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Eys and Chick: Lost in Europe part 6 (final) - Dover/London (it's finally done!)


TMF Expert
Dec 9, 2002
How crap am I? Takes me 6 months to finally wrap up this series. However, I finally have a PC that connects to the internet which I can use full time now. No need to borrow off of anyone this time around.

Here's the final installment of Lost in Europe, which has two full colour pictures and black and white comic in the middle to accompany the story, which introduces a new female villain to the series.

Half an hour into the tickle torture, and Eys and Chick were in hysterics, sobbing uncontrollably inbetween fits of loud screams and giggles. Doctor Wolfgang Darang was relentless, using tools like nerve wheels, stiff feathers, electric devices and his "Widowmaker" brushes on the soft, sweaty soles and toes of the sisters, whose bare feet have gone through so much over the past week. They knew Darang wouldn't stop or get tired, and even them, he could get his Barefoot Feminists to help out with their final moments. After the half hour mark when Darang was busy tickling the life out of the sisters, he and Ania felt as if something moved in the air. The two paused for a second wondering what that was, and recommenced what they were doing. A minute later it happened again, something moving swiftly in the air above them, with the camera tripod wobbling a bit from it. "Who or vhat is that?" sneered Darang "Find out vhat that is, and get rrrrid of it!" Ania nodded and looked around. Right as she looked above her, she saw a bare foot hurtling towards her in a split second before being knocked spark out by that barefooted kick. Out of the darkness emerged a girl about the same height and build as Chick, but probably younger. She had long dark blonde hair with long bangs going over her eyes, was decked out in tight black attire with an ankh symbol hanging from her choker, and had relatively big bare feet for a girl of her somewhat slight stature. The girl was crouched on the floor ready to pounce, not taking her eyes off Darang. Ania recovered from her stupor and tried to attack the young girl from behind, but she jumped away, leapt off a wall, and hit her with a roundhouse kick to the face, knocking Ania silly and unconcious. The girl then looked at Darang again. He then stopped what he was doing and sauntered towards the girl, smirking "I know you!" Darang went to grab her, but she was quick like a cat, leaping off walls and away from Darang, giving her enough distance for her to attack back. She landed many punches and kicks on Darang, unable to counter or defend himself. As he went for a weapon, the girl hit him hard with a roundhouse kick to the face, bloodying his mouth and sending him slumped to the floor. The young girl then took a quick breather before approaching Eys and Chick.

"Who are you?" the sisters asked the girl. "The name's Ta-Shi. I'm working as part of an operation to rescue you two by Poisonous Monkey's request. He would've loved to join me here, but his sciatica has flared up recently and the doctors advised him not to go. Nevertheless, he heard Darang's message, so he immediately contacted me and I got help from a covert team so we can free you on his behalf." "Wow, you know our Tito Chimp?!" Eys and Chick asked "Yes, I owe him a favour, concerning Darang over there. So I'm here repaying my debt to him... and getting my vengeance on Dr. Darang here..." said Ta-Shi moodily, as Darang regained conciousness and was helped up by Ania. "Don't even think about trying to tie me up and tickle me, Darang!" shouted Ta-Shi "I have back-up outside on the Dover docks and on this ship listening to our every sound and action!" "Huh! Too bad they don't know the delicate art of a quick and hidden retreat!" answered Darang "Good luck to them finding where me and the Barefoot Feminists are heading off to. Till next time, Ta-Shi!" And with that, Darang and Ania stumbled out of the room. "Coward..." sneered Ta-Shi. "Come on, let's get you out of these..." as Ta-Shi untied the ropes around Eys and Chick's wrists. "What about the stocks?" the girls asked "Don't worry. I've got something to break the lock." Ta-Shi answered, looking at the situation, and suddenly attacking the sisters' helpless, immobile bare feet with her sharp fingernails and wiggling fingers. "Cootchie cootchie coo!" Ta-Shi gleefully chirped. "No, don't do that!" squealed Eys and Chick trying to reach for cover, but couldn't with their legs strapped down. "Oh sorry!" apologised Ta-Shi "I've been so focused and emotional going after Darang I needed a little relief", getting a crowbar-like tool to break the lock, untying Eys and Chick's toes from the stocks and unstrapping their legs. "Let's get outta here" said Ta-Shi, as she led the away out of the cargo ship with Eys and Chick behind her. The ship was already by the Dover docks, where Ta-Shi's back-up awaited as the three came out in the early morning sunlight. "Did you get Darang and his cronies?" called Ta-Shi. "They took two speedboats from the cargo ship you were on and drove off full speed. Our crew on the docks gave chase but they haven't been caught" said one of the team members. "That's OK, because we managed to rescue the hostages as planned" replied Ta-Shi. "Thank you for rescuing us!" thanked Eys "We are really grateful to you!" said Chick. "It was nothing" said Ta-Shi "Just mention to your uncle that we're even now. Speaking of which, he's supposed to be heading down here to see what is happening. Seeing you will obviously be the immediate good news".

Five minutes later, a black car pulls up by the White Cliffs in the distance. The door opened, and out stepped a man with a red mask and rather big hair: The Poisonous Monkey. "Tito Chimp!" yelled the sisters, running barefoot and all with their arms out towards their uncle. They leapt at him, hugging him tightly and started crying, not with fear or sadness, but with utter joy. The Chimp then wrapped his arms around them and hugged them tightly as he closed his eyes. "I'm so glad to see you..." said the Chimp, in a sombre but relieved tone. "We're so glad that we're finally in England to see you, Tito Chimp!" sobbed Eys. "We thought we would never get here after what happened to us!" sobbed Chick. "You're here now..." said the Chimp "...and you're safe and unharmed, and that's what matters now." The Chimp then looked over at the distance and then saluted at Ta-Shi, who then gave a thumbs up and nodded in recognition. "Sir, we must get going back to Heathrow. The authorites want a small briefing with you" said the chauffeur of the car the Chimp came in. "Right away" the Chimp replied, as he and his nieces went into the car, driving toward Heathrow Airport. "Tito Chimp, our luggage, belongings and passports were taken away from us" said Eys "It was fake security in Berlin that took it from us, and we'll never get them back" Chick said despairingly. "Funny you should mention that..." replied the Chimp "...because authorities in Heathrow Airport managed to retrieve your stuff after they arrested the bogus Berlin security staff when they travelled over to England. They and that Scarlett Terra girl were keeping me under surveillance and were supposedly ready to send me some kind of threat concerning you two. However, the police were aware of your disappearance and their previous criminal activity, and a slip-up on their part got them arrested two days ago. They are still held in a detention room at Heathrow as we speak." "Wow! I never suspected that police were searching for us!" cooed Chick. "Well as you know, your Tita Minky has a law degree and solicitor-in-training, so her legal threats helped pull a few strings!" answered the Chimp. "I want to know how Ta-Shi, her team and the authorities eventually found us on that ship" quizzed Eys. "Well let me tell you: That Darang is a genius" replied the Chimp "Putting those tracking buttons on your shorts. Fortunately, Ta-Shi knew someone who could hack into the signal of those devices, so Darang wasn't the only one who knew your whereabouts. Hence why Ta-Shi found you. Oh and don't worry. Those things will be deactivated by that same person who hacked the signal. At least you have souvenir short buttons from your little adventure!"

The Poisonous Monkey, Eys and Chick finally arrived at Heathrow Airport. The driver then led them to a conference room, where the authorities waited. "Ah, this must be Eys and Chick" said the big, suited man of Afro-American descent "Glad to see you arrived here safely. My name's Robert Campbell and I have been part of the search team. We have your possessions with us now, all labeled. Unfortunately, the footwear you were forced to remove have gone missing. Other than that, I trust everything else you here is all yours" as he and his assistants lifted Eys and Chick's belongings on the tables in front of them. Eys and Chick rummaged through their luggage and inspected the trays which contained their important belongings. The luggage was untouched and their purses, passports and other valuables were intact. "Don't worry about the flip-flops: I'll get you new ones here!" whispered the Chimp to his nieces' ears, hugging them. "Thank you, kind sir!" Eys and Chick said to Robert. "By the way..." said the Chimp "...if it's at all possible, I'd like to see Scarlett Terra personally. Anyone who puts any member of my family in mortal danger will answer to me!" "Well, usually I'm not allowed to, but I trust you won't lose your cool with her, so I guess I can let this pass" said Robert. "Care to come along, girls?" asked the Chimp. Eys and Chick nodded.

A short walk down the corridor, and they entered the room where the dark-haired agent named Scarlett Terra was sitting, with her wrists cuffed in front of her, as well as her ankles cuffed and torso tied to chair she sat on, as an armed officer stood by the door. Robert then said to the armed officer "They're with me." Scarlett looked up, then turned her head away miserably, knowing that the entire plan Darang had hatched failed completely, with the Chimp entering the room with his nieces. "I gather you want a good chat with her alone. I'll leave you three to her" said Robert, leaving the room. "I don't know how you two escaped Darang, but let me tell you, he'll be coming after you again!" said Scarlett in a brooding Russian accent. The Chimp replied "Put it this way, Miss Terra: Ol' Mulletboy has been on me like a stain for about a decade. Hello! I'm still here aren't I? See, his problem is that his stubborn search for vengeance clouds his judgment. Gets too emotional, and emotions aren't his strong point as you know. His timing wavers and instinctively rushes and does things without thinking. He brain farts. Anyway I'm here to give you a piece of my mind. When you mess with a member of my family, you deal with the Poisonous Monkey, and given my devious reputation, that ain't a good thing, especially when you're a bad girl like yourself!" Just then, Eys and Chick motioned their uncle to come to them and said "We want to tell you something...". The Chimp then approached them, and the sisters starting whispering in his ear. He then replied out loud after each sentence. "Oh yeah?" "She does, of course." "Well, naturally." "Nah, not a good thing." "Oh you do?" "You mean, you... well!" "Scarlett, my nieces are emotionally drained from their ordeal thanks to you, so it seems only fitting that we show you what they went through this past week. Take her shoes off..." Eys and Chick eagerly removed Scarlett's pumps, and then they lifted her arms up and tied them bent using a strap the Chimp was carrying, leaving her underarms exposed. The Chimp then propped her sweaty bare feet on the table and wrapped an elastic band round her big toes and pulled back on them. "No! What are you doing?" protested Scarlett. "Y'know girls, I was going to do this, but I thought all that tickling you had must have traumatised you. Seems it's done the opposite. Remember: Go deep!" said the Chimp. And with that, the Chimp, Eys and Chick went to work. They may be tired physically and mentally, but they had enough energy to dish out a bit of justice in the end.

There. It's finally done. Now I can get on with Monkey Muso Madness and working on the relaunching of my website.

Poisonous Monkey


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I love that 3rd pic. Nice big feet, but still realistic. Great job
*after the credits roll*

One helluva show mate. Welcome back!
Welcome back, eh? A fine conclusion to a fun series, one that demonstrated you're as adept at storytelling as drawing! The girls are safe, revenge is sampled, and all is well (I was hoping for a groin of doom appearance but eh. :ggrin: ).
Nice work Chimp good too see more of your stuff 🙂
Now I can finally tell you how much I love this pictures. They are simple, yet there is something complex about them. They are filled with so many ideas and a soul and that I respect. Great work chimpy.
I really like th new villian. She's hot, and I think she might have the biggest feet I've seen in your art, which is great!
Well, nice to be back in the hot seat, but I still have a lot to do. Cheers for the replies. So what have we learned in this series and the people involved in it?

Dr. Wolfgang Darang just cannot let a grudge die down, and has to get so many other people involved to weave a complex plan to get his vengeance.

Madamé Elena Pedriania is nicer than people think, but in the end for her, business is business.

Louis Fatone and his motley crew don't know shit.

The Barefoot Feminists all have names and different nationalities, which are as follows....
Italian leader Teresa, Australian Wendy, Swede Ania, Chinese Xiau-Li, American Bethany, Brit Stephanie, Spaniard Francisca, Indian Dalipa, Japanese Ishii, and St. Lucian Claudia
(Corresponding headshots cannot be displayed here, but is so on the same TMF thread)

New villainess Scarlett Terra's feet aren't supposed to be that big, but long and narrow. She's also devoted to Darang.

The Poisonous Monkey, despite being in bad shape, has plenty of stroke, in more ways than one.

Eys and Chick are rather jammy, to say the least.
I sense disturbance in the force... is that a sequel you are planning?
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