the agony of da-feet!!
why oh why is this fetish such a bitch goddess!!??its happened many many times,,, heres an example,,,
her name was heather,, ( god i love that name! )i met her at a friends house durring a swim party/cookoff...she was 5-3 awesome curves, short blonde hair,brown eyes, freckles on her slightly upturned nose,, she had elfish good looks ( something i find highly desireable! ) she was a bit of a tomboy very active and extremely playfull! so cute that it made my heart jump in my chest! and her feet? they were the perfect compliment to an already perfect body!
they were perfectly shaped, med long toes, slightly tanned on top and milky white on the soles! i thought id go insane watching her,,,my friend bill introduced us,, it was that dopey love at first sight thing, ( for both of us),,,it was almost unreal how much she knew how to please me,, like she owned a map of my psychie!,,she new every button to push every thing to whisper in my ear, it was one of those perfect matches! with her i could make love 8 to 10 times a day! ( no lie! )funny how the right girl can make you,,i was so excited by her that i focused on everything,, not just her feet,,when we were together awhile i started to spend more time on her feet,, and to my horror!! she wasnt even the slightest bit ticklish! no matter what i did or what i used! nothing! not a flinch! no toe wiggle!! nadda!! at first i thought i could live with it cause i loved her! i was even stupid enough to ask her to pretend to be ticklish for my pleasure but that mage me feel even worse about it..i hated myself for having that fetish! soon it became difficult for me to become excited with her,,she knew it was a major thing,, she would look at me with those sad eyes,,almost like she knew it would be a major problem in the relationship,, and it turned out to be the ruination of it,,, we would be at a party together, i would tickle another girls feet being playfull, and it would anger her that the other girl was ticklish and she wasnt! she would accuse me of cheating on her just because i tickled another girl and she was right! in my heart it was cheating! it was something i desired with all my being,, but something she could never give me! i diddnt want to break up,, but she said if i stayed with her that i would be " settling" and she deserved more than that,,she was right,,it wasnt fair to her,,sometimes i feel like i will never find what im looking for,, kinda sucks ya know?