I had a VERY similar experience a few months back: I was head over heels for this girl, we were VERY close, but not at all romantic.. although it was all I ever thought about. Like an idiot, I did what I always do when I fall in love with someone: I do everything in my power to prevent her from knowing!
Well, we went out a few times, and I fantasized every night about tickling her, and letting her tickle me! Once she actually tickled me in a playful manner, and I told her how much I liked it. Shwe never did it again.
Finally, one day, about 5 months into the relationship, I told her my feelings, and she politely gave me the "let's just be friends" routine...
One day a week or so later, I was rubbing her back, and I reached around to scramble my fingers on her stomach.
Well, she punched me in the gut, and told me never to do that again.
Things went downhill from there, and now she's got a boyfriend, and wants very little to do with me...
Confused, I went my own way, and haven't seen her for two months.