I think he did that on purpose. Just seemed like it at least.
bit off topic, but how does posting it alert someone to it? im just curious
Whenever someone clicks a direct link to a website (e.g., Youtube), the "referring" website (where the link was posted, e.g., Tickle Theater) appears in the server logs of the destination site. When Youtube staff sees that a particular video is being linked at a fetish site like TT or TMF, they often pull the clip even if it doesn't violate their terms of use. Making a link non-clickable prevents Youtube from seeing where it was posted, so they will be less likely to flag it for deletion.
Whenever someone clicks a direct link to a website (e.g., Youtube), the "referring" website (where the link was posted, e.g., Tickle Theater) appears in the server logs of the destination site. When Youtube staff sees that a particular video is being linked at a fetish site like TT or TMF, they often pull the clip even if it doesn't violate their terms of use. Making a link non-clickable prevents Youtube from seeing where it was posted, so they will be less likely to flag it for deletion.