I may as well mention that it slices and dices, cleans up after itself, polishes up so nice that you can see your nose hair in it, doubles as a mattress vibrator, gives shy people the courage to get up and do what needs to be done, and it's made by bachelor Norwegian farmers, so it's pure... mostly 🙂 (there will be some of you who will know where that last part came from)
Thanks to all who have such kind words about the site. You all just made my day 🙂 Over the last 9 months I've worked my tail off to try and make it something that is not only enjoyable, but sustainable as well.
Remember that the archive couldn't exist without the support of our good friends at <a href="http://realtickling.com/">realtickling.com/TC Videos</a>, <a href="http://magict.com/">Magic Touch</a>, and all of the other producers out there.
I couldn't ask for a better hobby, and I can't thank all of you enough for giving me the opportunity, and the support that you have!
Thank you,
Steve 😀
P.S. There are not, nor will there ever be any limits to the amount of clips you can download. Amen.