Do you think it's possible to find your true love or perhaps just boyfriend/girlfriend or visa versa with both of you's love for tickling? I think its possible anythings possible with love or dating. I feel that someone can tickle another person and within that moment of laughter and giggles they can form a connection a spark so to say where they just fall for each other. Because if one person is into tickling and that person tickles someone else but without knowing that that person is also as well into tickling and they fall in love or just casual dating through that one or howmany times it my be of tickles then anything is possible in life😉 Now on the other hand im not writing this post because to say that ive found my Girlfriend through a few tickles because i haven't sadly🙁 i can't even apporch girls at my high school and make small talk with them without getting nervous as heck let along tickle girls!😡 but simply im just wondering what everybody thought about ''finding love with tickling'' is it really possible? has it happend to you first hand? share your thoughts and comments are welcome🙄