I've been on a hiatus from here till recently. A friend re-awakened my interests in film photography, and I've been getting back into that ...reacquiring gear, going out on shoots (non professionally, for myself), etc.
I stumbled across this website, and as this is one of the subjects I shot in the past, found it very interesting, and thought there might be some here that would appreciate the female foot in fine art form, so I am aharing it with you.
As the work is copyrighted I will not post any images, but here is the link to the home page:
Feet photos you could actually hang on your walls! 😉
I stumbled across this website, and as this is one of the subjects I shot in the past, found it very interesting, and thought there might be some here that would appreciate the female foot in fine art form, so I am aharing it with you.
As the work is copyrighted I will not post any images, but here is the link to the home page:
Feet photos you could actually hang on your walls! 😉