As i recall my first was with this babysitter who used to watch my brother and i when we were kids. I'm now 24 and he's 17, this must have been damn near 15 years ago. Anyway, so i don't remember how i went about it but the next thing i do remember is i had her in the basement of our house-like apartment. My mother had a weight lifting bench and i had some plastic horshshoes. At the head of the bench were two vertical bars with holes drilled into the sides of them. I have no idea what for, but there was this really thin bar you could slide into the holes. So i tell her to put her hands over her head and she does. I took the bar and ran it thru the holes so that her arms were more or less pinned over her head. At the foot of the bench was this contraption which resembled the front of a garbage truck, i think (honestly it's very hard to describe it). Anyway i think it was designed for to have weights applied to it and to be used for hamstring and the muscles on the top of your thighs to get a good workout. There was a bar across it at about chest level for the hamstrings and one across the bottom part of it for the other leg workout. I had her put her barefeet on the top bar and then i took one of the plastic horshshoes and put it over her ankles. She couldn't get out like right now, but would have to kinda kick the thing off if she wanted to. The minute i touched her soles she shrieked and said, stop it, and so i did and let her go. Yeah very anti-climatic, but that's what happened. I shoulda given her a few good strokes, but i was like 10 and not quite "aware" of my tickle fetish yet. That came a very little while after my first time of masterbating when i was like 13 or 14. I have only once since tickled another girl and it was a quick stroke of the sole in the sandbox in the big front yard of the apartment complex. I've had no "actual" tickle torture sessions, except for when i was the ticklee numerous times by the hands of my family members. For sure before i die i must have this thing which is the object of my fantasies or in the moment of my death i will have the full knowledge that my life wasn't totally experienced to its breadth.
Omg, i need to cut and paste this to my memoir lol.