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Final Fantasy tickle pic f/f


3rd Level White Feather
Nov 20, 2002
Update: 1/22/04

I've uploaded a new picture of Aeries tickling Tifa (FF7). This is the long awaited 'sequel' picture I was talking about, where Aeries gets back at Tifa! 😉

You'll notice yet again, Yuffie watching secretively. Rest assured, she will be a part of the action as I said in the beginning. 😉

Anywho, the picture has been added to the Files and Photos section and has also been uploaded to my forum here at Tickle Theater.

Tell me what you think, and enjoy. ^___^

- DJ


  • Aeries tickles Tifa.JPG
    Aeries tickles Tifa.JPG
    127.2 KB · Views: 3,058
Awesome job CE! Your stuff is always at the top of the curve. I can't wait till the next ones 🙂
😀 Great drawing, CE! It makes me want to become a bigger FF7 fan. 😀
Superb job CE!!! I must say I am quite fascinated by the spying Yuffie. She looks like she wants in. 😛 ANd speaking of FF7, where is he? You'd think he'd be drawn to this like a moth to a flamethrower. 😛
HisDivineShadow said:
Superb job CE!!! I must say I am quite fascinated by the spying Yuffie. She looks like she wants in. 😛 ANd speaking of FF7, where is he? You'd think he'd be drawn to this like a moth to a flamethrower. 😛

Very great drawing as usual. I'm here of course, I just have to wait for my chance to get online..
@ a1532b- Thanks alot. Its nice to know I've won your acclaim. ^__^

@ rajee- Thanks alot. Then become one damnit! 😛
Although I shouldn't talk. I've never really thoroughly the game or any of the Final Fantasy games. I played a bit of FF7 at one point, but never got that far or planned to finish. And now its getting old to the point where finding an original copy and not one of those "greatest hits" copies might be difficult.

@ Thanks alot. As you should be! Shes spying for a reason afterall. Its just a matter of waiting for a moment to strike. Ninja-style!

@ FF7Tickler- Thanks alot. ^__^
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Man, you've had my acclaim since you first started drawing pics and posting them online. You've got Uber 1337 skillz!
Really? Wow, I don't know what to say to that.. But thanks for sticking with me. I know alot of people probably bailed when they learned I wasn't 'as into' tickling and fetishes as they were, but I'm glad some people stayed.

Oh ye few, but faithful. 😀

Uber 1337 skillz? Thanks alot. ^__^ Its an honor really.
Love it. It's even better than the first installment a while back. Excellent depiction of the characters' poses.
The few... and the proud. We will forever support you, Damien. Especially if you keep posting utterly rocking pictures like this one!!! Man, dude, are you trying to give me a heart attack? This one nearly blew me away!
Another Great Picture By One Of The Great Tt Artistic Talents.(inspiration & Perspiration)
@ Uno (I can call you that right?)-

Thanks alot. I felt the poses were important for this one. Typically, I'd imagine, when someone gets revenge of this type that the have a relaxed composure like Aeries has.

@ critterlord- Thanks alot. Thats really touching actually. ^__^

But come on man, "heart attack"? Isn't that a bit much? I mean....it had better be. The last thing I want is you kicking the bucket because of me!

"Local man has heart attack when viewing tickling picture of Final Fantasy characters. Our news correspondant Julia Meyer is on scene with the artist who the drew the death-dealing picture. Julia?"- James

"Thanks James. I'm here with artist Damien Jones, who is responsible for the death of the person known as "critterlord". Damien, how are you feeling right now?"- Julia

".......how am I feeling? HOW AM I FEELING?! What the hell kind of question in that Julia, huh?! I KILLED a man, and its eating me up inside! Thats how I feel! *sobbing*"- Me

"I'm so sorry...so how did this horrible tragedy happen?"- Julia

"I was....I was just drawing these pictures see, and, and it was just one too many...sniff....and....he just got too excited...he said he was fine...and a moment later...he....he just.....*starts weeping*"- Me

"We went to "critterlord's" family to try and talk to them about the horrible loss."

*switch to critterlord's family*

"What do you have to say about this, the loss of one of your own?"- Julia

"All we want is for Jones to be brought to justice! *crying family* He needs to PAY for what he did to us!!!! PAY!!!!!!"- Distrought family member

"A horrible ending to a horrible case. Jones is scheduled to appear in court Febuary 14th. Reporting live, this is Julia Meyer, channel 989. Back to you James."- Julia

"Thanks Julia. Up next, economy or 3-ply, we think theres a big difference, but is there really?"- James

Its something like that I want to avoid critterlord! 😛
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Another Great Picture By One Of The Great Tt Artistic Talents.(inspiration & Perspiration)

Wow again. Thanks alot. ^___^ Perspiration? I think I know what you meant by this, but could you clarify anyways?
Thanks for the pic, it's really nice! Pose, feet depiction
and facial expression are great 🙂
The report of poor critterlord's heart attack was great
too! Hope everything's OK with your heart, critterlord 🙂
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Coming from someone who has been doing this for a long time is really a boost. ^_^

Your art and talents are unsurpassed in your field. Makes me regret I sold my FF7 discs. It's amazing how they change from block people to hot ticklish models. Kodos or Kuedos or KU..... forget it
Thanks alot. Thats very nice of you to say. ^__^

And you sold them!? What were you thinking!? LOL
CE is a celebrity now! Can I have your autograph?
I would give it to you, but my lawyer doesn't think it would be good for my image, with the impending suite and all.
aww c'mon, who's are ya gonna listen to? Some crummy old lawyer or your good friend a15? 🙂

Are you really being sued?
I'm gonna listen to whoever keeps me from going to prison for manslaughter! 😛

(Of course not, at least I hope not.)
oh, phew. I'm really gullible! First I thought Kalamos really died, then I thought you were being sued!

Jeeze, sometimes I think there's a conspiracy to mess with my head...
@ a1532b- It was critterlord, not Kalamos. Maybe your head IS messed up. ^__^

@ Roshi- Thanks. Keep a watch out.
Your pictures are top-notch. I wish I could draw like that. Heck, I wish I could draw at all. Anyway, thanks for the memories!
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