I was just thinking about how awesome this site is.
Its growing all the time. The most users online ever at one time was only 9 days ago at over 14,000 people.
I've been frequently seeing users who sign up, or who have been on for a while, who admit that they have been shy, hesistant, or closed off because they feel unsure about their fetish or others who share it; then decide that they are ready to come out of their bubble about their tickling fetish.
I think its fucking fantastic. People shouldn't live in darkness about things they enjoy and yearn to embrace.
I think the other remarkable realization that most users come to (including myself) is that sexual preferences do not discriminate. They do not care about who you are, where you are, or what you are. There is no race or gender or height or age or nationality to a tickling fetish or any other sexual desire.
That realization should give people a good feeling. The people in here are the same as the people you meet everyday.
All of the good, the bad, the strangers, the coworkers, friends and family- they are the same as the people on here. Its no panacea or utopia, but it is also a generally friendly, cooperative society who usually try to help each other and be nice and we shouldn't be afraid or shy away from each other.
If you read this and you don't have an account or you already have an account and are extremely shy, you should seriously consider expanding your comfort zone.
Dont lack the courage to expand who you are and gain a greater awareness of this community or any other community which shares the same thoughts and ideas as you.
It can really be therapeutic, cathartic, fun, interesting, eye opening and improve your well being.
Its growing all the time. The most users online ever at one time was only 9 days ago at over 14,000 people.
I've been frequently seeing users who sign up, or who have been on for a while, who admit that they have been shy, hesistant, or closed off because they feel unsure about their fetish or others who share it; then decide that they are ready to come out of their bubble about their tickling fetish.
I think its fucking fantastic. People shouldn't live in darkness about things they enjoy and yearn to embrace.
I think the other remarkable realization that most users come to (including myself) is that sexual preferences do not discriminate. They do not care about who you are, where you are, or what you are. There is no race or gender or height or age or nationality to a tickling fetish or any other sexual desire.
That realization should give people a good feeling. The people in here are the same as the people you meet everyday.
All of the good, the bad, the strangers, the coworkers, friends and family- they are the same as the people on here. Its no panacea or utopia, but it is also a generally friendly, cooperative society who usually try to help each other and be nice and we shouldn't be afraid or shy away from each other.
If you read this and you don't have an account or you already have an account and are extremely shy, you should seriously consider expanding your comfort zone.
Dont lack the courage to expand who you are and gain a greater awareness of this community or any other community which shares the same thoughts and ideas as you.
It can really be therapeutic, cathartic, fun, interesting, eye opening and improve your well being.