For me, both times I quiet, it was with a vaporizer. It helps deal with the oral fixation, as well as allowing you to slowly (or quickly) reduce the amount of nicotine you take in.
That being said, Jeff is also right about cravings only last for a period of time. Idle hands are the devils tools, so if you find yourself getting a craving, do something else to distract yourself. Pushups, counting to 100, breathing exercises, etc.
Here's another thing I learned reading a book. Whenever we do something, our brain makes a pathway. Think of it like a road. The more we do things, the bigger the road gets, hence why it can be hard to stop a habit. The bad news is that those roads never really disappear. That's why so many people relapse. The good news is that those roads can shrink to the point where they are almost non-existent, and even if you slip up once or twice, you can get control again before it goes back to full on using. You can also build other roads, and that's what people do. They do something else, and it takes the place of the urges.
Something else you are going to have to learn to deal with is something call "Triggers". There are a few different types of triggers, and some are harder then others to deal with. One of them is places/things. For example, say you usually smoke right after breakfast. Well, you can bet that after having breakfast, your really going to want to smoke (because you built a road in your brain telling you that this is when your supposed to smoke). It's important that you take note of times/things that you associate with smoking, and if possible, change them up. Or at the very least, be aware that you are going to be at you're most vulnerable when these situations/times occur. The other triggers can be people, and this can be a really difficult one, because sometimes it means having to cut people out of your life for short periods of time, or even forever if need be (though for smoking that might be a bit extreme). Simple put, you are very possibly going to have other friends that smoke, and you are going to have to explain to them that you are quieting, and you can't be around them when they are smoking, as aside from the fact you're going to be inhaling the second hand smoke, it makes for a very serious temptation and you might ask for one. If they can't respect that, then you may have to just avoid them entirely until you have it under control.
I hope this was helpful. Good luck on things.