I have had TONS of tickle dreams throughout my life, and they changed as I've gotten older...
As a child, they were mostly related to cartoons (tickle monsters!) or babysitters who tickled me in real life, and me running from them for a lot of the dreams, and hiding, and being found and tickled (sans restraints...) mercilessly...I would wake up feeling well rested and relaxed...
As I got older, the dreams added in more mature elements...people I was attracted to tickling me...less running away...more rope...
😱 Occasionally woke up slightly restless from said dreams...
Haven't had one in a long time, most likely due to the increased amount of tickling in my life in the last few years...I always felt like my tickle dreams fulfilled a need to be tickled...and since, prior to meeting my wife, I didn't get tickled much, I had more of a need, hence more dreams...and I must say, to keep in line with the thread, that I could, in fact, feel everything that happened in the dreams...and loved it...and wouldn't mind having one of those dreams again just for giggles...