Speaking as somebody who's been taller than most for most of his life, being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be. News flash: the height of the average American male is now 5' 7-1/2", which sounds great to me. I wouldn't have to duck under every branch on campus, stoop over to play Dance Freaks (a dance video game made by and for short people), or keep doing everybody's errands that involve height (if you can't get stuff down off the top shelf, why did you put it there?)
The grass is always greener on the other side. When I worked in Houston, one of my friends was 5' 8" and wanted to be taller. Funny thing: it's the same height as Tom Cruise (if you don't believe me, catch a photo of him w/his six-foot tall ex, Nicole Kidman). Prince is shorter still, and Paula Abdul is only five feet high. Paula's over forty, short, and is still a major babe.
Ads like this work because many people believe that being anything less than perfect is something to feel bad about. Since nobody's completely satisfied w/themselves and we're all constantly changing, thinking that looking differently will make us better people is the height of vanity.
🙂 Little joke. OK, very little...