Original thread on TT vanished in a puff.
It was too large [TT admin enforced a lower limit on clip size] and if it was a member-clip too, somebody complained about it anyway.
The emule site doesn't host clip: it hosts a P2P program - so no clips there.
So, what Rajee suggested is: "get the rod and go fishing yourselves, guys".
Emule, edonkey, and similar napster-inspired progs, allow you to share files over peer-to-peer protocol, but you usually have to offer something beforehand, or wait a long time before getting your clip.
It is quite unadvisable to use it unless you have a flat or broad band connection; it requires some time and patience.
If rajee plans on sharing it, though, he could post the edonkey/emule file url. That way, when he is online, ppl can download the file directly from him.
Still, if it is a member clip, this is not really the place to share it.