There are times when playful, light bondage is appropriate. But for the most part, I prefer strict bondage. Now, that doesn't have to mean that there's no physical reaction from the "receiver".
Shy of a leather-strap pin-down rack with complete headgear, there's always some movement, and if you're picky, you can suit the bondage to your tastes. Foot-lovers often tie just at the ankles so they can watch the feet thrash about. I like to try to get the toes immobile from time to time, just to add to the torment and control. However, as a big fan of upperbody and particularly belly tickling, I prefer a different type of bondage. If you have a futon, pull-out bed, hotel cot or anything like can not only easily lash your 'lee's wrists together and over her head, and her feet to the end points, but you also have anchor points for a relatively easy tie at elbows and thighs. This pins the body helpless, but allows her to wriggle about in the area I like to tickle most. So, you can have it both ways, actually.