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Eys and Chick - Lost in Europe part 5: Calais


TMF Expert
Dec 9, 2002
Sorry abou the delay on this one. Here is the penultimate part of this series...

The intense feathering on Eys and Chick's underarms was almost non-stop and to them, it felt like it went on for hours. "Stop for a bit..." ordered Louis Fatone "...I think you need a rest". Eys and Chick breathed a sigh of relief. "Your arms must be tired from tickling these girls. Take a break for an hour. We have all the time we need". The sisters didn't appreciate that the break was for their captors, but at least the torture has ceased for the time being. "Eys..." whispered Chick "I'm scared...". "So am I..." replied Eys "but I fear will not reach London the way things are going". Eys and Chick talked to each other throughout the hour, comforting and reassuring each other to help them pull through their experiences so far. An hour has passed, and Solletico Mafia re-enter the room they kept Eys and Chick in. "So, are you ready to confess to us, or do you need more convincing?" Louis Fatone sneered. "We have nothing to confess!" the girls protested. "Very well. Marco, Franco... continue with the interrogation". And with that, they picked up their feather dusters and continued stroking them relentlessly on Eys and Chick's underarms. However, as they started, a loud noise was heard from the other side of the room. "Someone's broken in! Might be the police!" shouted Louis, as he, Marco and Franco drew their pistols out ready for who will come for them. Eys and Chick feared the worst. The Mafia focus on the room's entrance, unaware of the masked, barefoot women that snuck up on them. Before they could turn around and shoot, the 3 Mafioso had their guns knocked out of their hands, and the women started fist fighting against them. As the Solletico Mafia were distracted, one of the women untied Eys and Chick from their poles. "You're coming with us... again." said a familiar voice, spoken in an aggressive, Oriental tone. Xiau-Li. The Barefoot Feminists have come for the sisters again. The 6-on-3 odds had the Mafia on the defensive, but as they had the upper hand, the Barefoot Feminists escaped, taking Eys and Chick with them. "Damn it!" uttered Louis. "At least our shipments are here, and protected now..."

Still blindfolded, Eys and Chick were led away to an awaiting speedboat. It was past midnight, and crossing to the mainland was treacharous. "When we board our hired jet, we want a serious word with you two" hissed Xiau-Li. The Barefoot Feminists, still in their Foot Soldierettes outfits, took the sisters back to Reggio Calabria airport, where their plane was awaiting. The sisters had no idea where they were going from there, until the pilot announced "Private flight 259 now boarding: Destination Calais". Eys and Chick immediately remembered something: After being dropped off at Krakow by Darang, they heard him say he had business to attend to in Calais. Question is: Why? In any case, the girls knew Darang would be seething if he heard they escaped from his clutches. As the plane took to the air, Xiau-Li spoke to the girls. "It seems we underestimated you two. Your elusiveness is quite impressive. It's a good thing we took 'precautionary' measures in case you gave us the slip" "How did you find us?" asked Eys "We were very far away from you" said Chick. "Remember in your first morning you spent with us back in Krakow? When you showered and we took away your clothes to be washed?" asked Xiau-Li "Well, added a little something to your shorts. We replaced your front short buttons with auto micro-transmitters encased in the buttons we made. These transmitters can locate exactly where you are in the world. For some reason, the first 36 hours you spent without us, we couldn't locate you, but out of nowhere, we got signals through that you were heading to Sicily. We immediatly hired a jet to get us to your location, and we found you in a dock warehouse with the greasy male scum". Eys and Chick were amazed of how they were followed. "But now, because of you getting way, everyone here, including you two, will suffer the consequences of your actions." hissed Xiau-Li. "Us Barefoot Feminists have been threatened with getting our bare feet tortured by Darang because we were 'imcompetent' in our duties. As for you two, he'll tell you what he'll do to you himself. You had to ruin everything, you stupid bints!" "Wag ka magasalita, ako puta!" screamed Eys in a near-fit of rage in Tagalog "What did she say?" gasped Xiau-Li "She said 'shut up, you whore'!" interrupted Chick. "How dare you!" screeched Xiau-Li "We'll it's true, isn't it?" asked Eys "Yeah, you use and have sex with men only to spread lies about them!" continued Chick. "Why you....!" shouted Xiau-Li, rearing her hand across her face to give the sisters a backhand slap. At that moment, Claudia grabbed her hand. "Leave them untouched: That's Darang's orders. He'll deal with them himself". "Hmph, you are lucky I didn't scratch out your pretty faces!" mumbled Xiau-Li, pointing at them. Though still blindfolded, Eys and Chick felt fearless for that moment, smiling inside knowing they got into the heads of their captors.

Before sunrise, the plane arrived at an airbase in Calais. The Barefoot Feminists, together with Eys and Chick, immediately hopped off the plane and into an awaiting van. After a short drive, they arrived at the dock of Calais, nearby the ferry crossings. The van then drove into a cargo ship. Once everyone got off the van, Eys and Chick's blindfolds were finally removed. Fortunately for them, the place was fairly dark so their eyes didn't hurt from adjustment. The sisters were ushered through a few corridors and stairs, and eventually, they met with Doctor Wolfgang Darang once again, standing in the centre of what looked like a mess room. "Take them to the stocks!" ordered Darang, as the Barefoot Feminists locked Eys and Chick in the tandem stocks fastened to a table, strapped their legs down and tied their toes back. "Right. I vill deal with you lot later..." said Darang, as the Barefoot Feminists left the vicinity. Darang then turned to look at the sisters, looking incredibly annoyed. Eys and Chick then huddled against each and held each other's hands, wrists tied up already. "You hav caused me a big headache, and a lot of damage to my little operation..." spoke Darang in a brooding tone "I vaited six long years to get to you, vaiting for you to come to Europe where I can have the Chimp where I want him with you under my capture! Vhen I found out from surveillance on the Chimp that you two were going to visit him, I saw this as the perfect opportunity. And so all that planning was finally put into action. Did you that I sabotaged your tour group so you would get lost on purpose?" Eys and Chick were stunned. "How did you do all that?" they asked.

Darang then told the sisters his whole plan in detail. "Through intelligence and hacking into data, I found out vhat tour agency the Chimp booked you in for. I knew that you vould stop at Singapore, Turkey and Berlin before arriving to Heathrow. So I sent an agent of mine - Russian voman named Scarlett Terra - to pose as a tour guide recently employed by the agency under the name of Stella. You remember her. She arrived at the NAIA in Manila a day before your departure, volunteering to be part of the team taking you to London. Vhen you two arrived to meet her, I since kept in contact with her to make sure everything vent according to plan. It fell to place perfectly vhen you stopped at Berlin. Ve made up a security alert vith two girls that looked like you being searched as prime suspects. Scarlett led you to bogus security guards who I hired outside the airport, and ve took your belongings like your money, valuables and passports to make sure you couldn't leave. I made sure they took your flip-flops too. You have Richard Reid to thank for that. I then ordered Scarlett to leave you by the Brandenburg Gate, and that's vhere you met me shortly thereafter. Vonce I kidnapped you, Scarlett set off to Heathrow to spy on the Chimp, who was awaiting your arrival. When she arrived, he was already asking where you two were when he realised the tour group you two were supposed to be with arrived without you, and was later seen pacing about, panicking and making very urgent phone calls often. Everything vent the vay it should: Getting you to vork for me as part of the Barefoot Feminists so you can help me take your uncle down. I even sent a broadcasted phone message over to the Chimp from here in Calais, telling him I had you vorking for me and vere somevhere in Europe, but didn't tell him vhere. Obviously the Chimp had no chance of finding you, and didn't have the resources like I have to find you, so he couldn't go anyvhere or vas allowed to. However... you two ran away from my Soldierettes, and couldn't find you for two days. Ve eventually traced you thanks to the micro-transmitters in your shorts. Still, the damage you have caused to this whole operation has disrupted everything I had planned. The authorities may have traced you two, and now this has left me vith no other options: I vill have to tickle you to death, so me and my Soldierettes von't be traced ourselves. The Chimp destroyed machinery and blueprints very valuable to me, so it seems fitting that I take something valuable away from him too! And on top of that, I vill make him vatch it by filming your demise at my hands!"

Eys and Chick started to cry, worried and scared out of their lives. They thought this is the end of the road for them, coming so close to the UK to see their family, only to die slowly, laughing to death at the hands of a madman. "Please don't kill us!" pleaded the sisters, but Darang wouldn't listen, instead calling out "Ania, bring out the video camera, so ve can film the final show!" The blonde, Scandinavian lesbian Ania came into room with camera, a tape, light rigging and tripod in her hands. She started setting up the filming equipment as Darang opened up his implements of torture, specifically designed for the tickle torture of bare feet. He picked up two hairbrushes with special plastic-tipped bristles, both labelled "Widowmaker", with plenty of bristles on them. Once Darang finished applying moisturising cream and heated the soles of Eys and Chick with a hairdryer, he signalled to Ania, who in turn gave a thumbs up to signify she was rolling camera. Darang then started to aggressively scrub the brushes across the sisters' bare soles, delivering his message...

The conclusion of Lost in Europe will be posted next week.

Poisonous Monkey


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No worries,
I've been keeping myself busy with School...
Looking forward to the thrilling conclusion!
Very nice as usual. Their feet look good.
I expect Chimp flying in through the window in superman style and finding his niece... and making them laugh a bit...
All in all as always you are great artist, bu if I could ask you... widen your europe country list 🙂
I see "puta" has a similar meaning in Tagalog as in Spanish. The girls are getting a little tougher it seems. Not the meek pair we saw in Germany at all. And, of course, the Chimp continues to fail to be the daring rescuer. Ten bucks says he is off in a pub somewhere. 😛

I like the static-y home movie feel in the second. Coupled with Darang glaring at the camera and declaring his nefarious goals it really does seem like the sort of message the hero would receive from the supervillain. The poor girls look so tired of being tormented. Will they be rescued? Not if the Chimp's previous behavior is any indicator. Then again, their transmitters didn't work whilst with the Madame ... maybe she's keeping an eye out for them, since she seems to have had some measures in place to counter Darang's electronic trickery. Could have been an accidental block, though.
Thanks for the replies...

If I actually covered every single country, it would go on forever and maybe spoil the whole thing, Bashiku. Besides, the pattern is that (apart from France and Poland) the villains in the Chimp's adventures come from the countries Eys and Chick happen to end up in.

Despite following the storyline closely HDS, you didn't read what the Chimp was actually doing when he found out his nieces were missing in this part. Look closely: He waited at Heathrow, panicked, made many phone calls, but doesn't know where they are exactly. And don't forget that the Chimp doesn't have the resources to find them except calling the authorities.
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