I dont know if you were aware of this Musician, but there is in fact tickle info about Faith's feet. There is a ticklish celebs list, and in it there claims to be a situation where Faith responded to an email on her site saying she has extremely ticklish feet, and that any time someone touches them she bursts out laughing. I found this info by going to AOL keyword:Celebrity tickling, and clicking on the celebrity tickling info link. On that, there are three different lists, read through them, and it is there. If you dont have AOL, then I'm not sure how to access it. Perhaps someone else might. Just wanted to share the info I had heard about Faith's ticklish feet.
P'S Part of the celeb tickle info link on AOL is, I believe, certain info that had been collected by the TMF in celeb chats. I'm not sure if the info about Faith was from there, the info I saw said she responded to a fan email on her site about her ticklish feet.