This is an interesting topic. My father left my mother and I when I was born...Thankfully, and you better believe I thank God everyday for this, I had a "stepdad" who took me under his wing and raised me as his son. I never call him stepdad though...always dad...because he is my father....not my genetic father, but he is something that my "Real" father is not. A man. Do I get angry at the mere thought of my "real" father, yes. I get angry because I know that he is responsible for so many of the problems my mother went through, and for leaving me....without even thinking about how I would feel. When I was 9 years old, my "Real" father came back around and tried to get me to leave my life behind, and move in with him. This was after my mother had died of course, because had she been alive, she would have made sure that he stayed away from me. He tried to use money to get me to move in with him, promised to buy me everything I wanted....but my heart was with my "step" dad (whom I consider to be my real father) and my brother back home. I still remember the day that I told him that I did not want to live with him....I was scared....I did not know how he was going to react....I told him, and about 10 minutes later, his wife came in...I remember her exact words...."Larry said that you can't have two daddy's....after he takes you back home, you won't see him ever again". I didn't care though, I was just happy that it was all over. Looking back though, it really angers me...I just don't get could someone be so selfish....As for your question, I do not think that there should be any penalty that my "Real" father should have to face. My reason? I would hope that what he did to my mother and I, would be enough punishment. I hope that he never forgets what could have been, and that the guilt never leaves his heart...I would hope that that would be punishment enough. I do, however, hope that I get to see him again someday, just so I can talk to him...and maybe bring some closure and peace to both of our minds.