Tickleshotel is going through really tough times and even though she is having a very difficult rough time right now; I know that this is not going to keep Laurie down for very long. She is indeed very much a fighter and a true "survivor."
Laurie does not let bad times keep her down for very long. She is someone that is very emotionally strong and very emotionally resilient.
She is someone that when life kicks her, yes she does get upset and she does get down; but by God don't take long before she gets back up-she kicks back and she fights really long and really hard-to get what she needs and what she wants in life-she accomplishes what she sets her heart and mind on achieving.
Laurie is a very resilient and like I said a very strong and she is a very courageous woman and a very strong person. Even though times have been really rough for her; things are starting to look up for her and things are looking promising. She knows that there are going to be rainbows and sunshine ahead of the days ahead of her.
She is going to be stronger because of the terrible storms she has faced in her life in the past and currently right now.
But if I know tickleshotel she is going to bounce back and like she said when she bounces back-no half way and not half-ass-it is fully and completely and when she bounces back-like she has told me many times, told me and bear-she bounces back with a vengeance!
So even though she is having a really tough time she is going to bounce back and be greater and better than ever-stronger than ever before. So you all don't be too worried, yes keep her always in your thoughts and keep her especially in your thoughts, prayers, and hearts right now-but know tickleshotel is going to bounce back-she is very resilient. You haven't seen the last of tickleshotel. Tickleshotel will persevere and tickleshotel will fight and bounce back-triumph and prevail-she always finds ways and she is very determined and-she is a fighter, she is truly a survivor like I said-what you need to know
is that Laurie is a true Leo, a true honest to God Lioness at heart and spirit-she always finds a will and ways to get what she wants and does not let any obstacles or hurdles stand in her path for very long too long.
Just know tickleshotel I am always here for you. Hope that things get great for you friend. Hugs to you, love you tickleshotel my friend, just know you are in my thoughts, prayers, and forever be close in my heart-may God give you courage and strength always.