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Fallout 3, daughter of James part 2; M/FF


TMF Expert
Oct 18, 2002
Here's part 2, sorry it's taken so long! I hope everyone enjoys!


"Oh. My. Gosh, omigoshomigoshomigosh, did you bring any Quantum?!"

If Kate had one phrase in mind to describe the comely blonde woman with her well-kept chin-length hair, Sierra Petrovita, it would be "air-headed." She didn't bother asking the brunette why she was stripped to her boxers and undershirt, after all, nor the tear-tracks in the dust on her face. It wasn't that Sierra was a callous person, merely that she was...

Clueless. thought Kate, fighting the urge to glower at the blonde woman's childlike enthusiasm, Not just air-headed but clueless...

"Oh. Wow. That really is the real deal!" Sierra squeaked, her impossibly-white teeth showing in a wide smile as Kate surrendered the bottle of the glowing violet liquid and the enthusiast rubbed it against her cheek, "I *knew* you were the person for the job! Thank you so so much! Hey... what happened to your clothes?"

"Don't ask." Kate replied sullenly, quickly adding more before Sierra could observe that she already did, indeed, ask, "Look, do you have anything I could borrow to wear? Not easy to search for more Nuka-Cola Quantum all over the Capital Wastes without at least a pair of shoes..."

Sierra's look brightened and Kate tried to smile in return. Sierra's clothes weren't particularly practical--particularly the snug leather jacket that hugged frustratingly full breasts and the jeans that didn't look terribly easy to run in. The girl rummaged through a box full of empty cola bottles, murmuring a jingle no doubt from the old ad campaigns for the drink. The woman's obsession made Kate positively uncomfortable, particularly after the happenings at the factory.

"Look, uh, I'll wait outside. Call me in if you find it, alright?" Kate sighed, doubting she was even heard amid the clinking sounds and the loud humming. Rolling her eyes, she stepped back out into the warm air of the wastes, hoping that the caps she found and whatever more she got from Sierra for her scavenging would be enough to properly supply herself in the search for her father. She tried to regain her focus, then, sighing in relief at the lack of distractions.

"Hey, you shouldn't have done that..."

The gruff male voice shattered the focus rather keenly. Kate knew better than to immediately reach for her laser pistol, instead calmly turning to face Sierra's neighbor, Ronald Laren. The bald, cobble-armored man had been a raider once but settled down next to the attractive Nuka-Cola enthusiast for rather transparent reasons--at least to Kate. Sierra herself didn't seem to have the slightest idea what Ronald seemed to want.

"Look... I told you to give the bottles to me and I'd pay you so *I* could give 'em as a gift. Near as I can tell, you're only cuttin' me out just to piss me off."

"Look, if you want to go scrambling through the wastes, you've got my blessing." Kate shot back evenly, putting her hands on her hips, "I'm not about to *help* you take advantage of that woman no matter how naiive or stupid she is."

Ronald made to speak again, thrusting his finger forward and knitting his brows down... but he stepped back immediately and realized his mistake. His gun-hand did the pointing, giving Kate the chance to draw her weapon and point it at his chest.

"I have exactly zero tolerance for your crap today, Laren..." Kate told him, glad her voice didn't quaver and that she was able to keep her eyes from glancing at the shoddy battery case to make sure it was still firmly in place, "You want to hear the day I've had? I just almost got tickled to death by a bunch of damned robots! That's the day I've had! So you can take your attitude, walk it back into your little shanty, and shove it right up your ass!"

Ronald backed up another step, though it was less out of intimidation than the fact that he was struck by her words, "Wait... you what?"

"A Mister Handy pinned me on a conveytor belt and tickled my feet!" Kate explained, growing more chagrined by the moment, "What, you think that's funny?!"

"Yee, sounds like fun!"

Both Ronald and Kate turned to look at Sierra, who had come out with a set of folded clothes in her arms, smiling widely, "Hee hee... I wish I could have been there! Tickling always gets me feeling all tingly and nice. When did this ha-?"

She cut off, only then seeing that Kate had a gun pulled, "Wh-what..?"

Kate nearly swore aloud as the gun was snatched out of her hand, Ronald recovering moments before the exhausted, stripped woman. The former raider pointed Sierra back to her door.

"Get inside. We'll talk in a sec..."

The woman obeyed and Kate tried to make a break for it. Ronald managed to grab her arm and clock her on the back of the head with her own gun. Already worn down by the torment and the long hike afterward, Kate's body saw no reason to stay conscious...


Kate awoke to Sierra's voice--more shrill than usual--and tried to bring a hand to the back of her throbbing head. There was little luck, however... the wanderer from Vault 101 found herself rather solidly hogtied by bailing twine, gagged by a pair of rags, the knot snugly between her teeth. Immediately she began to struggle in her bonds but didn't fail to survey her situation a little more as she did so.

She found herself in Sierra's shelter, surrounded by Nuka-Cola paraphenalia. Sierra herself was also in some distress... tied spread-eagled to her small bed. Ronald was just finishing the knots at the woman's ankles. Her boots were laying nearby, her jacket unzipped and her shirt pulled up above her ribs. The blonde woman squirmed, notably ungagged as her high, nervous voice only aggrivated Kate's headache.

"R-Ronald, you're scaring me!" Sierra admitted with a mixture of fear and complete confusion, "What's going on? Did I do something wrong? Is Kate okay?"

"Just relax, babe... nothin's wrong." Ronald replied, walking over to Kate. The woman gave a cry of protest as he tied a bottle of ice-cold Nuka-Cola to the back of her head. "See? She's fine, just had a bit of a fall."

"Sh-she had a gun pulled on you..." Sierra sniffled, squirming, "What's going on?"

"What, this?" laughed Ronald, holding up the battered laser pistol, "Ever see a gun like this? It's a toy! We were, uh... practicing! Yeah, you remember raiders, right? Gotta be prepared."

Sierra paused, tilting her head and giving what he said a moment's thought, then smiled, "Oh! Hehe... silly me. Here I was worrying over nothing! Can you teach me, too?"

Kate slumped her forehead against the ground, groaning at the woman's trusting nature and wondering how she managed to live so long.

"Yeah, but first I figure we take a break, you know?" Ronald told her, rubbing his hands together, "Before Kate uh... fell down, she and I talked and thought it would be fun-"

"Ooh! You're gonna tickle us!"

Sierra's voice was entirely too pleased and giddy for Kate's tastes, the hogtied wanderer trying once again to strain against the bonds. Unfortunately, between Ronald's apparent skill in binding and her body's battered, exhausted state, she didn't see herself getting loose anytime soon without help.

"Yeah!" Ronald replied after a moment's pause, "Yeah... that's it! Heh, you're a smart girl, Sierra..."

The man's voice dripped with his true intentions and Kate strained one last time before slumping in defeat. As terrible as it made her feel, she hoped his appetite would be sated by Sierra alone. The fact that she remained a prisoner didn't exactly fill her with confidence, however, and she tried to calm down her panicking mind.

"Remember, you're my daughter... and you're brilliant." her father had always told her in a soothing, slightly british accent, "No matter what situation you find yourself in... whether it's Butch bullying you or any other situation, you can stay calm and think. There's always a way out of a tight spot."

"EEEE!!!! Hehehehehe! N-nooohooho, you have to start--ee!--slow!" Sierra pleaded as the bed nearly jumped a foot when Ronald's fingers dug into her ribs, "Slowhohohoho!!!"

"Yeah, yeah..." the former raider replied, clearing his throat, "Yeah, I got excited is all... yeah, how about this?"

Gritting his teeth and seeming very unused to being gentle in the least, he laid a fingertip on the bottom of Sierra's sternum, drawing a squeak from her. She giggled softly, squirming in her bonds as he trailed it down to her navel. The man notably bit his lip, having to fight the urge to just dig in--whether it was tickling or something else on his mind.

"Ooohhhoohoo..." giggled Sierra, her toes curling--Kate once again feeling an intense dislike of the girl when it was revealed that the nails were painted with glow-in-the-dark violet polish, "Y-yeeahahaa... hehehe, you're good at this, Ronald!"

"Y-yeah, I am!" Ronald replied, appearing surprised, "Yeah... gotta try this some more."

Sierra gasped a little as he tucked his fingertip into her navel and broke into more intense giggles as he worked it around, her backside grinding into the bed as though trying to sink her body away from the touch. Her hands fluttered as though she were trying to fan herself, her feet squirming in circular motions as Ronald's other hand teased up and down between the top of her hip and the bottom of her ribs. Her body inched into a bow shape, one of her cheeks rubbing into her upper arm as she began to laugh with more vigor.

"Rooohahahahannie!" shrieked Sierra, hips bucking once, distracting the former raider, "Eeeeehehehehehe! Pleeeeease! Too much too much too much!"

"No, no, babe... just right." Ronald mused, his face getting red with the way the shapely woman squirmed, "Yeah, just right..."

"I give!" cried Sierra, her hips bucking again, "Eeee! It's Kate's turhooohoo-turn!"

Ronald grumbled under his breath, not sure if pushing harder would make the woman completely unreceptive but knowing that it was turning her on--even if she didn't know it herself. His hands curled into fists and he forced himself to pull away.

"Th-thahank you..." giggled Sierra, squirming, "Well? ehehe... Kate will feel left out!"

"Yeah..." Ronald mused, looking over the mostly-stripped woman hogtied on the ground, "Yeah... I get it. Maybe I could strip you down too, right?"

Sierra balked at that, "I don't know..."

"Hey, if Kate likes it..."

Sierra's thoughtful look at that made Kate writhe, trying to work the gag out of her mouth. Several ideas were forming in her mind for escape but she practically shut down when the robots had tickled her. She shook her head vehemently at Sierra, her eyes trying to express a plea.

"Wait, Ronald!" Sierra said, squirming on the bed to try and get a better look at Kate, "Wait... I think she's nervous about being touched while she's in her undies..."

Kate sighed, both in relief and irritation at Sierra's phrasing. She closed her eyes, meaning she missed Sierra's eyes lighting up with what must have seemed--to her--like a great idea.

"Get her feet!"

Kate's eyes snapped open and she thrashed in her bonds, shouting muffled curses at the blonde woman's altogether giddy tone. Her feet tried to kick in the opposite direction as Ronald as he approached, considering the situation.

"Yeah... that'd make you more comfortable if you were in this position, right? Make you relaxed and... ready."

"Yeah!" Sierra replied, her head bobbing, "Ready and willing!"

Kate growled into her gag, trying to use her anger for the other woman to push past the fear as the horny ex-raider approached, looking quite ready to do some untoward things. Her soles were darkened somewhat by the walk across the wasteland... and no less tender from the previous tickle. She had hoped by then that wandering around on foot all the time would have done something to quell the sensitivity.

Ronald's first touch was very different than the spinning brush that began a tormenting assault. He learned quickly, it seemed, as a gentle drift of the fingers curved up along Kate's left arch. She gave a cry of indignance, hands squeezing into fists. Her eyes widened and she bit into the gag, trying to refuse to giggle, to make any sound that might have encouraged him. She quivered, squeezing her eyes shut as the slow, soft drifts began to affect her far more powerfully than she expected.

She'd never been exposed to such a method. Butch prodded her, trying to bring about as much pain as ticklishness. Amata was a quick, short teaser, usually a precursor to one of their adolescent tickle-fights. The attack by the robot in the factory was sudden and constant and intense, as much a torture as anything.

The ex-raider's method made her realize just how helpless she was that such a gentle touch simply couldn't be ignored. Her other foot wriggled in the way, covering the arch he'd been teasing only to get the same treatment. Her toes curled and uncurled, her body shifted, but the sensations simply refused to be chased away. One short tell-tale moan left her throat, then.


Ronald's trumphant exclamation precluded Kate's sudden scream as the man's fingertips attacked her feet with more gusto. Kate was almost relieved, almost pleased by the fact that it had become something torturous again rather than something questionably enjoyable. That feeling faded rather quickly as she screamed laughter into her gag, her dirtied soles assaulted by the man's fingertips and Sierra looking on almost curiously. She smiled when the corners of Kate's mouth helplessly rose, the unconscious reaction to the tickling taking her over.

"She likes it!" Sierra proclaimed, looking as though she was trying to clap her hands, "You're so fun, Ronald!"

Kate wailed with laughter, trying to roll this way and that but couldn't find the strength. Laughter took over, the sensations across her soles cascading through her body and leaving her paralyzed. She couldn't express displeasure or even distress to the clueless woman bound nearby, her mouth locked in a tormented smile and only cackles of laughter making it through the gag. Sierra wiggled where she lay, biting her lip.

"My turn again!" she proclaimed, "Come on! Kate can't hog all the fun!"

Kate whimpered as Ronald quickly discarded her feet, trying to rub them together as best she could. Spots had formed in her vision and she tried to claw through it... to focus. She all but wept as she realized that any prayer of escape was slim. Her bag of caps still lay nearby but nothing at all remained to help her cut her bonds. Ronald was no fool... the combat knife she held--and even his own--were not anywhere inside Sierra's home. The knots were tight and the cord too thin to effectively pick at. Worse, she could barely think clearly amid her exhaustion and the lingering sensation of torment. If Ronald wanted to keep her there or kill her, she was a sitting duck.

"Aw dammit!"

The exclamation was followed by a crashing sound and Sierra gasped, squirming in her bonds, "R-Ronald are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, was just an empty bottle... I can get you another of those easy. I'll clean it up in a minute... not calling the game on account of a little broken glass!"

Sierra balked but squeaked and giggled as he squeezed the outside of her thigh, "You're not getting *my* feet, are you?"

"Y-yeah, that's where I was goin'..." Ronald replied, "Yeah..."

Kate would have groaned at that, knowing full well that Ronald was simply trying to soften the blonde woman to the idea of sleeping with him. She would have considered that at least the unscrupulous bastard wasn't quite to the point of outright rape.

However, her focus was on one thing... the sound of a glass bottle breaking on the floor. She fought the urge to immediately struggle in that direction, taking a deep breath and willing herself to be patient.

"Ooooohhhehehehe... w-wowehehe... Ronald that feels--ee! ooh..."

Ronald's fingers slowly glided up and down Sierra's soles, the girl obediently holding her own toes back to feel the full sensation. She giggled and squirmed and every so often cooed in ways that made Kate shudder at the thought of having to do for a man like Ronald. Clearly, Sierra didn't have any such inhibitions--barely understanding the sensations moving through her body.

"Tingly..." giggled the blonde woman as though a little drunk, her body squirming listlessly nonetheless, "Hehehehehe... ooh... H-have you-ehehehe...ever done this before?"

Ronald didn't answer, too focused on the blonde woman. He grinned a wolfish grin, the motions of his neighbor's body and the sounds she made clearly suggesting that he'd found a sweet spot that she easily mistook for an innocent game.

"You like it, huh?" Ronald slyly chuckled, "Yeah... yeah you do. Bet I can show you more, huh?"

"Ooh, sure!" Sierra replied, managing to sound enthused and breathy all at once, "Just a little more, though... oooh... right there..."

"C'mon..." coaxed Ronald, and his fingertips began to pick up tempo little by little. Sierra yelped mid-coo and began squirming, unable to keep her toes from wiggling. She giggled and worked herself this way and that as though thinking shifting herself would somehow protect one foot or the other. The slow build left her moaning every so often and Ronald was sure she'd cave with the right amount of it...

As the volume of Sierra's laughter grew--Ronald prying back the toes of one of her feet and creasing the skin slightly with his fingertips--Kate finally began moving. Working her shoulders and hips, she inched her way toward the side of the cabinet Ronald had bumped, using the rope securing the hogtie as a pivot, putting the right kind of pressure upon it. She let herself collapse to one side as she fumbled for the glass, cutting the tip of her finger but getting a large enough shard. She sawed as quickly as she could, cutting through the rope connecting her ankles to her wrists... but she forced her legs to stay in their cramped position. If Ronald noticed...

"Eeeee! Heheheheaahahhaa! Ooh! No! Ee! Ooh..."

The cries Sierra offered were hardly those of someone tormented. Her laughter was colored by confused moans and less than half-hearted protests. Her sole pinkened under Ronald's fingers, his other hand teasing up the inside of the girl's leg--likely without her even beginning to realize the connotations. Her hips bucked a few more times, arms and legs straining against her bonds as though her mind had forgotten that she was tied up and was confused that she couldn't move. Her eyes closed and she shrieked and moaned her laughter, confused momentarily when the tickling at her feet completely stopped and continued up to her inner-thighs...

A confusing thump and Ronald grunting could be heard, and she opened her eyes in time to see the man fall to the floor. She stammered, squirming, wondering why the feel-good sensation from the tickling became a demanding feeling for something more. She whimpered, looking to Ronald and then seeing Kate on her feet, panting.


"He fell down and bumped his head." Kate sarcastically muttered, setting down her bag of bottle caps which had made a satisfying thud against the side of the man's head, "Relax... he'll probably be fine."

The wanderer quickly grabbed up the pile of clothes Sierra had set aside, pulling them on with haste and then tugged on Sierra's own boots before grabbing up the bag again, "Look, if you saw where he put my knife-"

"C-can you keep tickling me?" pleaded Sierra, squirming, "We were having fun, right? I-I need more!"

Kate dropped her jaw at the strange blonde woman's plea and, upon hearing Ronald getting up, quickly exited the house and broke into a dead run through the wastes. Ronald growled, ignoring Sierra's calls for him, begging him to bring the tingling back. Outside, he grabbed up his shotgun and made to head after Kate...

Then a loud gunshot, leaving a smoking hole in the ground in front of him, made him turn and a powerful left hook left Ronald on the ground. His shotgun dropped, he looked up, wondering if the two shots to the head were making him see things.

The sun was behind the figure's head, masking his features in silhouette but revealing the shape of a fedora. A .44 magnum was aimed with a rather trained grip at Ronald. The figure held up a combat knife idly in his other hand, displaying it rather than brandishing it. Ronald looked in disbelief to its sheath on his own belt, not having noticed the loss of it.

"You're letting this one go." the man in the trenchcoat told him plainly, "I've seen what you can do... and I've seen what you're capable of. All you know about me is that I'm fast... I'm strong... and I'm a good shot."

"Who the hell are you?" Ronald sputtered, another gunshot making him wince, the smoking hole in the ground between his hand and his shotgun warning him not to reach for it again.

"A mysterious stranger." the figure replied, "I'll be keeping an eye on you... and if you so much as entertain a thought about going after Kate, any sort of revenge... I'll shoot it out of your head. Got it?"


The stranger eased the hammer of his gun forward, lowering the gun, "Good. While you're at it, long as that girl in there's happy... you do what you want. Just don't make her *un*happy, got it?"

Ronald looked back to the door, hearing Sierra call his name. He smirked, turning back with intent to throw a few threats of his own to preserve his reputation.

The figure in the trenchcoat was gone.


Kate ran until her body simply refused to keep moving, her back against a flat-sided boulder, gulping in deep breaths while trying to listen above her pounding heart and heaving breaths. It didn't sound as though Ronald had the chance to follow her and she was decently stealthy--even while moving as quickly as she did. Still, she was alone in the wastes with a heavy bag of bottle caps still a fair hike from the little town she had begun to call home. She relaxed where she sat, taking a moment to breathe easy.

In that moment of relaxation she knitted down her brow in confusion at the thought that popped into her head... wondering what it would have been like to tickle Sierra like she had begged.

"This is all dad's fault..." she grumbled, hitching up the sack of bottle caps on her back, "I swear... I'm going to buy a better weapon... track him down... and punch him dead in his stupid face!"

Huffing, her stamina refueled by her irritation, Kate pushed up to her feet and made her way back to Megaton, wondering if her luck would run her into another insane situation there as well.
Great story! Like how you describe everything, too, providing enough detail to give a clearer picture of everything that's going on, but not nearly too excessive. :happy:
Sounds like I've still got it. :lol Glad to hear it.

@ Sadistictcklr: I really appreciate the rave review. 🙂 Good to know what I"m doing right.

@dentrag123: Glad you like it, man!

To all the other viewers, if you have any constructive criticisms or anything you particularly liked about the story, please chime in! This is as much a learning experience for me as it is an attempt to entertain all of ya great folks. 🙂
Well Sierra certainly sounds like a dip lol...great descriptions..the tickling scenes were fantastic without being too much...and the story always seems to end with that mysterious sexy stranger..and Katie wanting to punch her dad in the face lol...

Great job, Crusher..but why would i expect anything less from you?
Thanks, Izzy! Glad to hear you like it. I was afraid, at first, that there wasn't nearly enough description in the tickling this time through, but it seems I was worried over nothing.

To you and anyone else reading, I'd like to pose a little poll-less poll. I have one more chapter in mind before Kate makes real progress on her "mission," but I want to try and draw things out a bit more. If anyone knows enough about Fallout 3 and has a particular victim in mind (or a particular scenario you'd like to see befall poor Kate) please let me know. I'll pick up as many as I can figure out a scenario for. 🙂 Even if you know nothing about Fallout 3, suggesting a particular situation of ticklish distress for Kate could easily be worked in, I'd wager.

Come on, people, tell me what you want, ball is in your court. :lol
Fantastic Story! i love how you perfectly implements parts of the game. The Mysterious stranger, one of the best perks to buy ever.

btw, in the game, where is Ronald and Sierra? i haven't found them yet. it's hard to believe she's more ditzy than Moira.
Thanks, Izzy! Glad to hear you like it. I was afraid, at first, that there wasn't nearly enough description in the tickling this time through, but it seems I was worried over nothing.

To you and anyone else reading, I'd like to pose a little poll-less poll. I have one more chapter in mind before Kate makes real progress on her "mission," but I want to try and draw things out a bit more. If anyone knows enough about Fallout 3 and has a particular victim in mind (or a particular scenario you'd like to see befall poor Kate) please let me know. I'll pick up as many as I can figure out a scenario for. 🙂 Even if you know nothing about Fallout 3, suggesting a particular situation of ticklish distress for Kate could easily be worked in, I'd wager.

Come on, people, tell me what you want, ball is in your court. :lol

How about a little bit of a character like Rosa 😀?
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