mabus. I like your comments.
how true.
his lady looked like she had a spray tan. he probably wished she had nylons instead. lol
Sadly, nylons are SO vilified in today's America, to the point now where they're completely ignored, he was probably too intimidated to ever ask
her to wear any. Then he sees them in real life, and his eyes get wide as saucers!
There are a lot of guys who have that problem in the nylon forums - they are there, because their wives/girlfriends refuse to wear them.
I've met PLENTY of girls who are so anti-pantyhose/nylons they'd probably chose a burger flipping job at McDonalds for $13,000 a year instead of a cushy $100,000 a year office
job if they were required to wear nylons every day....and I'm not joking.
Go look at any magazines or sites that describe Kate Middleton's wardrobe - every one leaves out the pantyhose, won't even mention them. It's crazy.
At least in other countries they still wear nylons. Give your lady an extra few hugs for wearing them because that is SOOOO rare in America!
(I see a woman under 50 wearing nylons......maybe once every two years, maybe. Sometimes longer than that.)