Many thanks and much respects to everyone who replied to this, both for the TT comic and the TOS pic. It is very much appreciated. Forgive the lateness of this. I completely lost my ID stuff for this forum. I will start posting all of my stuff here as well in the future.
Many thanks to all those who mentioned the characterizations (Ooooo, praise from THE Cheshire Cat!! I'm turning red! 😀 ). I'm borderline addicted to Teen Titans, so I'd be worried if I DIDN'T have the characters down. :happy:
Anywho, thanks for all your kind words and Most of all to Big Norm who's been my agent on Tickletheater in the menawhile. I'll post again soon! Cheers!
Snail Shell
"Now, I'm where a snail has to be." - John Linnell