laughing until my tummy hurts. I like laughing until I'm mad. Like, you know, when somebody is tickling you and you don't really want to laugh? I like laughing like that. I like spitting my water out, you know."
Besides that, you can actually listen to her saying this!
If you follow the link and click on the podcast episode, she starts to say it around 12:53 transcripts/636469894
Normally, I'm pretty skeptical about "admissions" in this context but I think between this, the Instagram post with her putting in the captions herself "I'm ticklish," and also her using the word in at least one of her songs. [Example: her song Turn Me Away (Get Munnny) literally has the line, ". . . Tickle, tickle, before stroke"] I honestly am starting to think Erykah Badu MAY be one of us!!