Interesting, but not surprising I'm afraid, Bugs. Reminds me of a story. (Actually I'm at the age where everything reminds me of a story) Late 70's,.. a buddy of mine had a trendy bar in downtown Richmond. He got the idea that he would get the drop on his happy hour competition by putting out the absolute best in freebie happy hour munchies,...... pizza, quiche, little sausage biscuits. However he was also in the epicenter of the area that the alley-dwelling homeless called home. My friend's inaugural happy hour repast was attended by no fewer than a dozen of these unfortunates in their old army jackets, ear-flap hats and two-week-old stubble. The bouquet of Mad Dog 20-20 was everywhere. Regular customers backed off and went elsewhere. I couldn't even make it to the bar. Thus endeth the marketing experiment.