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Foightin'! (Fighting)


Oct 31, 2004
This is another one of those threads where I ask a question and you all tell me your experiences relating to it. In this case, the topic in question is fighting!

What fights have you gotten into? Unfriendly ones, that is - like "some guy in the street spat on my shoe so we exchanged punches for several minutes."

I'm fairly peaceful, but I have had a couple of fights.

The most recent was absolutely ages ago - I was about 13. I was walking through the school playground when some random kid grabbed my throat (I later found out that, apparantly, he thought I was somebody else). I retaliated, we started fighting, and then some "hero" joined in on his side and I had two of them on to me. I'd like to say I battered them both, but in actual fact I didn't. I got headbutted and ended up with a bloody nose before the fight was broken up.

Certainly the most satisfying fight I've ever had was when I was about 11. It sounds terrible, when I tell you about it, but let me put it in perspective:
I got bullied a lot at this particular school, because I wasn't local and I had a hard time making friends. So this one ratty-looking kid decided to use me as a tool to impress his millions of girlfriends. He'd come up behind me, give me a good shove, and then skip away, laughing at the onlooking girls and laughing at the fact that I couldn't catch him (I was overweight - look at the fat kid trying to run! He doesn't have a soul!).

Anyway, this went on for some time, until I was fit to burst. Eventually, I caught the bugger. I spun around, grabbed his shirt and swung him to the ground. Fortunately, I was standing in a group of people. Whether they were sympathetic to my cause, or whether they were just up for a fight, I still don't know, but I'll be damned if the whole bunch of us started kicking the snot out of this little scumbag.

He lay there, with all his girlfriends watching in horror, as we kicked him and kicked him, over and over. I was taking the stress of a whole lot of bullying, and taking it out on this poor sap. He so deserved it, though. If you'd been there, you'd know.

Eventually, one of our group (not me) stamped on his face, and we decided to stop.

I know it sounds barbaric, and I know that this post is way too long, but I'd never done anything to this kid in my life. And for somebody who got picked on so much, having the upper-hand felt seriously good. Plus he lost about a zillion respect points with his gang of girlfriends that day, as well. 😉

So anyway, back to the point. What fights have you all had over the years!?
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School yard fights mostly. Kids made fun of me a lot and I reached my breaking point and unleashed my fury on their asses. Got into trouble afterwards, but won the fights.
My Regret.

Well, I was the kid who got beat up a lot in school, well, middle school, primary school, the lot, y'know?

Until high school... This story was told once before... in the pictures thread.

Anyway, I got into it with this kid, it was almost something that couldn't have ever escalated, because we both knew that fighting meant trouble, specially for him being a drug dealing scumbag and super popular and all.

Anyway, his buddy (and mine, kind of odd, we were friends through our mutual disrespect for each other's popularity level) said,

"I bet John (made up name) could kick your ass in a boxing match, he's never lost."

I simply replied,

"I've never been knocked down."

Which was true, in the backyard with gloves on, I was considered invincible by my friends, family, and most of the kids I had squashed. Anyway, by the next day, the date, time, and event was set. "Thursday Night Fight, at the Chameleons House, 7:00 PM."

It wouldn't be wrong to say that I ended up promoting this fight so fiercely, and set it for this certain day simply because the next day was an assembly. Anyway, John came to my house high as a kite on Cocaine, and probably a few other drugs, hoping that it would give him a distinct advantage, A numb face. My personal corner man and I taped my hands, and he held up his open hands so I could throw a few practice blows. I was wearing a pair of cut-off camouflage pants to make them boxing shorts, and A sleeveless shirt which said "CHAMP" on the back written in permanent Marker.

Of the 75 people who showed up, roughly 68% were his friends. His little brother held the camcorder, and the event was about to proceed when I started to head butt my corner man in the chest, showing off my "incredible resistance to pain."

I punched myself in the face a few times, ala Ken Shamrock, as well.

The event then started. His buddy had brought a referee shirt, so I decided it was fair to let him "officiate" the bout.

Me, the local laughing stock of the school, known for wearing crazy pirate outfits, capes, and other superhero paraphernalia proceeded to bob and weave, throwing very little punches in the first round. The actual count, he didn't hit me but once in the first round. His friends started to become uneasy, as a man of my girth, 250 pounds, shouldn't be able to dodge if his life depended on it.

The 2nd round started soon after. I was finished testing my opponent. Now I wanted him to die. But, before his popularity ending defeat, I wanted to make him look bad.

This is where I become the villain, and he becomes the hero.

I proceded to hit him in the face so hard that he spun around in a circle, facing his friends, he started to walk towards them, like “fuck this… I’m getting my face beat in…” but, I punched him in the back of the head, and continued to batter on him, for my anger had gotten the best of me. He turned at me, out of anger that I’d hit him from behind, and I spit in his face, shouting,

“Come on you little bitch, throw your hands up, you box like A little girl with no arms!!!” (probably the lamest line anybody has ever said, but it got my point across)

I hit him a few more times, and then dropped my gloves, stating obviously,

“Look asshat, you can’t seem to hit me, I’m gonna LET you get some blows in!”

I let him hit me in the face 3 times, once caused my tooth to stick into my lip a bit, I smiled, the crowd saw crimson, they announced loudly, “John made him bleed! He might be coming back!!!” but then it was the end for they’re rich, drug dealing popular asshole. I laughed off his blows, announcing loudly that he was a bitch, like I said, I was the enemy at this point, even to this day I feel bad about what I have done to this guy.

I came flying at him, blow after blow, to his temple, to his nose, to the side of his chin. I hit him so hard he spun again, and I punched him backwards into his friends. One of his friends started to cuss at me, but I can’t remember what was said, all I remember is the dull hard packing sounds of gloves against skin. I tried to retort, but it came out as “RRRAAAAGGGH!” and I punched him until he fell onto the burn barrel in my backyard. His friends pushed me back, but my job was done, he laid in my grass, breathing heavily, and talking about how his heart felt like it was going to explode. I told his friends, “Get the FUCK off of my property, unless anybody thinks they can do better! I’m tired of fighting worthless garbage, bring me your best, he MIGHT be able to hit me a few times, hell, I’ll LET him knock me down!”

Everyone left, save my friends, and a few of the people he had brought. One, his ex-girlfriend, who showed up on her own will hugged me and said, “Thank you, John used to beat me, and I’m glad to see that he got what he deserved.”

I still feel bad about it though, a man who beats his girlfriend deserves the punishment and humiliation he received that day, but, I wasn’t fighting him for her, I didn’t even know he had hit her. I was doing it out of revenge for all the years I had been the one who had been picked on. I did it out of lust for destruction, out of need to show the little guy that he can stand up and be a winner.

The next day, at the assembly, I came into the place late, and the whole school gave me the Big standing O. (Ovation)

Even teachers had known about the fight, I never got in trouble, but I had heard that the betting that was put on the fight had even gone up to the level of teachers. One of my favorite teachers bet against me. Our friendship since has failed. At graduation, I told that teacher that he was a worthless piece of garbage, betting on the man who was against me, he tried to apologize, but, I’m sure he was just sorry for his wallet.

This ends my story, the best and biggest fight of my life. I wouldn’t say that I’m proud of what I did, nor would I say that doing what I did makes you A man.

I showed what an animal can do, nothing more.
Excellent stuff. 😀
I was doing it out of revenge for all the years I had been the one who had been picked on.
I know exactly how you feel. 😀 My fight was nowhere near as impressive as yours (mine wasn't even a fight, as such), but damn, do they feel good or what? 😛
OK now this thread is my element right here. I personally love to fight. Been fighting since i was 5 and probs gonna be fighting until im 105 (if i live that long). Been doing karate since i was 5 and i do Muay Thai and some submission fighting BUT as far as street fighting goes the scottish blood kicks in. Im not just talking like some little punch i meen stopping on heads, slamming doors on peoples head and my personal favorite THE WINDOW.

1st fight gonna talk about is when i was about 16 my girlfriend gave me a text message telling her to meet her and i arrived early. As i got to her street i seen her kissing a guy at her door. It was like those things out of a movie when the guy snaps. So i ran up to the guy and gave him the old Glasgow Kiss(head butt for all the people that dont know) which knocked him on his arse, then instead of punching him when i jumped on him i used elbows (which is far more vicious and effective). By this time the guy was lieing burst open with broken eye socket and nose and to finish it off had to spit like the mafia do after they've done someone over. Make you feel kinda better after it all but anyway thats about the most of that one.

2nd fight am talking aboout is when me and all my mates were at a night club minding our own business when some little guy came in the middle of us, said smoethings which we couldn't hear, then started swinging left right and center trrying to hit us all. Now as you can imagine one guy on 7 doesn't stand a cahnce so thats when all of his mates came in and one of them pulled out a knife which did make us think run or stay and fight ? Stupid question really but anyway we stayed and fought. Mow everyone went there own ways and took one each(apart from one of my mates who kinda got carried away and took on 3 but didnt really go his way so we had to split that one up). The funniest thing of that night tho was the guy that pulled the knife out ran away which shows that he was a really big hard man ........ or not.

Ok a warning here for people who dont like violence. DO NOT READ ON ! ! ! ! ! ! ! gets pretty bad here.

Now as you all know if your in somewhere where your not from then your not welcome. No-one seems to know why but its just one of those silly things that happen. Well you all know the saying in the wrong place at the wrong time well this couldn't be any further away from that. I was about 19 or 20 and this big stupid looking dickhead (excuse the french) was about 29 and he always tried to start something out of nothing with me when he was with all his little friends. But one day he came into the same shop as me, shoved me and i dropped all my stuff which included eggs. I though i should let it go s payed for my stuff and left to go to my car. He followed me out amd kicked off the wing mirror (now my car is my baby and no-one touches her without permission never mind hits her) so i got out nd kinda had to jump to reach because i aint that tall, but i did none the less and rocked him a bit. After i noticed his some kicks to the knees brought him down and seeing that he liked my wing mirror so much i beat his ass with it (not really his ass because thats just weird). After that shut the door on his arm twice and head once and drove away. Ran over his fingers by mistake tho so i kinda felt bad about that lol. Anyway a week later i found my car with a not so nice message spray on it and all windows broken. So i thought to myself if he wants it then he can keep it so had to drive round to his house, slyly so that no-one seen a mangaled car going past and called the police, then when i got about 5 houses away put the foot down and crashed it into his front garden (which had a rose garden by the way which kinda makes me doubt him). He came out with his arm in a cast and his fingers bandaged up and tried to hit me :|. Now before i get anyone saying i beat down a cripple i did not because cripples dont walk and this guy did. Anyway i only hit him 4 times but awwwww it was a sweet(kinda sick yeah but im a nice guy really). Anyway it all ended happily ever after as i never got taken to court or anything and the guy gave me a formal apology and ppaid for repairs on my car which wasn't to much considering that the car was only my first one and it sucked BUT I LOVED HER NONE THE LESS.

Anyway thats all i can be bothered telling you about. If anyone wants anymore then i would be glad to tell them but for the time being i need to rest or eat or rest and eat at same time. And im sorry about any spelling mistakes and stuff like that because i aint godd at writing but i couldn't help myself when i seen this thread 😀
I enjoyed every bit of that post, Partyboy. 😛 And I totally know how you feel about your car being your baby. 😉 I can sympathise there, so I was glad to hear that the feller got his come-uppance. 😀

Oh, I've just remembered something else that happened to me. Not a fight as such, but it shows how much I've calmed down since I was younger. I was walking home from school and a couple of lads caught up with me. One of them insisted that I'd said something nasty about his mother (I hadn't). Anyway, he started to hit me in the face, thinking that he was teaching me a lesson. I didn't run, but I didn't fight back either. I persuaded him to stop. After about 15 minutes and 20 or so face-punches, I persuaded him to stop verbally, without throwing a single punch or threat of any sort. Not only that, but afterwards, he actually felt ashamed and apologised to me.

Who says pacifism doesn't get you anywhere? 😛
You stood and took all that without hitting back ? Nah no way i would do that lol. After the first punch Mr angry face would come out and then it would just be an all out fight, which is always a good laugh 😛
I've got extensive fighting experience between the street, friendly little battles, school wrestling and the dreaded cage. My total record is lots-0-1.

The one was a no-contest from high school gym. The teacher put me against a guy about 40lbs heavier because he didn't like me. No submissions allowed, but when you're outwieghed like that, you do what you have to. I landed a triangle choke and he took a nap. The teacher wasn't pleased. I was. 😉

My pro fights were won by 1) submission due to an armbar and 2) KO due to overhead slam. I'm told the slam looked similar to the Undertaker's Last Ride, for all you WWE fans.

That being said, Pat Morita said it best. "Fighting no good, but if must fight, win."


Snail Shell
Some nice stories here - I'm enjoying how this thread is turning out. 😀 *glad he started it*

Anybody else have any fight stories to share?
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