You allready know how insanely ticklish Lea is. We pushed her a bit more in this clip. The first time she complained about not being able to breathe we gave her some oxygen. Later into the clip when she complained again we gave her a mixture of .25 nitrous oxide(laughing gas) and you can see the immediate blank stare reaction on her face as she got a bit light headed from it. Then we assaulted her again. Upon reaching her breaking point she starts making offers which the massivley endowed ler we brought in took advantage of right away. He made Lea an oral offering here for approx one minute which she gladly accepted rather than be tickled. Unfortunatly for her despite her great oral skills, we hammered her again. This is just the begining for Lea. Clip time is 11:00. **WARNING THIS CLIP CONTAINS A 1 MINUTE HARDCORE SEX SCENE** 640x480 screen size high resolution