O.K. All right! I admit it! When I'm not surfing the net, I'm usually watching television, and I do watch cartoons! So sue me! Now, that THAT'S out of the way, I saw an episode of "The Fairly Oddparents" Last night, where Timmy, in a plan to gain revenge against his evil babysitter Vikki, Has Cosmo, and Wanda (The oddparents) magicaly make him the DJ of his own radio station. With a specially enhanced microphone to disguise his voice, he begins to give his real name, catching himself after stuttering the T in Timmy, twice, so, he decided, I kid you not, to call himself....have you guessed?....yep! Double T!
"I always knew I'd be famous!"-Sebastian the crab from "The Little Mermaid" (Yes! Another cartoon!)
Just remember, you heard it here first!
"I always knew I'd be famous!"-Sebastian the crab from "The Little Mermaid" (Yes! Another cartoon!)
Just remember, you heard it here first!