Life's once and done.
Prestige? What's that? Life's equivalent of having the high score on a video game. Someone else will eventually come along and have one higher.
Regret? What's that? The belief that some other path you did not take would lead to a reward exceeding your current level of enjoyment.
To Hell with high scores and regrets. Life is only a competition of this sort and these matters only arise when dueling with a sense of insecurity. Find what you enjoy, and enjoy the Hell out of it. We all have talents. Maybe pursuing one you'd have great success. Maybe in another, you'd have phenomenal success, making you a celebrity or fabulously wealthy. And maybe in pursuit of another, little success, coming slowly (if at all), but you enjoy every step all along the way, and not only if you succeed at the end.
Can you guess the path of my pursuits? Life is short. If you see opportunities for happiness, take them.